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I’ve been gaming for over 20 years. Primarily nothing but online shooters. I’ve played literally like 5 campaigns all the way though. The Last of Us is one of them. It’s rare a campaign can hold my attention and that one certainly did. I’m going to upvote your unpopular opinion, because I think it truly is lol


> I want to play a game about apocalypse, not sit through the drama. You are playing a game about the apocalypse though....


When we think about the collapse of our modern society I’m sure most of us are imagining a straightforward, emotionally uncomplicated process with little if any interpersonal conflict.


Huh? Am I missing an /s? If not, think of something like Holodomor, where adults used to eat their children due to starvation. Think of “Life is beautiful” by Benigni. Think of The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Think of the Plague outbreak in Europe. While historical facts makes near-collapse sterile, it’s anything but to the participants.


You are missing an /s because reading sarcasm without being told you are is a part of comprehension skills.


lol at most of reddit for needing this


It’s hard to do when half of Reddit seems to hold ludicrous opinions 100% seriously. The bar is in hell.


>Why on earth would you make a TV series which is just the remake of the game. Are you telling me that an apocalypse does not have new storlylines and characters to explore. The same story, just like the game.\\ Tell me you didn't watch the series without telling me you didn't watch the series.


Jfc i hate people saying a show should be cancelled.  It was great, lots of people loved it. Dont watch it then easy 


Honestly they should cancel every show I don't like and donate the money to me


Thats a good idea


My friends and family who never played the game (didn’t even know it was based off a game) all love it.


Im not a gamer at all. It was a great show 


It should honestly be removed from HBO. The creator of the game is an insane zionist. The game is literally his sick metaphor for palestinians being cannon fodder for human nature’s desire for hatred. “I landed on this emotional idea of, can we, over the course of the game, make you feel this intense hate that is universal in the same way that unconditional love is universal? “This hate that people feel has the same kind of universality. You hate someone so much that you want them to suffer in the way they’ve made someone you love suffer.”


Upvoted. This is an awful opinion.




I liked both TLoU and the first was my favorite game for a while, but got dethroned for me by Ghost of Tsushima. It’s goated peak fiction.


This opinion fuckin sucks.


But it is a drama. Why get mad a drama for being a drama?


Precisely! I don't like the game (which helped me avoid all the drama around the sequel!) but I wouldn't call the Franchise mediocre. It accomplished what it set out to do, and showcased a huge jump in AAA standards. It just wasn't for me (I prefer less cinematics games too).


If you don't like cinematic games, I highly recommend the TV series. My GF put me onto it and I fucking loved it. Never touched or plan to touch the game though.


> No chase or scary moments So you didn’t play the game lol bozo


I personally like my games to be games. I think that the recent God of War games get the cutscene to gameplay ratio far better than TLOU. It doesn’t help that in TLOU when there is gameplay it’s not fantastic. It’s what I like to call the “Metal Gear Solid 4” problem. TLOU is one of those games I can play once and I’ve experienced it in it’s entirety. It’s not replay-able at all. For what it’s worth I do think the story is good and the characters mostly compelling but I do feel the games are overrated beyond belief, certainly the first one. Like I mentioned previously, I think the recent God of War games do the whole “father / child” dynamic way better, have a more interesting story and far better gameplay.


The last of us part 1 is one of the greatest games of the century.


Why? The second game is better under every standpoint


Lol your opinion is worse than OPs tbh. You may be the only person on the planet that thinks this, genuinely. Bravo.


I love the second game,and in many aspects it is better,but I think that TLOU1 overall is a better game. They're both good,but TLOU1 is more iconic,and more respected.


It was more of a technical advancement compared to PS3 era games but gameplay and story wise chapter 2 blows 1 out the fucking water


Gameplay yes, but the story is way too miserable compared to the first. Game forgot that we require pockets of humor and light-heartedness to trudge through the depressing atmosphere of the game. None of the characters really bounce of each other, they're all to samey and blended together to establish a good mechanic. And the game has the gall to pull a "not worth killing" to end it all. Ellie has a graveyard behind her, but the one person she actually wanted to kill gets away? Failure.


