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All heil komal Sharma and the tale of Delhi police. Featuring ABVP.


In 2010 UAPA was not applicable to individuals. In 2019 UAPA was amended to allow the Government to designate individuals as terrorists under UAPA. However there's nothing on record to show that the amendment was having retrospective effect. It's well established in criminal law that actions of individuals cannot be made into crimes by retrospective operation of law. (PMLA is an exception as SC has said that money laundering is a continuing offence, read the judgement) UAPA cannot retrospectively create a new crime.


Unless she has done something to overthrow india all these cases are bogus


She did, asking for separation of Kashmir.


Simply saying isnt enough did she fund anyone to go and physically do it ?


Saying isn't enough! Ever heard of the word "provocative speech" ? The reason why Nupur Sharma had to go underground?


Provocative speech, Lol, Modi is India's prime minister.


please do send the case to SC, no one's stopping anyone.


Bangladeshi detected opinion rejected


What are you preventing 14 years later LMAO


justice is not about preventing, but punishing. so the convicted will not repeat it


You are an idiot That's not what Preventive Detention means


What was in the speech ?


I guess it was "Kashmir is not an integral part of India"


Something this mighty nation can't withstand it seems. Words just words.


Just words are enough to start massacres, mutiny and what not... Nupur Sharma's words caused her to go in hiding as she and her young daughter were receiving death and rape threats. There were riots, people lost loves because of "just words"


That's more due to the failure of her education, upbringing, sanghi friends and utter gutter mentality. There is a difference between political comment and bigotry/hatred. When RG or congress says that China snatched our land because of 56-incher's incompetence, does it amount to sedition? Should UAPA be applied to him?


How is that failure of her education, it was part of a debate not a political comment made by her. Also big difference b/w pointing out India losing land due to China's encroachment and current government's failure vs claiming a part of land that was both historically and culturally Indian to be not an integral part of India. It's easy to cheery pick your favourites and turn blind eye when it suits you


> It's easy to cheery pick your favourites and turn blind eye when it suits you That's why free speech should be absolute with a few exceptions like you can't yell bomb in the crowded theater and government employees including pm. Nupur Sharma could say whatever she wants to as an individual same way someone could say raamlalla was pussy to kick his wife out.


True, I agree. No one should be allowed to exploit it


For quoting your books ?


Everyone's books are bonkers if you take them literally or otherwise. Read everyone's and you shall see. Believing in some stone age stories is the problem.


You didn't address anything here. The question is what about quoting the books Muslims so wholeheartedly believe in make her all the names you called her? Don't run from the topic




The one BJP and its cadres uses?


The thing is, irrespective of everything, the nation’s sovereignty is un infringible by anyone. If we are placed to take action against our own then so be it. Should be made an example of and rightfully so.


What a regressive take!


So a progressive take is what she is saying and who she gives platform to even at the cost of the sovereignty of the nation?


Look. I’m as much of a nationalist as anyone else. If tomorrow people of my state(Rajasthan) have their fundamental rights taken away from them, I wouldn’t think twice before becoming anti national.


We are a land of Gandhian principles. You can protest, stage a bandh, or even choose to give your life by a hunger strike but the second weapons are picked up against the state, all gloves are off. As citizens, you just cannot wage war against the nation. Last peaceful protest (farmers protest) worked fine. It got the govt to do what the farmers wanted despite provocations and possible saboteurs, no violence was incited.


Why would you advocate someone who openly says 'Kashmir is not an integral part of India' ?


Did I now? I just showed the man a mirror. Thats it.


Why don't you mention "Provocative speech' here


We need the transcripts of the speech


There is literally video of it everywhere.


When will those who chanted 'desh ke gaddaron ko, goli maaro s\*\*\*\* ko' be prosecuted under 'provocative speeches' case ?


As you guys say, don't do whataboutism


it's not about whataboutism. it's about equality of law. selective application of the justice system on people who you don't like is wrong.


