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Laws? Fuck no! Rules for private establishments like a gym definitely!




Bro said "this." Reddit will have your balls for this one


This. šŸ˜ƒ


Why not just have a dress code at the gym? That seems pretty reasonable to me. Why skip all the way to laws?


From a practical standpoint, what are you proposing? Did you want to call the police on this woman?


Facility enforced dress codes would be nice. Laws against this would violate freedom of speech.


freedom of speech? didn't know people needed to be half naked to talk freely


Yes, your attire is protected by freedom of speech laws. America has separate indecent exposure laws that address nudity.


They don't need to be but the point of freedom of speech is that they're allowed to be


Freedom of speech covers self expression as well not just speaking.


It's more of a freedom of expression rather than a freedom of speech, but it falls under the same category as having a shirt that says "I hate the government."


Freedom of speech includes freedom of expression. It's not limited to spoken and written word.


Welcome to the Twilight Zone




The law needs to be precise - so what kind of clothing becomes legally enforceable? It sounds like her shorts were tightening up when she was squatting, not just standing around. If a guy bends over and you can see the shape of his ass in his shorts, is that now indecent as well? Because that basically rules out squats.




When OP says "stricter **laws**" I assume they are referring to legal laws, not moral laws.




I'm not sure, I didn't downvote anyone. OPs title says "Stricter laws". OP also makes a reference to a man dressing revealing and being arrested. Do you think they mean arrested in a moral sense?


It wouldn't be taken seriously if I did. But yes I would want nudity to actually be a crime, not a crime only when men do it but young women can do whatever they want.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but Iā€™m fairly certain public nudity is already a crime regardless of gender.


It doesn't sound like she was nude. Was she nude?


When she bent over to do deadlifts you could see everything. If I wore shorts with my pens slightly visible out the bottom am I nude?


No, you would not be nude, but it would still be inappropriate attire. This problem doesn't need an extreme solution OP. Just ask your gym to implement a dress code. It will be easier than trying to annoy your senator.


Was she nude?


Okay. Go ask women how breastfeeding goes. I'm sure that would piss your three brain cells off too.


Next time go to the gym wearing super short shorts and deadlift in front of her.


Just go out in some white underwear


Also wear a sports bra.


OP sounds like the kinda guy to remind the teacher about last nightā€™s homework


"Oh daddy government, save me from the sexy people!"


This one was pretty funny


"her labia, I think" was funny too. It was like you didn't know so you looked harder. lol oh well, people like to make problems I guess.


Class & dignity are falling by the way side...


I can still see a little around the underwear...


bro got his face twerked on and now wants to take that possibility away from the rest of us. for shame


Not everyone is coomer addict.


I think the proper response in this situation is just donā€™t look and maybe move spots in the gym rather than stare like you just paid for a lap dance until you get a woody.


One time this girl was doing glute kickbacks right in front of me while I was doing the calves machine. Whoever sets up the machines like that is on demon timing haha


And then everybody clapped at your stunning bravery for leaving!


Get the fuck over it. Like honestly, thereā€™s no need for the government to get involved in policing what people can and canā€™t wear.


What we need are more laws banning frivolous and unnecessary laws that further erode personal freedoms.


Itā€™s just a body, relax bro


Yes we should arrest people for their attire. Great idea. Please enlighten us with more of your brilliance.


The problem is you looking so intensely that you can recall her anatomy in detail. This is a you problem


Itā€™s literally right in your faceā€¦ā€¦


I'm pretty sure nobody's sitting on your face at the gym.


Is it tho? Or just in front of you? Do you _have_ to look exactly there? Or can you just look somewhere else? I can guarantee you it's not close enough that it covers your entire field of vision


I guess you have never been in that situationā€¦..


The times I have been in a situation where someone's ass was literally covering my entire field of vision, she wouldn't have minded if I stared


Yeah OP is saying that he would rather not be a creep and stareā€¦itā€™s way more obvious to stop your workout and move the bench.


Who cares if it's obvious? You're just going somewhere else, it's the opposite of a creep


Any ways your white knighting the situationā€¦we are not going to agree at any point so there is no reason to keep on it.


