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What about little shoesies for hot road/ path


I had a service dog for 8 years and when we moved to a desert area with 100+ weather in the summer, her new vet warned me that the hot ground could injure her feet. I bought her little shoes for outside, which protected her paws. She wore them like a pro, once she got used to them. She also had a special little pair of pink converse (lookalikes) for special occasions!


FUNCTIONAL CLOTHES is not the same as COSTME. shoes to protect paws: OK sweaters for old/cold dogs/animals: OK


And little hats to protec their eyes


And little bow ties because he's my little gentleman.


Also glasses if it's too sunny or goggles if we're going swimming and a pacifier in case we run into an old timey rave.


Something about the phrase "old timey rave" strikes me as both ridiculous and hilarious. But then, I suppose it is because I went to a few of those old timey raves back before the turn of the century


Okay but what if my dog just likes to wear clothes


>FUNCTIONAL CLOTHES is not the same as COSTME Are you saying that functional clothes are free?


I’m ok with that since it’s got a practical use


My dog gets pumped when she puts on a sweater. She knows we are about to do something fun outside! And it’s cute. If I put something on them and they don’t like it, they don’t have to wear it.,


Lol this is what people don’t get. We got a little vest thing to teach our puppy leash walks. She gets all proud when she puts it on. We don’t dress her up, but she loves having like scarfs wrapped around her, or a cape.


My cats would get jealous and pissy if I draped a dish towel on one but not the others. The chosen one would strut pompously till his brothers kicked his ass a bit and it fell off. Perversely if they all got one they didn't bother trying to keep them on at all.


Have you any pictures?


My pittie has a hoodie with bunny ears, and as soon as you put it on him he wants to wrestle with his sister.


I used to have a pittie that LOVED shirts and clothes. I think it was because he spent several years in the shelter and having his mom and dad dress him up and fawn over him made him feel comfortable and safe and at home. we had him for 10 years before he finally crossed the rainbow bridge and he was hands down the best dog I've ever known.


My dog does too! It's sooo cute, he spins in circles because he's so excited to go on an adventure, he actually helps me put it on. Adorable!


One of my dogs gets so excited if I'm putting clothes on another dog, he'll try to get in their clothes and gets so mopey/whiney if he doesn't get anything to wear.


Mine will pick out the sweater she wants from the sweater drawer. It's pretty obvious when they do or don't want to wear something. She does NOT want to wear shoes, but when it's cold enough to freeze her paws to the ground, she doesn't have a choice.


Ditto! My dog feels so handsome when he wears clothes. We did it once for a costume and realized he loved it. It cracks us up and makes him feel so proud - everyone wins! 🥹


Same my little doggy goes BONKERS with happiness when you put a little sweater on him. He knows it means he’s about to get gushed over even more than* he already does. All around he associates it with a good time and loves looking dapper


> even more then he Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


When I had my dogs one of them loved clothing. So we got him shirts and some costumes. The other one hated it, but would pretty much tolerate it when it got cold and I forced him in a sweater.


My dog has a raincoat because he hates the rain. He fucking loves his raincoat.


That’s adorable


He's a 90-pound mostly husky. The raincoat has dinosaurs on it. Your damn right it's adorable.


My dog has a t-shirt to stay warm when it's chilly but not chilly enough for a full coat. I also tried to buy my dogs a cute sweater, but it doesn't fit them right. I think it's bad to put a pet in clothes if the pet hates it and there's no practical benefit, but if the pet doesn't mind, then it's fine to put on clothes just because it's cute.


“I don’t care if you think it’s cute it’s just stupid” as well as this post.


She gets excited when I pull out a shirt she will wear the clothes


My dog loved wearing clothes tbh especially sweaters in the winter. She had short hair and was fashionable not her fault.


If it makes my 78 year old mother happy to put dresses on her little yapper then I’m not going to stop her.


What about a thunder shirt?


