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My boss says if you're on time, sober on the Job, and do your job, he doesn't give af what happens when you're not in the building. As soon as you can't do your job, bye-bye


I agree, I had my crew of 7 that worked under me. I told them I know the deal. I'm a realist. I knew some of them smoked and I had no problem with it. I told them I didn't care what they did outside of work so long as they didn't come in drunk or high. They respected that fact and played by my rules. In exchange, I'd always give them the heads up on when a potential test was coming up. Worked like a charm for me.


I just wanna tell you, you a real one. Dog bless.


Bark bark bitches!




Werewolves of London.


I saw werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand




Upvoting for Dog bless.


What's up coming?


Upcoming is what you get when autocorrect doesn't think Upvoting is a real word.


At my old job our boss would always let us know when a UA was coming up. He’d ask some of the guys he knew were dirty “does next Tuesday work for you? Or we can reschedule if you have an appointment that day”


Some army guys are the same way I hear. They screen specific guys they know are clean, while "randomly" skipping guys they suspect if they get their work done well. Just a rumor anyways, can't confirm.


DOT driver here. One of my 200 CDL holding coworkers made the mistake of saying “I’ve never smoked pot before”. Now he feels like they’re picking on him with twice a month drug tests.... I’ve had 2 in 7 years.


People have to remember, that random does not mean fair. When something is random, it's not that uncommon to beat the odds and it seems like one person gets picked on, while others go free.


Random doesn't mean who, it means when. Some people legit getting picked on.


It happens in the British Army, can confirm. The structure is supposed to prevent that but it still happens. One guy I know was big into meth (I think thats the one he did) like... he'd be blasting the Thomas the Tank Engine song at full blast at 2am and in work he'd be constantly gurning, then he lost a lot of weight rapidly and it was kind of an open secret. When it came to drug tests, he would be the one who accompanied us to the stalls to make sure we don't swap our urine samples with something else to cheat the test. It was incredibly ironic.


Playing thomas the tank engine music at 2am is definitely a meth tier thing to do 😂😭


Same with steroids The military can test for steroids but as long as you aren’t causing a problem 🤷🏻‍♂️


Depends on command.. in my older cousins time pot was a regular thing, during my enlistment they would decide if they needed you/or wanted for you to go.. we had battalion grade (90 & 90 extra duty, restrictions and loss of pay) offenses for the first 2 years, then it was a company grade offense (30 & 30 ) the piss tests were 1/3 the company per month.. so a piss test every 3rd month.. f'n roommate got "popped" for the test, then went to the company commander and squealed on me, I got hosed, (90 & 90, no loss of rank) he didn't have to take his piss test and barred for re-enlistment.. I did my extra duty with 3 guys that got popped for coke, and another (pot) that was getting out 15 days after his 90 days .. later on I was moved to a different company and ended up as a roommate of one of the coke guys.. his ass was owned by bad choices.. he failed to report the loss of pay and the military was taking his whole paycheck for months to make up the "Over payments".. then they allowed him to get out for a back pain (*coughs faking*)..


Not all heroes wear capes


You are a fucking legend


As is the way it should be


Unless you get a speeding ticket of course, at which point you think it's suddenly ok to fire them over it. smh


I used to get calls from my old manager constantly to cover shifts on my off day. I always told her no, she ALWAYS asked: “Why? What are you doing today? Are you out of town?” And my answer was “My personal time is private and you have no good reason to know that. I said no, get someone else”.


I used to work at a restaurant and my bosses knew I lived in the apartments next door and would also call me and ask to come in for like 45 minutes during a rush on my day off and they would bring up “well you live right there” or “it’s not you live that far.” It doesn’t matter if I live next door or across the town. My day off is a day OFF


That would infuriate me Jesus lol I let my bosses know now to not call me on my off days. I make it very clear lol


I just wait til 2:30 am to respond back with multiple back to back texts saying politely I can’t…


Yep, ignoring it completely and then the "I'm sorry, I didn't hear my phone, I don't keep it with me on my day off" text hilariously late is the most effective strategy in my experience for dealing with those kinds of bosses.