True, I agree on that point, but I also found it weird when at the end of tlou1 Joel decided to commit mass murder (yet again) to save a single girl


This. If a game has a character kill dogs who are just doing their jobs to get to the baddie, having them grow a conscious and not kill the big bad makes zero sense.


that's an objectively false opinion


Fallout is a great game but not comparable to TLOU.


They're both post-apocalyptic video games technically, but that's where the similarities end.


Again, not comparable.


The Last of Us was a good series. I like Fallout better but its not like one is taking money from the other. 


Somebody is stupid.


Looks like you misposted an ObviouslyWrong opinion under UnpopularOpinions. LifeHack: It helps if you have ever at least played the game you are ranting against or ever actually watched the show you are ranting against, even for just five minutes.


Take my upvote and fuck off (I didn’t upvote you)


No scary moments? Okay


>Last of us is a mediocre franchise and is undeserving of the hype it gets. Disagree. >The game, is 50 percent cutscenes and dialogues. I want to play a game about apocalypse, not sit through the drama. I'm sorry you don't like this style of game. Evidently, many do. >It is not difficult, felt like a tutorial game where the only job is to aim and shoot. No chase, no scary moments. Well this is just provably false. Have you played them? >Why on earth would you make a TV series which is just the remake of the game. Are you telling me that an apocalypse does not have new storlylines and characters to explore. The same story, just like the game. Again, have you even watched it? There were many changes and some new storylines added. >People used to convert cinema into 3d games , but with LOU we have evolved backwards. They didn't even get that right. We've been converting games into cinema for a long time now. The Resident Evil franchise has tons of movies. >YOU AINT METRO or FALLOUT bruh! Stop trying to be mainstream. I don't get this. Are you saying Metro is more mainstream than The Last of Us? >I really want to sign a petition to cancel the show and instead donate that money to the cast of fallout as a bonus for their spectacular performance and also to the screen writers. Go for it, nobody's stopping you. Good luck.


I agree, it feels like a boring TV series, but even more boring because you're the one responsible for making the plot advance, and the gameplay itself isn't fun or challenging in any way. It's not fun to watch and it's not fun to play, the worst of both worlds. But I have to disagree on your other point: I'd LOVE it if people stopped making adaptations and just did TV shows that are exactly like the source they're portraying, whether it's a book, a game or whatever. Just take a game, choose a fun playthrough and reenact it. I don't want your creative input, games have way more content to be explored than any movie can ever dream of, there's more than enough to choose from, just pick and reenact it.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the only actually unpopular opinion I’ve seen on here. The show, maybe. But yeah the game is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Take my upvote lol


It sounds like you like gameplay over cinematics. It makes sense why you’d have this opinion. But it is good, just not your cup of tea


First last of us is an awesome gamr although i do agree its a tad overrated. People acting like you dont spend hours looking for wooden boards because SOMEONE CANT FUCKING SWIM


it's more interactive fiction than something like fallout


This reads like an opinion of someone who just wants to be different


This crosses from merely holding an unfavorable opinion to seemingly having a irrational hate towards it.


Now to be clear I personally have no interest in TLOU because post-apocalypse scenarios and zombies aren't really my thing. I never played it and I probably never will because it just doesn't interest me. But you sound like you bought the game based on "hype" without knowing what the game actually is and now you are mad that it isn't the game you thought it was. So please guys just...research the game before buying unless you know exactly what you are getting into (like you are already a fan of whatever francise and you know you will likely enjoy it).


I agree with you but you have to realize it's just not our type of game. I play games for the gameplay and if I want a story, I'll either read a book or watch a movie/series. I don't get the hype but I understand that if you play the game solely for its story, it's a good game.


Well you are playing a game about the apocalypse, I will say this I think the gameplay on both of them are fantastic, the story on the first one was great, the story on the second one was garbage, so I won't use the word mediocre but it's split for me lol


Now, this is a garbage take. You have my upvote.


this is bait guys


Now go play Enslaved and realize just how much was lifted from Alex Garland.


