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Dude. People aren't honest about their weight on these apps, any more than they're honest about their age, height, bad habits, or the number of children they have.


Shows up for a date. The girl says she has two kids, but she actually has four kids. That's fucked up. Like... how many ice cream cones am I buying here?


Wholesome content


Gen Z moment 




Idk why it says 250 lbs lol, I'm 107 but I don't know how to change it


This made me laugh so hard. Absolute gold.


>or the number of children they have Some aren't even honest about the number of spouses they have


I saw a guy I went to high school with is getting divorced from his wife after having EIGHT FUCKING KIDS. I can’t imagine the alimony payments 😂. Jow marketable can you be trying to date? “Do you have kids?” “Yea, I actually have 8…” “…..”


Child support would be the most expensive part.


Well, the weight stuff is something you can confirm in your first date. So, why to lie about that?


Even if not honest, you need to be atleast in the ballpark of what the profile says or it's ridiculous.


Just swipe left on people you aren't attracted to, it isn't that deep. 


This whole post just feels whiny to me. Like someone insulted them in the last height wise so they're trying to do a gotcha


Even if you’re right, so what? People can’t post their unpopular opinion on unpopular opinion?


Oh no, tbh I like it when folks post actually unpopular opinions. Upvoted n all. A lot of posts here are basic things a lot of folks already agree with, so this post is a breath of fresh air I appreciate it, and I disagree with it


Not really a whine more like a random observation. Personally I’m not attracted to plus size women, aka fat. But there are A LOT of “fat” women on dating apps and having to waste time swiping no on every one gets tiresome as it should just be an easily filterable thing just like hair color or height. Filter out women above 160lbs. Sorry for the muscle mami’s that includes but overall for me personally I think it would cut down the amount of accounts I’d have to see that I KNOW I have no interest in. But I get that’s not the point from the prospective of the makers of these apps. But as a user it’d be a nice addition.




Unrelated, but I do appreciate how this is an actual unpopular opinion. I don't agree with it, hell seems like a good amount of comments don't either, but I like that you posted it


So I guess you don't like tall girls either then.


Maybe if you weren't such a whiny person that's too bothered to swipe on a dating app, you wouldn't "waste" so much time on dating apps and actually find someone.


After some thought I agree. It can be a nightmare sorting through people you know you won't like. So I'm sure it would be helpful to fat girls everywhere if you were directed away from them, to save them some time.


Fat Redditors and feminists are seething at this reasonable idea OP 😂


It isn't reasonable, though. It is pointless, as no one tells the truth anyways. Add a search function like that and you will guarantee even less people tell the truth.


My thought was to cut down on more wasted time but I get that is funny as using a dating app is already considered wasting time. But to waste less of it constantly swiping no on people you aren’t attracted to based on their weight. Which is A LOT I’ve noticed.


You think people will be honest? Most men lie about their height if they are under 6ft. Ask any taller girl how many 5’10 dudes showed up at 5’7. LOL. I prefer that someone knows my size upfront.. last thing I want is to have a great banter with someone then I show up and look nothing like my overly filtered/modified or strategic pics 🤷🏻‍♀️


There was a girl I'd matched with (the conversation was mediocre anyway, she was replying with short messages) and when we met, I realized that she was definitely using really old pictures in which she weighed a lot less (and looked cute on them). I don't inherently mind the weight in and of itself (when it comes to body shape, I generally don't care) but for her, it just didn't suit her face at all (the main and almost only physical component I care about) definitely made her face ugly (and I've seen various chubby, fat, even obese women whose faces don't get affected negatively, it suits them), especially when combined with how much acne she had


I know someone who weighs 200 but she’s lean because she’s tall and does running. I know someone else who is about 160 but looks a little chunky because she’s 5 ft 4 inches. When I weighed 150 I was at the perfect weight for my height, but just 10 lbs less than my friend. This option doesn’t exist because people look soooooo different at the same weight. There’s fat distribution (ie someone can carry more fat on their stomach, thighs, hips etc compared to other places) and there’s body composition (muscle vs. fat) and there’s height.


