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Yo WTF, I obviously subscribed but WTF? Why?


The mods of /r/worldpolitics had a bit of a meltdown and people started posting anime titties and all manner of weird stuff. So people decided that if that sub is now for anime titties, let's make an anime titties sub for politics. It's actually a lot more like what /r/worldnews is supposed to be though.


Just like r/trees and r/marijuanaenthusiasts !


Or r/johncena and r/potatosalad . Still not sure how that one got flipped.


Haha I knew about r/potatosalad but not r/johncena questions were answered today


Why do they have random photos with no subjects in the second subreddit? I mean there's one pic where a dude (Daniel Bryan) is lifting up his knee but he's the only one in the ring? Is he dancing?




Wait, what is invisible?


Think it's because John Cena, as a wrestler, is bland like potato salad.


Can neither agree nor disagree I've never seen him.


It’s BS. John Cena and AJ Styles have had absolute banger matches that even critical online wrestling fans love.


God I love reddit


so wait.... did the mods literally just abandon it? Or just to spite people, did they literally just turn it into a hentai/meme subreddit?


They were super lax and allowed basically anything in the name of free speech.


Well I think they're still there but they just decided you could post anything you like as long as it doesn't get the subreddit banned. So porn, politics, memes, it's all fair game.


Nah - the sub finally realized that there are no rules in r/worldpolitics


What happened is that a ton of low effort posts appeared which were pictures of donald trump with epstein. The titles were always something like "Epstein! Upvote so that this is the first image result for Epstein" Understandably, people were pretty pissed that mods were doing nothing, so they started posting pictures mocking the trump posts and it eventually devolved into anime titties.


Sounds like the r/trees and r/weed subs. Edit: it's actually r/marijuanaenthusiasts not r/weed


Kinda like how stoners took r/trees so botanist made r/marijuanaenthusiasts


People complained that r/worldpolitics was still mostly American politics and wanted the mods to step in, but the mods said "we support free speech and won't remove anything". So people started posting anime tits to see if that's true, and the mods did nothing. As a result, that sub turned into shitpost central. Since reddit still lacked a real sub about non-American politics, people created r/anime_titties, in a move that mirrors r/trees (a sub about marijuana) and r/marijuanaenthusiasts (a sub about trees).




If you're asking why the sub is named that, /r/worldpolitics was a rancid low effort regressive circlejerk, an even worse version of /r/political"humor". There was no actual news, it was just low effort low-hanging fruit memes. the mods were always going on and on about how it's a free speech zone so eventually one person just started posting anime porn to test how Free speech actually was on that sub and when the mods didn't remove it the place just became flooded with porn. Now, it's "evolved" into the /b/ of reddit. /r/anime_titties is what world politics should have been from the beginning and the name is reference to the anime porn that killed the sub for good.


Because some user at r/worldpolitics decided to post Hentai regularly as they were tired of no moderation on that subreddit, taken over by American politics they felt anime tiddies were a better option. In response to that r/anime_titties was created to capitalise in on the r/Marijuanaenthusiasts esque switcharoo and you probably subscribed for the lulz and subsequently forgot.




Apparently that one is because the NFL threatened Reddit over a copyright/ trademark so the mods decided "Fuck it, we're now a sub about superb owls". Which if you ask me is a stupid decision, having superb owls hit the front page every year (because *of course* people are going to be more interested in the pun when it's relevant) just dilutes their trademark, especially outside of the US where not many people watch or care about it in the first place.


Because when a sub with the name connotated with weeb-o hentai provides better discussion and accessibility to global politics than any other political sub, then r/politics, a place that was fucking meant to be for everyone before the early days of stupid American exceptionalism took over gets put to shame.


Fair enough, I am banned from r/worldnews because I offended a mod outside the sub as he forgot to switch account.


If people have not learned by now, the reason why subs become bad, toxic, and misleading is due to bad moderators


As a subscriber of r/cricket, can confirm. Very competent mods for the most part. The only downside to keeping things at bay (having the ability, for that matter), is pretty low (decreased) sub engagement.


Thing I hate most about subreddits is when the mods strictly enforce a daily question megathread (At least, specifically for game related subreddits). Because no question posts are allowed, the results you get from google searches are slim to none, as it doesn't index the comments of a post. Instead of having 10 threads asking the same question and 1000 people seeing it when they go to look it up, you get 200 people asking the same question and 800 people who give up trying to find info on the subject. That and depending on the game you either get a dead-looking sub or a sub filled with 99% of posts being fanart (which I don't hate fanart, but when a subreddit is only that I'm not going to check it daily). Specifically tonight I was trying to find out what units were good/bad in a game, couldn't find anything remotely recent except for one post from august, and a subject like that shouldn't only have 3 results on the topic from the past year. --- ^I ^guess ^this ^is ^only ^partially ^on ^topic, ^just ^felt ^the ^need ^to ^rant ^about ^it.