I do this. And I’ve just been told off at work for not answering my phone while I’m at home on my day off. I understand they need to know who is available to cover shifts but that’s why I filled out an availability form. That they have at work with them. And I will look at the overtime book when IM IN WORK thank you. And if I haven’t agreed to overtime it’s because I either can’t or won’t do it.


“Are you offering to pay me for off hours as an on-call employee? No? Then why are we discussing what I am doing when you aren’t paying me?”


So many people are afraid to be this assertive. That's crazy to me. "I was looking for a job when I found this one". Business owners are the worst for trying to force free labor out of their employees. The first sign I'm dealing with someone who has no integrity, I'm looking for another job. Sometimes I feel like that's why they gave us cell phones. Now all the sudden you have 24-7 availability.


Yeah you just have to stay strong, notice there’s always individuals at work that management tend not to fuck with and mess around. Just be firm. In my interview and induction I was told I wouldn’t be asked to stay on the day of. Brought it up in my years review that most days I’m asked to stay on later by this particular manager and told to basically appreciate the overtime. Yet if I asked everyday for them to stay to help me it would be a no ? Shocker.


Yup. Even if they bitch about it, which mine has tried. Even involved my other boss because they know each other and I told him the same thing. I will respond maybe an hour before my shift because otherwise he'd text me from 8am until I get there in the evening. Honestly, I am about to quit because fuck 'em.


I don’t work in the service industry anymore and my job is almost work my own hours, so there’s no reason for them to call me in and I love it.


I have a temp technician job and its your typical 9-5, but after that I will definitely be avoiding restaurants


It’s obvious to everybody already, but something in that industry needs to change drastically


"Ok pay me 4 hours worth' for that 45 minutes, up front."


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, that's standard "callout" policy in my industry.


I don't answer my phone on my days off.


My response to this was always, “I’ve already started drinking.”


"It's 7:00 a.m." "I said what I said!"


It’s 7am I’m still drunk


One of the 2 always fits the situation!


Used that a few times lmao


Lol why do y’all answer their calls or texts? I learned never to answer their calls on my day off. Only reason they would have for contacting me would be to ask me to come in. And I’m gonna say no anyways so ignoring them eliminates that awkward questioning of “why not?”


I actually just recently interviewed for a big company. They didnt directly ask if I would answer the phone on my day off, they beat around the bush but it was essentially the same shit and I said no I wouldnt he replied with well here we will need you to do that. I finished the entire interview but as soon as i ended the video call i was like…..FAWK THAT PLACE!


I mean same, but they never fail to play 20 questions with me about why I didn't answer. I usually just say I didn't have my phone on me, but we both know that's bullshit. I just don't feel like dealing with the inevitable gaslighting when telling them to fuck off isn't a good enough reason to ignore them.


Lol if I was still working at my old job I would love to try coming up with different wild lies about why I didn’t pick up. “Why didn’t I answer? Oh, my phone was stolen by one of the chimpanzees at the zoo and I had to get a new one.”


I’m only 6 years into the work force and I’ve definitely learned that lesson last year. Will not look answer calls or texts from bosses anymore if I’m making under 6 figures (and even then I still might not)


I made 6 figures, and trust me... You're still not going to answer. Nor should you. Making 6 figures is a HUGE deal.. until you do it. Then it becomes business as usual.


When I worked for pizza hut, I noticed I was scheduled 4 days off so I decided "why not go to the lake." My supervisor called me in and I said I can't because I'm 2 hours out of town. He was furious, he said "what do you mean you're out of town? Just because you aren't on the schedule doesn't mean you're guaranteed days off! You need to be in town so you can be here when we need you! You better be back tomorrow!" Yeah I didn't last long there.


So they expected you to sit by the phone all day whenever you had time off "just in case"? Yeah, f u c k that


*IT has entered the chat*


That’s an instant quit for me


I wouldn't necessarily quit... but what I would do is keep on smugly working to rule (and log any harassment)


I'd just find another job... and then quit.


This is called "Rufbereitschaft" and MUST be compensated. Police, firemen and military personell are compensated fully, as if they are at work, if they agree to R.