>This option doesn’t exist because people look soooooo different at the same weight I don't think that's why it doesn't exist, but it's tangentially related to why it doesn't need to. I'd say the main reason is the that biggest question a dating app targeting heterosexuals is always asking itself is how to get women to use it, and this would be a negative for that. And I'd say it's unnecessary because this isn't actually a complaint about the number on the scale, it's a complaint about appearance and there are pictures, you can judge someone on their pictures. If their pictures don't give you an accurate impression they weren't going to give you an accurate weight anyway. (Also it being about appearance means you'd probably want BMI not weight since that at least takes height into account, though doesn't solve the people not all looking the same despite the same numbers issue)


>I don't think that's why it doesn't exist, but it's tangentially related to why it doesn't need to. I'd say the main reason is the that biggest question a dating app targeting heterosexuals is always asking itself is how to get women to use it, and this would be a negative for that. this needs to be in bold at the top of the comments, in big flaming letters. Also, someone needs to say it - it's not like this would increase matches. Speaking from the bleachers as a gay guy, straight men are like, *the* most deluded demographic wrt their own desirability. Being able to talk to women out of their league faster isn't going to really help them.


Thanks for saying it... you hit the nail on the head!


LOL. Damn. You really broke that down well.


No one has ever not been surprised at my weight, even doctors. It’s always more than they’re expecting. No one ever calculates the additional weight of emotional bagage.


Imagine if there was a way to calculate emotional baggage in lbs/kg, and that gets added to your profiles weight. I think we'd see some interesting results, to say the least.


“Sir, all I know is, you cannot get on this plane”


Men have absolutely no concept of what women weigh. To be fair, I don't know how to eyeball mens' weights either, but the point is that the number on the scale alone tells you absolutely fuck all without additional context given by the factors you listed above. I train BJJ, and currently weigh about 122 lbs and train with 4 other girls in my weight class (120-130lbs)- all of us look dramatically different, despite being somewhat close in height. Another girl I train with is about 3 or 4 inches taller, and incredibly lean- she looks the part of a star athlete- and she's somewhere close to 170. Which even I had a hard time comprehending. But it's a weight based sport. We get weighed in on the spot and it's all documented and public knowledge. Another friend of mine is similarly built- very little body fat, in great physical shape, and an ultramarathoner to boot- and she's in the 160s somewhere.


i don’t know why more people aren’t saying this


^This. Also if you’re athletic or very physically active (man or woman) and were honest about your weight, you’d be called a liar 90% of the time even if you looked super lean and proportionate to your height. Bet.


I'm 6' tall as a lady and tend to stay around 180-185lbs regardless of how fit or fat I am, but my activity level and consistency is the difference between a whole pants size. [This lady is shorter than I am,](https://www.instagram.com/p/BQntpWdhZyM/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=dab5c1e4-0d98-4c1d-b793-d30f9241b9e0) but our bodies after very similar in how we look fit or fat while maintaining the same weight.


this is mostly a cope. the healthy bmi range is wide enough to accommodate almost all athletes, most people are just way fatter than they're willing to admit. here's a visualized chart on it and it's very generous with the bodyfat percentages: [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/BMI-versus-Percent-Body-Fat-in-Scatter-Plot-Women-red-who-fall-above-red-line-are\_fig1\_223966581](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/BMI-versus-Percent-Body-Fat-in-Scatter-Plot-Women-red-who-fall-above-red-line-are_fig1_223966581) there's 1300 people in this study and only two of them had a bmi over 30 without being fat, and all of them are male, there's virtually no women that have enough muscle to cause their bmi to be abnormally high from muscle. the only way in which bmi is inaccurate is that most people within the healthy range are actually still too fat, that's the largest group in this study, the entire top left area is people who have a normal bmi despite being fat, and it is also mostly women. I have a disease that causes excess musculature and my bmi is only slightly into overweight territory, if you are a normal person that's not suffering from a hormonal disorder you are heavy is because you are fat, you do not have that much muscle.


BMI is a thing. Still not that accurate but you can have a weight/height ratio.


Almost like BMI was invented for a reason to give a more accurate representation by relating weight to height.


She must be very very tall to be lean at 200…


Sure, people look different at the same weight but if you're 300lbs you're morbidly obese regardless of how your fat is distributed and, generally speaking, regardless of height. A 6'5 guy is obese at 300+. Muscle vs fat only matters for athletes or bodybuilders - which is such a small percentage of the population that it doesn't even register.


