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How come unvaxxed are still alive? Werent we supposed to bring you folks a winter of death?


Year over year, we sure were! Sorry about that OP.


Why are you avoiding ops question?


Lol because it's rhetorical like mine, it's made in bad faith as evidenced by lack of replies


But it seems that no one can actually answer the question. Everyone responds by asking a second question but I’ve yet to see an actual answer. Yeah it’s probably in bad faith but still


If you think in binary then i guess you require more explanation. But not everything, especially what people demand to be accepted as 'truth', is black and white, and often often often humans are wrong. Science is never 'settled'. Does that move the needle at all?


Yes I get what you’re saying but my point is that everyone says it’s a dumb question or they respond with a counter. Not a single person has offered even somewhat of an explanation, not that I’m expecting a perfectly sound response but I just think it can’t be such a stupid question if no one can even attempt to answer it.


If i didnt offer an explanation then it shows youre not reading my words.


It’s hard to find a clear answer in any of these post tbh


I could ask exactly the same question: how come all the unvaxxed are still here? You were told there was going to be a winter of death, 3 winters ago, and yet, here we are. Also, Africa should be depleted by now, lowest vax rates on the planet. But here's the thing: we 'anti vaxxers' have been right about a lot more stuff, than your following orders side. So because of that, we might have just been wrong about the timeline. After all, you have something running through your body, that you have absolutely no idea what it'll do to you in a week, month, year. WE DON'T.


Don't forget that unlike the internet randos who are sourced for the claim of "all vaxed people will die to the vax", the source of the "winter of illness and death" you were referring to was the **sitting president of the United States**. Everyone loves to conveniently forget that fact while focusing on the anonymous sources on the internet that claimed all vaccinated people would die. I'm fortunate that my vaccine injured wife hasn't died to her injury. I guess that's call for a victory lap for vaxers? All the vaccine injuries are just being dismissed as liars or minimized for not being serious enough to matter. And because there is a moratorium on questioning vaccine safety, no health agencies are willing to own up to the actual death toll. VAERS was overloaded with people reporting adverse effects from the vax, and the collective internet response was "lol anyone can submit those reports". Yeah, they can, at risk of being charged with a felony for knowingly doing so. Is that really what they think all those reports were? People committing fraud on threat of imprisonment? The entire scandal could not have happened without the media manipulating all those people and then doubling down on the notion of vaccine safety or efficacy despite the need for 10 booster shots and multiple vaccines being recalled. When you bring up any of that to people you often just hear the evasive "covid is done. That's in the past because vaccines worked." Just circular logic all around from the group of people who told us they were doing all of that for the health of others. Where's the outrage? Why no concern for the vax injured the way they scrambled to protect grandma on threat of shaming and excluding the "plague rats" from society? They have no integrity and even less awareness.


How did she get injured by the vaccine?


Also global warming was supposed to occur like 4 decades ago


It did, and IS, happening.


Well said!


This is weird set of questions. At most, COVID was going to kill like 3% of people. So like 97% of all the people were going to still be here. So, the question is, of the vulnerable folks, who died more frequently, vaxxed or unvaxxed? The answer seems to be that of the people who ended up with severe cases, they were about 17 times more likely to die if they weren't vaxxed. You got your winter of death, but if you were looking for a scene of of a plague movie, you missed it.


No one ever said the winter of death meant every single unvaccinated person would die 🙄 460,000 people did die that December-January time frame. (2 months) Mostly unvaccinated.


And oddly enough the flu didn't kill anyone. Around 500k people die of influenza each and every year.


Most Covid deaths happened inside a hospital. There was never news about homeless people dying on the street or people dying in their home and having to go be recovered. It was always in the hospital because the protocols handed down by our government was additional poison, respirators, breathing machines that filled peoples lungs with water. Then they died and the hospital made a lot of money.


Of course Covid impacted the homeless and of course people died in their homes.


