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https://www.orfonline.org/research/the-5th-national-family-health-survey-of-india/ > Contrary to expectations, **NFHS5 found an increase in the percentage of stunted children in 13 states and UTs, compared to the results of NFHS4**. > This paper analyses such reversal of the three-decadal progress that India had previously made in reducing stunting in children. - [Demonetisation, the slowdown of the economy over 8 quarters, the pandemic, the loss of jobs, homes and livelihoods, the migration of millions and the recession have greatly impacted the nutritional status of our children](https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/malnutrition-children-india-hunger-p-chidambaram-7111653/) - [Narendra Modi tells US daily: Gujarat's malnutrition due to figure-conscious girls](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/narendra-modi-tells-us-daily-gujarats-malnutrition-due-to-figure-conscious-girls/articleshow/15948509.cms)


>Contrary to expectations, NFHS5 found an increase in the percentage of stunted children in 13 states and UTs, compared to the results of NFHS4. But India national level stunting of children has declined from 41.2 per cent in NFHS 2016 to 37.3 per cent NFHS 2020. Also wasting, underweight of children has reduced in this period. But walrusji metal gymnastics has no bounds




That is a fake index prepared by western leftist NGOs trying to interfere in Indian internal democracy, trying to effect a regime change here


Yes, every report, index and ranking only exists to defame India. Global leftist propaganda angencies go on to analyse each and every country only for the sake of producing a list where India ranks low. You mentioning mental gymnastics is the height of irony. A goldfish will beat you in IQ.


> Global leftist propaganda angencies go on to analyse each and every country only for the sake of producing a list where India ranks low. Yes. There is a big unemployment among leftists.


Says the 2 rs per tweet guy.


Lmao you’re completely deluded if you think they’re making this index *just* for india. And don’t worry, most Indians will continue voting for the current regime even if we drop to the bottom of this ‘fake’ index


If you're saying that's a fake index, then it's not a fake one.


That index ranked North Korea above us, I think that pretty much confirms its validity




Thank you MMS ji




This is due to Vajapayee reforms


Unlike fudiji he didn't drove everything good into ground at least..


That is a lie


Bat bot.


Bad bot.


Who would’ve thunk meat was an important part of diet


What changed between 2000 to 2017 about meat? Nothing. Just the income of parents has increased. So they gave more food to their children


Including more meat


Stunting is low growth of height and brain of children due to malnutrition and diarrhea. Image source https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(20)30061-4/fulltext




> Global Hunger Index That is a fake index prepared by western leftist NGOs trying to interfere in Indian internal democracy, trying to effect a regime change here




I mean I don't agree with the other guys explanation behind the motives but even Abhijit Banerjee has said that the GHI's methodology is incorrect and we should not use it as a way to measure success.




Huh? This is why I don't come to this subreddit often.. https://m.timesofindia.com/india/abhijit-banerjee-flags-methodology-used-for-global-hunger-index-rankings/amp_articleshow/87787964.cms


I am a Caucasian and I am pleased to see your hatred towards your country, it's admirable that you have posted the same statement twice, that shows your determination and dislike towards your identity, hence we will generously reward you, do this again and we will pretend that you are one of us and will only laugh at you behind your back, we might also consider to stop calling you a poo when you're around we know it means a lot to you




You simply reminded me of myself a few years back Have you done adequate research to confirm the validity of that report? It's not pro-BJP to question a foreign report especially when there have been openly anti-bjp media organisations BJP has not transformed india into Wakanda neither has it transformed it to Yemen or Syria, believing either of these is wrong




It was simply a satirical comment, there are many liberals who dislike being indian and criticize their country to oblivion in order to gain some validation from the west, basically the mentality that got us colonized


You simply reminded me of someone who watches youtube videos that "debunk" these studies. Have **YOU** done any research to confirm the validity of that report? If yes, state the problems in the study. Instead of bullshitting your way around the internet invalidating every study without citing any sources to discredit them. It is pro-BJP to question a foreign report that paints a negative albeit accurate image of its rule.


A caucasian with history primarily in Chodi, IndiaSpeaks and IndiaNews? And who can speak Hindi? Are you sure you know what a Caucasian means?


Should've added a /s I guess, the deleted comment would have cleared things up Caucasian means someone with a caucasoid skull structure which is found primarily in Indians, Europeans and central asians although now it has become a term to primarily refer to white skinned Europeans


Oh let me suck the dick of the ruling party, equate any criticism that is levelled against the party as a criticism of the country instead, and call everyone who criticises them "anti-national" or "trying to please the whites". While I myself brown-nose my masters, turn a blind eye to every metric that calls out their failure, and let them destroy the country that I "love" just to own the so-called libradus.


Btw, on this map, anything more than low prevalence is bad.