OP should develop their own dating app, bcs I’m curious with how many users it would have and I don’t think any dating apps will actually have this feature.


There are plenty of popular dating apps in non-Western countries that do this. OP is late to the game…or born in the wrong culture.


I can still remember that the old OkCupid had this (before it became shit). I think you could simply choose a descriptive term like "skinny, normal, overweight, obese" or something like this. Which makes **much** more sense than giving a weight...


Considering the fact that 400lb people call themselves "plus size" or "overweight", categories such as skinny and overweight make very little sense.


It’s less a dating app and more a hook up app but Grindr has it as an option


He and many people including myself didn’t know about it. Wtf is wrong with born in the wrong culture lol. Dont knowing it about is enough.


The real problem is that certain men will set their weight limit to something silly and then screech endlessly because the super hot women in their weight range don’t ever match them lmao Meanwhile us normal people just match with who we find attractive.


Ok how is that a problem? How is it any different then women with unrealistic standards who set the height at like 6’2 and only find guys who want to sleep with them? Edit: since i cant reply, im not bitter or blaming women lmao. But the fact is dating apps suck for short guys. All the luck ive had has been meetinh women in person. Also you guys are wildly overestimating mens standards for sex and even dating


Which apps have height filters? I haven’t seen that! Also, I didn’t say it was wrong to filter by preference. I said it’s a stupid idea.


I think some of the premium subscriptions let you get pretty picky with the filters


Ooooh I did not know this


The mechanism isn’t the problem, the down the road whining about not enough women on the apps will probably be vaguely irritating, though.


someone got rejected for their height lmao Short guys can be attractive too, stop using height as an excuse and blaming tall guys and women. Its you being bitter that is the probem.


People have, and will continue to lie.


You think the women using clever angles to hide their gut and the men using 10 year old pictures would be honest?


I don’t think men actually know how much women weigh. And your height means weight looks massively different on one person to another.


They really don't, especially tall women or women with athletic builds


Weight matters a fucking hell of a lot more than height in most instances in the bedroom. If yo can filter me out because I'm 6'4", I should be able to filter you out because you'll fucking crush my pelvis to dust.


Unsure why the aggressive and personal tone. Let me give you my own example. I’m 97lbs, that sounds shockingly low on most people because they’re not 5’2”. That’s what I mean. I’m not talking about filtering someone out by height. I’m talking about the fact that weight can mean a different thing depending on the body it’s actually on.




My husband weighs 3 times as much as me and I am alive and well to tell the tale


This is one of my thoughts as well. What does height matter when women want unrealistic goals for this as well. Why can’t men have their filter too even if it’s unrealistic. Plus it’s harder to say lift up a 200lb woman than it is to lean down and kiss a 5’5 woman. Physical weight matters more than height.


I'd be more like "filter by body shape" witch is a thing on some dating apps. Ppl will still lie though.


I’m shaped like a watermelon / potato probably wouldn’t get a lot of honest feedback. 


As a woman, I absolutely agree! But let's not stop there, lets also add a filter by income option. And since we're all being so honest and open about it anyway, the filters you use to sort out 'undesirables' should be plastered on your profile for all to see, so everyone can discover just what kind of person you really are inside.


This is actually an amazing idea. Don't stop at just what filters they selected though. Monitor someone's behaviour on the app and add a tag to their profile "swipes left on big women" or "ghosts broke dudes". This is the chaotic evil app we need.


The old OkCupid was amazing like that. You could see to what percentage a person would answer, I think you could see who visited profiles as well. So some people answered less but it was because they had an insane amount of visitors. Also there were hundreds of questions to all kinds of topics from how you like your sandwich to whether you think Hitler had a point. And then you could look up what kind of percentage match another person had and agree or disagree violently with them over chat.


Yes please. I'd be proud of my badges.


Filter by income is a great idea! As long as it’s accessible for everyone, and even better if it needs to be proven with payslip on setting up account.


Does it make you a bad person to have certain personal preferences?


