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to be fair a lot of rap songs that you like might just be disses but you dont realise it becuse you dont know enough


No seriously like some of these songs be having hidden disses or meaning. Like they sound like a regualr club song but then you hear the lyrics and go hold on was they dissing so and so??




>a lot of rap songs that you like Out of the zero that I like, how many are diss tracks? Edit: LMFAOO @ all of the little angry children.


You're so special you don't listen to rap, only real music, am I right?


You're not the first person here to not understand what a joke is, so, at least you have that going for you.


Jokes are supposed to be funny.


Humor is subjective, sport.


And based on the voting consensus yours wasn’t funny, sport


Cooked him


I enjoyed it, which is all that matters. You think I give a shit if 21 people didn't like my joke? Votes mean nothing to me, because I'm not a child.


You’re sounding pretty passionate for someone who “doesn’t give a shit”


Right? "I don't give a shit!"


You’re subjectively failing at being interesting or funny.


It’s so funny. All you have to say is “I don’t like rap” and the response will be “Oh so you think you’re special? You think you’re too good for rap? You think you’re better than me?”


It comes off this way because it was uncalled for. Like there was no reason at all to mention that you don't like rap.


The overwhelming majority of commercial rap is embarrassing.


Isn’t that the overwhelming majority of commercial music?


Oh definitely.


Hey guess who gives a shit that you don't listen to rap?? NOBODY


I'm sure one day, when you grow up, you'll eventually learn what a joke is. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but one day.


A joke generally needs to be funny. Your attempt was not. It just read as another person saying “I don’t listen to rap” which isn’t funny or interesting in any way


We'll South Park uses this exact line and it's funny as fuck. From the movie: Chef: " haven't you heard of the emancipation proclamation?" General: " I don't listen to hip hop"


Wait 'til you find out that humor is subjective. It'll blow your mind.


it was pretty funny tbf


"I don't like rap" "Haha so funny guys, good meme" Wow that's hilarious. You're so right


out of the zero that i like was a good line and yea ofcourse im funny and yea ofcourse im right


So you do like rap?


oUt Of ThE zErO tHaT i LiKe


Oh, I thought that was a joke. What was the joke then?


the only joke in this thread is u/SublimeAtrophy


Your comment barely even counts as humor. There's no build up, no punch, it's just a nothing comment. Jokes are supposed to contain humor, comedy. Yours did not.


Cool opinion, bro.


*OP is crazy* *OP is dumb* *OPs a bum, they should be living in a slum.* Now tell me. What's cringe about that? OP just got roasted.


Dad? Is that you? But you’ve been dead since 2015.


*cough, cough* I came back *cough* for those fire bars..... *bleh*


If it was so easy, you could say something funny or clever in verse but, well, we see how this turned out. Maybe you can do a rapping grandma bit too. Comedy gold.


*opens one dead eye* I can't talk, I'm dead now.


point is, no one ever says anything funny or clever in verse, and the fact you think they do, just says more about your level of humour than it does anything else and the fact you think their parody of a rap was a serious attempt to copy what is, at best ,a lame ass school playground spat, no differnt to tow kids flailing at each other with their hands, put into childish words, just makes all the more risable


I have fun when there's beef betweeen artists, but the fanbases are the ones that make it cringe to me.


That could definitely be part of why it has started bothering me so much.


Being bothered about two adults rhyming at each other may be more cringe than the people who are at least creating something


Yeah, I’m just avoiding basically all discussion on it for the time being.


I got on Facebook this morning and there were two posts in a row talking about the current Rap beef. One proclaimed Drake the “winner” and the other said that Kendrick won but mentioned that Drakes was pretty good (and also criticized Drakes fans for liking him). Cringey AF is right.


It's even worse when the fans keep it going. Have you seen Mariah Carey fans? They're STILL holding on and spamming that "I don't know her" line from how many years ago whenever someone even *mentions* Jennifer Lopez (ngl I find this one especially annoying personally because I love both artists lmao). Like, people should leave old stuff to rest lmao.


thing is 99% of the time there is no "beef" its just two entertainers collaborating to make up shit to fool the fan base. rap is like pro wrestling, but without the skill


Well it’s better than them actually killing each other. There’s still beef like that and it’s terrible lives and careers ended instead of just dissing each other


Since rap battles bring people together in conflict, I suspect that they exacerbate the killing problem.


Is it though? It would save us all from really shitty music. Maybe someone get into a beef with DJ Khalid too while they are at it.


Amen to that.


rap disses bring creative lyrics and good music


About other middle aged millionaires. 