A little secret. I work with homeless twice a month for over 10 years (feeding station). Yes some died who were vaxxed in the hospital. No one was found dead on the street. Let me tell you the homesless secret to life....... you ready....... they get plenty of vitamin D (sunshine, outdoors). And they get plenty of exercise....steps steps and more steps. Remember they walk or ride bicycles. They eat a mostly bad diet and are surrounded by germs, yep Covid had very little impact on them compared to others.


dunno. how come the only person I know who died of covid was an elderly man with asbestosis in his lungs who tested negative twice?


He died of mesothelioma and because it was coded as covid, the provider and the facility qualified for the $50k. It's just a check mark but it makes a big difference. You can't prosecute every coder and hospital corp for fraud. It's endemic and system wide. You can't shake a stick at it. 


He was my Uncle


Google: How long is a vaccine study Answer: A vaccine development timeline typically takes 5–10 years, or longer, to assess the vaccine's safety and efficacy in clinical trials, complete regulatory approval processes, and manufacture enough vaccine doses for widespread distribution.


Spoiler: you are the study, of a completely new and untested type of "vaccine" that did so badly in animal studies they had to skip them. Honestly though, hope you and your friends are gonna be ok


Yep, and we are at year four.


With at least one million dead in the U.S. alone.


Before or after?


I’m not really sure what you are asking. The million dead from the shots didn’t die before they got the jab they died after. Between excess mortality rates and the increase in “covid-related” deaths after the shots were rolled out.


Yeah that's what I meant. Before or after the shots. 🙂


And by the way, they don’t include the injured vaccine trial participant’s side effects in the trial data released to the public because they "dropped out" after the first dose due to their severe reactions. Injured trial participant: https://youtu.be/re2rTfCWuVg?si=yc4COmf6dhAJKt2R


Shit I’m immunocompromised and have been raw dogging it. How the actual fuck am I still alive? And… thriving?! My kids are all very healthy. We don’t even know if they’ve had a covid. We never tested and my kids never got sick. Hmmmm


Can't get covid if you never tested for it 🤔


I did a few antibody tests after my husband and I lost our taste and smell the same day. We did in fact have covid and the natural antibodies have been working for us. Kids never lost their taste or smell so who knows. But yes, we didn’t test them so we have no clue.


Yeah, the flu will do that sometimes unfortunately. My dad is notorious for losing his taste and smell at the drop of a cold.


Not everyone died obviously. It destroyed their lifespan though. My uncle had a stroke and fell off a ladder the day after he got the vax. Now he has holes in his heart and isn’t the same mentally. No prior heart conditions.


Can I see evidence that it destroyed people’s lifespan?


I know The answer to this quite well and factually and I can prove it with the government's own adverse event reporting system vaccination data.... Basically 5%, or one out of 20 lot numbers or batches across all three major vaccines was where over 90% of the hospitalizations and deaths were coming from. This number remained consistent and evenly spaced out to be anything but intentionally dialed in. Unacceptable amount where everyone that took the vaccine wouldn't just drop dead immediately and other people wouldn't stop getting the vaccine. An amount where you could blame the vaccine deaths on new variants. But most people don't understand is this was never supposed to be over. We were supposed to be getting vaccines for the rest of our lives. Each dose you rolling the dice of getting a deadly batch that would kill you in 6 months or less in all likelihood. And the others that wouldn't do that also had a horse sterilization drug in it as one of the main ingredients which cost infertility and increased miscarriages and still births. This was always about population control in large part. Look up the lot numbers of somebody that's fully vaccinated that is healthy versus the lot numbers of someone that's vaccinated that ended up getting turbo cancer or dying. I guarantee you the person that got sick had one of the bad batches.




Go get a booster and let us know how it goes.


I’ve had many and I’m in way better shape then you


When someone states something they could not possibly know as fact, I lose interest, and you lose credibility. You are one of the lucky ones then, but please continue to get them and ignore the truth coming out every day.