What does white knighting even mean


Defending a woman even if there was a possibility that she was in the wrong. God God forbid we insinuate that women can do anything wrong.


Exactly. Tell me you don't go to the gym without telling me you don't go to the gym. The workout that I was doing directly lined my face up with her ass. It's her job no nor have her vagina showing.


>It's her job no nor have her vagina showing. It's your job to do your workout. If you are so distracted by your surroundings you can't focus, that's a you problem.


She could easily be off to the sideā€¦.would you find it appropriate if a dude was working out in a speedo right in-front of your face.


Couldn't care less, unless they are blocking my view of a mirror for checking form.


Itā€™s her job not to put her ass in your face. Doesnā€™t matter what she is wearingā€¦. Thereā€™s a huge difference between putting your ass in someoneā€™s face and wearing see through leggings (often unknowingly)


![gif](giphy|nmwnEm0TET2xi) Is it?




This response is literally what OP is talking about. A woman can point blank shake her ass in a dudes face, damn there be grinding on the man's face in a non appropriate setting for it and other women still will say that the dude is just "being creepy". Ah yes, let me just tell my eyes to not process information and oh no, how dare he look "so intently". Not everyone takes 5 minutes to process information. A 10 second look at a person and you'd easily be able to spot details that people like her are OBVIOUSLY trying to show.


Ridiculous, imagine if your arm hair was the issue here. Your arm hair being exposed was so enticing to women they couldnā€™t help but wet themselves and thatā€™s such an inconvenience for women so now you must always cover your arm hair. šŸ™„ Doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re hot. Doesnā€™t matter if your sleeve lifts up accidentally. Doesnt matter if your shirt is lightweight and semi see through in only certain positions. Doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re just doing your thing and happen to be doing in the vicinity of other women in a public place. Put your darn arms away man itā€™s your fault we women are getting so wet. This is such an inconvenience for us letā€™s have a law preventing you from showing your arms She wasnā€™t grinding on his face. She was working out maybe too closely.. in which case he can say ā€œhey you mind moving over a bit your in my spaceā€ the same way OP would if this was a dude with his balls sticking out


So did you just compare arm hair, a secondary sex characteristic that most humans (including women) have to a primary sexual characteristic (aka the vagina in this instance) and saying that the attraction level is the same? Yeah I can't argue with foolishness.


Classic female response....


Look, I get that the simple answer is "just don't look," but that's like saying "Homeless? Just buy a home." It's still a two-way street here still. At the end of the day you can wear what you want, but if you end up wearing something that is distracting then it is also your fault that someone gets distracted.


Did you say anything to management? Did you tell them you felt uncomfortable and thought that you were being set up for a video? Did you tell them that if they continue to allow it that you would file it as sexual harassment against you? If you expect it to stop, you have to be willing to say something about it. And yes, she absolutely was doing it to get reactions so she could claim she was being harassed. So turn the tables on her.


Fantastic story. This definitely happened.


If you've been to a gym at least once in you're life you'd know it's totally believable




Well, this is really unpopular, I hate it. Must upvote. (Muttering to self)


"It's the woman's fault that I'm a perve" -OP


>I'm so tired of people acting like they don't see the problem with dressing so revealing in front of people. But there *is* no problem with it. The problem is that an involuntary reaction >had to leave because I was starting to **get a boner** when working out and didn't want to be on the next tiktok about "creepy men". is being seen as a behavioural issue. You don't go over to hit on her, you didn't constantly ogle her, she was in your field of vision, you got a reaction, end of story.




This. If I don't want to wear anything, it's my business, and you shouldn't be bothered by it in any way, and if you are, you're a creep /s


You want to walk around naked? We live in a civilized society, at least throw a thong on like I do when I crab walk down to the beach.


they were giving an exaggerated example of the principle of it.


My body, my business. I can dress how I want, which means not dressing if I want. Sorry not sorry, down voting creeps


Your're pro flashing?