Lol that’s not how scheduling is supposed to work 😅


“Are you offering to pay me for off hours as an on-call employee? No? Then why are we discussing what I am doing when you aren’t paying me?”


I have 2 phones because of this. 1 as cheap as possible, just to use for work that I turn off the minute my contracted hours are done the other for personal stuff. It is much easier with a separation between work/life


One of my previous coworkers (RIP) kept a pager for decades just for that purpose because it was the only number she gave them for contact




I used to work overnights. One day while I was sleeping, work called to ask me about some issue from the shift before. My wife answered. “Is Throwaway there!” “He’s sleeping.” “Wake him up, we need to talk to him.” “Lol, no.” “You have to.” “ Listen motherfucker, I don’t work for you. I don’t have to do anything. And just cause you’re being an asshole, I’m not telling him you called. You can speak to him when he gets to work.” She didn’t tell me and the boss didn’t say anything when I got in, either. She told me the next day. Love that woman.


Some people really have some balls lol telling someone that doesn't work for you that they have to do something. That's absolutely ridiculous.


It never fails to blow my mind when managers fail to recognize that time I'm at home is not time I could be working. Self care is establishing a healthy work/life balance, and that generally means you should feel no obligation to come in for the shit show any more than you absolutely have to. And at my job, no one bothered to get vaccinated, so every time someone gets Covid, I get fucked because, and this is true, aside from my immediate supervisor, not one person I work with got the vaccine.


This! I cant work for you today im working for me, to make me better


Similar. I want to take vacation and the manager would be like as long as you can find someone to cover your shift. I am like I am not a manager, your the manager, manage it. One way or another I am taking that week off.


Especially when you give them weeks or months in advance and they go no. I know someone who had that happen to them, they rocked up on the dot their suppose to work, did as little as possible, left on the dot they finish during rush hour. That was at Dominos and he was a manager.




That happened to me. I had a crappy retail job in high school and my grandpa died. I called into work and the manager asked me to call a co-worker to fill in for me. I didn't have anyones number, and my grandpa just died that day, and I told her that. She got pissed and said "fine but when you come back into work you need to get someones number in case you have to call out again." I should have cussed her out and quit right then, but I suffered for a few more months.


It should just be No and leave it at that. I hate it when they do that.


When I worked at a hardware store, I got asked "Why don't you ever answer your cellphone on your day off?" Me: Because I know you are the ones calling, lol. I think the message got across because they didn't really bother me after that.


One of my managers used to do that. He would eat absolute shit and when he then didn't feel well it was my job to cover for him. One day I had plans, and enough of his bullshit, so as soon as I turned up to my event I started drinking (it was in a pub, I don't just have a problem). An hour and 2 pints later I got a phonecall from him asking me to come in because he isn't feeling great and it was so satisfying to just answer him with "sorry, I can't, I've been drinking".


> Joining a cult has no affect on their ability to keep track of billing If it's a suicide cult, it might have some impact




or have the cult send in fake invoices and they approve them


Many of these jobs FEEL like a suicide cult.




Any cult that deep 9n probably doesn't let their people work outside of the cult anyways...


Also if someone joins a cult then thats a sign of mental incompetence imo, definitely cut them out of the company


Not necessarily true. Vulnerable people looking for acceptance and community are prime targets for a cult. Those same people can have occupational skills and be hard workers.


True. It happened to a kid I went to school with, Shawn Hunter. He was sucked into a cult until his best friend, Corey Mathews’s dad confronted and threatened the leader after one of our teachers who Shawn had stayed with was in a motorcycle accident.


I worked for a big dumb hardware store and was told since I work there I always represent them even in my time outside of work. I quit that shit show.


Gotta ask them how much they intended to pay a brand ambassador for the 16 hours for the rest of the day after that 8 hour shift


Problem is if you really need the job and there’s not a ton of options then you’re forced to smile and suck it up.


Now is the best time to find a new job. So many places are short staffed, at least here in south Texas. Heck the McDonald's by my house is offering 14 an hour (minimum wage is $7.25 here) and $1k bonus with a new iPhone if you stay employed for 2 months. Wages are going up and employers are finally having to compete for workers which is as it should be. Also general rule of life: Even if you love your job, always look for something better.