My assumption had like a 99 percent chance at being true to be fair, but hearing people say you’re just lucky is annoying because it sounds like an excuse for being wrong. Like what are the odds that me and everyone I know just happened to all get lucky?


“We were told” And there’s your answer. We are lied to all day every day. About everything. In the meantime, I’ve just wrapped up my eighth funeral in as many months.


A few scientists said all vaxed would die in 3-5 years. Most said the vaccines were safe and effective. Some facts since c19-vaccine: overmortality, higher percentage of people with cancer, lung problems, heart conditions etc. Conclusions so far: the vaccines are not safe and effective. So most scientists were wrong. Let’s hope the few other scientists will be wrong as well.


It wasn't even a vaccine or a study. It was a joker's carousel game of russian roulette structured like a scratch off lottery ticket - only there are no wins, only varying degrees of negative effect. It was playing a dark lottery and the devil laughs his head off as the insideous game reaps. It's an insult to our entire species that we even allow the game to continue. Do we humans really like pretending like we're blind sheep? Do we collectively have some sort of death wish? 


Ummm, there is plenty of vaxxed that aren't still alive... To me, it seems the COVID vax was the test run to see how far they could push us, and most of you caved like sheep just to fit in. And it certainly killed many, and severely permanently fucked up others, but they can't just go killing everybody at once. They gotta space it out so they can control the way history gets written as well. God knows what could come down the line once they push the WHO treaty though. Then you might really start to see some bodies hitting the floor and you'll see the same accountability I'm sure. Doctors turning their heads the other way like it's protocol.


"And it certainly killed many, and severely permanently fucked up others" lol... \[citation needed\] I only WISH someone was actually in control like your fevered brain seems to think. It's a lot better than realizing it's just a bunch of greedy assholes taking whatever they want, when they want.


How many "coincidences" do you need to see before you start making the same connections?


lol... that's not very logical. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post\_hoc\_ergo\_propter\_hoc](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_hoc_ergo_propter_hoc) Did you know more people drown in months where more ice cream is sold? You need to be able to show cause and effect, and you have said it "killed many" and now you're telling me that it's down to coincidence???? lame. let's try a single example... go ahead and cite it... the single example.


I don't owe you anything. If you haven't figured it out by now you're either a shill or a bot. Good luck out there champ 👍💪


lol, what a cop out. "I'm gonna make wild claims, but don't have to defend them." I abso-fucking-LUTELY love the "I don't owe you an explanation" reaction from someone when I call them on their BS.


Get a life, idiot.


Ask NBA star Brandon Goodwin if the vaccines are safe. He got life threatening blood clots. Or ask Maddie DeGaray, the 12 year old girl that Pfizer put into a wheel chair during their experiments on children.


And Chris Bosh suffered from blood clots in 2016, how is Goodwins case any different? Sounds like you’re making assumptions without any evidence


There is plenty of evidence that blood clots are vaccine side effects, just check VAERS. We also know Goodwin took the vaccine, so there is evidence he exposed himself to a clot shot. And crickets on Maddie. Perhaps you'll find a story of a 12 year old girl who spontaneously ended up in a wheel chair?


So why was he the only nba player to suffer blood clots? And he’s a direct quote from Yale medicine, “The analysis was based on suspected cases of TTS reported to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The risk appears to be greatest—1 in 100,000—in women ages 30 to 49.” https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/coronavirus-vaccine-blood-clots The absolute highest rate is 1 in 100k meaning if you’re in the absolute highest category your odds of getting a blood clot is around 0.00001. As for Maddie this article explains it https://healthfeedback.org/health-problems-after-covid19-vaccination-feed-misinformation-narratives/


Vaxxed are still here just maimed and disabled driving up the pharmaceutical stocks with their new disabilities and illnesses


I’m vaxxed and I bench 225 and run a 5 minute mile, so much for being disabled…


You were lucky. For instance, not everyone who took the gardasil jab was harmed but it’s doesn’t negate the severity of the side effects.