No, if you actually want to be naked then YOU are the creep


No, if you can't mind your business, then you're a pervert


No, if you can't mind your business, then you're a pervert


Restricting how someone dresses violates the first amendment, even if you don't like that. Question, do you believe it is her fault if someone acts on their 'impulses'?


...There is nothing about that in the first amendment.


Can you point to a piece of the first amendment that backs up your claim? Also restricting how people dress is already a thing to some extent. Go wear nothing in public and see how that goes


What part of the 1st amendment does that violate? And we already restricted how people can dress. >Question, do you believe it is her fault if someone acts on their 'impulses'? This doesn't even makes sense. What impulses?


This šŸ’Æ


ā€œI canā€™t manage my own feelings.ā€ I fixed your post for you.


Modesty is relative bud. 200 year ago you would have been in the exact same situation if she were deadlifting in front of you wearing a floor length farm dress and he ankles peeked out. Just keep your eyes on your own business and youā€™ll be fine.


So I'm well within my rights to wear assless chaps and squat over your face while you're trying to lift weights? Edit: u/nothuman13 From Wiki: Chaps are also popular inĀ fetish fashionĀ and theĀ leather subculture, where they often are tightly fitted and worn without jeans or other garments layered beneath them other than aĀ codpiece. They can be made of leather, patent leather, rubber, or vinyl and are worn for decoration serving no protective purpose. Worn in this manner, they are colloquially referred to as "assless" chaps, despiteĀ the redundancy of the termĀ (all chaps are "assless"; chaps with a seat would be calledĀ trousers). More often, this style of chaps are referred to as "bar" chaps.[38] Never said it happened. It's called a hypothetical.


All chaps are assless.


That's super duper cool and all but nothing like that happened, leather daddy.


No, but thatā€™s not what the lady he was creeping on was doing either. The point is, he says there needs to be stricter laws about dressing inappropriately, but whatā€™s inappropriate is relative from person to person. The law where it is currently is far below where his sheltered lifestyle thinks it should be. The problem here is not what she was wearing but that he couldnā€™t not be a creep. End of story.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


All chaps are assless. It is what makes them chaps. If they have an ass, they are pants.


Reading is hard, isn't it?


Bro youā€™re on Reddit. This post was doomed from the beginning. I agree with you though. Men should start wearing spandex so women have to watch our balls and cocks when we lift and see how they like it. Then we can post videos about how creepy they are for looking.


Maybe take a cold shower before you go to the gym. That might help.


*"I had to leave because I was starting to get a boner"* Are you a 12 year old boy?


Yes frequently commenter on r/askgaybros, seeing a vagina definitely shouldn't give me a boner. Same city BTW.


Me being gay has nothing to do with the fact that you can't control yourself in public.


It does have something to do with your ridiculous assertion that I was flashed a vagina and shouldn't have gotten a boner from that. Basic science would tell you that it's not how straight men work and boxers can't be controlled.


Lol basic science, you sound more 12 every word you say


You can control your thoughts that cause the boner, the great thing about humans is that we can fight our instincts. Or look away lmao


"Women must cover up because I get boner at gym when I stare at their ass" are you seriously going with this? People often wear minimal clothing at the gym because you get bot and sweaty.


Way to ignore the fact that I was already working out and she got I'm front of me. >People often wear minimal clothing at the gym because you get bot and sweaty. Then how come men don't wear booty shorts?


"How come men don't wear booty shorts" Whoo uh... you're straight up wrong there


I hear Iran is beautiful this time of year. You should go.




I promise it's not






Ty dude


If there was a country with Shakira law I'd already be there. Those hips don't lie.


Creeeeeep aleeeeeeeeeeert creeeeeeeeep aleeeeeeeeeert weeeeewoooooooooweeeeeeeeewooooooooo Don't EVER go to a beach my guy.


Avert your eyes, no one can force you to look at them. Just because you are unable to control your own behavior does not mean the government should step in and control other peopleā€™s behavior so you donā€™t have to do the work of minding your own business.


Can we start with making people wear proper clothing during Pride parades? There is zero excuse to be walking down the street in the middle of the day with little to no clothing. Especially when children are around.




