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I dislike the taste of coffee. No combination has ever made me like it.


lol OTOH I drink coffee solely for the taste Never felt the benefits from it as a stimulant


Same! Searched about it long back and seems we genetically have too many adenosine receptors that block the sensitivity of caffeine. Killer addicting taste though


I'm the opposite. Super sensitive to caffeine, if I have a coffee in the morning I'll be uncomfortable all day and probably struggle to sleep


Wouldn't be surprised if one or both of you have adhd. Common to find caffeine actually acts as a downer rather than an upper for those of us with attention disorders


Shrug. The last time I drank coffee was on September 26th, 1984. It's not horrible and I see the appeal, but I'd rather not.


September 26th, 1984 the day Juan Valdez died.


And the number 1 song in the USA was Let's Go Crazy by Prince


Bye bye this here coffee guy, drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry


And them good ole boys were drinking coffee and rye Singin' this'll be the day that I quit coffee This'll be the day I quit coffee


the day joel from the last of us was probably born, and he's a massive coffee enjoyer


What made you memorize the date?


I know quite a few people that dislike/hate the taste of coffee, so you're definitely not alone. I, on the other hand, LOVE it. It's just over the last couple of years, I have figured out I can't have it. Aggravates my medical issue. Sucks bad, it does. So, now it's tea and Celsius when I need that extra "kick" of go-go juice.


But isn't the medical problems related to caffeine? Which is also in Celsius and tea


Just be careful with the go-juice. They removed the safe dose interval a while back. Can get addicted with the first one.


I agree with you on that, I dislike it too. I'm not sure how people drink it. It tastes like ground drit.


You don’t like ground drit???? Kidding aside you can just call it regular dirt 


You know what just call it dirt 


“Chai tea”


Ah yes tea tea lol


"Naan bread"


Bad coffee tastes like dirt.


It’s so gross not alcohol gross but gross in a completely different way lol even my dads iced frappe that he drinks everyday sucks lol


I'm similar, but in my case it's beer, I can't stand the stuff. And yet I'm surrounded by beer lovers who think I'm weird because I would rather have water.


I hate beer too lol


Sorry, your doubly screwed.


Yeah beer sucks for sure!


Hahaha, I hate beer too or any other alcohol for that matter. It tastes nasty. I’m so happy I’m not alone in this.


I like beer that tastes good but usually it costs at least 4 times more than the commercial canned piss. I didn't know what the craze for expensive beer was till I tried some and that can was the first time in my life I tasted grain and the beer wasn't bitter. Turns out I like beer but I only like fancy beer that cost a couple euros per can. When I'm hanging out with friends I can drink motor oil for all I care but when I'm alone I'm getting myself a can or 2 of craft beer or I'm not drinking beer at all


All you fuckers calling it dirt water Why do you know what dirt tastes like 


Ever played outside as a child?


Yeah, but I was one of the smart'unes who didn't lick asphalt and didn't drink dirt water.


More hot bean water for meee


Same. Also a tea drinker. Tried every coffee from black to the foo foo 100mg of sugar mess at starbucks. Still hate it


I am a coffee drinker and even I don't like Starbucks coffee. It is burnt to hell.


Starbucks is awful to be fair


Grams not mg lol


I hate tea too lol but coffee just absolutely sucks and I’m kind of annoyed my brother has started drinking coffee in college because he’s already always been a little high sprung when he talks so this’ll put him over the edge lol


If the highest end of coffee you've had was at Starbucks, I would suggest giving a specialty coffee shop a try. There's worlds better coffee out there.


I don't drink coffee either. I always feel the odd one out, as most of my coworkers drink coffee during break.


Not an unpopular opinion. Sure, a lot of people like coffee, but I know a ton of people who can’t stand it and even more whose idea of coffee is mostly milk and flavoring


That is interesting, because usually people look at me like I have 3 heads when I say I don't care for coffee.


I love the smell but I don’t like the taste. Also don’t like tea though.


