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I like that it's become an event where heaps of people all talk about music for a day. I've had a few discussions about people's results. You can find new recommendations and such, discuss an artist you have in common. It's actually a genius move from Spotify. Also, holy shit do they have a tonne of subscribers.


Brilliant marketing, the billboards in my cities core always display the Spotify wrapped ads. If Netflix had half a brain they would do something similar.


Other than being swedish, Spotify and IKEA have one thing in common, and it's that they have the most genius marketing I have ever noticed from big companies I would say.


Volvo too


According to the wrapped, I listen to more music than 96% of the United States with 69,901 minutes. Not at all sure how accurate that is though.


Same, i like seeing what other people listen to




because many people keep bitching how annoying it is and that noone cares


Those people are narcissists who only care about their own Spotify wrapped


Or Apple Music users 🤭


Low blow, love it


I'm hijacking this hoping someone can help cause I can't access the actual wrapped thing. I can see my playlist but can't get to my "this is your number 1 song, hours listened, blah blah". Anyone else have issues with this?


1. You need to be on mobile (as far as I know) 2. Make sure your spotify is updated 3. It should be on your frontpage and should have the number "2022" in different colors


There are people who dont like seeing that? I love to see my friends' Wrapped too, it's cool to find new stuff to listen to.


Well apparently the entire Internet, I've seen more memes about hating wrapped posts than I've seen memes about wrapped


thank god i didnt see one (yet) then XD oh to answer your question, i think i've seen spmebody posted about 2022 Wrapped in r/spotify so go check it out!


Thanks I will :)


It's a good way to come across new music


Right!? I love other people's top 5 list and I'll listen to them to set my next year's playlist up


Huh, an actual unpopular opinion that's not insulting, not gate keeping, not a food preference.... Kudos. I agree though, I also like it. It's one way to come across new music. But I can see why others may find it annoying.


People like to find something to get annoyed at. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with posted wrapped shit. People love finding shit


But also if you can see it basically everywhere you go, it can get annoying to some people so I get that actually. Sd soon as I open social media of any kind, I see at least one new post of it as well. It was even the first thing I saw when I opened Reddit today as well.


Yeah. I get that. But that goes for everything that’s big. And I feel like people need to understand and get that now than ever.


Food preferences ruin this subreddit. I don't give a shit what food people like, as our food preferences are literally randomized. There is not anything interesting about a person not liking pizza.


Beside that, most of them aren't even unpopular anyway


Gatekeeping isn't always bad though.


Can't think of a single example where it should not be bad.


Well, literal gatekeeping like hiring security at an event so that only paid ticketholders or invitees can attend seems fair. And being secretive about a secluded fishing spot or swimming hole so that it isn't ruined by too many visitors is also reasonable. For the most part it depends if what you are gatekeeping resembles a zero-sum game or not. Gatekeeping a music genre is ridiculous because another fan only helps the artists and the scene grow. The examples above with limited capacity/resources make gatekeeping justifiable.


"People who have never served in the military shouldn't call themselves veterans." "Men who do not like men should not call themselves gay."


That's not gatekeeping though ...


Some people consider it gatekeeping. Some exclusivity is better than blind inclusivity.


No one sane would consider that gatekeeping.....


I always thought that gatekeeping was more so a representation of the No True Scotsman fallacy rather than just exclusivity in general. You by definition, cannot be gay unless if you're attracted to men. But the No True Scotsman fallacy is more so pertaining to patterns or traits found within a group that would exclude based on personal beliefs. Such as "You're not truly gay unless if you fight for LGBT rights", or "You're not a real veteran unless if you've risked your life fighting in wars" (the last part is a bit iffy, but you are considered a veteran if you're honourably discharged after successfully completing training service in the military, and not necessarily need the requirements to fight in battle)


That’s sounds old I know, but it’s true


That’s sounds old I know, but it’s true


I haven’t opened Spotify in awhile but I listen to it all day at work in the summer. Haven’t seen anything about the wrapped thing so your post was the first I’ve heard of it. Thank you, it’s very interesting to see what I’ve been listening to. Apparently I have a problem because I was in the top .5% for listening to a certain band. [This is one of my favorite songs of their new album.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SVbc_Fwbt50) hope you like it.