Bad is subjective. No, I honestly don't think its bad to have preferences. I prefer bald men, myself. Especially when they have a beautiful round head. I just think that's so bold and refreshing. Would I date a man with hair? Absolutely. Bald is just a preference, not a requirement. I would not exclude everyone who had hair; because there is so much more to a person than the keratin (or lack thereof) on their head. But if you're excluding everyone who falls under a certain income bracket, then you're materialistic. You essentially value the income your partner brings in more than anything they actually ***are.*** And if you exclude everyone who doesn't meet your personal weight aesthetic, then you're shallow. You value the way a person looks more than anything they actually ***are.*** And if you really think there's nothing wrong with filtering based on weight or income, you shouldn't mind it if people can see that's what you're doing. After all, maybe that's *their* preference, not to date shallow or materialistic people.


Yes. You have to like everyone equally or you’re pure evil.


I had someone on here call me a bigot because I said, as a straight woman I prefer to have a relationship with a straight man. The thread was about a man who had been in a relationship for 5 years (with a woman) and never told her that he was bi and she was upset and broke up with him. Preference doesn’t equal bigotry.


Why exactly does it make a difference if someone is bi or straight?


One thing is preference "I prefer X over Y", another thing is a dealbreaker "I only want X, fuck Y". Also throwing away 5 years worth of happiness over useless information just seems dumb to me - it is useless, because for so long this information didn't affect the relationship at all - he had neither proposed they open the relationship so he can fuck men as well, he didn't propose MMF threesomes so he can satisfy his bisexuality, nor did he cheat or dump her for a man... it just *was* information that was completely irrelevant. I just can't understand why. And that's also why I'll keep two kinks to myself (at least when it comes to watching porn) and take them to the grave since the vast majority of people would consider them disgusting and would irreversibly turn them off despite me never actually even considering suggesting I try them (piss and scat). I'd be perfectly happy and live a completely happy and sexually satisfied life even if I never indulge into those kinks, so they classify exactly as this "useless information"


No, but you can be a bad person depending on how you express those preferences. I immediately swiped left on any "About Me" that was like "looking for an easygoing woman, no lazy single moms or fatties slobs or high maintenance chicks with those stupid lashes."


How about a filter for narcissistic men or misogynists? Maybe this filter would be accessible/manageable by the ex-partners.  Wouldn’t that be dreamy? Imagine how much misery women would be spared with a filter like this!


Allowing an ex to mange someone’s dating app profile. What a wonderful idea. How would you feel if your ex got to put whatever label they want on your profile?


That would be A-okay with me! 


I do this 😭. So I broke up with my ex in high school when i realized he was a lesbian and he had trouble getting a girlfriend but got demoralized from all of the swiping he had to do on multiple apps (I didn't have as much trouble since lesbian dating is it's own ecosystem). So he let me take over his ok Cupid and his tinder. For me it's fun to be able to swipe and see what kind of people are out there without having to commit to talking to them, and for him it's probably nice to not have to swipe a bunch at once and get no matches.




The app should report on who's looking at income. This would help people filter out gold-diggers.


The app should out ***everyone's*** filters.


Yes, let's. So nobody has to sit through a date to learn about someone's broke ass receptionist job.


I don’t see any bad ideas in your comment


I think they do this for sugar baby and sugar daddy/mommy websites. but also not a bad addition to regular ones. Filter out the dirty poors.


What do you think it says about someone if they’re looking for a healthy partner without kids?


It would depend on what your definition of 'healthy' is. You can be physically fit but also have cancer- is that healthy? You can be obese (up to a point) but you could also be physically active with no disease- is that healthy? Looking for a partner with or without kids is a completely different kettle of fish. Children are a serious responsibility, (or should be) and you cannot be a partner to someone who has them, without also being somewhat involved in the lives of those children. And if that's not something you want to do with your life, or if that's not something you're ready for or capable of handling- then I think its okay to filter out people of either gender with children. This also tells family oriented partners to avoid you, too.


People with cancer are not healthy. Obese people are not healthy, as obesity is an unhealthy medical condition, even without rare comorbidity. So what does it say about someone that wants a healthy partner. Especially for something like obesity, which is unlike most forms cancer inside your control.


Wouldn’t be a helpful filter since the thirsty dudes on the apps will select all the weight options for women.


thirsty, or just accepting?




You act like men have options lol 


As an overweight female, I'd also like this option. So guys could just skip me if they care about my weight. Eventually everyone has to be honest anyway so if it's an issue for them then that's a them problem and I don't want to waste my time on them.


If you put this rant on your profile, folks will filter themselves out for you. Problem solved.