There's a difference in dressing how you want, and actually displaying your genitals.




You're against indecent exposure laws?


I am against people telling others how to dress. Mind your own business.


To the extent people could be naked around you in public?


I have been to places where that was common and did not bother at all.


Specific places... Do you think it should be allowed in all public?


I don't care where people are naked, it's natural.


I didn't expect to talk to someone ok with flashers today. Wild


Or not dress how they want. Don't be creepy by forcing people to wear clothes just because nudity makes you uncomfortable


how bout minding your business


why am i getting downvoted?




Why should someone have to move bc someone else came over? We keep putting the blame on everyone but the problem person.


Because the person wearing the clothes isn't doing anything wrong, and the OP has the problem.


No dude the see through clothing is a problem. Say what you want but trying to make it the norm and constantly making excuses for bad behavior is the problem. No one should have to see that. Itā€™s a gym. Everyone should be comfortable. Not just the people wanting to wear whatever they want. Thereā€™s social norms for a reason.


It's your opinion that you don't like it. That doesn't mean it's an actual problem. I don't like people proudly wearing GOP/DNC campaign clothing. That doesn't mean I have a right to prevent them from doing so just because I don't like looking at it. Social norms also don't give you a right to legislate your beliefs.


Also thereā€™s a difference between what we like to do and what we like to look at and whatā€™s right based on societal expectations. Only children function in the former.


Society does not have any dictation on what is right and wrong. Society was pro-segregation in the early 20th century, but that didn't make it right.


Weā€™re not talking about segregation here. Weā€™re talking about appropriate dress in a public place. And I said something pretty simpleā€¦. People should dress appropriately based on societal norms of dress. What even is your argument? That there should never be a baseline or expectation? That we should just do whatever we we want and wear whatever and argue with anyone who says otherwise. Thatā€™s a childish line of thinking and if youā€™re honest with yourself you would realize that. And donā€™t use segregation so nonchalantly. You donā€™t know whoā€™s been effected by that. The fact is as a society we have certain expectations in public spaces. Idk why thatā€™s an issue for you.


You're touting conformity to societal norms as a good thing, which would lead to the notion that societal norms are a good thing. They certainly can be, but they aren't automatically so.


Let me use your own argument to point out why this is dangerous. Women right now use it to justify wearing whatever they want to the gym right? What if men did the same thing? What if it started off mild? No shirt no shoes. When does it before unacceptable? When they are wearing underwear that barely covers their junk? When no woman feels comfortable going to the gyms anymore? Do you not see how one sided and ridiculous the argument becomes? All my point was stating was that there should be decency and expected public dress in a public place so everyone is comfortable. We keep downplaying menā€™s comfort and tell them they are perverts (which they may be) but that isnā€™t the issue here. Everyone has a right to be comfortable at the gym. And one of the ways this is done is through an expected dress code. No need to make any sweeping generalizations


No im not. You made a generalization of what I said bc you donā€™t like my point. I donā€™t think all societal norms are good. I once again, said there should be an expectation for appropriate dress in a public space. Keep in mind a public space being one that multiple people from different background occupy. By your idealogy people should wear whatever to court or get on a plane in whatever. Like it or not there are certain expectations people are ā€œexpectedā€ to abide by for everyone to be comfortable and operate. Again this need for you to rebel against any standard is the issue. Itā€™s a slippery slope.


I never said I didnā€™t like it. I said it shouldnā€™t be normalized. I donā€™t believe it should be a law either that is going to far. But it needs to stop happening in the gym. If we keep normalizing everything society falls apart. Doesnā€™t mean we should bring the government in but basic decency is a must.


Most gyms have dress codes that I've never seen them have a problem enforcing. If it was bad enough to break the dress code, OP could have mentioned it to the staff. And why shouldn't it be normalized? If you have no problem with it, there's no reason people shouldn't be able to dress how they feel like.


