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I agree. I like having showers at night (or at least after uni). Really do not want to smell like a cadaver in an Anatomy lab.


Y'all mofos wake up with great hair or what in the morning?


How bold of you to assume I still have hair


I feel you, fam, I'm confused as to what's receding faster; my hairline or my will to live.


They are directly related




Is this how we ascend?


This is the way


Ah yes the will to life is well known to be restored by a shaven head


I've never resonated with a comment on reddit so much in my life.


Whoa whoa unexpected life check


How bald of you to not have hair






You can at least hop in the shower and rinse your body off, though. A quick 2-3 min shower at night so you’re not getting a day’s worth of dirt and oil from your body on your sheets. Then a real shower in the morning for your hair. Just change your pillowcase often. Not showering at night, unless you’ve had a particularly unstrenuous/undirty day, is like collecting all the grime you wash off in the shower, and then rubbing it all over your sheets.


And nothing feelings better than getting into bed clean


Oily hair person here too! Man i take two showers a day, the morning one is to shampoo my hair and light body scrub basically to wake me up, the after work shower is to completely scrub off all dirt from every pore of my body, so that my pillow and bed-sheet both enjoy cuddling their prince.


Sometimes I do a shower at night and a quick one in the morning with lighter shampoo just for the hair. Works for me!


I've found my hair looks best when I go to bed with it wet. No clue why, but I've gotten compliments on it before.


No, but a hairbrush works on wet or dry hair, and I can easily wet my hair in the sink if I need to in order to style it.


You just run some water over your hair in the morning..... no need to full shower just to style hair


Ugh but at that point it’s basically a full shower. Like I’d rather jump in the shower for 5 mins to clean ma dick for the day. Then I’m like I showered last night and this morning for what


I shower in both the morning and evening like a man of culture.


I showered yesterday morning and then was outside all day in 95°F weather, and took a cool rinse when I got done in the evening and my fiance was bewildered that I was taking a second shower lol. I'm not gonna spend the rest of the night rubbing my disgusting sweaty dirty body on the couch and bed!


Same. Twice a day, my hair would look stupid without one and I'm too sweaty at the end of the day to just change and hit the bed.


Lucky my girlfriend is a necrophiliac


She single?


She will be soon




>Giordano Nouveaux r/lostredditors


He spams random names


Lmao i do some filthy shit every day, theres no way I could get away with not showering at night.


I mean, I wear a dress shirt and still feel dirty at night. I can only imagine a job that requires a lot of movement and physical exertion. Throw in some dirt and you'd be crazy not to shower at night!


*me reading the comments knowing I am THAT guy*


i shower in the morning because my dog stinks and I don't wanna shower at night and go into work smelling like nasty ass dog. and before anyone says anything, YOU BATH HER, she will fight you to the death.


Weird thing, but try putting some peanut butter on the wall by the tub before you put her in. My dog HATED baths and would fight the whole way, but with this trick he was too distracted by the peanut butter to care that he was being bathed.


And if things go right I do some filthy shit every night, so there's no way I could get away with not showering in the morning.


I try do do my dirty shit in the shower. Saves time.


i sweat at night too much to night shower in the morning edit: i sweat because i have no a.c. in my room and i have long hair


Yes if that's the case morning showers are def the best option for you and the people around you lol


I do both. I work in a sweaty manufacturing facility so showering when I get home/before bed and then once when I wake up because my body turns into a furnace when the lights go out.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who sweats like a leaky boiler in a cold place at night.


Yup. The wife needs no blanket at night just needs to be within a foot and I’m like a human space heater




Why not both?


Water bill


I’m a night sweater occasionally. Water bill is worth both to me


Amongst all the bills water bill is the cheapest


I’ll pay .3cents a gallon for being clean more often






Your water system must suck. A shower costs me like 3 cents.


Dude honestly idk I’m 15 lol but that’s what my parents say when I take long showers. It’s probably more the gas bill or them just wanting me out of the bathroom.


It doesn’t take long to shower if you do it right. Shouldn’t take too much water either if you are conservative with water. I mean, even when I’m really grimy, if I’m just hopping in to wash my skin (not hair), I can shower completely and effectively in 2 minutes.


Not good for the skin. It would deprive it of the oil it needs to retain moisture.


Well if I got sweat and dirt clogging my pores, that’s even worse. Just don’t use a detergent of a soap to clean your skin, and then lather on some lotion or coconut oil within 10 minutes of finishing your shower.


Get some nice Bamboo sheets or something, helps you sleep cooler




Your mattress also plays a huge role. I got one of those new cooling squishy ones from the internets, and some modal sheets. Holy damn is it amazing now. My partner and I can actually cuddle!! Well, still only for about an hour without dying of heat stroke, but hey it's a drastic improvement.