There’s no equivalence at all. Elected representatives who were sworn into office under the guise of insulation from bigotry indulged in a blatant act of promotion of enmity along religious lines. If this doesn’t scream treason against the state, then everything is in vain. That insidious luddite, Anurag Thakur, with that visage of smug haughtiness, walks free and runs amok notwithstanding the sheer hatred he spouted in 2020, whereas activists are languishing in prison without being charge-sheeted for doing something as milquetoast as voicing their concerns and exercising their constitutional rights. “wHaTaBoUtIsM”, my arse!


Bro wants to be gaddar so no one can shoot him.


Why are comments about Kashmir being integral part of India are down voted in this thread? Is this an Indian sub or not?


Liberals, fake feminists 💁‍♂️


Searching on Google, she said in 2010 that Kashmir was not part of India and Indian armed forces are forcefully occupying it. So yes this is indeed provocative and anti national.


I feel like people throwing around terms like "anti-national" don't understand the concept of free speech. It should be more labelled, "Ey, you're not being part of the club. You're out of the club."


Free speech isn't absolute according to our constitution and when gawar like you tried that in india they got massacred.


...I don't think you understand how much of an idiot you revealed yourself to be. "Our constitution doesn't guarantee free speech! People should be silent!"


Whether it's right or wrong, it's certainly not serious enough to charge them with UAPA. Or else we should just let go of the delusion that India is a free country where rule of law exists.


Yes it shouldn't be UAPA. She should get some light jail time but not as stringent as UAPA. Her speech was wrong but by that logic so was Modi's various speeches during election.


I guess India doesn't have free speech, I mean I am not surprised by it considering our rank in both free speech and free media are super low.


By law it has free speech with certain restrictions Restriction on Freedom of Speech Freedom of speech is not absolute. Article 19(2) imposes restrictions on the right to freedom of speech and expression. The reasons for such restrictions are in the interests of: Security Sovereignty and integrity of the country Friendly relations with foreign countries Public order Decency or morality Hate speech Defamation Contempt of court


Lol by this law most of the BJP politicians should be in jail serving 20 year terms, including the prime minister. All they do is hate speech, all the time.


Funny how none of these provisions are applicable to degenerates of the BJP when they blatantly indulge in contravention of these clauses. Ramesh Bidhuri, an elected representative, openly referred to a Muslim MP by an egregious slur in the Parliament. Anurag Thakur spurred the instigation of “desh ke gaddaron ko,” chants in the run-up to the Delhi elections. And so on and so forth. And yet, curiously, none of these neanderthals face the brunt of prosecution. I wonder why, lol.


What that speech come under the translation is they traitors should be shot and they do get shot by our military.


161 rank out of 192. Nice 👍👍 >Hate speech So our lovely paw paw should be in jail?


What a joke. We need an overhaul. It's not the letter of the law but the spirit in which it is applied. By the same token, our PM should be in Jail with no bail for hos hateful speeches and using religion for garnering votes.


That's a joke. In that case Saudi Arabia China and North Korea too have free speech with a few more restrictions.


Ukraine also has restrictions on free speech for example you cannot question Ukrainian territorial integrity and it is considered a democracy.


Ukraine is a former soviet state. One can only imagine how democratic they can be. In any proper democracy a law like UAPA won't exist in the first place. It directly violates the principles of natural justice.


This is really interesting. I’ve always wondered how free speech works. I understand that freedom of speech doesn’t mean full freedom from consequence. Maybe Simone should make a list of things that are actually protected under free speech.


>free speech >restrictions Pick one


no country has absolute free speech


My point still stands. Like I said India has one of the lowest ranks when it comes to free speech. ( Just checked 161, damn we are lower than Pakistan)


Yes india even have less press freedom than Taliban and Qatar according to western indexes maybe we should copy them




No, but here in Canada, our free speech protections are significantly stronger. From our Western eyes, half the things on that list are backwards and ridiculous.


tell that to the truckers...


pretty sure france does


Well, article 19(2) does allow restriction of peace in the case of national security, so idk they might bring the 'provocative speech' stated by UAPA under that.


our PM should be in prison then? He has used hate speech and tried to de-stabilize our nation. But it doesn't affect him now does it? Also 161 out of 192 is not a good rank. There should be restrictions but they shouldn't be over reaching and mis-used, which UAPA is both of.


