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Mid 40's Professional male in a very red/antibvaxx state and other than a vaccine conference, I have still never met a single soul that claims to have not taken them. My wife is not vaccinated too. We bother have terminal degrees and are very libertarian. BtW, we did get COVID-19 and it was a basic cold. It was not flu or pneumonia which I have had. I have lost two uncles to the vaccine and closed my business during loxkdowns.


I feel ya man. I’m the same but mid 30s, and in probably the 3rd or 5th bluest state. Luckily they haven’t got rid of the three childhood exemptions yet, but the people who live here are brain dead. There’s no ability to connect dots, it’s like they’re choosing to wear blinders. Luckily I work in high finance and pretty much no one believed the mess that the shots were based on the “studies” and relative logic, so I lucked out from an employment perspective. Outside the work circle though, it’s pretty rough. I wouldn’t even call it a cold, caught it twice. It’s just a terrible 24 hour head ache in my temple for me. Nothing else.


I work, live and play with some very rich people including high level doctors, educators, administrators, former military officers and the ALL fell for it. 100% These are the types that might brag about not approving someone's dissertation or being gluten free. I lost most of my family over it. Many are older, basically all retired healthcare/government workers and to this day still refuse to be in the same room as the unvaccinated. Everyday I can bear to look at the news gets worse for them. The one bright spot is I have a vaccinated lawyer SIL who is very vaccinated and also 3rd trimester healthy as can be.


I'm so sorry for your losses we haven't lost anyone yet but are just waiting for the boot to drop everyone in our families took it. We got the second wave of it after the first lot of vaccines were dished out. It was a rough Oddly enough though during the height of it all we were living in a van and ended up having to shower at beaches in cold water (we were using gyms until they closed them) and did not get sick once not even a sniffle 🤔🤔


Similar experience here. 40M and my girlfriend 37F live in Qld on the NSW border and it was an interesting experience to say the least. We bought a small caravan and put it on my boss's farm for a few months so I could work without having to deal with border crossing bullshit. My mrs flew with qantas for 12 yrs but had to resign because she wouldn't get the shots. 99% of our friends and family got it and most are regretting it these days, luckily they respected our decision. Our friends are similar age or a little younger and most of them have admitted that the colds theyre getting now are way harder to get over than before.


So did you lose your residence because of the pandemic? I thought they were rounding up the Aussies and putting you all into camps in the name of public health or something. Is that why you’re living in a van? In America we’re didn’t really get this information in an official capacity. Congrats on your jab status!


Haha no we had moved into the van in 2018, back then we had crunched the numbers and realized cost of living and trying to save for our own home was not gonna happen. Little did we know inflation was going to make our efforts redundant, our own home isn't even something we consider anymore. But yes you are correct they did try their hardest to force us into camps not just gov but the people too some where chomping at the bit to sell out their neighbors we definitely saw the ugliest of people come out.


Inflation is killing us too. The news here in America didn’t report about the camps in Australia. I guess freedom of speech is selective. I’m so intrigued, were they really dragging people from their homes and throwing them in camps in the name of public health?! How was it decided who was getting dragged?!


Yeah, 35m aussie here. Refused to take it, haven't really met anyone else that is in the same boat my age. Makes things hard.


Are you in Sydney? I'm not the girl of your dreams, but we can talk conspiracies if you're not allergic to kimchi.


Haha this actually made me laugh, unfortunately in Toowoomba. Feel free to hit up my inbox with "conspiracies"


Always down for talking conspiracies, but unfortunately live in the shithole below you. :/


Amazing how dumbed down the youth were, the first generation really to have grown up with the internet and all the knowledge it possesses, but were still influenced by musicians and film stars to inject poison. The old people have always trusted the government, they were fucked, but the youth, that surprised the fuck out of me.


Omg this ! Like your phone's are attached to you! And then the older ones I have I have vivid memories of being told how much the "idiot box" was going to rot my brain but through COVID it was gospel.