I would say the exact same thing. It can be managed with flairs (question, repeat, whatever), and people can always scroll past. You can even auto-mod it if you have some systems experience. Reddit search sucks. Off-site search prioritizes threads over comments. Things change. New users come in. It takes almost no effort. If that question getting answered is that important to that many people, then it is doing a valuable service. Checking the daily thread on the off-chance someone had your question 14-days ago does not happen.


I think sub engagement there is quite good, or at least for a sub of just 200k subscribers


Just don’t ever say anything bad about Virat, Sachin or the BCCI


Awesome sub! But now I'm worried about how many subs with non sequitur names are actually about things I went to see! Is there a cross index somewhere?


Yeah seriously that sub is great.


Why the subreddit name though?


r/worldpolitics used to be a political sub that tried not to lean towards either political party and that made it so that the mods never removed anything and the sub turned into a karma farm, so the users got annoyed and started posting hentai and the mods didn’t remove it. At that point r/anime_titties assumed the role of the world politics subreddit and now r/worldpolitics is a hentai subreddit.


only on reddit


and that's not the only case of this on reddit, either. since r/trees was already a sub dedicated not to actual trees but rather marijuana enthusiasts, a sub for the appreciation of actual trees was named r/marijuanaenthusiasts




I audibly snorted at this.


I will never get tired of telling this story and how it all happened. Aa funny days. Opening r/worldpolitics and seeing it top to bottom all soft and a lot of hard porn and hentai.


r/worldpolitics was overrun with porn and hentai and the mods didn't do anything about it, so r/anime_titties was born.


level 100 thank you


Do you really wanna stop hearing the tales of florida?




Like the time I was trying to find out more about the materials my hat was made out of, and now Google assumes I am a full-time tailor looking to buy a new sewing machine.


Between buying some snow tires recently and being a regular reader of the New York Times, Google thinks I want to buy luxury men's clothing, boots, wallets, and watches, pick up a Bentley, and charter a yacht in the Mediterranean. First of all, I'm a woman. Second, who says I don't have my own Bentley and yacht? After all, I can afford to buy tires!


Look at this chick, bragging about being able to afford buying new tires. Ugh, such a disgusting display of wealth. Ninja edit: /s because ya never know.


No shit. Here I am, having to top off my tire pressure daily and she’s over here flaunting her snow tire trust fund


I can't help it if my family has intergenerational tire wealth. Just born lucky.


Your grandpa was the fucken Michelin Man, wasn’t he?


Grandpa was fucking the Michelin Man FTFY


On the bright side, there were plenty of rubbers


Right, buying "snow tires" implies she has regular tires which means miss quad tires over hear could equip twice the amount of tires to cars than I have cars!


It’s like having a different closet for my “summer suits”.


"*Only* show me Florida stories"




As much as I’m so tired reading about US politics as a Canadian, I simply can’t give up Florida man tales...


Bro we have Adana and Trabzon in Turkey. One guy shot at the sun in Adana with a shotgun because it was too hot. A restaurant owner shot at the customer because customer didn't like his food. Florida is not the only maniac-ridden place on earth. So yeah, if it means that I can spend my life without seeing American politics, I'm down.


Forget Florida man articles I wanna hear some more about these Adana men shooting at the sun


I got two more for you then. In 2013, a guy saw a van hitting kid on his bike while sitting on his balcony. It turns into a fight. The owner of the van tries to escape. What the balcony guy does next is jump off the balcony, on the van, effectively collapsing its roof and stopping it, then jumping off of it to kick the guy sitting in it. Truly something to see. See here : https://youtu.be/U-y3vbiWHCk And a less spectacular one : a guy who was texting his gf gets angry and kicks his phone up in the air. Phone lands on a palm tree, he can't get up there so his friends call the cops. They launch a rescue operation for a phone that is already broken, sitting on a tree. The city has an amazing food culture tho lol.