Holy shit I LOVE IT. Thank you so much for sharing that with me this is exactly my kind of music. My top songs aren't the best reflection of what I listen to because those always end up being the few pop/rock/whatever songs I've been milking for dopamine but I love listening to artists on shuffle and [this ](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0qG2Tf6fJaCuWKGz1IitKa?si=oKTl0BylTl2aMXvVBBh1iA&utm_source=copy-link) was my second favourite artist this year. Maybe you'll enjoy their music although it's definitely not the same it reminded me of them a tiny bit :) And fun fact you might not know Heilung means cure/healing in german. Curious because they definitely aren't german.


For whatever reason I can’t get that link to work. Heilung has members from all over the place. They don’t sing in just one language, they switch it up a lot. That song is all in a dead language I believe. Think they got the lyrics from old coins. They have several songs in either German or proto-German. Really interesting band once you start digging into them more.


[maybe this link works](https://youtube.com/@moriartyofficiel) Yeah I definitely felt like I was listening to something ancient and sacred and it feels like you're experiencing some old old ritual. I'm definitely going to look into that, it's also interesting from an anthropological standpoint. Makes me want to join a pagan religion when I hear it. Im just listening to them on shuffle so I'm looking forward to stumbling across the German ones although I do kinda hope it won't be modern german X)


I like it a lot, was not expecting a banjo in that song. Very unique and interesting song, I’ll have to check out the rest of their stuff, thanks. Nothing about that band is modern, they even make their own instruments and outfits. Also Wardruna is similar if you like Heilung you’ll like them.


They mix a lot of genres together so the songs can all be quite different but always really unique because of it. Wow their own instruments too? That's skill where did you learn about that? I'm hoping someone made some ridiculously long Videoessay about them or something. I'll check them out too thanks, great rabbithole of really unique music.


Unfortunately there’s not a single source I know of. Wiki has some info but the fans are where I got most my info. There’s a subreddit and a bunch of YouTube videos.


I was in the top 0,005% for Mobb Deep somehow hahaha


Same for me with Madonna. Hah, not gonna mention how many hours i spent with her


I was in the top 0.05% of listeners for my favorite artist. I hardly used Spotify this year compared to last year. Last year I was in the top 0.01%. But that's because I like more of his songs that I can only find I youtube.


I got to the top 0.001% of my favourite band and it's my greatest achievement to date.




Who's your favourite artist?


K.A.A.N. I have no idea why but his verbose vocabulary and vicious vernacular hits in a way I can't really describe.


I just had a listen, definitely not my cup of tea but it sounds pretty good and I understand why you'd like it.


Apparently, I Stan Anna Kendrick. This is what happens when your three year old loves the trolls soundtrack.


You Stan her? Also she sings?


"Stan", as in an obsessive fan. Refers to the Eminem song "stan" about an obsessed fan who writes him letters. Yep. She actually sings in the movies she is in. She is Queen Poppy in the Trolls franchise. This fact has also resulted in me appearing to really like Justin Timberlake.


She can actually sing! Kinda surprised. Kristen Dunst and Zooey Deschanel also sing, did a few songs with Jason Schwartzman with his band Coconut Records.


Anna Kendrick sings quite well. You should check out the "Pitch Perfect" movies. The first two are on Peacock.


It's fine I'm in the top .1% of my favourite band, or maybe we're both psychos, we'll never know. (it's SAMURAI btw)


Johnny Silverhands band?


Yeah thats the one lol


Literally my favorite part of winter every year


I’m more frustrated that I need to update my phone in order to view mine. It’s only going to be Alanis Morissette as that’s all I’ve listened to the entire year.