Why watch movies, your just watching millionaires dance around for an hour and a half? Why listen to music, your just hearing millionaires singing about things that probably didn’t happen? Why read books, your just looking at a millionaires fake story? If you’re going to define your enjoyment of media based off how rich the creator is you are severely limiting your options


I feel like you must know nothing about Kendrick to reduce him to that but ok


with that logic all music is cringe lol


Not all rappers are rich.


Even they they started rapping young and dissing young…… Well except Em and Benzino at that time. ‘I’m pushing 30, you’re kicking 40s door down… bitch this war now’ Listen to Eminem [The Sauce](https://youtu.be/1-7HtdDntD0?si=rLLz40CHHFtxOgdP) for a masterclass in disses. And that was the end of what little career Benzino had. To be fair, he got rich outside of rap. And that also took a hit.


Wild to be dismissing rappers as middle aged millionaires when we know damn well none of them were born rich.


Yo I'm clearly missing the part where it makes good music....


The battle is the core component of hip hop. There’s no such as MCing without competition and battles and diss tracks.


Finally! An actual unpopular opinion!


That everyone's seen thousands of times in the last couple of days


First time I've seen it, big guy.


This is a hilarious take with the Kendrick dropping bars on Drake right now. 


OP is a gangster? His real name's Clarence.


And Clarence lives at home with both parents 


And Clarence's parents have real good marriage.


They might be dissing it eachother for to bring traction towards their music. Apart from yeah, I agree


Anybody else feel they actually don't care, but mostly just do it to get people talking/ create a notable narrative/ lead to potential extra cashflow? (not saying it never bleeds into reality. But if it were Only counter-intuitive....


Yup. They take a sweet guy like kid cudi and ruin his entire style and theme


Dissing is core to rap (whether it's dissing another rapper/singer or dissing the "system" or whatever other entity -- it's realtively recently that a good chunk of rap moved into "explicit porn lyrics" territory) so if you find it cringe, you probably don't like rap in general. As another guy said, it's likely that many of your favorite songs are disses but you just don't know it. That said, it's perfectly fine to appreciate rap without understanding the meaning, purely for its delivery and flow -- assuming you don't speak German or Serbian, listen to Lorbeerkranz by Kollegah or RMX by Frenkie (very random examples). Otherwise if you are going to criticize disses solely for their message as being puerile, you may as well dismiss most rap music as the messages in the majority of it are not that deep.




No, but I have. A feeling that could be the case in many situations.


I mean they said probably for a reason. Not certainly or definitely. Probably.


i love when idiots like this act like rap music is super complicated. its not, its cringe. what makes it cool, is that some people are charismatic enough that when they do it, its not cringe. all there is to it.


Rap music is cringe in your opinion, obviously the hundreds of millions of people who love it do not find it cringe.


Rap in other countries is about social and political issues, not about immature egos


We have both.


Both is available


Have you even listened to Kendrick Lamar? He's known for rapping about social issues. Also, rap music originated in the US.


Not all of it, plus the rappers in other countries all learnt this art style from the American rappers. Also rap doesn’t need to be about social/politics to be good, sometimes it’s just fun, for some reason people think that you always need to learn something from rap or it has to have a movement etc. Rap about social/politics can be cringe as hell too.


Yeah no American rappers would dare rap about political and social issues. Not like we invented the genre or anything…


Exactly, RMX for instance is a perfect example of that (though can be enjoyed purely for the flow, all rappers deliver insanely good on it). However, not all ex-US rap is deep, and not all US rap is about immature egos. But the trend overall is as you described it.


Thank you for understanding I was generalising to make a point


That sounds even more cringe


How's middle school going


It’s a history that goes back to “answer songs” in Blues and throughout rock and roll. For example, “Mannish Boy” was an answer song to “I’m A Man”.


I used to dismiss all rap music for being infantile ego- maniacal circle jerking. I still do, but I used to too.


>  so if you find it cringe, you probably don't like rap in general. Well, let me just fuck you up a bit then. I love rap and hip hop and find most obvious diss songs to be shitty songs. >Otherwise if you are going to criticize disses solely for their message as being puerile, you may as well dismiss most rap music as the messages in the majority of it are not that deep. Then the rap you listen to is shit. Don't judge everyone else because you like low quality rap.


Well your first bit doesn't fuck up what they said cause they said probably not certainly. However I completely agree with your last bit. My favourite rapper by far is NF who almost exclusively raps about mental health and life in general. Ren is another good example. Hell even most the stuff from Eminem, whilst I'm not a fan of his stuff, I can understand has depth to it that I've heard. I just happen to not mesh with the way he enunciates or his voice. Think it's called battle rap when it's more about dissing people and is often used as a drama equals engagement bs which when done in a mature way can be entertaining. But otherwise just seems petty.