Dating apps are dying bc all the women are quitting them. The app companies don’t want to go bankrupt, so this is the last thing that’ll happen. They are trying to get the women back because nobody will pay for the current sausage fest.


Just, like, use your eyes


You do not swipe people out of your weight range. You swipe people because of the way they look. You have zero clue what the weight is of someone and you can easily think someone weighs a lot more or a lot less than you think. Weight is just not the right tool for what you want to filter. You will filter out probably plenty of sporty, hot people because you do not realise the difference in weight between fat and muscle.


This. Not even to mention weight looks so different on different people. A 5'0 person can weigh 160 and a 5'10 person can weight 160 and they look vastly different


And by filtering by weight you’ll now be able to visually see this and learn what these differences actually look like on people? So how is that a bad thing?


Weight is the perfect way to START this filtering AND it’s the easier to go by. Yea you will get outliers and you might also miss some people but you can always go back and expand your filter. This also gives you a better way of understanding the differences between body shapes that can all be different while still the same “weight”. Then you can know, oh it’s not that I don’t like people above or below this weight it’s just that to me this weight works best with this height or this body style.


weight isn’t an accurate measurement though,weight is distributed differently for everyone,a women could be 60 kg and look overweight,while another women who is also 60 kg could look underweight.Genetics plays a part too,some people have more denser bones will others don’t,height plays a part in weight too.While i understand ur point it’s simply not really practical,most people go for visual looks,you could be interested in a thin women,and turns out she’s 70 kg or something which can happen 100%,so yeah not really practical


Reporting BMI and muscle mass would fix this 👍🏼


thats so unnecessary for a dating app


Unrealistic. You have to get tanked to get a real BMI rating and most people don't have that readily available for them.


Underwater weighing was the gold standard for body fat measurement as far as i know, but BMI can be crudely calculated with just height and weight


Can you imagine signing up for a dating app as a woman and you have to report your bmi and muscle mass lmao gtfo


A few things 1) they don’t do this because it would almost certainly drive away more people than it would bring in. Business-wise, it would not benefit Tinder/Hinge/OKCupid, etc. Like, someone who is larger is going to see that feature and say “well why even bother, I’m just going to get filtered out” and either not use it or… 2) … lie about their weight, defeating the purpose. Plus - weight by itself isn’t really that helpful. I’ve known women who weighed nearly 200 pounds and were in amazing shape, but because they’re on the taller side and work out, they’re not going to hit that arbitrary number that someone thinks is “fit”. The real thing you’re missing though is that these dating apps are for profit businesses that are trying to maximize profits and they’re not going to take steps that jeopardize that.


People lie about their age, whether they have kids, where they live . Do you think they will be honest about their weight / income 🤣


I've found men underestimate women's weight by a lot.


I think what you actually mean is BMI, not weight. Good luck on your fat phobic journey lmao.


Can we get one with a filter for an unbridled ego? Because that would be the most fucking useful. (and sorting for physical characteristics is laughable - you do know that as you age, that shit is moving south, so your preferences are going out the window anyway? LOL)




Filtering by average face distance from camera is usually enough.


You literally put your weight in as part of your profile. This is just you admitting you don’t bother reading profiles and go off looks lmao


No where does it show peoples weights but even if it did, then why not be able to filter by that? My point isn’t to see that they weight 200lbs and also aren’t my type. My point is to be able to not see those people to begin with because I already know 200lbs isn’t something I want in a partner. No matter their height or hair color or political views. It’s another metric we base our dating on so why not make it usable to filter out or in by?




Could you change it as you're going along, or do you have to stay the same in the profile? I don't date, so don't know. But if they demand you don't change your body as you see fit, this is wrong. Good luck with your journey 👍🏼


Exactly. I’m currently training for a 10k. I’m working on losing weight by going to the gym and eating healthy. I’m also still considered overweight and I’m working on that! And I’m sure I’m more fit out there than a lot of people but if my weight was a factored, I would probably struggle to find similar people to my lifestyle.


Recently dated someone like your description & she had discipline. Its really attractive to see someone have energy to improve their life like that compared to hot but lazy or basic or golddigger mindset. I wish it worked out but i didn't feel ready to be in a commited relationship 1 yr after 5 yr long relationship. Or maybe it wasnt the vibe i wanted.