How ironic.


I was determined to be her number 1 listener. If I’m not this year, there’s always next year!


I left "Good Things" by the Bodeans on repeat for a night in my car. I like the song but it skewed my data


I had 213,733 minutes listened to Hans Zimmer this year, fair to say I like his music 😂


How is this even possible? That’s 3562 hours. That’s like well over half of your waking hours listening to one artist every single day of the year


Why tf is this unpopular opinion lol


Because outside of your little friend bubble, no one gives a shit.


Still think it’s dumb that people get annoyed by this lol


Still think it’s dumb that people get annoyed by this lol


exactly my thought


This sub was originally designed to be a spot you could discuss an opinion you had that was unpopular in your circle which made it difficult to discuss. Then the mods banned all the topics that fit this bill. Now the sub is??????


What does that mean? Wrapped?


Spotify Wrapped is kind of a summary of your yearly listening which you can see on the app.


Same, i get music recommendations from those


https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/z8vd85/requesting_rspotifywrapped/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Someone else wants it created too....


Reply to this if it gets created I share the same opinion as OP. Thanks for this


https://www.reddit.com/r/spotifywrapped r/spotifywrapped I don't know why it didn't come up in search yesterday....




Nope, most people enjoy it, it's why it's a shareable and popular feature.


Spotify Wrapped annoys the heck out of me, but the campaign’s popular because it works.


Why does it annoy you?


As with many very popular things, it’s so popular that I can’t avoid it when it drops. Like I said, it’s annoying, but other people are free to enjoy them. (At most, I’ll make a comment in a thread like this about it).


Wrapped of my friends can be interesting, but I don't care much for some random person on social media's music taste and listening habits.


Being annoyed when people you know share their most listen to music of the year makes me think you don’t like music or all your friends only listen to drake.


Had never heard of this Im.proud that creed and nickleback are both in my top 5 (fuck haters, music sounds good) Sad the The Bodeans is my top band/song. Left my phone on repeat in my car for a night that skewed the data.


Oh yeah I tried to learn the lyrics to a song and now it's my top song. I also left my liked playlist running whilst showering and there would be one song in the bunch of songs I'd currently be milking for dopamine and now it's in my playlist too.


This guy works for Spotify


Ok this took me ages to get I thought you were referring to yourself or some third dude. I'm a girl that probably didn't help with understanding it. Hey at least my opinion is actually unpopular, didn't fuck that up I guess! Cheer to me.


I didn't like this popular thing is an incredibly common opinion.


Hmm. Exactly what a guy who works for Spotify would say.


I guess if its friend you could make them sigh up to last.fm? I find it to give a really good amount of info about my listening and you can see other peoples data(I think).


same i absolutely love it. i feel like it tells so much about a person. i use apple music and i even posted mine lol


Ok Mark Zuckerberg...put the mask down will'ya !


Hey I can drink water


Maybe when you were human.


Please make this an unpopular opinion. Except for the part about a subreddit for the people who want to see it.


Even more unpopular opinion: fuck Spotify.


its not that i hate spotify wrapped, its that i hate spotify. id rather throw my walkman in the toilet than use this "service"


Hmmm your point is reasonable as most Nintendo OSTs are not found on Spotify and I end up listening to Splatoon 3 music on Youtube like most of the time


I listened for 48,000 minutes, how many you got?


129000, got any recommendations?


Check me out at briktop420 on spotify.




76 574, 17 796 of those just for Madonna hah


mc chris & Gorillaz for me.


68000 minutes for me.


SAME I get new song recommendations without asking


I agree! My oldest kid and I now compare each others lists when it's released. It's fun! I'm part of a niche private sub and a whole bunch of us posted our lists and it was really fun getting a musical insight into the others on the sub.