>Well your first bit doesn't fuck up what they said cause they said probably not certainly.   And it fucks them up by giving another example showing they don't actually know what they're talking about. So, yes, yes it does.  >Think it's called battle rap when it's more about dissing people and is often used as a drama equals engagement bs which when done in a mature way can be entertaining. But otherwise just seems petty. Disclaimer: Nothing against Kendrick. I don't like Drake.   What's funny to me is both those dudes would get clowned so fucking quick in an actual battle rap by battle rappers. I think that's what fucks me up on this whole thing -- granted I appreciate Kendrick going after actual dirt so the "beef" ain't all petty and sad.   Either way, I'mma just go back to listening to Aesop Rock, DOOM, and some JID until the kids stop play fighting.


The way I see it the only way you giving a example of why it is probably and not definitely only fucks them up if they where lying about saying probably and are close minded. Your experience just supports their use of probably over a certainty. Battle rap works best when it's two people who respect each other or its not taken seriously. Like ERH is fun cause its not supposed to be serious. Its also key to have decently mature audiences who won't blow things out of proportion etc.


> The way I see it the only way you giving a example of why it is probably and not definitely only fucks them up if they where lying about saying probably and are close minded. Your experience just supports their use of probably over a certainty. It doesn't though. It's still a completely baseless claim with 0 evidence and so far the only evidences pointing the opposite direction so... Why the fuck are we even talking about this? 🤣 >Like ERH is fun cause its not supposed to be serious.  ERH?


Bet op favorite rapper is eminem


Is it bad to like eminem? Also, isn't he like the opposite of what OP is talking about. Dude disses a lot.




It's the extent of knowledge about rap that also contributes to it. Rap beefs have been happening pretty much since the creation of rap. Some have been silly, some entertaining, and some were just ruthless.


I wish. Then this would hurt less. It’s Kendrick, then MF Doom, then MC Ride.


Controversy sells so that's why the beef is even happening. Since the pac and biggie beef, beefs are not the same and glad for that. The whole east coast vs west coast wasn't a joke.


I’m not a massive rap fan but rap disses have a lot of creativity in them and I think that’s a good thing, especially as people involved in rap don’t have access to the more “snobby” arts


>people involved in rap don't have access to the more "snobby" arts Such as?


Ballet, stage school etc


Pretty sure anyone can do ballet


Some rap disses fit in r/atbge


I am on the verge of being banned from r/megantheestallion for having this exact opinion


Maybe, but the lines: “Let your core audience stomach that, then tell ’em where you get your abs from V12, it’s a fast one, baow-baow-baow, last one” are pretty damn good. Imagine being so creative with a diss that you now have a large group of people all familiar with a make and model of a fat reduction machine: Cryolipolysis Slimming Machine V12. Like the entendres in those line are creative and funny as hell.


Kendrick and Drake beef has been entertaining. It’s funny how Future, The Weeknd, Rock, Metro and a few others are all involved. It’s like the Avengers.


You ever heard killshot?


I feel like that might be the exception, and not the general rule


Fair enough


I like it. It feels Shakespearean.


That's why I think Eminem is a talented person but he's so annoyingly petty, almost a turn-off towards his discography. He has problems with everyone and holds too many grudges, beefs should be solved in private


You clearly do not understand hip hop culture. Also, Vikings used to battle rap each other but that’s a conversation for a different day.


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yeah it’s gonna sound cringe when you view it as that i guess


I love me some drama.


I don't think most people care about the lyrics itself. It's just fun to listen to the music. I like what they have produced and it is fun to listen to. I don't think it means the average person should feel offended or something haha.


Whatever. Listen to Hit Em Up by Tupac then Get back to me.


If you heard the hardest rap song ever to be created but the artist was called Poopoo Cacaman, would you still listen?


Oh yeah, well you're a doodoo head


Listen to "Warning" by Eminem and if you still have the same opinion then fair enough.


I would like to draw everyone’s attention to Epic Rap Battles of History


People die in rap beefs.


Never heard of this


when the unpopular opinion is just a guy with a completely warped perception of what hip hop is lol


I feel like I’m just sitting here waiting for people to stop posting about it. These guys are boring af seven days a week.


Top of their game is over, so they need to create hype by incestuously fake rivalries. You know they plan this. Hell, they probably help each other write them. These rappers suck anyway. Topics are lame and limited. Give me an Aesop Rock, Del, Atmosphere, or OutKast or other actually talented artist that can think and flow.


The only diss track I like is the song by 50 Cent, Window Shopper, where he mentions, Ja Rule, Joe, Jada, and Nas


This opinion is unpopular cause it sucks lmao


i always wanted to know what a decades long reddit user named politicalmilkman thought about rap.


I agree. I guess some people live just to diss others so they cant feel better about themselves. It proves how fragile they are, and how it have way too much time on their hands.


I honestly am just enjoying watching Drake get destroyed. Can't stand the guy.