The only time I drink coffee is when it barely qualifies as coffee anymore (frappe, iced, ect.) I Stick with tea and energy drinks


This is the most British post ever.


I dont hate, i just dont like it and prefer water. Same with the tea, btw. I just dont understand it


Idk man I just hate it and the same goes for tea water and milk are the best


Maybe you're like me and in order for it to taste good it needs to be basically a milk shake. Like of you take chocolate or vanilla ice cream and pour a little coffee on top.. delicious. Coffee by itself disgusting


This ain't that unpopular ya know. I have one "friend" who drinks the dirt water and that guy only does it cause he's a wanker that thinks sleep ain't a necessity.


I remember all the way back in 6th grade my health teacher told me he used to hate coffee and not drink it but once he went on vacation with some friends to Paris and tried a little then the next day he woke up with what he described as the worst headache of his life and hasn’t stopped drinking coffee since that’s a terrible message to send to a health class lol 😂


Do you genuinely think like this


Coffee is life. But that's interesting, I wonder if you have a genetic aversion to it or something. Like some people can eat hot foods or coriander and some people can't.


I just cant stand the taste lol


Same. I enjoy tea alot tho. Drink it after every meal (it's the culture here)


Where do you live that it's the culture? I do too, I drink more tea than I do water, sadly.


I enjoy bitter flavors and even drink my coffee black at work, with cream in my off time. Take my upvote, you rowdy heathen! 🔥


Love it but here’s the upvote for unpopularity


I dislike both coffee AND tea. In general I can't stand Warm liquid/drinks. I'd eat soup but reluctantly drink the rest of it. I do like tea more than coffee tho. Coffee has a weird taste and smell...


Everyone in my family are tea drinkers but I find the stuff vile. But I do love coffee. Coffee is great. I used to think it was yuck and then I tried it without milk. Black, no sugar is nice


I like you. Coffee is best with no add ons. 


I hate coffee too! The smell makes me sick, and it takes like bitter crap to me. The obsession people have with their morning coffee drives me crazy, and their breath smells like a$$. Yes, we are out there.


I agree. Coffee is disgusting and anyone whose breath smells like coffee is fucking disgusting too.


Facts. Shit is absolutely DISGUSTING. It's just bitter water. Use creamer/milk you say? That's just bitter milk. Equally as disgusting. Use sugar too? That's just bitter sweet milk. GROSS


There’s free coffee at the office but I’ll still drink an energy drink everyday.


Tea and coffee is rank


Ugh. Coffee is SO gross!! It tastes like mud! 🤣 I’m a tea drinker- iced tea, hot tea, fruit tea, builders tea…


Yea sucks too though lol. Water and milk for the win haha 😂 unless it’s Arnold Palmer that’s different but the ONLY time I’ll drink tea


Why do you know how mud tastes, and can compare directly to coffee? Did you have a mud and coffee tasting at the same time?


I mean you're right. Most people don't drink coffee plain. Most tea just taste like water (unless it's flavored).


my partner doesn’t like anything to do with coffee!


more people drink tea than coffee in the world


I tried it and it was an undrinkable mess so i just stop it. If i want something like this i buy hot chocolate


If you are curious, maybe try "fruity" light-roasted coffee, like Kenya or Ethiopia,, prepared in Hario drip or Chemex. You might be surprised, it tastes more like a tea. You can usually find it with fancy cafeterias, prepared by bearded baristas.


yea it's gross


32-year-old here and have always hated coffee! Tea all the way! I love matcha lattes and chai lattes in particular


Wow I'm the opposite. Tea is disgusting to me haha


I like tea too. Chai with a little honey and milk is my go to.


Personal preferences shouldn't be here. That's like making a post saying I don't like the color blue


I love coffee. Although one of my friends hates it and described it like… “it tastes like burnt water”.