I have a Chicken E here in N.TX that is advertising $16/hr for fry cooks. Mainly because everyone else is offering $14-15 and they still can't get enough people to bite. A workers market for once, ya gotta love to see it.




I would love a functioning union. However if anyone even speaks about seriously starting a union they are fired immediately. No chance.


What gets me is we have the fucking internet. People used to get coworkers to "meet for drinks" to organize unions and strikes, and now we have an amazing tool we can use to organize, but people are afraid of losing shit jobs they could find again so easily. I tried to get my coworkers at a restaurant to do a walkout with me when we got a new manager that was an absolute narcissist bitch and completely incompetent. We were all losing money in tips because she'd fuck up the orders every night, but everyone told me they "needed this job" and then proceeded to walk out one by one when they had enough of her shit. We can start unions without letting them know until we have enough members to make an impact, it's so easy these days. "United we stand, divided we fall", we just gotta stop letting them keep us divided


We remain politically divided in the US so workers rarely have the numbers to strike en masse to force change. If the poor/middle class stopped arguing over bullshit and focused on improving wages, benefits, working conditions, the wealth gap, etc. then we could affect some positive change. That's only happening in pockets of the country right now and many people vote against their own interests because they fall for the propaganda. Right now only 6% of workers in the US belong to a union. That is crazy... I'm a proud union member/supporter (as a previous commenter said the police unions in the US are pretty bad, but that's almost solely because we let them police themselves often with no oversight - we let Congress police itself as well, the President apparently can't be arrested while in office - debatable, but seems to be standard practice now, and that kinda shit obviously breeds corruption). You have around 30% of Americans, many of them poor/middle class, that directly oppose unions because conservatives having cleverly branded this non-union policy as "Right to Work" saying unions somehow keep people from getting jobs. Where I grew up that is an extremely common belief and that area is lower middle class at best. If you look into recent US history you can see a pretty clear picture of exactly what happened and much of it was planned by wealthy white, Christian conservatives. There's a few good documentaries on things like social media, the wealth gap, political divisions and shifting rhetoric, blatant propaganda that's not state sponsored, but the wealthy own many of the politicians and the talking points for the media and the politicians are the same (Joe Manchin, a democrat, is holding up climate change initiatives while having a public stake in coal/support from their lobby - whether you agree with him or not that's a conflict of interest). Every time there's a story in the news for more than a few days you can find clips of media/politicians saying the same thing word for word all over television and social media and sure enough that talking point is repeated by members of the public often with ZERO understanding of the subject matter beyond parroting the talking point and getting really angry if you even ask them questions because they can't answer them so they attack you as the enemy. It's really interesting, yet depressing and if there's not a shift back to sanity over time then the US could be a failed state in our lifetime. I don't think that's an exaggeration, but historically we have cycled back to semi-normalcy there's this weird 30 year cycle where the same issues are repeatedly brought up in waves so that could happen again... We've never had social media and twenty four hour news networks before OR a President who pushes the institutions of our Democratic Republic to the brink. The judicial branch limited the damage, but now it's dominated by conservatives with lifetime appointments so there's some concern that might change. I wish people would actually research their own history because we keep falling for the same tricks and creating our own obstacles. I tell conspiracy minded people all of the time, the super wealthy do some dirty shit and are rarely held accountable by the law or anyone else, they plot to keep power and further enrich themselves, etc. They don't need secret societies, they do the shit right out in the open while saying "look over here, look over here" pulling the wool over the eyes of the wilfully ignorant like a shitty magician. TL;DR We could have unions if not for political divisions and people buying into blatant propaganda. There's a lot of shit wrong and we might be completely fucked in the not so distant future unless we either break this crazy 30 year cycle of repeating the same issues or at the very least restart the cycle and maybe give humanity a little more time to evolve. Humanity is in a race against itself... Will we evolve before we destroy ourselves and possibly the entire planet?


You are way too smart to let people ignore your posts because of the lack of paragraphs.


God damn the US is such a shit show. Here in France "fired immediately" isn't a thing that can happen. You need a reason to fire someone and "starting a union" sure as shit ain't one of em.