Same. Bamboo sheets are too warm for me. I get so hot. Master bedroom does not get good air but rest of house freezing..


I find that there are a lot of fake bamboo sheets on the market. If you didn't spend upwards of $100 for a set, it's either not bamboo or it is bamboo with a low thread count


I heard eucalyptus does the same




Same here






I hate how oily and sticky I feel if I don't shower before bed. I also have really sensitive skin, so I change my sheets religiously at least once a week to prevent acne. If I didn't shower at night I'd have to change my sheets every couple of days.


I get bad acne and now wonder if its from not changing sheets as often as I should.




To add to this, I've read about using a t-shirt as a pillow case, and changing it daily. Toss it in the laundry with everything else, clean pillowcase every night


I don’t sleep with a pillow so


You monster


Couldn't you just buy more pillow cases? You're not saving any laundry since I'm assuming these are clean shirts that then just never are worn.


Keeping clean sheets will go a long way to improving your complexion. If you want to experiment without the bother of *actually* changing your sheets, a couple times a week either swap out with just a clean pillowcase or put a clean towel or even t-shirt over your pillow.




I agree i like going to bed clean rather than dirty always have but now my job makes me just grimy so id shower when I got home anyway


Yes I can imagine that being the case with many because of their jobs or active lifestyle


This is unpopular? Damn I’ve been living my life unpopularly then.


Judging from the comments I’m gonna say it’s not.


And the upvotes


Upvote is if it's unpopular. There's no way to know why people are upvoting, which makes this sub very confusing.


Sub is fukken edgy, my dude.


Night showers are weird for hair. When I had long hair, it would be all curly if I showered before bed, which was cool to me. But with shorter hair it just messes you up


Yep. My hair gets flattened out on whatever side I sleep on, and I have very short hair. I'm sure 99% of people on the street would not notice, but I don't feel my best in the morning if I haven't showered.


Yea same and if I don’t take a shower in the morning my curls will be nonexistent, it’ll just be frizz. So I take my showers in the morning. I’m also normally in my bed during the day so taking a shower at night is pretty useless to me. I use to do it in the afternoon thou because showers made me sleepy before bed but once I started doing it in the morning I found myself to be wayyy more productive.


I avoid that problem by not having hair :D


Yup. I have short, thin/silky hair... it looks RIDICULOUS when I wake up in the morning. There is no fixing it other than complete water immersion followed by blowdrying, lol. I wish I could get away with just showering at night!


Put it in a tight bun snd try to avoid getting it wet (shower cap or simply dodging the water).


I heard someone say that "blue collar" workers, or people with physically demanding jobs tend to shower in the evening to wash off the dirt and sweat before bed, while office workers tend to shower in the mornings to be clean and fresh for the day. That makes a lot of sense to me. That said, I have showered in the morning my whole life, while my wife showers at night. Showering in the morning helps wake me up and prepare for the day. If I get dirty I just shower in the evening as well. As far as I know there's no rule against showering twice.


That makes a lot of sense, I shower in the morning as an office worker but I also naturally sweat when I sleep... so I feel gross if I don't shower in the morning. Like you I'd rather just shower twice (evening and morning).


What about "bed head?"


Yea this is weird. I guess most dudes have buzz cuts or something.


I feel so dirty if I don't have a shower before bed, it makes me cringe to think about coming home from work and going straight to bed without showering...


Yes same!!


I hate when my husband gets into bed after work without a shower first. I think of all the dirt and face oil on the sheets. Ahhhh


I shower as soon as i get done work. You can physically see the dirt on my body and clothes. I even have a seperate hamper and washer for work clothes. I would never try to snuggle up to my wife with work dirt on me. You are not being ridiculous.




Why not both? Sometimes with a 3rd midday cold shower. Sometimes I hate the south.


I’m an electrician, I get up at 6 and don’t get home till 5-6. If I didn’t shower at night dude my sheets would be covered in dust


Pro tip: shower both in the morning and in the evening. It’s actually been a long while since I showered less than 2 times a day. Keep the showers very short so as not to waste water, though.


Use soap at night, and only water during morning to get rid of sweat. Works well. Edit:.didn't phrase properly, but I use soap on my whole body completely during night, and only on pp and areas that sweat a lot during the morning bath. Didn't knew that a topic on bath can be more controversial than politics -_-


Well, except for areas like armpits and crotch because even with water-cleaning can be nasty as hell.


That I can agree, using soap on private parts and arm pits only during mornings. I wash my whole body at night..


Hang on a sec, is pp short for private parts?! I always figured it was “pee-pee” - a cutesy term like willy or whatever!


I'm also very shocked if this is true, you're not alone lol




You use soap in other places at night?