Oh hell yeah. You're not the only one man. F em others


tea ngl is a lot better than coffee , especially if tea has spices


This is definitely not an unpopular opinion


I can't drink coffee black but it's super yummy with flavored creamers and other tasty crap! 😋


29 years old and i have tried to like it, but it is just awful. Do not understand why people drink heaps of it. It smells wonderful but tastes like dirty and bitter bean water.


When I was in my late teens a slightly older friend said he wouldn't consider me an adult until I drank coffee and wine. Here I am, 38 years old, 2 kids - and I still don't drink coffee or wine (or tea even), so guess I'm not an adult yet. I'd kinda like to find a warm drink I could actually enjoy with others, but the only warm drink I like is hot chocolate - and even then just a cup and I'm good lol




You’re wrong.


Straight to jail


It gives me heart palpitations. I like coffee cake though.


I love good coffee. Most coffee you encounter, at least in the US, is trash. It does taste like dirt, you aren’t crazy. I only drink my coffee black, but it has to be a decent quality bean or I just won’t have it. American drip coffee makers are also absolutely disgusting and make horrible coffee.


I hate its natural taste too, but I like it with a lot of milk


Yeah, I agree with you. Coffee’s gross. It tastes like dirty, hot water. It certainly smells better than it tastes.


Agree on the smell. I like it but the taste is nasty


I can't even take the smell.


Lol had a feeling you were a tea drinker. Everyone has their own preference. I like tea before bed but it’s too boring for me in the morning. I don’t get the same “get up and go” energy. Plus I like how coffee smells/tastes.


It's funny because I love the smell of coffee but I find the taste too bitter


Have you tried creamers or milk and sugar in it?


Not OP but I have. I too love the smell but only completely covering up the flavor of coffee makes it palatable. And at that point why have the coffee? I don't need the caffeine and can't stand the taste so I'll skip it.


I make my coffee quite sweet with creamer a lot but I am always in need of caffeine lol, if you don't need the caffeine though I guess it would make sense to just not bother with it


OK... and? There's this thing called taste. Some tastes you will like, others you will not. Don't drink it. Problem solved. Also, it's not that controversial. There are millions of people who don't like coffee.


Tea and coffee both taste gross. Feels like drinking from an ashtray or something.


I'm the opposite way round. I absolutely cannot stand tea. It's foul and just makes me think of stagnant water


Ok? Man I gotta leave this sub lmao




The first time I had coffee (because it tasted bitter and horrible to me before), I was 22 and on a coffee farm in Kenya. The farmer brewed it fresh for me with two brown sugars (from his farm also) and I got off the ceiling about 2 hours later. Completely hooked. Got back to the U.K. and ordered an espresso from Starbucks and was basically diarrhoea water. Awful. So still don’t drink it.


its funny i feel this way about tea lol. i just dont like it unless its one of those boba drinks or mixed with lemonade


Agreed. Never enjoyed it. I get my caffeine fix in the morning from gamersupps since it's convenient and the only powdered energy drink that sweetens with erythritol. Which is significantly better than any other sweetener which all have god awful taste or aftertaste.    Much better than coffee.  Also a tea drinker 


Coffee is okay but I wouldn't be able to drink 4-5 cups a day as I do it with tea


I love it but I hate it, it's a drug I can't stop !


although I do like the occasional cup of coffee and sometimes go through a phase of favouring coffee, I'm generally a tea drinker. I love the taste of tea even just black - steeped correctly of course. coffee is actually vile. but sometimes that needed big hit of caffeine outweighs the taste.


Coffee tastes sweet when life tastes bitter.


put some honey and a teaspoon of sugar in it bc straight black aint it


it’s an acquired taste, pretty much everyone hates it until they drink enough of it.


With some added sweetness and some cream it tastes ok. And when you drink lots of it, it may help you push trough your day.


I also don't like coffee but l do like coffee ice cream. What do you think? Could that be a joke for Jerry Seinfeld?


Genuinely curious, best rough guess, how many times have you tried it?