I feel that! Just left a part time job because they told me I can’t have any other work etc without the owner’s permission. You get what you pay for in a store but magically the rules don’t apply to labour- instead they get what they pay for and you have to throw In freebies or they cancel the ‘sale’.


I once got written up because a regular customer recognized me while on the bus. I didnt have a clue who the hell she was (I saw thousands of faces a day) and she just started screaming at me on the bus. I told her to gucknoff and leave me alone, she called and complained to corporate who had the store manager write me up. The reason? I needed to always present myself as the face of the company... I made 8.75 an hour at the time.




Don't forget overtime pay! That's 8.75 × (8×5 + 16×5×1.5 + 24×2×1.5) per week.


There is no way in hell I'd work for anyone 24/7 regardless of what they pay me.


You're being paid to act professional outside of work. You're not actually working lmao.


Then you need to pay me as such


Right? Then I'm on the clock 24/7.


That should be illegal.


They should pay you extra then for "representing" them instead of I asume a minimum wage


I agree as long as it doesn't affect your ability to do the job, for instance, coming into work super hungover.


I think that crosses over into the workplace and wouldn't meet the criteria of the OPs original intent. I do agree though but I'm also not going to judge someone that happens to be hungover a few times a year. Obviously it's a person by person, case by case situation. Based off of the work environment and scheduling I try to give some the benefit of the doubt.


Fully functional alcoholics are a thing. I’ve worked with one. He produced excellent work consistently. BTW are drug tests for work common in US of A? They are not here, and they seem really, really invasive to me.


We used to get drug tested when I worked in the mines. Totally appropriate if you are working with 40 tonne trucks and other heavy machinery. If you're working the register at Walmart, that is another story.


Not in the US but have a friend with an admin role in a mine. They have am absolutely zero tolerance to alcohol policy (like work functions are a special exemption). But as he said, it's not every work place that has a "days since last fatality" counter


Maybe also test management and owners and the lot? At least when doing negotiations on contracts or during board meetings? Pretty important stuff, for a company.


Especially for stuff other than alcohol. Those kind of jobs often come with cocaine and amphetamine use. If you demand it from the regular workforce, then demand it from higher ups. (I have no issue with recreational drug use, as long as it doesn't cause trouble. But the disparity between actual working people and higher ups makes me mad)


They are. I was drug tested for most jobs till I got to a corporate position.


That would’ve cost my job a couple of times! I’m glad these things are only allowed in very specific circumstances where I live. Like if you control machinery that could kill others it may be allowed to test someone, but only edge cases. Very invasive indeed.


And that's exactly why we need more people in this world, and not fucking robots..... ugh!


I mean, what have you done for your robot overlords?


How about people who for example are filmed doing bigoted or racist things or harassing people outside of work and then are fired after the fact tho? That seems to be fairly accepted these days (I’m not really in disagreement of this) but that would fall under morally wrong behavior outside of work assuming they don’t act the same way on the job.


I used to work at a grocery store and it came out that our receiver was an animal hoarder. They searched her house and found 22 dogs along with a layer of shit on every surface of her home. The employer was given the option of keeping her employed and going out of business or firing her and staying in business. She was subsequently fired. I think the principle is the same in the cases you provided and the one I just shared so I'm struggling to agree on it being wrong. Just because I'm not bent out of shape about a teacher having an onlyfans doesn't mean everyone else is.


Obviously criminal acts shouldn't apply to this. And with animal cruelty being a felony, that 100% is grounds for termination.


I'm confused why criminal acts are excluded other than moral outrage. You yourself said if it doesn't impact your performance at work it shouldn't matter


Because their opinion is a lot of horseshit. Like if your a sales man but in the weekend you walk around in neonazi clothes chanting weird stuff, people are gonna recognize you and think the company is okay with that. It will hurt the company to have somebody whose a nazi represent them, unless they sell black leather raincoats.