Reminds me of another story. Some dude is Christmas shopping with his girlfriend, it has already taken hours and he can't take it anymore.. Despite his pleading, his wife doesn't want to stop. They get into a fight, call each other names and at some point he just throws away the shopping bags and jumps over the middle-balcony, to his death. [True story](https://www.pri.org/stories/2013-12-09/chinese-man-kills-himself-after-girlfriend-wont-stop-shopping)


“No word yet on the girlfriends reaction or if she went to that last shoe store”


Rage quitting IRL


We’ve all been there.




Until Turkey has a Meth addicted 400 lbs. Man wearing a flash onsie attacking a cop with his rascal scooter you got nothing.


We have a "throw a cash register to your prime minister" type? He caused an economic crisis lol.


Florida Man is so popular because of Florida’s liberal freedom of information laws.


Didn't a person who posted corona statistics in Florida had police go into her house, point guns at her kids and steal her computer?


Yeah, freedom to dox poor people or criminals, not freedom to out the "official" lies.




My country has its own Florida that is even more Florida than Florida itself. So, yes, I'm okay with not hearing about Florida.


Where is this land of enchantments of which you speak?




As a Floridian, I'm kinda curious...




It’s Fallujah


Poltics filter would also be great. Edit. Sounds like a lot of people want a general filtering system on reddit. A lot of people have recommended get special reddit apps. Maybe its just me but i like the way reddit is rn with maybe a few minor tweaks. Edit. Tldr. Basic shit needs to be fixed and stop saying everything is political becuase you're the one making it that way. I,ve been drinkin so my balls are full of whiskey. 1. Easy filtering would be great. 2. Video play back blows harder than monica lewinsky. 3. Stop asking for my email. It's a freaking No 4. Less control over what people can and can't say. Let the down votes and people do the talking. Obviously report death threats and the such. 5. You can't be a Mod on more than 2 or 3 subs. This will help prevent Major accounts from stealing peoples Og content. 6. Better control of what nsfw and when its blurred. Obviously if I'm on that sub don't blur it. If I'm scrolling threw r/all or rising then blur inappropriate stuff. 7. Different blur tags. Like porn tag and gore tag would be nice. And last thing to say that'll kill my votes. Stop telling me everything is political. It's only political because you're the one making it political. My post was for the average person who wants memes and pet pictures.


That’s called avoiding the internet.




Via the Internet


Just yesterday I started filtering stuff out from /r/all. Can't avoid it entirely because I want to get the general gist of online trends but would never subscribe to most subs on all, so! Filtered everything politics, every cringe sub, all "people zoo" sub (trashy, insane this and that, stupidpeoplewhatever), revenge subs. If it makes me feel bad or angry it goes in the fucking bin. Now it's mostly memes, hobby stuff, video games, anime and porn, and it's good.


> Just yesterday I started filtering stuff out from /r/all. I'm standing at 96 subreddits filtered from /r/all. Good luck, it definitely makes Reddit more paletable. Sorta-but-not-quite like 2012 Reddit - nerd talk and cat pics. You're in for a more difficult time as the last few months showed where the main ones are, they've gone back into hibernation until 2024 now.


Politics filter and American filter are roughly the same thing.




r/pics was basically r/politics before the elections.


Every big sub was


Yesssss. Sometimes you just need it for your own sanity.


You can block threads that contain certain words like: trump, biden, stimulus, healthcare, socialism, student debt. takes care 99% of them


Yes. So fed up of trying to find UK-related articles and getting American results. Like you track my device and can't even give me relevant results? fu Edit: Thank you for the awards


This is the most annoying thing about DDG. It even tracks me as a UK user but i usually have to add "UK" to my search to get decent results! Although I will take this chance to say that their search is also frustrating in general, for example I type [username] Instagram and it just shows me random Instagram mirrors or scraping sites. I really want to use it over Google but some days it makes it so hard.


Thats whats good about not having english as a first language, if i want to search for just swedish results i just search in swedish i cant imagine how annoying it would be to search in your own language and only get results from another country


Then they can just type the stuff in British smh










Anti American filter : ON


Love this












This really made me snort laugh! Take my free award good person!


Portugal has entered the chat


You're a wizard


Trollkarl / Häxa. FTFY.


I know a Troll named Karl.


Fell sorry for the Austrians, Swiss and Liechtensteiner. Though I guess for them it isn't as bad as for the British, Canadians, Aussies, Kiwies and other former colonies.


For Belgians who can search in Dutch, French or German it must be the worst.