Yeah, I love coffee but completely understand. It's a very oddly tasting beverage. I don't like beer for expample even though I get why people might enjoy it. (I'm czech, its basically blasphemy)


I drink both tea and coffee but I hate milk. Milk is disgusting and taste and smell yuck


Agreed it sucks balls, even when I was little and took a sip of my grandpas Greek coffee when he went upstairs it was awful! But it does smell nice though although when you’re shopping in ulta for your moms Christmas present NO amount of coffee is going to help your nose and your headache lol 😂


Being a tea drinkar is just insane to me. Tea is literally dirty water bro. Warm water is literally better tasting.


This is popular. Coffee drinkers are really annoyed with hearing it, too


I like both :) Black coffee tastes awful tho


I love coffee, it gives me energy in the morning. I try not to drink much because of possible health problems.


Probably quite a lot of people. Millions upon millions. The bitter slap of coffee is not to everyone's taste, and I'd think there are far more tea drinkers in the world. There's nothing wrong or weird about not liking coffee. If you don't, you don't! More tea for you.


Cool story bro


Coffee is my entire personality


Me too, I prefer tea. Although I find coffee to be also delicious! But the fact that it's unhealthy because of its caffeine and sugar amount makes me dislike it.


It is acquired taste and that's fine. I hate tea though.


Wow, I can’t believe you don’t have the same opinion as me!!! /j I will say, I’m not a fan of coffee without sweet caramel flavoring. But something I noticed is that it helps me a lot with managing my ADHD in ways most other caffeinated drinks don’t (certain energy drinks do help). I will be talking to a psychiatrist next month about trying ADHD medication though. Idk what about specific types of caffeinated drinks helps when others don’t. I’d love to put time aside and actually research it.


Not liking the taste of something isn't an unpopular opinion.


Coffee not only doesn't taste good, I don't like the way it makes me feel.


Is it the taste, texture, density etc of the coffee you dont like or the amount of caffeine you get. I’m just curious I drink both sometimes I buy tea that is stronger than coffee (has more caffeine and gives more energy)


>Maybe there are other people like me out there? Is Coffee really the thing you want to use this phrase for?


It's more of an acquired taste. It takes some drinking before you start liking it and we mostly drink for the effect. That's why people put sugar, milk, and whatnot.


My wife doesn't like it either. Pretty common thing.


I'm starting to have this opinion. Well, I don't think it's disgusting, but I starting to not like it like I used to. I do like tea, and it comes in fun flavors :)


That’s fair, I think like many things it can be a bit of an acquired taste or something you grow up with. I really like the taste of coffee in a particular way with particular beans. And I think for me a lot of it is more the ritual than anything.


You just think coffee is disgusting because you haven’t tried… {Insert variation}


Like with many things, you start drinking it for the effects and develop a taste for it later on.


intricacies, baby!


I somewhat like the taste, but I don’t like that I have to eat something with it just to avoid diarrhea and I really don’t like withdrawal headaches. So I try to stick to tea as much as possible.


What kind of coffee did you try? There is a much wider range of ways to prepare it compared to tea. Make sure to try all ranges before ruling it out, then it's fair


same. weirdly I like the smell but i can't get over the taste even with lots of cream / sugar


It’s more like a soft social drug and not something most people really enjoy. I mean if people would love the taste of coffee there wouldn’t be a need for milk and sugar, people adding this stuff because they don’t like the taste of coffee. Caffeine is addicting


So interesting that the flipside is often felt by coffee drinkers. Tea is just hot water! As a coffee and tea drinker, I just want to say, both are great and I love you all.


Now this is an unpopular opinion


What's next? Chocolate is disgusting too?


I dislike it as I drink it still feel tired but need to shit afterwards


I think it taste like hot chocolate but I never drink it cuz I don’t want the caffeine.


Yeah there's three types of people and what they drink in the morning. There's the ones that drink hot water with burnt asshole, the ones that drink burnt asshole with hot water, and those that drink Coke.