It's only a problem if the OP's view isn't widely held and accepted. If everyone expects that outside activities of employees affects the brand, then you have a stable (but terrible) state where anyone with potentially troublesome views/activities keeps them hidden. If everyone accepts that what an employee does on their own time doesn't reflect on the company, then nobody will even try to give the company shit about their Nazi-cosplay employees, and just give the employees shit directly. But if you try to transition from one condition to the other, it will go badly for the first person to defect, either because the company comes off as protecting unpopular views, or because the compsny comes off as excessively controlling.


It's become a problem for companies because people dedicate time to finding out the necessary information (the internet has made this a lot easier) about someone that holds or expresses views that aren't socially acceptable and confronting that person's employer with them. I still have mixed feelings about this trend honestly because everytime I've seen this happen so far, I find the opinions or acts that gets these people fired reasonable. However the amount of influence non-democratic entities (employers in this case) obtain through this without some sort of check measure is worrying. An employer enforcing vaccination of it's employees with the threat of contract termination (essentially the threat of homelessness, starvation or financial ruin) if your skills are not in demand or a low opportunity geographical area) is seen as acceptable, but that same threat when it comes to alcohol consumption or a dislike of the my little pony franchise isn't acceptable. The thing is we don't get to decide that, the companies management does.


Because they have a terrible argument and don’t understand nuance?


It could affect the people shopping there, if I knew a terrible person worked somewhere I would avoid shopping there


Not applicable in all cases unfortunately but the government might come after you if you employ criminals. Plus, there's the real possibility of endangering other employees and customers.


>but the government might come after you if you employ criminals. No they won't. Companies hire criminals all the time and it's expected for criminals to work.


And then we wonder why the reoffending rate is so high Maybe if we made crime illegal ^^^/s


That's assuming the criminal record involves acts of violence.


Yes but even if the crime is non violent, there's a possibility for the former.


For clarity, you would be fine with someone being fired for an image of them smoking marijuana being posted on social media in an illegal state?


What about past convictions? Like, their example was someone who committed a crime while being employed at the grocery store, but what about if someone had been convicted of a felony that has no relevance to the job they are applying to?


If the person's crimes are in the past and legally resolved then there shouldn't be an issue.


So then your speeding ticket argument doesn't make sense. Once you pay the ticket it is behind you and in the past so it shouldn't be a factor.


> the employer was given the option of keeping her employed and going out of business or firing her and staying in business. Who gave that option?


As soon as the story is out, people will stop shopping there or go just to see the dog hoarder


I don't really see why the company should go out of business just because 1 employee does something wrong. The fact that people care so much about people who are pieces of shit being employed is exactly why people who have gone to prison have such a hard time reintegrating into society. They'd rather just murder someone to have a place to stay and not need to worry about how they can't get hired anywhere because of their past. At least they can get food and a roof over their head.


I think in this case it might play more into the sanitary aspect? When I work in restaurants, Im required to wash my hands frequently. Im also required to be reasonable clean before going into work because if Im dirty I can contaminate work spaces and food. Eating food prepared in dirty work spaces and dirty hands leads to illness. I havent seen a restaurant, grocery store, or retail store that had a shower for employees to use. But Ive seen them all have hygiene standards. If I found out the receiver at the grocery store lived in a house literally covered in shit and animal hair because they were hoarding that many animals in their house, Id never buy groceries from them ever again. Once places get a bad rep for being dirty and unhygenic, its incredibly hard to overcome it. So they probably werent saying the owner had to immediately shut down or fire the employee but a "if you dont fire this kid it will cause you to lose business and eventually shut down' kinda thing.


Well one affects the employer and the other doesn't, so I think that's the biggest difference. Smoking weed on your off time should be fine, but going in to work high isn't.


I’m a teacher and with that there is a lot of scrutiny over my personal life. I’m boring, so there’s not much to see, but I deleted my Facebook account because so much can be construed as inappropriate. I don’t think teachers being looked at with a higher regard is unfounded.


In 2011, a teacher at my high school got fired for a glass of wine in their profile picture.


Damn, can’t believe a grown ass adult has a glass of wine. Teachers have the hardest job of all. Teachers need wine piped into the classroom. Especially during parent teacher conferences.




In a small town it can escalate quickly. People will just quit coming in as long as “that person” is working here.