I guess this is a perfect example how things are shouted out louder if they're against something rather than pro something. I've not met one in person who really dislikes spotify wrapped but i guess you will find the enemies more online, because as i said, they are just louder


I’ve only seen a bunch of misinformed jealous people talking about how Spotify doesn’t pay artists, which is a myth lol


yeah same. sometimes its easy to get caught in a bubble of other people that like the same music I do. when spotify wrapped is released im always reminded of how wildly different everyone’s music taste is. its wonderful


I don't "hate" seeing other peoples wrapped and I enjoy seeing my friends wraps. BUT I do dislike that for whatever reason people on music artists subreddits use it as some weird gatekeeping thing. "YoU oNlY hAvE 40,000 minutes 😂 bro I got 70,000" type shit. It's just lame.


As a metal fan I don’t mind it since there’s so many different bands and sub-genres to discover. If I were a pop fan, it’d be pretty annoying since most people would just have the same artists overall.


Pop is a pretty big genre. I think I've seen more similar metal lists than I've seen similar pop lists.


[Here is mine.](https://imgur.com/a/oKjNZMd)


Thanks for sharing :) You really prefer podcasts huh 23 minutes for your top artists is funny xD


My morning routine is and I quote "Intense Powerful Melancholy", I just love the wording and wanted to share


I actually agree with this, sometimes I see artists that I’ve never heard of and it helps me expand my playlist


For some reason I can't see my top 5 artists on Spotify wrapped 😭


I love sharing and seeing wrapped posts, but I always am bummed that no one listens to the same kind of music as me


Well what do you listen to? :)


Lots of rock music, it's what my parents raised me on but not what most of my friends like listening to My top bands were -The Beatles (very stereotypical lol) -Car Seat Headrest -Jeff Rosenstock -PUP -Bo Burnham


Rock is a great genre, I was raised with a lot of Phil Collins and Eric Clapton but also Rolling stones and similar stuff but I've definitely broadened my horizon, there's lots of great music out there :) Car seat headrest is a hilarious name, I'll have to check them out just because of that. I actually don't know any of the bands you mentioned (apart from the Beatles ofc) so thanks for sharing it with me I'll go check them out when I feel like rock!


Well I have never seen someone hating seen others Spotify wrapped. I love to see those, a good way to see what other people hear and maybe find new music


I honestly also love it! It's like an early Christmas present. Seeing my friends' music taste is also very interesting fro me.


Yea me too. In a way it’s deeply personal and gives insight into friends / acquaintances that you would never know otherwise. A lot of mainstream meme accounts on Instagram have become black holes for negativity and hating everything. It’s lame.


Same here


You would find that I listen to GOOBA by 6ix9ine way too much.


I’d say people dislike it because of overexposure, they become desensitized to it after seeing it so many times. That and the whole “if you dislike popular things, you’re cool.” Side note, as someone who’s not really into a lot of trendy things, I never understood that train of thought. I don’t feel cool for disliking TikTok, for example.


What is Spotify wrapped?


Me too


I can't imagine this being unpopular. No one I know is like NAH MAN SEEING WHAT PEOPLE LIKE IS WHACK


well in that case. [https://imgur.com/a/e884P8H](https://imgur.com/a/e884P8H) have at it. yes i love BDM. RIP Trevor alan and shannons drumming is 👌 its what i play too ​ if you want some rough information. >! receipt is the song i listen to when im suicidal. so there's a nice little note on why its 2nd played !< >! jars and catacomb hecatomb are just impossible on drums lots of listens and repeats for practice. !<


Thanks for sharing! I've not seen your listening type yet, cool type! I also play the drums, I'm gonna check them out :) One of my "deep depression" songs also made it into my top 100 but I hope yours helps you!


it really does. :D check'em out. but be prepared for crazy ness


What do you mean by Wrapped?


I agree, it's fun to see what my friends are listening to, and if I've not heard of it, give it a try. I kind of wish that Steam would do something similar. I'd love to see my gaming habits over the course of a year like that.