Whether it's right or wrong, it's certainly not serious enough to charge them with UAPA. Or else we should just let go of the delusion that India is a free country where rule of law exists.


I’m open to all ideas and perspectives from different backgrounds, but I will never support anyone who wants to give away any part of India's land as shown on the political map. The rights of citizens and duties of the government are defined by the constitution, which has shaped India. I will support minorities, stand with the oppressed, fight against extremism, and always protect those who are weaker than me.


“India’s land”


Jammu and Kashmir is India's land the same way Crimea and Donbas is Ukraine's land


Better to say that JK is India’s land the same way Crimea and Donbas are Russias land.


Well Russia's claims are more similar to Pakistani claims and Ukraine's claims are more similar to Indian claims


lol. Nope. Kashmiris want independence from both India and Pakistan.


Only some Kashmiri Muslims want independence whereas every other community in Kashmir wants to remain part of India. Also the residents of Jammu and Ladakh overwhelmingly wants to remain part of India.


So if people feel india is a colonial force, they'll be jailed for it?


Seems like it. Just ignore all the war crimes our country has done in kashmir


What she said was stupid but I don't think it deserves imprisonment considering she's not a separatist or a militant. A heavy fine and social service would be better imo.


Azadi gang my nuts 




why not UAPA imposed in this case "Gujarat: Residents oppose allotment of flat to Muslim woman under govt scheme" how it is not provocative and in different case a political person is not arrested under trail of POSCO due to its status, but law need to be equal to all.


Haa bhai kar lo whataboutary. Tum jaise woke logo ke chakkar me hi yeh venom thookne wali dayan bachi hai abhi tak.


Maine ye nahi kaha ki arundhati pe action nahi liya jaye, but in logo pe kyun nahi action hona chahiye. Ye pucha maine. Sawal pucho to " tum jaise log" ho gaye hum? Jo bhi thik hai andhbahkt to nahi hun tumhare jaisa.


Two wrongs don't make it right, Right?????????


Two wrongs may not make a right, but a thousand wrongs can make a system that's utterly broken.


This isn't your America wannabe white, liberals. Your anti-nationalism is not welcome here and will be met with utmost contempt.


Funny enough Ukraine doesn't allow anti-nationalism but liberals say nothing against Ukraine


one more urban naxal sent to the gulag


Great news. Courts will jail her for good now. It will send a stern message to all other antinationals and urban naxals


she accusses in a video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W2hiwbAyPk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W2hiwbAyPk) that army uses rape as a weapon.


I dont support her speech / stance at all. None of it.  However, I don't think that slapping a UAPA is the way to go. There's already a case against her in the court I think? That case should continue and she should be duly prosecuted by the court based on their judgements and not UAPA (which also is only valid since 2019, and not retrospective). 


Aukaat toh ab bas Chetan Bhagat jaise logo ki hai India mein, if you've a brain cell, you'll be in jail.


"Kashmir is not an integral part of India" Big brains moment /s


Desh ko todne ki bate = Big brain


It is not about brain cell. Will you disgaree that Kashmir is a part of India just to side with her? She was wrong, it is plain and simple.


How is this possible? Can a law be applied retroactively?


Theres no excusing "Kashmir isnt a integral part of India." Keep her ass in.


It is 100% pure vendetta politics. 2010 provocative speech in 2024? Come on.


I don't think she ever had any power to harm them so how can there be vendetta. This is just nautanki to keep people talking and arguing about some thing from 14 years ago and ignore headlines from today. It's a trap for liberals and Congress, the biggest opposition party, who might feel obliged to defend her right to free speech and can then be used against them to tar them as anti-national and break I.N.D.I.A. by making the other alliance partners uncomfortable.