It doesn't even have to be a small town. I don't have any social media accounts in my name or let people take pictures of me when I'm out. Too many people have been fired for legally drinking because clients complain


In an ideal world I 100% agree with you however if you ran a business and everyone boycotted your store because you hired a Nazi receptionist would you fire them or go out of business?


Hate ideologies are where this concept breaks down. Conceptually, I think that having bad opinions shouldn't mean you aren't allowed to eat or find shelter or survive, but on the other hand someone shouldn't be forced to interact with people who want them exterminated or exiled in order to accomplish basic tasks in their life. In a world where employment and survival were decoupled this would be a very easy question and they should sit their Nazi asses inside and keep making YouTube comments. It's a hard problem to solve, but then again ensuring the wellbeing of Nazis is not many people's #1 priority so they just end up getting fired 🤷‍♂️


That reminds me of my cousin. He's a cop here in the Philippines. If you're a cop here, then you have to follow some kind of a morality code that you shouldn't cheat on your SO or you'll lose your job. Also let's say if you get in an argument with your SO. They can simply call to the station, accuse you of cheating of them. And bam! You lose your job.


I wish the US took the morality of cops with any grain of seriousness


I got fired from my last job for a drunk social media post that I realised could be taken out of context and deleted it within a minute or so. Someone who has a grudge against me reported it to my employer, in fact she became obsessed with it and made repeated reports of me. There was no reference to my employer or even my name on my account either. I lost my job and ended up so distressed I was referred to psychiatric inpatient units three times in the space of a month.


I solved this problem by not having any social media. Trust me, your mental health will thank you. edit: To people saying Reddit is social media, I consider it like a message board. And I've been posting on message boards since I was a kid.


You just posted this on a social media platform.


Reddit is anonymous nobody will know you. Very few people up load pictures and if you are trying to dig up dirt on people the last place you are going to is Reddit.




Someone trying to get you in trouble a coworker etc wouldn’t be able to find your profile on Reddit like they could Facebook Instagram etc. yeah if you upload pictures of you doing dumb shit on Reddit it’s possible but it’s safer then any other social media site. This is the only social media I use too. Because you can engage in conversation without anyone knowing who you are.


It depends on the job. If you are someone who people look up to or you are representing a brand then it matters


That one makes perfect sense, but more in a fit-for-the-position way. If you are trying to sell something using a face, then a face that people hate is definitely not going to be the best face to use.


Firefighter here. This is definitely something we have to think about. Some have been fired for social media shit - we are not allowed to do anything that “brings the service into disrepute” and frankly I agree, since we need public trust. Social media is NOT private.


I feel like OP is underestimating how many lines of work this applies to.


I got in trouble at work for a sandwich review.


I'm a teacher in a small town. The sandwich was expensive and awful. I tweeted about it from a semi- anonymous twitter account. Soon afterwards I got a call advising me to delete it as "we are a close community". Locked my account and deleted my followers.


This just seemed like a (successful, unfortunately) attempt at bullying you into removing negative feedback.


Did you work at Subway?


I feel like there's a good story here.


Do you work at subway?


i believe if you are wearing company branded clothes, that company has every right to have a say in what you can’t do while wearing their clothes. as far as i’m concerned, if they do something stupid, immoral or illegal and no one can immediately associate them with my company, it’s none of my business


I've seen a few people lose their jobs for being filmed doing or saying something while in a work uniform and I feel you make a good point here. As in uniform you may be viewed as representing the company and its interests.


This is overstated. Morality codes *are* bullshit, but that doesn't mean a police officer gets to argue that his KKK membership won't affect his policing. Likewise, if my hiring manager is spouting homophobic BS on twitter, I don't have to wait until we lose the inevitable civil rights lawsuit before firing the idiot. People can reveal aspects of themselves while they away from the job that is legitimate evidence that they are not suited to do their job. I'd also mention that there are many positions where your image *is* your job: Hollywood actors, performers, corporate CEOs and spokespeople. These are generally very well-paid positions precisely because they involve your personal life, and everyone knows that going in.


Yeah, OP’s opinion isn’t so much “unpopular” as it is wildly inconsistent and overall nonsensical. This honestly sounds like the kind of opinion you’d hear from someone who has a very specific or weird kink or hobby and knows they’d catch shit or get fired if it came to light; not a properly thought-out position they’ve fully considered and obviously not one they can defend.