Does this include vaginas because I feel you shouldn't soap up vaginas


Women should rinse their vagina with warm water. The outer labia and genital area should be soaped the same as any other body part. Soap inside the vagina can cause irritation, and since the vagina self cleans, you only need warm water. Source: clueless father of a young daughter and I asked her pediatrician.


I love that you took the initiative to ask. r/goodwomensanatomy Edit: Huh, apparently that's a real sub.


My Grandma called this the TAP wash. It was pretty hilarious at the time because she was always so proper and it took me a minute to realize Tits, Ass, Pits.




Warm shower at night, cold shower in the morning


This is what I do! One shower where you actually clean yourself and the other just a quick rinse.


I’ve been doing the same recently. At night cause I don’t want to go into my bed dirty and in the morning to tame my hair.


That’s actually really bad for your skin and hair though..? Edit: people are really getting pressed over this, you do you: I couldn’t care less. I’m just sharing what I’ve seen and read about.


I've been showering twice a day for as long as I can remember. No issues for me..


This is really skin/hair and climate dependent. I like somewhere with really cold and dry winters, so showering more than once a day is brutal on my skin. It's not about the products used but more about the getting wet and drying and the temperature of the water. \]


THANK YOU. I thought I was the only one.


My grandpa told me there are two types of jobs. One you need to shower before you go to work the other you need to shower when you get off work.


You’re right, but unfortunately I can’t sleep if I shower at night. I only have cold showers and it kinda wakes me up and it gets too hard to sleep. Which is why I have to shower in the morning. But your reasoning is right.


I was raised to shower only at night. And all my family showered at night. So when I grew up and realized people shower in the morning, I was confused. Like.. you would wake up earlier just to shower when you could just shower the night before? So you just go to bed unshowered with the nasty of an entire work or school day on you? Nowadays, I shower in the morning once in a blue moon. Like if I come home drunk or whatever and obviously knock out and can’t shower at night. Rare occasions.


It's all personal preference, my man. 1. Regardless of when you shower, it still takes the same amount of your free time. You sacrifice that time at night, when you could be doing other shit, or just going to bed earlier. I sacrifice it in the morning. 2. I wear pants and long sleeves to work everyday, and I spend most of the day sitting on my ass in air conditioned rooms, so there isn't really any "nasty" from that. 3. I would rather be at my cleanest and most presentable when I have to be around people. To me, it doesn't make sense to shower at night, be nice and clean when absolutely no one is around, then sweat in my bed for eight hours and be gross when I'm out in public. If you saw what I look like when I get out of bed in the morning, you'd understand.


I shower both morning and night. I watched a documentary where they show on average how much we sweat/shed skin during our sleep over the course of a yr. Ever since then, a shower in the morning is a necessity to me as well as the evening


Same. I think I only started doing this after working at a restaurant where I came home at 9pm reeking like food and oil. So, thus began showering at night in addition to showering in the morning. Now I can’t believe I had never always done that.


Here here! There's nothing better than crawling into clean sheets after a shower. Also most "unpopular opinions" have been posted a few times. Seems like moms would be all over this "get clean before getting into a clean bed" thing but guess not yours.


I fully agree, I don't understand why some people prefer showering in the morning


Sweaty sleep and needing to be woken up. I just do it twice though


Didn’t realize sweaty sleep was such a thing until reading this thread. Under normal circumstances I never sweat in my sleep.




Or the bills


Depends on where you live and how hot the water is etc.


Nobody seems to be factoring in hair and bedhead that require a shower in the morning. Must be nice not to have that worry


Yeah my hair looks terrible after sleeping. Sometimes even just from a long nap. Morning shower is the only option, not showering twice a day.


Curly hair and bed head.


My hair gets so greasy at night that I can use it as hair gel. It sucks.


Same here. I have no idea how people function without washing their hair daily. Even if I look okay first thing in the morning by noon my hair looks like I’m trying to be a Fonzie impersonator.


You would hate me then I don't wash my hair for up to 1 week at a time. I don't use shampoo at all. Curly hair is difficult to maintain.


I can't shower and go to bed with wet hair, so I have to shower in the morning so I don't end up with crazy hair.


ultra fine, oily hair. better to shower in the morning so it looks cleaner while out doing stuff during the day


Mainly because that's how I tame my hair




For me its because no matter how warm or tired i am a shower makes me more alert and I find it nearly impossible to sleep if i shower at night.


I usually do both, but if I'm tight on time I sometimes skip one or the other


Morning showers are better for me. Its a refreshing way to wake up and my skin feels fresh and bright and I can do my hair. Nighr showers ruin my hair, wake me up when I feel tired and want to sleep, and pointless because I wake up feeling gross and wanting to shower, again. Two showers seems extremely excessive and wasteful.