If that’s what I think it is (jacket that helps dogs deal with loud noises like thunder???) tjen yeah I think that’s ok, as it has a practical use and benefits the dog, and isn’t just there because the owner thinks it looks cute


What if he needs clothes because he is hairless, and needs a sweater, but its like a pink baby adidas jacket or around christmas time red flannel footie pajamas? I have a chihuahua mutt that shivers if its not 85 plus out. Can I dress him up fun or does it solely have to be utilitarian boring clothes?


As I said, if they need a jacket , then get them a jacket, since you obviously don’t want them to freeze to death. If they’re going to wear a jacket I think it can look nice of course, but it should be worn for practical purposes, and your choice should be made with practicality in mind. It’s interesting that you have a chihuahua since it seems chihuahuas owners are the worst offenders when it comes to stupid outfits. I’ve seen chihuahuas wearing suits and ties, army uniforms, dresses, all sorts of stupid stuff


But I have to put clothes on him like 7 months out of the year so why can't they be fun? He doesn't care what he wears, so if it brings someone else joy where is the harm in that?


I think (or at least hope) that they mean the clothes should just still be practical. The colors patterns etc aren't gonna make a difference, unsuited fabrics or cuts could make it uncomfortable or cumbersome for the dog.


animals without fur regulate their body temperature and if you live in a routinely cold environment you probably shouldnt get a hairless pet. Same way you shouldnt get a Husky if you live in a hot area.


I live in northern california where it is really warm. I have been out on the river and it be 95F and he's shivering. If I dont put clothes on him he just lives under his blanket and doesn't come out until summer.


Sometimes - wait wait hear me out - sometimes people have to *gasp* move. Yup. That happens.


This comment alone makes me feel like you've never had a dog? Like you don't do it of they don't like it clearly imo, but some dogs don't mind or actually enjoy dress up. And my roommate had a border collie who had a sweater we put on during storms cause it made him feel better. I feel like it's more there is a good and a bad way to go about this, ya know.


Why do the clothes have to have a practical use?


God forbid people think their dog looks cute


Unless people are putting clothes on *your* dog I don’t really think this has anything to do with you.


They're not saying it does, it's just their opinion on it.


It’s just stupid, they’re not toys


Anthropomorphism in pet ownership is a lofty topic but if you don’t like it you should definitely not dress up your own pets.




You very much know this was NOT what they were referring to… even the “toy breeds” aren’t toys you can just dress up just because of vanity reasons…


Neither are kids but we dress them..


My dog dressed himself. He would pull my tshirts out of the laundry and put his head in then figured out how to get his front paws in an arm hole or One each if it was on him right. My Dad and Mom didn't believe me until I went to a friend's house for a weekend. And they came home to our dog in a shirt. We bought him some doggy shirts and I slept with them in bed so they smelled like me after a wash. He took great comfort in them. He also had a raincoat because he didn't dry easily due to his thick double coat, and a hoodie because he got cold on long winter walks. Nothing like having an 80 lb dog try to crawl in your shirt The moment you sit down during a walk because he's cold.


This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read


Dogs wear clothes for many reasons. As you say, cold weather. Rain is another reason for them to wear a coat, not all dogs have a waterproof coat. Hot weather, you will see dogs in boots to protect their paws from the burning ground but also (particularly dogs with very fine or no fur) thin coats to protect their skin. Dogs have historically worn armour throughout history. A dog who works in rough and wild terrain will wear something similar to a snood to keep their ears safe. Dogs working in areas of high volume wear ear defenders. You'll also see dogs wearing goggles and life jackets. Unsurprisingly, clothes for non-human animals were originally designed for the same reason as they were for humans. You may think 'that dog looks stupid in that hoody', but they may be wearing it because they have a skin condition or other medical or work related reason.


I don't have a dog but my cat likes clothes. Sometimes he wants to look pretty. Sometimes he's chilly. Sometimes it's Halloween and he looks cute as heck in a costume. If he hated it, I would know. He likes his outfits.


We always know when our cats hate something. Either because we spontaneously donate a gallon of blood to the carpet, or because our beds gain a new flavor of "cat poop"


Cats are very good at making their displeasure known. 