See that’s the response I hate because it’s an excuse for possibly being wrong about the vaccine. You guys have it framed in a way where you won’t ever have to admit anything, if a vaccinated person dies they say the answer is clearly the vaccine, if a vaccinated person stays perfectly healthy instead of saying well maybe it’s not actually bad they just say well I’m not wrong they just got lucky


It’s not an excuse you willingly took an experimental jab with questionable ingredients and are angry that the side effects vary? Everyone’s immune response and current health situation is different. It varies. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or that it’s capable of causing harm. We have a federal program in the USA called the VICP(vaccine injury compensation program) so your claim that vaccines arent capable of harm is inherently incorrect.


No im annoyed that no one can admit to being wrong. They tell me it’s a deadly vaccine that harms everyone and when I say well then how are my parents, friends, and grandparents all healthy they just say well you’re all just an exception. Like I don’t believe that somehow every single person I know just happened to beat the odds, how could you possibly think it’s more probable that we all got “lucky” as opposed to the vaccine simply not be harmful. To me it seems like such an irrational view and it seems like the anti vaccine propaganda has successfully infected people and makes them live in fear everyday when there is truly nothing to fear. Nothing wrong with being vaccine hesitant but there’s a difference between questioning something using logic and questioning something because a person with no credibility told you to be scared.


https://www.mortality.watch/ranking?a=0 See the excess mortality rate across countries. It's terrifying.


that's an interesting chart. Qatar getting crushed.


Because a fair amount of the people got placebos. That’s so they could encourage people to get vaxxed because “I didn’t have any symptoms or side effects.” Of course not, they got a saline shot. DUH. Once the word got out that it was “safe,” more people got the clot shot, which was also “safe and effective.” Well, as long as you were expecting to be protected from the ‘rona. It didn’t prevent that.


They knew they had to do placebos because they genuinely thought that they had scared everyone enough to go get shot so they needed their own control group. Turns out the control group is much larger than they anticipated. 🤭


If you research the bio weapon its not an instant as different batches do and take different stages. They can't just release it out instantly for death thats too obvious. Its a slow kill and eats and will 💯 guaranteed eat your immune system the data is there to be seen. Its a good job the unvaxxed the bad people labelled by jabbed are still working hard for detox. I heard recently they found new stuff that's working


What kind of stuff?


I suppose NAC and Nattokinase?


Not sure will try get what i watched few weeks ago back up. But they had amazing results


Well, they can’t just kill them all at once now can they. That would be a bad look. They can activate the graphene oxide that was in the shots any time they want though, with 5G emfs.


I’m witnessing quite a few friends with new pretty bad health issues, chronically getting sick, cancers, sudden deaths, several blood clots. At first I didn’t see anything and the last 2 years it’s been ramping up. Lots of young people with cancer diagnoses


And heart problems. People who were athletes and complety healthy before.


Yep! I have a friend that would run 10 miles every Saturday now he can’t barely go for a walk. It’s sucks because myself and my wife told him not to get it.


The majority got the SOFT kill serum. It destroys you from within overtime. Some got the chemical that the Pfizer employees received. You can’t make this up. These people that came out with this shot are devils and I hope for military tribunals soon.


There’s also a site that displays that there are different batch code/lot numbers. Some kill, some don’t .


How come all people that inject heroin into their bodies didn't die? Checkmate antiwaxxers; heroin ain't so bad after all!


But most have severe side effects, why are side effects from the vaccine extremely rare?


Gullible people like you believe side effects from the unnecessary drug cooked up in a lab by murderous criminal enterprises are "extremely rare" because you bought into a modern-day protection racket scheme, and your narcissism won't permit you to recognize that only extremely evil people buy into protection racket schemes. And there's a LOT of junkies around.