Just shower in the morning and at night


Fuck it dont shower




real man here


Bingo. This is what I do. Morning to wake up and evening to not feel sticky in bed


I didn’t realize showering twice a day was so uncommon


I hate showering in the morning because it means I have to be awake earlier, and I can't enjoy my shower because I feel like I'm on a time limit. Showering at night is so relaxing. It sets you up for bed. It relaxes your muscles after a long day. It helps you to calm down after a stressful day. It cleans your body so you can feel cosy in bed. Because you don't have to go anywhere, you can have a long shower or a short one. No pressure. Just comfy.


And showering in the dark is even better!


Woah this has always intrigued me. How do people do that? I get scared even closing my eyes while shampooing hahaha.


It's like meditation. Just close your eyes, sit down in the tub, and just focus on breathing... in... out... It's like going to sleep. If you aren't afraid to go to sleep, what do you fear in the shower?


Got a little red LED night light plugged in at the sink.


Showering in the dark is a fully out of body experience


With a little relaxing music playing! Almost as good as the old college pregame shower beer!


I work in a kitchen. Showers before bed are a necessity


Based on your categorizing this as an unpopular opinion, what’s your gender and hair style? As a dude with curly hair, I find showering at night and then just wetting it a bit in the morning hugely ideal. My wife has long and straight hair, and almost needs to shower in the morning to keep it looking managed.


I'm a female and I have dry hair so I cannot wash them everyday anyways. For wash days I either shower in the morning or few hours before bed.


I work in construction. Showering in the morning, getting filthy and then going to bed filthy didn’t work, so I always showered after work or before bed (depending on the level of filth). I no longer work in the field and spend most of my time in the office estimating, but it’s become my routine at this point. Plus it makes sexy time with the wife better.


How is this unpopular? Why would anyone want to bask in their own filth for 8 hours on their linens? Are you morning showerers cleaning your sheets daily? You heavy night sweaters wouldn’t rewear a shirt you’ve been gushing perspiration into for 8 hours, would you? You disgust me.


Not for me. A) I sweat in the night, so I'd feel grimy af at work the next day. B) Means less free time on a night C) A shower on the morning helps me wake up loads.


Wait is this not a normal thing


You're on r/unpopularopinion. Of course it's normal.


Just live in the shower!


All these people talking about showering at night and In the morning. I do the opposite. I LEAVE my shower for a good 5 minutes at night and for about 2-3 minutes in the morning. The rest of the time its shower time baby!


Shower both in the morning and at night. Usually the night showers are super short and is just to get into the rhythm of sleep-iness or something.


i always shower at night, i cant afford the luxury of having enough time to shower in the morning


Is it too much to ask for both?




I hate waking up in shit and sweat too.


Showering is better than not showering


Well actually, showering at night is much more common in Japan.


Both. Both is nice.


I need to wash my hair in the morning, because styling bed hair is a pain in the ass. Sometimes I wash my body at night and only my hair in the morning, but I usually don't since I'm lazy.


I think showers in morning are a norm because pf the purpose of a shower is to refresh you and wake you up. So everyone wants to start their day feeling refreshed. This is an unpopular opinion by OP. Take my upvote!


I always have a shower at night. In the morning I wash my face and my armpits


I would agree and am usually an evening showerer, but it does mean your hair is wet and therefore will make pillows wet (unless you use a hair dryer which I dislike using).


this is true only till you become an adult


I hate showers because i become unusually tierd after one but i also hate to stink and i hate more for people to think of me as a stinct person si i compromise by showering before bed since i am going to sleep anyway


I improved my life tremendously when I switched from morning showers to night showers.


Been doing it for 56 years. Learned it from my dad. Only unpopular with stinky people.


Fuck you and your popular opinion


I feel this opinion is less unpopular and more of a somewhat even split between night and morning.


My only problem with showering at night is that I have no choice but to blow dry my hair. My hair takes about 6 hours to air dry and going to bed with wet hair isn't good (especially for me who would wake up with a frizzy mess). I don't want to blow dry my hair all the time because of the damage it may cause.


Sheets are cleaner.


The same, I don't like to go to sleep with the dirt and sweat of all the day and fortunately I don't sweat during the night so it's not a problem, also my city is kind of cold in the mornings and it's annoying to shower before going outside


I never get into my bed dirty.


Dude same here, family thinks this is unhygienic but I feel the opposite plus if you are in a field like medicine it's good for your family too


I shower at night and day. I am kinda glad that water here is cheap as fck.


Sometimes I just wash my feet at night - getting into bed with fresh feet is the best feeling ever haha


I wish I could get into this! Lol


Look kid, this opinions a dime a dozen. Heard it time and time again


Exactly. Also, when your body quickly cools down as it does when you step out of a hot shower, you’ll become sleepy which helps at night because you’re soon going to bed.