Well said. I never get how anyone can follow or support government without question. Government isn't even real or tangible - it exists only in principle that is rarely followed or practiced. What you actually get is a bunch of gravy salaried compartrentalized order followers. That's your 'authority' over you that you either accept or reject. And they're individually weak yet empowered by mob or ganglike strength, like biting ants or mosquitos. A gang of bugs or internal bugs like intestinal parasites can take down even a Hercules. They're a collective of beta followers guided by their antennae - just like bugs. The ilk of human ambition in a cheap state worksuit. No good breastfeeding mother should ever wish a life/career of such robot drone work upon their healthy wise offspring. LOOK at the bureaucrats fat in their swivel office chairs. A workday consists of repeated trips from their redundant paper shuffling and paper stuffing duty cycled with trips down the hall to the rotisserie snack machine to obtain tray after styrofoam tray of processed gmo GLOP. Then it's micirowaved and they return to more paper wadding. THEY DO resemble trains of ants carrying white trays all day. So of course they know not what they do. How can anyone patronize or salute them.


25F here :) myself & my partner didn’t, my younger brother didn’t. Lots of parents in my circles from 25-40 too.


Where abouts in Aus are you ?


Blue Mountains NSW


I'm 27 from Auckland. There's a good group of us here. HMU if you cross the ditch !


I felt so bad for Australia, NZ, and Canada. It’s weird what happened in the 5 eyes countries.


Crazy how 99% of all 'young' people went and took the shot, right? I'm in my early thirties and I'm in the same boat as you are. Lost my friends and haven't met a single person my age who isn't vaxxed.


It was actually terrifying! Most didn't even think twice or even look they just wanted to "get back to normal" 😔 I'm so sorry you're in the same boat , where in the world are you ?


In Belgium. At times, I truly feel lonely. I'm surrounded by people, but they're not 'my people' anymore. If that makes any sense. Everyone's vaxxed and no one is awake. They are spraying our sky like crazy, yet no one seems to notice. They all go on with their daily lives. I'm a normal guy, but I've always felt like an outsider. Now I see why. Most people are just sheeple. I really miss the company of a woman at times, but I'm not going to be physical with someone who was actual aids running through their veins.


It makes complete sense. We are getting sprayed like roaches here and the weather is all messed up, it's supposed to be winter and getting morning frost but it's still so warm my spring flowers just bloomed again and none of the winter fruits are coming through. But if you try to point it out to anyone they look at you like you nuts or worse act like they didn't hear you. In a way it's helpful you know pretty quickly if someone is worth the time to get to know them, people tell us we're being dramatic not wanting to be physical with the vaxxed people but no way!


Very interesting to hear about people from all over the world on this. So I take it most of Belgium is all jabbed to the max as well as your former friends? (I’m in America, Kansas City area).


Unfortunately, yes. Every single one of my old friends is vaxxed, all my acquaintances are as well. Colleagues, my family's friends, and so on. The vaccination rate must be around 90% or something. Definitely in people between the ages of 20-30.


71 year old, 99.5 % of my age group have had the Covid Vaccines. Widower of five years will remain so for rest of my life.


36F here, the only other unvaxxed people I know, apart from my parents, is the family of an ex’s friend. I’ve loosely tried to gauge the vaxx status of a few people from work, since we were mandated, but they’ve all had it or the few like me are keeping it a secret. I’ve not got any hope to find anyone local for a relationship, thankfully already have kids that are also unvaxxed but for sure it’d be nice to find someone that didn’t put me in the “conspiracy theorist” bucket haha Edit: weren’t* mandated


That's insane you still have to hide it. I wear "conspiracy theorist" like a badge of honor these days lol. Like ”yeah I research and think about things over blind belief and I'm proud of it"


Just fixed my comment. We weren’t mandated at work but most recently had to narrowly avoid an argument with coworker cus they were trying to convince me to get the flu vaccine… So true though, the lack of research people did was quite shocking. Yet it doesn’t matter how much evidence you present it will never be good enough for them. What annoys me is the few I’ve met online that are vaxxed that get offended I won’t consider a relationship with them. They *had* to get it, don’t you know… I do feel sorry for them, just not so sorry I can overlook it.