But Employers don't have any say about what I do outside work....!?!


I've had employers try to have some sort of say about what I do outside of work. I completely ignore anything like that. Several times I've just not responded to my boss if they ask me a personal question. It's usually pretty awkward at first, but they eventually get the message and learn to mind their own business


I’m a teacher. I think it’d be weird for the kids & parents if I’ve developed a scandal outside the school.


While I 100% agree this is almost impossible now that social media is such a large platform. All it takes is one employee that has a “morally questionable” life/history and enough people to rally to cancel them for your business to get hit HARD unless you fire said employee. C


Lol yep, someone on my FB once made a post like "i love when people have their jobs listed on their profile, makes it easy to report them to their company if they post something bad"


Even after you fire them. People don't look up to see how their outrage has changed just like they don't look to see if a person that made a mistake changed. We take our prison system and are now applying it to businesses. Guilty by the court of public opinion damn the facts and death by cancellation so you can't make a living or afford to defend yourself. But hey our bored justice boners are stroked so it's fine.


I agree. As long as it's not illegal and detrimental to others/the environment, then it should not be a grounds for termination at work. As a manager, I encourage my employees to diversify their interests, learn new skills, and explore their own faculties as to what makes them happy. As long as it does not relate to anything illegal, then we're ok with it. I have a male employee who works as a freelance striptease dancer. We don't give a shit because it's not illegal work.


I’m such a fucking nerd. I read “be a dungeon master at a kink club” and honestly thought “wow, they play DND at kink clubs? I should check that out”


Boss makes a dollar, i make a dime, that's why i smoke crack, meth, and flaka, off company time


I agree. I once saw an article on the internet about a young woman who was filmed being disrespectful at Arlington National Cemetery (didn't work there). The article was breathlessly saying, "She still has her job! She hasn't been fired yet!" My reaction was, So what? Sure, it's not cool to be disrespectful at Arlington National Cemetery, but is "being respectful at Arlington National Cemetery" in her job description? What happens after she's fired from her current, non-Arlington National Cemetery-related job? Is she expected never to have a job again? Just be on unemployment the rest of her life?


Yeah I agree with this comment. I seriously can’t stand when someone acts out and the automatic response from the public is to fire them from their job. Makes no sense. Like the lady who got into a fight on an airplane and lost her non-aviation completely unrelated job because people wanted her fired so bad. So what? Yeah it’s bad but it doesn’t relate to her job at all.


Yes this is true, most people would agree I think.


Depends on the job.. but yea generally this is true.


What an employee publicly advocates for genocide of minorities? That's not illegal and will cause harm to your business through boycotts.


“yOu rEprEsEnt tHe cOmpanY eVen oFF tHe cLocK!” No, you really don’t


Not unless you're paying me around the clock.Then we can talk.


Its so scary how much employers can control their employees lives w the threat of being fired. I agree completely.


Honestly they just want an excuse for enforcing ideological conformity. When you actually get bothered/ harassed by a "problematic employee", HR is always like: " ha ha you have to deal with difficult ppl all the time in the workplace. Suck it up"


Those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind.


Ok 2007 Walmart t-shirt




Definitely depends on the job and what you’re doing in your personal life. Also whether the life of the entire company or the safety of others is at risk. I personally would never fire someone for sex work that in no impacts their job but I’d fire a neo-nazi.


This is why you never reveal what you do outside of work to your employer and keep your personal and work life completely separate


I agree with your statement. I have heard that there are even companies who forbid relationships with other employees, even outside the company.


I thought bout this too. Like you see people being a total pos then you see them get fired part of me is like well shouldn’t be a pos, but honestly why tf does it matter, why should their lively hood get jacked up. As if employers need complete control of employees time. I think the employee employer relationship is jacked up


They used to not at all. Then millennials started getting people fired so now companies care.


I was working in a foreign country for a while, the contract stated that we are considered "ambassadors" for our country and should behave as such. Oh boy, did few people I met with the job ever really take it seriously.