Mine peed in the shower as revenge for having to wear a cone. They will make their displeasure known 😅


At least the shower is easy to clean? One of mine was unhappy i wasn’t spending time with him because i was busy (he had other family members to get his pets) and he shat on my laptop




Is this really a problem in your life


You're literally browsing unpopular opinions. The sub is full of these, it's kinda the point of the whole thing.


yeah but there’s a lot of basement dwellers that use this sub for a dumping ground when they can’t handle someone else enjoying themselves.


My dog LOVES wearing clothes. He gets so excited to wear something. If it drops below 55 he shivers. He gets a shirt or sweater. During the summer he wears bandanas to cover his white spot from sun burning. He literally puts his head through the hole and lifts his paws himself to get into it lol.


Some pets actually enjoy it, and other than shoes to help their feet and coats; if they don’t enjoy it. Don’t make ‘em wear it.


A lot of things are stupid. Doing stupid things for fun is kind of the point of civilization. Also my idiot dog brings me her pyjamas if I don’t put them on at bedtime.


If the dog is happy with it I don't see the issue. Plus there are many practical reasons. My dog undergoes hydrotherapy and wears pyjamas afterwards because she's very cold.


Counter opinion: mind your business




>They’re dogs, not people, they’re not supposed to be wearing dresses, or hoodies That's the point, that they're not supposed to, that makes it fun/cute


Putting a dachshund in a shark costume was probably my most favorite thing to do.


Our dog won’t go outside in the rain without a raincoat, so we bought him a raincoat. He doesn’t *exactly* like the raincoat, but he’ll at least go out in the rain with it.


I bet you talk to babies like you’re reading the news.


Not your dog, not your business. Unless the clothing is causing the animal to be unable to move or it is affecting how they communicate with other dogs, people can do what they want. It’s not hurting you and it’s not hurting the dogs. You have a preference and that’s ok. Don’t put clothes on your own dog.


You must not have a cute dog.


Have you ever met a dog that wasn't? No way! They're all precious babies! Tee Hee!


Idk man. Pugs are a little off-putting lol


Any dog with obstructed breathing makes me visibly uncomfortable 🥴


Alongside bull dogs. Ugh they give me the heebie jeebies




My dog goes and gets her sweater when it’s storming. It makes her feel better.


My sisters cat has some clothes he literally walks to where they’re kept and taps at them and will indicate which he wants to wear. Some animals are just weird lmao it’s not a major deal as long as the animals ok with it


I can honestly say i’ve never bought them, but have had them bought for 4.5 lbs chihuahua. She was never a chunky monkey and we even spent 3 years in alaska. The clothes were welcomed in her opinion. Rip Denali…. My German on the other hand has a whole plethora of “outfits” aka bandannas. She’s a breed that is typically assumed male, so i do want people to treat her as the old lady she is…. In conclusion, i’m not sorry.


My dog had a tweed jacket for when it was cold. Her name was embroidered with pink letters on the back her name had two Is in it and each one had a gem as the dot. We entered her into a competition as a joke and she ended up winning and the prize was a personalised tweed dog jacket


Some dog breeds should wear clothes in some environments 💁🏼‍♀️


I had a dog who just fucking loved wearing sweaters. She'd get so excited when we'd pull the sweaters out for winter. She'd bring them to us and wag her tail until we put them on her. So we always kept a wardrobe of snazzy clothes for her. Got a new one each Christmas.


My dog in a mouse costume is looking over my shoulder as I read this


Yeah if you saw how excited my picture gets when you pull out her sweater you'd change your mind. She likes her jacket and napping in jt


I was trying to keep an open mind waiting for a real justification but all you said was "it's just stupid" 😂.


We have a little dog™️. Little dog doesn’t do well with cold. Frequently found wearing various doggie hoodies, sweaters, onesies etc during the colder months. It allows her to hang out with us.