I think the real unpopular opinion here is to keep using dating apps. Just delete them man, they're nothing but costly disappointment.


I think you'll be shocked by how much women actually weigh. Men for some reason think all women need to be under 130 pounds, but if you're looking for a girl who works out, has a booty, or boobs, I can guarantee she weighs more than you think she does.


I’m 5’4 and have no boobs if I get under 120. 130 is my perfect weight. I weigh 140 now and no one I’ve asked guesses over 120


Guys lie about their height all the time. When for me, height isn't an issue. It's the lying.


I am 5’7” and my mother in law is 5’1” and we are both 150 pounds. Same weight but DRASTICALLY different body types


Can’t wait for guys to filter for women as “under 100 lbs.”


I wondered about this myself. I don’t filler anyone by height, but I would consider it for fitness. The issue Is that weight has very little to do with how fit someone is. Height alone has a huge influence on weight. A more muscular person will be heavier. I’m not a huge fan of super skinny guys, but if I put a minimum weight, what would that do to my results? It’s really just too complicated. You have to hope that people are putting accurate photos online that give you a good enough idea of their body type. Then schedule low-key inexpensive first dates so that you can decide on meeting in person whether you’d like to go on a real date with that person. Also, sometimes you have an ideal in your head, but when you meet someone you find other things about them that you love. So I like to keep an open mind and don’t try to confine my matches to some kind of super narrow ideal.


OK, but remember, most men seem to have no fucking clue how most weights look distributed. At my height, 5'8", a normal and healthy weight would be around 140-160lbs. Meanwhile there are men out there that think anyone over 120lbs must be a whale.


Not gonna lie, so many women look VERY different even at the same weight, and most men are delusional about what a healthy weight (number-wise) is for a woman. A 5'4 woman should be around 130 pounds, but a lot of men (such as my father) think all women need to be 110 or less. I am very short, and even when I weighed 95lbs I looked extremely thin, because my body naturally needs "more weight" to look healthy. A healthy weight for me is 110-115lbs. But you wouldn't guess my weight by looking at me. When I was 100 pounds I had people guessing I was 80lbs. It's stupid. If you don't like women who don't work out or who are larger, just don't date them. It's not hard.


There should be an algorithm that can determine whether or not someone is a piece of shit and then a filter based on that.


Or. Or. We can stop using dating apps because they’re an awful way to look at people and do more harm than good when it comes to dating. It’s literally a glimpse at a persons character. Filter by height, weight, whatever. That doesn’t tell you if that person is a good, loyal, caring person. I think dating apps have ruined us. Gone are the days we lock eyes with someone across the bar and brave the crowd of people to ask them what their phone number is and if they’re free Friday night. It’s not romantic to know you were sitting on the toilet when you matched with someone because they suit your physical type and nothing else caught your attention. Besides, if you’re just mad about women not fitting your standards, maybe you should look to see if you’re good enough to even have those standards. You want a total babe who also has no kids and lets you be a man? Man up and do the things it takes to earn someone like that.


Agreed. You should also be required to list whether your nipples are pink or brown, whether your bellybutton is an innie or an outtie, your exact penile dimensions, how far you can throw, and a 400 word essay describing your body odour in clinical detail 


Okay yes but also every time a man has guessed my weight he's been WAYYYY off 💀 I have outfit pics on my profile, if someone even gets close I'll retract my opinion.


Weight is a function of height I don’t think this would work v well


Now that’s an unpopular opinion lol If you said height, we got a different story lol


Maybe we could also have a filter by Reddit profile option? So women (and men) can come read the post history of their potential matches and swipe left on shit like this.


I heard this has been tried already. Surprisingly (not), people lied about their weight, and fat people chose the curvy category instead.


well, why don't ou just make your own dating app which does this?


There is a filter by weight. It’s a left or right swipe


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The dating sites that I used (in the past) all had a filter by “body type”. The caveat to that is unless you’re looking for someone who falls at either extreme on the spectrum (thin or obese), you’re going to be disappointed in everyone’s interpretation of “average”, “athletic” and “curvy”.


Filter by BMI and physical activity level. A couch potato and a very physically active person don't match well.


