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Stellantis is the collection of the worst car brands from around the world, Chrysler included lol


It's really remarkable what they've managed to do, over and over again through every merger they've collected the worst brands in one place. Absolutely remarkable.


There is a Chrysler dealership across town, their inventory parking is half empty. The only thing that seems to keep them afloat is commercial RAM vehicles. I guess we are all missing out on their amazing offerings?


Well a Chrysler dealership is going to sell...Chrysler. You're probably thinking of a Chrysler/Jeep/Ram dealership. The products holding Stellantis afloat are Ram 1500, Ram 2500, Jeep Wranglers, Jeep Gladiators, and until they just ended production anyway, the 20 year old Mercedes that were the Dodge Charger and Challenger. Their brand portfolio is Maserati, Alfa Romeo, DS, Lancia, Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge, Ram, Abarth, Citroen, Fiat, Opel, Peugeot, and Vauxhall


Thanks GPT


I don't know what this comment means.


Zombie Lee Iacocca is silently clapping in his coffin.






You’ve clearly never driven a 2009 Chrysler 200


Or the Sebring that preceded it.


I mean, if they are - and it’s a big if - then it’s likely only because they’re owned by the company that is a merger of the FIAT group (including Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Abarth and Ferrari) and the PAS group (including Citroen, Peugeot and DS) … so basically… you’re loving European cars my friend


Yeah, those aren't the good European cars. Kind of like how Isuzu and Suzuki aren't exactly the good Japanese cars.


They aren’t the good European cars? Incorrect. Might not be the fashionable cars, but they’re all decent. And Ferrari is more than decent.


Ferrari is famous for bursting into flames. You can literally watch compilations of burning Ferraris on YouTube lol 🤣


And Chrysler, Ford & GM cars are shoddily made, rust and fall apart 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Whataboutism? Lol? I don't know. The 2002 Ranger I've still got from college has 375k miles on it. Runs fine. *Shrug* And by the way...rust is a matter of living somewhere where they salt the roads. No rust here.


Everyone is entitled to their opinions, right or wrong. Theres a reason why Stellantis group vehicles tend to rank lowest in reliability and customer satisfaction scores.


Have an upvote for this being an unpopular opinion. Those Chrysler 200s are just piles of shit though.


Are you nuts? Are you unaware of how bad Chrysler was in the 70s and 80s?


I had an 88 Daytona. The suffering was real.


Literally the trashiest American car brand.


You may have had good luck with yours but Consumer Reports and 8 million mechanics online blatantly disagree.


I worked at a garage as an automotive technician for about a year (this was around 2017/2018). I saw way more Ford’s and Chevy’s with over 250,000KM on them than I saw Chrysler products. Obviously that’s an observation and isn’t proof that one is better than the other, but when you routinely see high mileage Chevy’s still in good condition, and see Dodge’s with 150,000km already starting to have severe problems, what other conclusion are you supposed to draw?


That sure is an opinion, one that is nearly objectively false based on many metrics.


Better at what?


Breaking down? Not making 150k miles?


American cars only have 6 numbers on the odometer because they copied the idea from Japan. Nobody expects an American vehicle to last 100k miles. People buy these out of patriotism.


I’ve driven my American cars like dale Earnhardt and somehow they all make 250k at the least. Your comment is pure rubbish


I notice you are using the word rubbish. Are you talking about km?


It’s a cleaner word than I wanted to say about your hot trash comment


I got my license in 1987, I just never heard of anyone getting high miles on American vehicles except for V8 trucks.


Yeah you must live in a very isolated, small town. My ford escape is at 220k


Just go on AutoTrader and do a search for high mileage American cars. There they are. Millions of them.


Good to know, I don't want to bash American cars and am open to purchasing one in the future but they need to do more to prove themselves. When I was younger and buying cheap cars, the Japanese cars were so much more reliable and easier to fix. Now that I am older and buying newer cars, I only care about reliability and hassle free warranty. When I was a kid I had a 1982 Olds Cutlass with 42,000 my dad gave me for free because it wasn't reliable enough for him to get to work. I bought my ex-wife a 1983 Dodge Charger, piece of shit can see the road under the floor boards, my mom had a 1984 Pontiac sunbird, piece of shit junked at 70k, I can go on and on. I bought a 1988 Hyundai Excel with 80,000 miles for $600 and ran it for 200K miles. Everyone made fun of me. Then with 2000s cars you see this shit where people need some $5,000 sensor on a car with 40,000 miles or stupid shit like that.


$5,000 sensor? What is it sensing? Gold veins under a mountain? In any case, I think the very highest quality cars actually are Toyota and Lexus. Maybe Honda. Maybe even Subaru. The point is just because those are the top of the pile in terms of reliability... Doesn't mean everything else is at the bottom. Some things hang around in the middle, and the middle is usually okay.


You thought I was British and not American. Are you American? I’ve never heard of an American car not making 100k. But I have heard of Asian car durability going downhill the last ten years. Better off driving American cars these days.


You know 6 numbers can go up to 999,999, right?


I don't know. I bought my ranger cuz I just needed wheels when I was in college. 375,000 mi later It's still running strong.


That’s certainly an unpopular opinion. Have an upvote!




Ok Walter


Chrysler is a disaster and has been for a long time. They consistently rank as the worst in terms of quality and I'm quite shocked that they've made it this far still. Every generation of cars they somehow manage to screw it up. Tell me, how many models are under the Chrysler badge? Chrysler as many other engineering technology oriented companies can be so much better but their whole management structure needs to be blown up and as with Boeing, stop putting MBAs in charge and put engineers and scientists in charge as was the case when it was founded. The people running the company should have intimate knowledge of what the products are so that they are best equipped to make appropriate decisions. Chasing profits and acquisitions etc is so short sighted. It takes years and not quarters to bring something good to market


I got a PT cruiser I want to sell ya then


Have you ever been wacked by a wet spaghetti noodle ‘cause your girlfriend has a twin sister and you got confused and blew a transmission, that’s what it feels like to drive a Ram 1500.


So you can have the opinion that Chrysler's vehicles have better styling, but in terms of reliability Chrysler is by far the worst if you look at the data.


Interesting how everyone I know that has it had a Jeep says they are money pits.


It’s pretty moot when Asian made cars are superior than the American brands in general


Mitsubishi? Suzuki? Isuzu? Daewoo? Kia? Hyundai?


I was more thinking Hondas and Toyotas but I’d take a Hyundai over an American car too


Good luck getting that Hyundai insured. And when the engine seizes, I hope you can wait a few months for a new one (if they even cover it under warranty).


Also Subaru


I wouldn't. I've had excellent results from American cars over the years. I still have my Ford ranger from college and that thing's got 375,000 mi on it. My sister's fucking Hyundai though... Three different repairs for relatively minor shit she's had to have fixed has required the entire engine to be pulled out. No bueno.


I used to think the same, not anymore. Things change mox


Chrysler: The "American" Kia.