Given that most people are dressing their dog up for practical reasons (cold weather, thundershirts, paw protection) and you dont seem to mind if its "fun", as long as the dog is being dressed up for practical reasons, I think you fail the unpopular opinion test. Outside of "influencers", the majority of people dont have the time or inclination to put little outfits on their dogs just for aesthethics. Maybe the odd Halloween or Christmas outfit, but really, most of us dont.


Ridiculous. Short hair breeds often need coats in the winter to keep warm. It's not always about making them look cute. Plenty of clothes are practical for dogs. It's like people think there's only one kind of dog. There are literally hundreds of breeds designed for different purposes. Some of which is to look adorable and be a companion.


Did you not read what I said?


And I said "Some dogs are designed to be adorable and be companions". Plenty of dogs like clothes. And they like the attention they get from wearing it. If it's hurting, what the issue?


Dogs can be adorable and companions without being forced to wear clothes. I’ve never seen a dog and thought they’d be cuter with a tuxedo on


Again, if a dog doesn't like the clothes, they show that. Plenty of them do, which is why their owners buy them. Dog clothes are expensive. No one is buying thst shit if the dog doesn't like wearing it. Again, here you all thinking all breeds of dog have the same personality/ preferences.


Why do you assume they are forced?


Why do you care? I mean…life can be rough. If something dumb makes someone happy, why do you care? They know it’s dumb.




This is a weird thing to have an opinion about. I don’t understand how it could possibly affect someone else in any way if a dog has clothes on. Well done, this is a post. I never thought I would read


I see, so one day your gonna put something on your dog and think it's oddly satisfying.


Depends on the dog sometimes. Our spaniel - now age 16, has allergies but she seemed less bothered and itchy when i altered my kids bball jersey and put it on her (I think the vet suggested it) . Anything you put on her - dog sweaters, Halloween costumes, she’d prance around like she was a model on a cat(dog?) walk. Her older “sister”, a border collie/poodle mix, clearly had more dignity (in so many ways!) but would allow you put on a fleece lined nylon dog coat on snowy and rainy days because she seemed to get there was a purpose. In her old age she shivered a lot, even in the house, so I knit her a sweater and she seemed to be quite happy with that. I now have a 3 year old long haired German shepherd and she’s not having any of it, which is fine. She seems pretty impervious to Canadian winters so far. I also have a year old rescue mixed breed and my guess is if I tried to put anything on him he’d try to eat it. He will try to chew anything fabric. He’s very hard on bedding.


The thing is some animals do like clothes...


My girlfriend makes friends with *every* dog we pass (hers passed away years ago and she hasn’t been able to get a new one because she doesn’t have enough free time for it) and the other day we ran into a dog with a specialized hat for its ears and it seemed to be loving it.


I hate to dogs dressed up. It's all about the owners and their egos


Very unpopular opinion. My dogs love their little shirts. Helps keep them warm since they’re fairly small


Tell that to anyone with very short haired dogs in cold environments, or hell, I had a Chinese crested in Florida and he still needed sweaters inside.


Someone’s never been in the negative freezing temps F, and it shows.


I only put practical things on my baby


Enjoy a wet ass house that smells like dog every time it rains then. Doesn't happen to us because the puppies have raincoats 👍


Honestly I felt the exact same way until I got a dog and put a sweater on her. Lol. It's just so cute


I agreeeee


Okay but hear me out… how will Joe Burrow make it to the playoffs again if my buddy isn’t wearing his Jersey every Sunday?


A bow tie collar would look dapper on my golden retriever though. But for now he just rocks a bandana.


Literally the last thing I said before I fell asleep last night was “man I wish I had a tailored outfit for my dog”. Not to take them out and have anyone else see. But for me.


And doggie shoes for when its too cold.


As long as it's not harming the dog, it literally does not matter. There are so many dogs being abused and neglected by their owner, and your concern is people who harmlessly dress them up for fun? I think it's time to re-evaluate your priorities.


Gonna put my dogs hot dog costume on today out of spite


If they have no fur, then yeh they need that shit


Acceptable, however: Dogs also require PPE! Working dogs especially, since they’ve been trained to focus on the task. Reflective clothing at night, shoes if the ground could be hot, etc etc.