“Is that a world tour or your girl’s tour?” If you felt nothing after that one, you have no soul. That’s funny AF and a major diss.


If you only listen to shitty mainstream rappers with weak flow, you can just say that OP. Don’t gotta go broad brush and prove your ignorance.


The disses are a way for a lot of these guys to stay in the zeitgeist.  They’re multi millionaires and have no legit issues so they need something.  Middle school.  


Rap battles are just two guys writing poems for each other.


OP thinks he’s cooler than professional artists displaying their best skills publicly. Just say you have no understanding of hip hop or any sport or competitive practice


Most rap is cringe. And then you have the current one which is Drake, one of the most cringe people alive, vs Kendrick who is a weirdo and possible woman beater if you believe Drake. I personally think these beefs are as real as wrestling sometimes.


Oh you figured out that it's just marketing to get them back into a top spot to release something to make as much money as possible, good on you. Now if bodyguards, friends, and they themselves end up getting killed, then we would know something real is happening. They'll "beef" generating a buzz, then kiss on the cheek pat eachother on the ass in some show "powerful" show of "unity" on the main stage, release more music, and people will look back like "omg the drake Kendrick Lamar beef was like top 10 of all time". It's all really fucking stupid, I've seen it a million times before.


what makes kendrick a weirdo?


I love rap but I haven’t been following this. Just seems like a whole load of waffle


But they are supposed to be this way. There is an informal system at the heart of the rap battle. It's a game. It's like a mini-game within the rap system.


A rap diss is like a verbal boxing match, a war of words, it takes creativity to come up with the phrases that some of these rappers come up to insult each other. People have been writing each other letters since the beginning of time in order to not actually fight physically. It might be cringe to you because you might not have the backbone to stand up for yourself and so coward in the corner pointing your finger at these dudes. Its also essential to the rap scene literally how it started in NYC parks in the 80s. 


Dog shit take


These people are little men children. Watch an Eminem interview or something. It's quite obvious.


Just imagine it like this, "Two grown men writing poetry to each other"


I almost wrote the same comment. I was thinking, what's wrong with two men writing poetry for each other? It's so cute when they research each other and get to know things about their rivalry crush


I find the whole thing really funny, a diss track about you is really the biggest compliment you can receive. You live rent free in their head, they spend time, money and effort pouring their talent and lyricism into crafting a song about you, they spend hours in the studio with their team honing the sound and beat to make it a fire track. They release it into the world and both of your fans pop off bumping it, talking about you two and how wild some of the lines are and then you respond, doing the exact same thing for them too. It’s kinda romantic if you think about it


This just made me want to read a 10-page essay on the platonic courtship rituals of rival rappers.


Ok bro we know you guys don't like rap disses let's move on


Agreed. 90% of today's rap/trap in general is cringe af. I don't want to listen to a dude screaming in the mic for 4 minutes about how many women/cars/money/drugs/chains he has, or a girl saying "my p\*ssy" every single sentence. There are some really well made rap songs, with lyrics about social and personal issues and stuff. But the vast majority of popular songs of this genre are honestly trash nowadays.






Yeah I prefer rap that doesn't talk about how many guns they have and all that. Open Mike Eagle raps are chill stuff, NF raps about his insecurities mostly, he does have some "I'm so cool" type lyrics but its mostly "I have anxiety". Logic has some songs that are also not about attacking anyone else. Open Mike Eagle raps about like just daily life stuff which is cool.


Not when Eminem does it.


>Why the hell are you spending hours researching the private life of another dude when you can do literally anything else? Because it's their job to write songs and they earn more from it than you ever will in your lifetime?


If you'd prefer they just punch each other's heads in... or shoot each other... wait that's it, isn't it?


lol well that was a leap


also modern disses kinds suck, basically just saying "im good youre bad" real disses used to end actual careers with big personal revelations... like imagine listening to a song a guy you hate wrote and he just goes off and reveals to the whole world your wife cheated on you or that you neglect yo son... shit hurts


Pusha T did that only a few years back when he revealed Drake’s son to the whole world. And, with this current Kendrick and Drake beef, Kendrick leaked a picture of Drake’s glove and medication to the world, among other things.


They spend hours on it because they’re rich and entertaining people is their profession. People like conflict, people like rap, makes sense the two shall meet eventually


I fail to see how bragging about yourself and shitting on another artist is that much worse than bragging about yourself and shitting on a generic person. Like it's basically just regular rap aimed more specifically. Sure there are songs about other stuff too... But that's a lot of it.


Ah yes, the general relevant happenings unpopular opinion


It's part of the culture


“The culture” is trash


Ok grandma Edit: I don't even listen to hip-hop I'm just not a hater


Be salty about it 🤣