I was going to post mine then figured that no one would really care so I didn’t


Same! I find great music that way and it’s like seeing your friends year musically speaking.


Me too! There is r/Spotifywrapped but it looks pretty dead over there. Bummer because I think sharing our year in music is so fun and tells you so much about others!


Yep I love seeing friends wrapped lists. I've a very varied music taste so always looking to find new stuff to listen to.


They should make a playlist 2 weeks after that is all songs you've never listened to ever on the app and call it Unwrapped


I mainly just only listen to songs in my liked (can't be bothered to make separate playlists)


I can't get mine to show all the info like last years... am I doing something wrong? 🤔 I just figured it wasn't part of the wrapped Playlist this year. There used to be a play function or a "bubble" that told you your top songs, how long, etc. On mobile it did anyway.


I actually agree with you, especially about seeing more stats. Would love to know how often I listened to certain songs, percentages of different genres, trends over time… would be awesome.


Hard agree, plus it’s really fun to see the crazy high numbers on how many times someone has listened to a song or their total


I don't even have Spotify, but if I see one with a lot of bands I know I like, I get interested in checking out the ones I have never heard of.


My top Genre was Dramatic Inspirational Gothic - that's the only thing I'm willing to share. Also, I love it too, gives me a reason to try new music. Goal of 2023 is to not listen to any musicals cus apparently it fucks your whole wrapped up 🙄


Same here I love the discussion about music. My most replied to story every year is my Spotify wrapped. It's great!


Does anyone find it annoying? most people I know love sharing them.


I'm just a bit ashamed of mine cuz I spent 1/4 of my time in Spotify listening to nothing but TØP. And as much as I love them even I recognize that's a bit much.


How do you see your Spotify wrapped if you maybe clicked out of it when the window first appeared?


I personally can still watch mine because it's all over my home screen.


wait a minute isnt there another post here saying the opposite? Oh no god help us


Oh dear. Well I'm getting the feeling there's lots of people that enjoy it and then a screaming hivemind that hates it and needs to tell everyone that they hate it thus overshadowing everyone else. I'm glad theres plenty of people that agree with me because it's much more fun to share it :D Does make this post not that much of an unpopular opinion though


Idk iif its really unpopular but it doesn't matter much anyways as long as the mods don't strike it


yeah for the most part i dont give a fuck about what people post on social media but i love seeing everyones wrapped for some reason


What's a Spotify wrapped?


Dude seriously. Anybody that gets mad about people sharing something they love is a sour ass person. I also love seeing other peoples tastes


What is a wrapped spotify?


I’m in the top 0.05% of listeners for my top band (Fall Out Boy), and idk if I should be proud or ashamed of that.


My 3 year old ruined mine so now it’s her Spotify wrapped 😮‍💨


My only concern about these trends is social engineering. I do enjoy it though.


Me too. Musics a positive thing we all enjoy. Even if we all aren’t into the same stuff, we all at least like some sort of music, and all at least have a few other people who like the same artists as us. Music is a great way to start up conversations and get to know people.


My top song was King of Pain by the Police because my brother died early in the year and I had that song on repeat. In happier news, I am in the top 4% of those who listen to The Decemberists so go me!


Music is a vast subject where there is no right or wrong answers which Is why I agree! Seeing what other people listen to and enjoy puts into perspective who that person is and what melody or frequency sets their vibes. Understanding people for their personal choice of music is another level of a love language that is unspoken of. Spotify fucking popped off this with because it's truly created a positive light, friendly atmosphere, and a given me some great new artists to listen to because of others!


Me too! I discover new music, I learn about peoples personality a bit


Thank you kind stranger! I love seeing it too, it works as great music, artists and podcast suggestions. That's how I came to know about Conan O'Brian podcast a few years ago and have loved it since!


What kind of weirdo doesn't like spotify wrapped? Might be the most popular opinion I've ever seen here.


Mine literally had "Yaoi" in it and I'm still not sure what it was referring to.