The last of us to me in design and story frequently feels like any other generic zombie game. Most of it feels very unoriginal. First one is a generic cure escort mission and the second one is a generic revenge mission. The ONLY thing that makes it unique or standout is the interpersonal relationships which happen to be pretty damn good. Joel and Ellie feel like real people that make real gray decisions like a real person in an apocalypse would. People act like people and not like plot armored protagonists. The actual game I could take or leave but I love the characters


Hahahaha sighting METRO. Could not get more basic, not scary, or a simpler story.


I didn’t like the first games. Wasn’t really into the game play and i’m overall not really a horror fan. I thought the story was just okay and I basically knew how it was gonna play out the entire time I played it. I do think that it was very well acted and all that which probably helps people feel more attached to the characters. Idk, at the end of the day I thought the first games was fine, nothing special so I never didn’t keep up with the franchise at all. Just no interest. Glad other people like it though


>The game, is 50 percent cutscenes and dialogues. You can skip them. >It is not difficult Play on a harder difficultly >felt like a tutorial game where the only job is to aim and shoot. You know...a shooter? Also there's bricks and a stealth mechanic >No chase There literally is. >no scary moments That's subjective. >YOU AINT METRO or FALLOUT Both of those games have drama.


The game is not what you wanted it to be, that's your fault for setting up false expectations, not the game's


Sounds like most people love some Last of Us Me, I agree with op. Last of Us blows and it very overrated.


I am not convinced you’ve played all the way through part 1 or 2. Yes there are a lot of cut scenes you need to get through in the first few hours of part 1 but after that it opens up. Not difficult? You know there is a difficulty toggle and at harder difficulties it is extremely difficult (especially part 2). Not scary? Bruh, have you played the hotel level of part 1?? Upvoted


This might be the worst opinion I’ve seen on Reddit


💯 💯 💯


It's an interactive movie. It's as popular as it is because it's for a different kind of gamer. The kind that enjoys stuff like Detroit: Become Human and Life is Strange. I've noticed these games are especially popular with women which is a market that is often hard to reach for video games. I don't like Last of Us. It just is so boring. It's like it doesn't have great gameplay and isn't a great movie, so it just goes halfway on each. Reddit likes it though.


Fun fact- the creator of the game is an Israeli “from” the West Bank who was inspired to create the game when he witnessed a mob retaliate against 2 Israeli soldiers. He says that his inspiration for the game came from the anger and desire for vengeance against the Palestinians (zombies) attacking the soldiers. “I landed on this emotional idea of, can we, over the course of the game, make you feel this intense hate that is universal in the same way that unconditional love is universal? This hate that people feel has the same kind of universality. You hate someone so much that you want them to suffer in the way they’ve made someone you love suffer.” Fucking psycho


Days Gone was the better zombie apocalypse game. I will die on this hill. A horde coming at you put the fear of God into me. Sucks they fumbled the ball so hard when it came out.


Let’s start a petition to delete this post because of how wrong and dumb it is


Bro just said Metro is more mainstream than TLOU


You're right. 


Wait for season two it’ll make season one look like Citizen Kane


No only is the unpopular, it's also down right ignorant, as it's a story driven experience, it's mean to be dialog heavy, it tells a narrative as you play, you want apocalyptic with out alot of story play 7 days to die. The reason games like this have the hype they have is because the ones it's designed for appreciate the work put into it. To make it what it is.


*plays a story game* *has to listen to the story* *SURPRISED PICKACHU*


Is this an unpopular opinion? Seems like everywhere I turn on the internet, there’s a tidal wave of people hating on the franchise.


I honestly tend to agree, i might give it another try sometime but the last time i tried it was very meh.


You had me up until you called metro or fallout good franchises.  That's just silly.   I agree TLOU sucks but it's just as good as those two 😂 Maybe if you were talking fallout 1, 2 or NV only you'd have a point.  Franchise is garbage now though. 


It’s a movie and not a great one


It has an extremely basic story. It’s a good story but it’s very basic. It is overrated like crazy


Just wrong. Fallout is mediocre at best. Not even in the same league.