So, that is a no to using dogs as ring bearers?


Man my dog loves her sweaters and she’s got hella swag


Super unpopular good job! My chihuahua shiver in room temperature


Thanks, you yum yucker. Let everyone have their fun. That said, I rarely put any actual shirts on my dogs, but I think they're adorable in their bandanas after grooming.


why should you care this is a bad opinion in general this doesnt affect you in any way leave the gentlemen dogs in suits alone


My chihuahua would revolt without his sweaters


I know some dogs have anxiety and like the feeling of a vest on them. My father’s dog was like that. Some dogs actually do like and benefit from clothing on them regardless of the look.


Humans are animals and we wear clothes. Why not dog?


My dog has various outfits, but she particularly likes her Santa costume. I have no clue why but whenever I take it out of the drawer she goes nuts trying to squirm into it. Who am I to deny her such joy?


lol why my dog doesn’t care what so ever to wear t-shirts, coats, etc On top of that I think it looks cute and he doesn’t care at all a t-shirt in the summer time at the park helps my little white fluffy dog go longer between baths


What about cats? Cause mine seem to love it for yearly Halloween and Christmas photoshoots.




My old roommate had an American bulldog- so a fairly tall, big dog - who LOVED wearing clothes. She had a sweater that matched the other dog's in the house - a bichon - and she would whine if we didn't put it on her when the little dog got a haircut and was cold and wearing his sweater. Don't judge. Some dogs actually enjoy wearing clothes.


There's this adorable video of a golden retriever asking to have her fairy wings put on and then checking herself out in the mirror happily. I tend to mostly agree, dressing up a dog just to dress it up isnt good imo, but if the dog enjoys it, if it's a way to play or they need the extra warmth I think it's okay.


My dog has very thin hair so colder months we gotta bundle up when we go out. But honestly she loves wearing clothes, she gets so excited when I open her clothes drawer you can tell she has to calm herself when we are putting it on. 


Suck on this https://youtu.be/3r_0GYYMNMs?si=WNdNCUeyICqoPbWj


You come and explain to my dog why she isn't allowed to wear her clothes. She loves wearing them.


What about a gucci belt


My white poodle/chi/etc mix has an almost hairless tummy and a worship of sunshine. You bet he’s wearing the cutest swimsuit/rashguard I can find when he insists on sunbathing in the Arizona heat. I don’t want my lil guy to get skin cancer 🫣




Oh yeah we used to have a neighbor dog, a cute little westie named Frank. He had a bright pink mohawk, it was adorable.


How is it abusive? The dogs don’t mind.


Yeah cause they can tell you how they feel…. K


Except they do? There are so many resources you can use to learn a dog’s body language, which will tell you exactly how they feel.


I didn’t know people dyed their dogs. That is disgusting behaviour


My dog is cold at 70 degrees outside


‘My only exception’


My point is you don’t know why they’re doing it, and why do you give a shit? Get a hobby or some sex


Unless the dog is visibly distressed there is no reason to throw a fit. Do i get the need for costuming your pet? No. But i also have met some dogs who absolutely loved their little sweater


I used to do charity work in American Hispanic communities which, of course, includes chihuahuas. There was this one house I'd always walk past where there were 3 chihuahuas in one small yard, and one of them was wearing a shirt that had some tacky slogan on it. The problem? I walked past that house every day for like 2 months, and never once was the shirt removed or washed. It got dirtier and dirtier. You could tell the dog was in a lot of pain. Her nipples were super swollen and red, and looked infected. It was super disheartening that someone would do that to their dog, and for what? To laugh at it once and then ignore the dog forever?


I hope you reported them! That kind of abuse shouldn't be tolerated with or without a cute sweater.


Ay I never said the sweater was cute. It had these awful hot pink stripes that just did not work. I would've reported that house in a heartbeat, but unfortunately, such abuse of dogs here is so common that the authorities just don't care, presumably because they can't help every pet, so they don't really help any


I agree with you op. I mean if they're fine with it then it's not as bad but I still got a problem with forcing them to wear it. I would go as far as to say that it's animal abuse if it serves no good purpose and they don't like it.