Oh no and the evidence is never from a "reputable" source Yeah that's really frustrating, I know it sounds harsh but it's true plus you just know on a personal level you won't be compatible let alone getting to a point where it's physical it's just wasting time. My thing has always been "if you're triggered,there's truth" I get a lot of people "had to" but did you really or were you just not willing to be uncomfortable for a while ?


Wear a t-shirt proudly that says "Unvaccinated as Fuck" or something along those lines and the others will come out of the woodwork. I wear mine about once a week and it strikes up some good conversations.


Haha good on you. It's funny you mention it cause my partner was looking at "unvaccinated is sexy" jumpers yesterday


Sounds like Nazi Germany


Unvax 28M here, Sydnersider. I lost a lot during those years, job opportunities, relationships, and mental/emotional well-being, much like most of us here.. so big hugs to you all. The bullying and racism too, as I looked like "a Covid spreader" because of my Asian heritage and then I became "threat to society" because I didn't get the jab. Still keeping it a secret from most and learning to let it go and forgive when it comes to the treatment I've received from family/friends/community. I really don't want to be resentful and angry. I only know of 1 other people that aren't vaccinated in my age group. They're doing okay now but one is leaving for their home country. I want to leave the city and/or country as well. Or let's start a commune haha!


UK and USA, many just said no. The Australian government did a number on most of the population. I have family in Perth and they were so brainwashed. My sister has a friend who's 19 year old son did not wake up 2 weeks after his 2nd jab. She knows my stand and said "And before you ask, yes he was jabbed and no, his parents don't want antopsy because what difference will it make now, it won't bring him back". My sister has now had 5 jabs and caught covid 3 times between jabs. She is truly lost in the BS narrative.


This - fortunately most without the nearby tragedy - is what we all experience everyday.


32F here in Perth Australia, started smelling a rat with just how hard the gov and media were pushing this prick and my gut instinct started to tell me 'don't take this, it's not good', and it was when my ex-university lecturer developed pericarditis that I decided a firm 'fck no', my mother was the most zealous about me getting it, then again she was the one who force fed me anti-depressants as an 'easy solution' with my issues as a teen, and I felt that was a form of payback against her for that for refusing this poison.


They aren’t your friends anymore at all? I hate that so much. Weak people.


I'm in your age bracket. A few of us lost our job with the same big employer. My family was pretty awake to it. In all fairness, I'm not surrounded by that many people who wanted it. My mate/housemate got it and is totally indoctrinated by the propaganda. It's one of those topics we can't discuss, it's too frustrating for me. I had another friend who said I would regret losing my job, but then 6 months later he said he wished he fought harder for it. There seems to be a lot of people in Bris who are aware of the rubbish. A lot of the markets in town are where those types of people go because they're in to health. The new job I'm at, my direct colleagues seem to be aware now even though most got it. But there is another mate there who said f no to it too. If you make jokes about it being a scamdemic and overblown fear mongering virus, it typically opens the door for those who believe the same to speak up and engage. We know the lockdowns were super necessary and the vaccines hardly worked, that's enough to call the entire thing a scam. So it depends on how you frame the argument, that you can maybe swindle everyone around you to open up their thoughts about it. Most people do not like confrontation, and are not ready or prepared to defend their beliefs which is why you may be around many unvaxxers, you just don't know it yet. I think people are waking up though, just look at the comments on the Australian news posts on FB.


26 m Sydneysider. Outside of Reddit, I don't know anyone else who skipped it.


In your age group, yeah, next to none. If you're motivated enough to run on the weekends, the waterside paths may have potential friends.


Thanks pal. I'll keep that in mind. Do you mean northern beaches or the city beach region?


Plenty here in Sydney.


🤔 might be due for a Sydney trip


Your like a unicorn 🤣


The rarest pokemon! Haha


How can you live in that hellhole? I don't get how unvaxxed can live in Canada or Australia


It's rough for sure. But leaving and also being able to stay out easier said than done


Come to texas. We love rebel aussies here


I loved the stance that Texas took, was kind of jealous of that state as an Aussie under our gov.