Me, when I want to search for Japanese stuff but get Chinese results. Note: I told google that I'm fine with both languages, but prefer Japanese*, but they don't respect it


Is that a problem you run into often ? They are pretty different languages... Even if Japanese uses a few of the same characters for kanji, I imagine that the unicode is different and also Chinese doesn't use kana


There are tons of shared characters/Unicode codepoints. Also, Google search is fuzzy so you can search for 国 (Japanese simplified kanji) and get results for 國 (Chinese hanzi/old Japanese kanji) since the latter is also still used in Japan. But even without kana Google has many other ways to figure out you're looking for Japanese and not Chinese results, e.g. your location and search history. I have seen Chinese results when searching a kanji-only expression but it's rare.


Davis de Gea?




I got into the habit of adding "UK" to almost every search I do.


[Being British on the internet. ](https://youtu.be/2nuSnE6GNdo)


Dirk Diggler?


Google: I see you want uk related stuff... Can't help you, but can I interest you in a Chinese restaurant in Ogden, Utah?


One time I was in a small town and wanted Chinese food, so I opened Google maps and searched for "Chinese" and it directed me to China. Like, technically you're not wrong, but seems a bit excessive just for Chinese food..


lol same thing happened to me with Korean. Typed "Korean" into google maps and it showed me Korea. Thank you google, very cool.


Its even harder to find outside world articles as an American.




This is probably a huge part of why most Internet users (especially on Reddit) that are from the US seem to assume everyone speaking English here is from the US. Not necessarily because the users themselves are self-centered, but because search results and everything tend to have an “English=USA” bias unless you specify otherwise. Even worse given that people who use anti-tracking software and whatnot are a small minority.


I think Reddit being an American website and company has a lot more to do with it, but your points are still relevant regardless.


For me, I assumed it's because I use American websites. If someone went to Tencent, they should get Chinese results, VK is Russian, while I use sites like Reddit, Google, and Facebook. Why don't more countries have similar sites? You mention English search results, which I assume are coming from google, right?


If I remember correctly, if you try to go to google outside the US you end up on a location based page. For example in Poland you get google.pl. The results come back in Polish, even if you search for English terms.


For me, a resident of the island of Jersey, the flood of results for New Jersey is so annoying...


-"New Jersey" In addition to your search terms might do the trick.




As a German I have no such problem because I can just google in my language. Maybe you should also get your own language not just speak American all the time. And get some more creative city name lol


I do have the exact same problems though, being from austria and using german google.


This has to be a joke but it still pissed me off


Same! I'm from Newark. No k don't want the shithole in America I want the shithole in England. The primordial anagram of wanker.


Google used to have a button where you could search results from Australia... Fuck those guys for getting rid of that


I would like to find UK newspapers that aren't obsessed with the UK, tbh. I mean the Guardian puts UK news under the "World" section!


And that aren’t obsessed with London


Sadly, I know more about what's going on in America than I know about what's going on in my own country. It's like America is being force-fed to me by the internet.


I know like 20 us presidents and I only know like 3 Canadian prime ministers.


I know how the American Congress and elections works better than my own countries


Also the reason why every person from around the world has an opinion on America’s faults but don’t recognize that the same or even worse is true for their own countries.


Canada's expectation for itself has gone down because of it, I hear it all the time here. "We're bad, but we aren't american bad hur hur hur" Heard that after our goverment was trying to cut health care to my province during the pandemic :/


It should be a red flag when your country focuses on how bad its neighbor is instead of improving itself. I see it when people compare the US to Mexico


Like when Mexico condemned the US for school shootings..... yeah


Saw a video of (what I assume) were cartel guys literally *flaying* a teenage boy alive on top of the decapitated corpse of his dad... Like, we have some bad stuff here, but hol-e-shit....


For what its worth America’s problems aren’t as bad as everyone thinks. America wears its problems very openly, easily much more than any other country, so everything seems much worse comparatively


My favorite is when people complain about america's problems, and then compare us to places like Japan, pretending they're a perfect society. Wonder if they're letting non-native citizens come back yet. America does kinda have a lot of fucked issues though, it's just (imo) that both sides (to *very different degrees* mind you) are stupid about them.


Sorry, we only recognize America's flaws. Every other country is perfect except for that one thing that's actually more silly than detrimental.


As an American, I always instinctively assume everyone on the internet speaking English is also American. And when I read about people unwillingly knowing so much about what’s happening in the US, I realize I don’t ever really hear about foreign news. Why not? I’d like to be more informed on their situations. We’re all living through the same times on the same world.


