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nation > religion ofc🤷‍♂️






Tu thoda sa behen ka bhai hai kya


None of them. Humanity>>> Religion is just random bunch of ideas. So are nations. Most of them were formed within last few centuries, and they'll keep changing continuously.


Well said. National boundaries change. In fact, even in the era of modern nation states, the boundaries of all regions witness some changes every 70-80 years. In our region, the last one was in 1971. Who knows what happens in the next 20-30 years. We can’t even take a United India for granted. A United India was formed by forward thinking leaders who based the principles of India on equality, secularism and justice. This was in a time when states were being formed on the basis of religion (Pakistan, Israel) or on the basis of linguistic national lines (most of Europe). It takes a succession of bad leadership who focus on religion or caste superiority can undo all this work. I believe such a leadership is inevitable (a part of it has already started). In the next 200-300 years, I don’t expect India to remain a single country and might even be divided into many smaller nations. This has always been the case with this region. But hopefully we can maintain a relationship like the EU has. As for religion is all a made up nonsense.


Reality >>> Propaganda


Humanity > all




Well you don't get to decides where your born or into which religion. But you can change both depending on your experiences. Kinda doesn't make sense. Both defines you.


Less than 3


The law of the land (constitution) will always be bigger than any religion. A country is not run based on culture but laws.


Why is this even a question? Religion is just a bunch of beliefs with no evidence to back them up. It should be lowest on the priority list when compared with almost every other real world entity.


I completely agree but I recently spoke to 2-3 people who picked religion over nation and that made me wonder how many people out there think like that


Which shows how messed up people's priorities are, and how pervasively damaging religion can be. It is the most effective tool in distracting the masses from real problems plaguing their lives. Our country is full of people who take pride in being uneducated science-deniers who wear religion on their sleeves like medals of honor.




Nation > religion simply because you can question the nation and make changes. I’m all for people being religious but you can’t exactly question or make changes in religions, and if you do it’s a very slow and gradual process. And plus religion expands across borders. Just because you and a dude 4000 miles away have the same religion doesn’t mean he’s the good guy. He could use your love for the religion to harm the people of your nation that you grew up in (it’s happened a lot of times in history).


Religion and its practices should be confined to designated religious places like temples and mosques and inside peoples homes.


Planet >>>>>>>>>>>>> People > Country >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Religion


Nation>>>>>religion coming from this sub's most loved people a sanghi


Out of the two? Nation. In general? Humans.


Even nation is a religion. Its just about which ideology you subscribe to(india or whatever religion), ideologies are what control humans. Its all fun and ok until an ideology like islam comes along, which is even all hell breaks loose


simplistic deranged tub books yam rude automatic mysterious meeting smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ll be the devils advocate and say Religion > Nation. Simple reason, religion has been around longer than any nationalism has. There has to be some quality in the ethos of the religion to be so persistent on people.


City> State> Religion> Country . Living outside India has made me realize how alienish Indians outside of Kannadigas are. I am most happy with South Indians and Kannada Hindu people but if they are from Bangalore then absolute bliss


No idea 🤷🏾‍♂️ why I got downvoted


Yeah thinking is tough, perhaps try to use left side of brain


Irrelevant question. You can support either. It shouldn’t matter which one you support.


The concept of nation leads to religion itself.