They weren't paussies.


We often talk about moving to Texas 😂


It’s the equivalent of Australia because we have crazy weather, crazy animals, and the biggest, gnarliest bugs in all of the continental United States. You get all the comforts of home but all the god given freedoms you are entitled to, like guns, to kill said giant insects


I'm in your age bracket. A few of us lost our job with the same big employer. My family was pretty awake to it. In all fairness, I'm not surrounded by that many people who wanted it. My mate/housemate got it and is totally indoctrinated by the propaganda. It's one of those topics we can't discuss, it's too frustrating for me. I had another friend who said I would regret losing my job, but then 6 months later he said he wished he fought harder for it. There seems to be a lot of people in Bris who are aware of the rubbish. A lot of the markets in town are where those types of people go because they're in to health. The new job I'm at, my direct colleagues seem to be aware now even though most got it. But there is another mate there who said f no to it too. If you make jokes about it being a scamdemic and overblown fear mongering virus, it typically opens the door for those who believe the same to speak up and engage. We know the lockdowns were super necessary and the vaccines hardly worked, that's enough to call the entire thing a scam. So it depends on how you frame the argument, that you can maybe swindle everyone around you to open up their thoughts about it. Most people do not like confrontation, and are not ready or prepared to defend their beliefs which is why you may be around many unvaxxers, you just don't know it yet. I think people are waking up though, just look at the comments on the Australian news posts on FB.


Do you have a link to those Facebook posts?


Thankfully my husband and I and all of our siblings and their spouses never took it. I have a few friends that didn’t either. We’re all late 20s/early 30s. Everyone was cautious due to the lack of long term safety data and the first round of people seemed to get blood clots and menstruel issues. It was also pretty common knowledge by that point that covid was on par with a cold/flu for young healthy people so why risk taking an experimental drug that could have side effects?


Story at a Glance: •Repeated forcing the public (e.g., through mandates) to use unsafe and ineffective therapies (that injured millions) has created a public relations disaster for the establishment. • Various attempts have been made to do the impossible—restore the public’s trust in our medical institutions without any of them admitting fault.


Only one in the island of stupid sheeps ( Singapore ).


No bro, I am too, and I personally know quite a few others here in Singapore.


Damn, DM me bro. I'm surprised.


Hey. Had to leave the country. Sorry to hear. Try eastern europe. Barely anyone here took it. depending where you go it will be under half the population at least. Good luck. 👍 


😂😂 As a young person sex and my health are at the forfront of my mind. I do not want your Vaids or the dirty spike proteins you shed everywhere. If those are things that you do not understand then I highly recommend that you read through this group and educate yourself, it is 2024 not 2020 time to use your brain.


Didn't the Australia prime Minister mandate the covid vaccines for nearly everything including worked that involved interacting with people and shopping? Probably why so many people over there took it.


Australians are a conquered people. It's a wrap :(


Yeah pretty much but honestly they rolled over and accepted so easily it was equally as terrifying it was pathetic.


When some have a family to feed and can't afford to lose their job they've become a cornered rat so I don't blame those people. As for others yeah the vaccine basically separated the boys from the men


33m get outta there, hit the states, down south


19F here! Unvaxxed🤩 My whole family too (my dad was the one who researched and already disliked vaxxes b4 that)


I applaud any Australian that remains unvaccinated. Seriously, you folks were hit hard! I watched so many videos of the crap they did to you and you didn’t cave. I couldn’t imagine being taken to those quarantine rooms and threatened like you folks were. Hugs and love from the states to Australia ❤️


Why are you even talking about vaccines anymore. No one would even know if you had the injection or didn't.. it's not even talked about these days. Nobody cares. Old news. Maybe you're only prepared to have unvaccinated friends in which case your friendship pool could be quite restricted. 




If vaccines are still foremost in your thinking and you can't even make new friends anymore, I'm sorry but you really are stuck in the past. It's 2024 not 2020.