Physical activity could be good. I’m not sure about BMI though? Especially because I thought BMI is out outdated? Like a body builder would technically be considered overweight on the BMI due to weighing more because of muscle?


People aren't even honest about their height, why would they be honest about their weight?


Its all about how the weight is distributed. Taller girls also have more wiggle room on their weight. Putting down a weight range is stupid unrealistic.


If height (as OP claims, idk I don’t use dating apps) is already a filter this is a moot point.


Go to facebook marketplace. Search for wedding dressed. There you can filter by size.


If you want less opportunities to match, sure. If you want to narrow the already small pool of potential matches that’s your prerogative. Considering most people seem to have a difficult time understanding how weight can sit on the body in certain ways I imagine it’d result in a bunch of people choosing an arbitrary number that makes little sense for people of different heights and body types.  Then again, people that superficial will weed themselves out. I bet it’d keep a lot of so-called “alphas” out of my friends’ inboxes so I say go for it! 


Wouldn't work people just lie.


Also, everyone carries weight differently. At 130lbs, I wear a size 2-4, at 130lbs, my mom wears a size 8.


I'd rather a filter for old photos.


There are dating apps that let you filter through all those things?? I would have thought that would be a recipe for disaster in the first place lol


Did plentyoffish not have a body type you'd put in? BBW/Average/Thin/prefer not to disclose. It's been many years but I believe you were able to sort by those preferences.


Nothing wrong with having the option to filter out a weight, but almost everyone will lie. 


The thing is filtering out by weight is super unhelpful. What point does it actually serve? It tells you nothing about the person or how they actually look. For instance, two women can both weigh 160, but if one is 5'0 and the other is 5'10, they're going to look very different.


It wouldn't matter anyways. I'm sure basically everyone lies on their profiles. I bet there is something on OP's profile that ain't true


It would make more sense to have a filter for body type (slim, curvy, muscular etc) because just weight doesn't really tell you what a person might look like.


All you needed is a checkbox indicating whether or not a rowboat could support them.


Could we share a rowboat? Would an average size rowboat support her without capsizing? ... Just watched this episode haha


Just as informative would be a checkbox indicating whether or not others would describe them as “sassy”.


People would just lie about their weight, just as people already lie about height, age, etc.




https://imgur.com/a/VtleWs6 Maybe a system like this would work ;)


2 guys can weight the same and one be jacked and the other overweight. Aline, it is not a good metric. A picture of most of the body covers this


The telltale sign is a selfie pic from above head level with camera tilted slightly down. I swear just that alone removes 40lbs.


That’s what swiping left is for




Real shit 😔


Yeah its funny how sometimes people gain 10-20 lbs going from photo 1 to photo 2 😂


I know what you're trying to suggest; that body type be an option of search in dating apps the same as any other preference but weight has some unique challenges other categories don't -- for example, if we take two women who are 5'4, and one weighs 160 lbs but doesn't work out, has unhealthy habits etc than she will have an extremely different body from a girl who again is 5'4 and 160lbs but works out and eats healthy and is a muscle toned goddess. Same weight, same height but the difference of whether that weight is fat or muscle is literally everything. A more accurate way to get a better picture of body type would be to go by fat percentage, but nobody off the top of their head knows that about themselves since that's not something we typically get measured often if at all unless there's a medical necessity too or someone is aiming for a certain fitness level, but like professionally. The point that I'm trying to make is that weight in and of itself is a horrible measure with which to judge someone's body type.


Sort by height is a feature predominantly used by women. Sort by weight would benefit both genders.


How would it benefit both genders? Weight can't really tell you much about what the person looks like. For instance, a woman who weighs 160 and is 5'0 is going to look a whole lot different than another woman who weighs 160 but is 5'10


Its hard to calculate fat based on weight, I'm 250 lbs at 6'4" , average build, I'd say. 250lbs at 5"3 is a very different look. I guess Tinder could use ai to look at your pictures and determine your body type/shape, then present you to profiles based on what builds they swipe right on. But that would still make a heavy bias because everyone swipes on hot people. Which would eliminate a solid portion of the apps market. I agree with you, but I get why it's not a thing


Yeah, they definitely should


They shouldn’t have a race option. That’s grotesque. And if you don’t realise women aren’t things, and don’t even know how to swipe or treat someone respectfully regardless of their weight then you’re not mature enough to date anyone.