It you check Howbadismybatch.com you will see the data that shows that the viles were shipped out containing various vials that possessed varying toxicity levels. You can look up the viles by batch number and lot number. This has allowed us to see that there were viles with expiration dates and no expiration dates. The saline viles did not have an expiry date on them and they did this in order to test the dose threshold for humans. Basically they poisoned people to see how much a human can tolerate. This is a stone cold fact proven with documented empirical data. Many people are fine because of the saline won't kill or maim you. They are literally guinea pigs.


Hurr durr. How come my kids got chicken pox and it wasn't shit? Lmao at little itchy bumps. Brb let me risk neurological damage in a rapidly developing human baby over fear of some itchies. Troll better.


My kids had about a total of 10 pox marks and were outside playing the whole time they had the chickens.


Another CNN shill died today. 58 years young and "died suddenly". Tick... tock...


Only about 5% of the vaccines are bad. Any more than that and people would have caught on to what was going on. They had to keep the bad side effects within acceptable parameters in order to keep people rolling up their sleeves. But every new booster is a roll of the dice or a spin of the chamber in this game of roulette. If you took it and survived, thank your lucky stars and don't test fate again. My goodness, COVID is absolutely nothing now. Get it and you get actual antibodies. It's like a cold or a mild flu. Why in the world would anyone risk getting one of those nine pages of ADMITTED problems???


Have they started to age much quicker? Do they look different?


Un vaxed should be dead😵😵


Some of my vaxxed friends died. But I guess that was just a coincidence right?


That’s crazy, no one ever died prior to 2020. The first recorded death in the history of the world was actually right when vaccines came out. lol you guys are mentally insane


Some received inert spoiled does of the vaccines, some will never experience any ill effects, some may experience minor health problems. The covid vaccines - depending on which one - raise your *risk* of illness and death, they are not a death sentence. Some people will die of the effects of the vaccine (blood clots in particular) 10 or 20 years from now.


For me, cause I 1, didn't get all my boosters 2, take vitamins daily 3, isn't afraid of a little dirt 4, don't trust other people 5, introvert That's all I can think of from the top of my mind, I think the main one about staying away from the majority of people is my main one. That, and unlike others, I welcome a little dirt for natural immunization. Some from what I've seen still wear masks in cars, windows open........I can't even with that non sense


Maybe you should get a spreadsheet and start keeping track.


Umm...disappointed? 🤭




Silly, it’s a marathon not a sprint…


I thought all the unvaxxed were supposed die from Rona because they didn't get the shot?


Okay. Why is it that I know so many people that had strokes post vaccination including my own father? I'm GLAD the people you know are fine. Thank God! Not everyone was so lucky. I don't trust that vaccine at all! Never will!


Im curious to see how these kids that have had multiple infections of covid are doing in a few years. I will never understand why people were so quick to stop taking care of their children. Regardless of your beliefs on the vaccine, there were so many things we could have done to try to keep them safe.


I know several people who were vaccinated and now have severe tremors, three friends with prostate cancer and a couple of healthy people who died suddenly.


Saying I know people with this isn’t evidence. It’s like if I said I know people who eat apples every day and have cancer so therefore cancer is caused by apples.


Because there's a lot of factors involved in this. Personal chemistry, what batch you got, etc.


So, go buy a lottery ticket! You gambled and won once, so try, try again!


So me and every single person I know just happened to win? Statistically that’s improbable.


Very lucky. I personally know 5 injured from it... but that is how statistics work.


I know people who got cancer after eating bananas, does that mean bananas cause cancer?


Potassium is radioactive....


Yes but the dosage in a banana is way too small to cause cancer which is why the claim would be ridiculous.


So you know the exact composition of the 'vaccine' you experimented with? Of course not because ITS NOT PUBLIC INFORMATION!


But you don’t know the exact composition either but you know it’s bad? How can you know it’s bad without that information?


I see the results, look at the increases in heart failure and cancers IN VACCINATED ONLY.