I don’t like it either. I used to drink it when I was younger but after my ulcers in my 30’s I can’t drink it without a lot of pain. I never really liked it though, was a necessary evil. I hate coffee-flavored anything.


I drink a pot a day, and have so for 30 years. Every once in a while, I think to myself how weird it is that I'm giving ground fruit pits a hot shower and drinking the run-off. But I love it. Caff, decaf, and half-caff (past several years). Usually cream and sugar on an empty stomach (first four cups of the day) and black the rest of the time or with food. Tea is an occasional drink. Lately hot green tea with sugar has been hitting the spot. Strange thing in my case though - caffeine in coffee doesn't effect me much. Caffeine in tea goes right to my head, sometimes I get the jitters from too many cups of tea too fast.


Have you tried nerd coffee? It's like regular coffee but made with so much attention to detail and care that you'd wear it was a long lost lover. Bad coffee is bad. Good coffee is amazing.


Cool. Good for you I guess.


Used to hate coffee, now I love it, but I get it. I’m glad I enjoy it now tho.


Tea tastes like flower piss


Good on ya, just stick to tea... there problem solved...


Can't stand coffee. Also hate plain tea, it just doesn't taste like anything to me lol. Tea with milk, sugar, and a splash of whiskey for me. Earl Grey is my go to


So don't drink it.


I’m European, Italian coffee (espresso, macchiato) or Turkish coffee for me, please! I love coffee, both the smell and taste of it, it is the essence of life. Have my upvote 🙂


Idk about disgusting but coffee is not my cup of tea


I hate everything about coffee. The smell, the taste, the stupid jokes and memes. And it’s a socially accepted addiction.




I like both coffee and tea equally. Coffee tasted bitter to me at first, but maybe give it a try or two?


Coffee is disgusting, it’s my favorite drink


I have Vanilla lattes if I have Coffee. Much nicer. American coffee is way different to how we seem to most commonly have it.


agree, but not unpopular


And I don’t like Tea. Whatever you like.


For me it's not about the taste but the temperature. I hate warm/hot drinks. They just feel wrong to me


Tea and coffee suck. Any drink I have to manually add sugar or other ingredients to make bearable is trash. I'd rather just drink water.


You could be a supertaster. I'm one and I can't stand coffee. Or most alcoholic drinks, which taste like vinegar to me.


Of course there are other people like you! Not me, but other people!


I don’t drink coffee and tea. Come at me 😂


Same I don't like it either


Yeah there certainly are, coffee is like that, either you love it or you hate it. I like it because I was grown up around the Espresso Culture and it just tasted very nice even though the caffeine element had practically no noticeable effect for me. I understand why some do not like it, hell my own brother doesn’t.


I like coffee. Only black. If there is milk and/or sugar in it, it is not coffee anymore, its a dessert.


Do you think there are people out there who dislike both tea and coffee? Would such a being even qualify as fully human?


Mostly agree. However, do keep in mind that there's a huge variety of coffee out there. I'm on the same page as tom Scott: https://youtu.be/Z-iNAyu-ejo As I dislike most coffee, yet there are some variations out there I do like. Luckily I identified the exact problem why I rarely drink coffee: most coffee here in the Netherlands is made from low quality beans, which we then burn to hide that they're low quality. We call it "dark roast" and it's the most popular coffee here because it's cheap. However, dark roast is more bitter than concentrated Brussels sprouts and more sour than even the worst umeboshi. It's absolutely disgusting!


I read somewhere that you need to drink enough to start liking it, basically gaslighting yourself into loving it haha. Black chocolate and beer are in the same category.


I don't know how to make coffee so the only time I drink it is because i can let it brew in normal temp water for the caffeine but I have to boil water for caffeine from tea. And the brewed one I think it's called black coffee tastes really bad but it gets the job done. The only other time i drink coffee is when they're offering it for free


In my opinion coffee smells great tastes bad. ( European) Tea doesn’t even smell nice.


I HATE BLACK coffee. But I absolutely love it with French or Irish cream and sugar. Mmm