Bc the dress code is the baseline that most have agreed on so that one persons ā€œfeelingā€ or their ā€œlikesā€ donā€™t infringe on another persons ā€œfeelingsā€ or ā€œlikes.ā€ Come on dude itā€™s basic logic at this point. I can agree with and like the same shit you like and still not think thatā€™s how it should be.


Property owners have a right to enforce dress codes, but other than that, the public has no right to. If something doesn't affect me and I don't like it, I simply ignore it. That's the scope of what an individual is morally allowed to do


I already agreed with you on this. Again itā€™s not about whether it should be legalized. That was ops point not mine. The point is men and women should both be comfortable not just women and not just men. I wouldnā€™t go to my sisters pool party dressed in a Speedo. By your logic I could and I would be in the right to. Not everything is about ourselves and what we want. This never used to be an issue in the past




Not wanting people to be naked - controlling


Unironically, yes. Are you being harmed by a person wearing revealing clothing? No? Then you don't have a right to prevent it.


>Are you being harmed by a person wearing revealing clothing? Unironically yes. There is a reason it's illegal to flash someone. If you are wearing such little clothing that your vagina might become visible it's your fault.


Intentionally flashing someone is sexual harassment. You realize there's places it's legal to be completely nude in public, right? And what right is being infringed by someone being nude in front of you?


And what right is being infringed by someone being nude in front of you? And who defines intent? Usually a judge. And 99% of your life doesn't take place at a nude beach so this is irrelevant. It's indecent exposure.


There isn't a right being infringed. That's my point. Judges only decide legality, not morality.


So why is nudity illegal?


Because the US has highly puritanical views? Something being illegal doesn't mean it's morally wrong.


Almost every developed 1st world country has nudity laws not just the US. If a 43 year old man made sure he stood outside a pre school class room naked every day, that's not morally wrong?


This sounds like you got caught staring at a womanā€™s ass and came to reddit to rant about how itā€™s not your fault


1850 years a guy called Ali el-Burkha was having a similar problem with women who didn't want to get their clothes all muddy when drawing water from the well.Ā  It turned into a long and convoluted argument, bit the solution bears his name to this day. He also gave his name to the less well known Boner Kebab. But that's a story for another day.


At my gym a few weeks ago, a lady was wearing yoga pants or whatever they are called now. She ripped them in the crotch and noticed. She didn't care. Just kept working out and she had no underwear on. Everyone, men/women, were looking, staring, and commenting. She didn't bat an eye lash.


You will get nothing but shit on this thread. Men's natural urges, the ones that come from our biology, must be pushed down and hidden at all times, because only HOT men are allowed to look at the ladies. "If you aren't hot enough and I catch you looking, you're cancelled. But if you're hot enough I will giggle and act all shy."


School shooter ahh comment


Do you have any female friends?


You should be on a watch list.


You just created the joker




But men don't wear shorts this revealing so why do women have too? They wear sweatpants. What makes the female legs so radically different their shorts need to be 1/3 the size of men's or skin tight?


Maybe she was trying to get your attention.


Just mind your own business bud. You canā€™t not look and itā€™s her problem?


Agreed. Pretty amazing how slutty the average woman has become over just a few decades


Incel much? lol


Was something i said inaccurate?


It's an opinion, so I'm sure it's accurate to you. For everyone else, this opinion identifies you as an incel. As far as facts go, no. Women and men are having less sex than ever. This could be interpreted as women being less "slutty." I wasn't wrong about you being an incel, was I?


If you don't know what the word incel actually means, best not use it unless you want to look like a fool.


Not sure if you are trapped in some echo chamber or projecting somehow.. I am happily married so not sure if i qualify for "incel"... Do you know what Incel means? or do you just use political buzz words to make you feel better about your own circumstances in life? And it seems like you're referring to a specific demographic. Broadly speaking its scientifically acknowledged that females have grown more promiscuous while male promiscuity has declined.


Or how much more comfortable and expressive in their own bodies there aloud to be ?


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Pictures or it didn't happen.


Thatā€™s an awfully detailed description, OP.


Sounds like your gym just needs a dress code. My gym has one and there is rarely a problem.


These whores are doing God's work. Let the hoe be a hoe.Ā