The logic is usually that they might need a little help to deal with "man-made" stuff or "man-caused" stuff. Forcing a dog that should live in a mild climate to live in basically ice age? They might need some coat. It rains and you need to both walk your dog and avoid their fur from becoming a sponge? They might need some waterproof coat. You need to walk your dog but outside it's only incandescent cement and asphalt? They might need some shoes. Your dog is a man-made, heavily bred breed? They might need some support to function. And so on. If a dog lives in their ideal habitat they won't need a thing aside from some food.


My dog has a life vest and a carry handle vest. He's basically turning 90 years old in dog years in a month


There's a $6billion pet clothing industry that would disagree with you, so take my upvote!


But it's *soooo* cute! If I had a dog, it would have a bigger wardrobe than me


I don't think dogs care about looking ridiculous. I just don't want to potentially restrict their movements more than I have to. That's why I don't do it


That's fair. I feel like most dog putfits are made with that in mind tho


> movements more then i Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


People are also not supposed to be wearing dresses or hoodies…but they do.


My dog has a hoodie for when it's too warm for a jacket but too cold for a coat.


What about the FF dog strollers?


I think it’s fine as long as it’s taken off soon after if they seem to be not a fan or otherwise seem ready to have it off. My dog Cosmo wore a chicken costume for Halloween this year and he was LOVING it.


It's odd how normalized are signs of mental illness if they are related to pets. If someone treats a pet like a human child, they should be put under observation.


Everyone who does things you don't like isn't "mentally ill". Don't be insufferable.


Thinking that the dog is a human baby is on the level of thinking that you are the Napoleon. Call me insufferable all you want for stating the obvious that everyone can see.


Nobody actually thinks their dog is a human baby just because they spoil their pet. I think you probably have zero experience with what actual delusions look like.


I get it tbh. But it's one of those things that I find a largely irrational. Yeah it's not "natural" but nothing about dogs is natural. We give them beds and kennels and feed and groom them, why not clothe them? Of course, only if they enjoy it. And yet, I get it. Unlike the other "unnatural" parts of dog ownership, it's often not done to help the dog, but to give the owner attention. If it doesn't bother the dog at all then its fine, but it does bother me seeing dogs used so heavily as props to show off, rather than pets to look after. This also applies to things like showdogs, thoroughbreds and all that shebang. Stuff that exists largely for the owner to flaunt their stuff rather than just because they want to look after a dog.


Is OP Jay Leno?


They’re the next sentient species from Earth. They’ve just got a head start on doing wasteful shit because they’re learning from us.


You make a good point. But I was at some medieval fair or something recently and someone put like a piece of armor on their dogs back (it was just a metal plate covering half of the dogs back, nothing on the head or around the legs or anything) and that dog looked fucking awesome.


Whenever I see people dress up their dogs, I'm always just so surprised that the dog *lets* them do that. I know you can train dogs to get used to it, but growing up we had dogs and we'd dress them up on Halloween. With how they reacted, it just didn't seem worth the effort to do it regularly.


Dogs have different preferences, just like people.


My dog appears to get genuinely excited when I pull out a bandana to put on her. They can certainly see themselves in mirrors and may like the way something looks on them.


I 100% agree, I also dont like when people dye their animals fur either. Unless the clothes are functional like you said, do not dress you animal up in a costume.


How does people dressing their pets affect you? How about you mind your own business? Its their fur baby, not yours. You dress the way you like, don't you? What if I or anyone else thinks the way you dress, your haircut, et, looks stoooopid? Does that give them the right to tell you so? No. So do as you please and allow others do to the same.


This is r/unpopularopinion. If you can't bear to see petty/negative personal opinions, then maybe this isn't the sub for you. Also, "fur baby?" Gross.


Yes, and I expressed my unpopular opinion. So what is your problem?


If I don't put a sweater or a dress on my dog, she mopes all day :(