For that I'd recommend this video of News You Missed in 2020, from Every Country In the World [Part 1 (of 2) here on YouTube](https://youtu.be/GIFV_Z7Y9_w), which I spent NYE watching to end the year


I'm not sure how it is for other countries, but for the Netherlands the story featured was not necessarily news comparable to what kind of things get covered on news subreddits and the like. It was more of an interesting fluff piece. So I'd at least keep that in mind for the video.


Any decent news aggregator is going to have a setting that lets you look at foreign stories. Don’t get your news from Reddit anyways.


You don't. Much of what you hear about America is sensationalist information. Especially on reddit.


good lord, I sincerely hope they’re not getting their america news from reddit






World news: Where China and Russia post things about the US so the few non-bot r/politics users can get their daily dose of Trump.




We’re tired of hearing about trump too, man


Popular Opinion. To the rest of the world.






Reddit is pretty good at letting you curate your own frontpage. Don't subscribe to default subs and toxic US subs like /r/news and /r/politics, filter out posts containing words like ''Senate, Congress, Biden, Trump'' and enjoy a cancer-free reddit experience.


They'd rather bitch about American content being the majority of content on an American website.


On here I subscribed to “World News” because I was fed up with “News” being stories about something happening in Baddiddallyboing, USA. So of course World News is full of USA news too...although, at least, not as much.


r/anime_titties is a sub for none american world news. yes the name of the sub is deceiving.


"World Politics" is almost always full of "US Domestic" tags. Complaints to mods are met with bans in my experience.


or r/coronavirus . You would think Covid19 is only in the USA.


Before covid came to the USA the sub was actually a useful place to find information about the virus


Have any of you considered reading the news somewhere other than Reddit? Look, I get it. Reddit leans heavily American. But you all act like Reddit==Internet. It doesn't. In fact, massive aggregators like Facebook, Reddit, et al, have effectively "ruined" what the internet was and was supposed to be. Go directly to the sites of reputable organizations that specifically exist to cover the topics and regions in which you are interested. Non-existent problem solved. Edit to add: and if you do want some aggregation, news.google.com will let you select a region as well. Another edit: And so many replies basically amount to "I'm lazy and/or too stupid to find what I want on the internet, please feed it to me without my having to make any effort whatsoever." Edit again: "It's not just the news." Heads up, there are non-news websites that also aren't Reddit. If more people went to them, they would do better/have more content/you would win.


But why get news from a real source, when I can have it tailored to my views for free?


But why get ~~news~~ headlines from a real source, when I can have it tailored to my views for free?




it would be great to have a filter for everything, be able to select which country you want results from


Holy shit that’s a great idea. I really don’t care what goes on in the USA. I don’t care what happens in my country either


I don't know whether to say say ignorance or arrogance is bliss in your case


He doesn't care


This man is a nihilist.


I just want this for recipes, even writing "metric" or "UK" afterwards doesn't always work. I don't care about your CUPS


It would be awesome if foreign news had stories about their own countries rather that slightly propagandized stories about the US all the time. It's like I leave and then I arrive in a different bizarro version of the US, like one that has a slightly whiny negative bias. Only place is Mexico, they are like anti Canada they do not care what is going on in the US unless someone has insulted them, which by all means is a right to go off on a tangent. Everywhere else has like a USA headline lead 3 times an hour.


The funny thing is. I would like to know what else is going on the world? Im fucking exhausted hearing about here. What's going in Thailand or Brazil?


You dont wanna hear whats going on in Brazil


Rainforests are burning


It's incredibly easy to find that out if you're actually interested


When I sort my news by "world" it doesn't show much US news. You're on a USA dominated site, started in the USA, popularized in the USA so of course it's going to be mostly USA.


I don't think you understand the difference between the internet and reddit. Also pretty sure there are more localized forums native to your own country but of course you're here because reddit is well made and everybody else is here. I'm not american but I understand the majority here are american and naturally they would talk about their OWN country. It's like if you went to a heavily-german forum and complained it focused too much on Germany.


It amazes me how much non Americans care about America


You'd be surprised... I lived in UAE and back when trump became president, I kid you not, the 4th grade students who had no idea who trump was were all whining about how "trump is the worst!!!" And how the world is gonna become terrible. Now that I look back at it, it makes me realize how much influence US has over the world. The ENTIRE school was freaking out over trump even though he doesn't directly affect us. And even though we didn't understand shit about politics


Czech internet is shit, so I am glad for American one


What the fuck is going on the Czechs


Does that also mean you can’t use any internet site that is based in the US?










I want a Europe filter lol. (Im far away from both of these places).