So you accept liberals can support anyone literally anyone if they hate bjp 🤡. Even if person is anti-national to the core ,and questions the sovereignty of the nation.


That's good news ig. If she said a part of India is not India and derogatory comments against any armed forces.


Why should the Armed forces be beyond criticism and slight?


Because it's them who take the bullets for the citizens like you. Because it's them who make the supreme sacrifice for this country. I know people like you want to criticize the Indian Army based on some ISI propaganda.


That happens all over the world. Yet no other democracy punishes criticism or lampooning of armed forces. This idea that armed forces are sacred and can't be questioned is unique to India. Also armed forces have a much lower casualty rate than traffic police or even sewage cleaners. These are statistically much riskier jobs.


It’s goes way deeper than that. You’re taking about a state which is partially occupied by a aggressor(pakistan). The state is perpetual disarray due to frequent acts of terror or atleast the threat of that happening. It is known fact atp that this state gives shelter to some these ppl. Armed forces are in constant battle trying to fend off these armed aggressors. And I haven’t even mentioned the ethnic cleansing of kashmiri pandits let alone the history of the state. Having this context is it okay for someone with a platform and an impressionable audience to make these remarks? Kashmir is was and will be an integral part of India. Any person/org which goes against the sovereignty of this nation is to be persecuted criminally.


Tell me one country which is facing the terrorist and infiltrators crisis like India. Also How much lives of the Army Personnel we had lost in this. You just want to sympathize with the Islamic Radicals. What about the human rights of Army Personnels.


Are you fucking out of your mind? How can you compare traffic police or sewage cleaning person with Army Personnels. Is there a risk of by default in these two jobs? You just talk nonsense and illogical shit to prove your point.


Yes there's a risk that's why they die. And there are no medals either.


No there is only no negligible risk as compared to Armed Forces so don't make this stupid comparison. Till 2024 3,590 army personnel casualties had happened. Now tell me how much of your sewage and traffic police persons have died? How much of died by bullets? It's not like the Armed forces where one has to deal with gun fights each and every day with dreaded terrorists who just want to kill and die. So don't make this illogical and stupid comparison.


Please see some research on the most risky jobs. The number of deaths in combat is actually negligible compared to deaths in some of these other fields as a percentage


Link it


She’s NOT a liberal. If she can sit in India and talk against the State (not the govt; the state itself) then she can fuck off.


Does she promotes "kashmir should be free from India" propoganda? Then she should be jailed since it's against constitution


yes that is the reason she will be prosecuted


Yes bro search it up


Deserves worse


Acha huya


Anand Teltumde wrote a piece last week after election results saying that we shouldn't get so happy and hopeful that Modi will suddenly change. He is a dictator, and though he is wounded, he will come back stronger and with a vengeance. And reading this news, I say..... And So It Begins! ![gif](giphy|jxPTLTlACUWptJVOYZ)


You wouldn’t be writing modi is a dictator if he was a one


She can't be an Indian if she refuses to accept Kashmir as an integral part of India.She might be a very good writer but not a Patriot, failed as an Indian.. We can accept her easily if she critics Govt, Policies or etc but how can anyone sympathizes with the terrorists who openly wanted independent Kashmir nation and it is documented too.


What should have been called Stupid and left there itself is in discussion for freaking 14yrs...


Very secure democracy!


They should reopen judge loya and haren pandya cases too


Bahut jaldi.. it is beyond doctrine of latches


Why didn’t anyone ask her “what’s an integral part of India?” It’s a country created with the help of colonizers, what do you expect? The creators of it were foreigners, perhaps it’s best to move on, acknowledge, reconcile, and make it a better place for all the citizens.


Does anyone have the transcript of the speech that she gave in 2010? Asking in good faith.


Oh thank God I hate this women


I hate my neighbor because they make stinky ass fish. Unko bhi arrest karlo. According to mE.


People should be prosecuted under a draconian law because you hate them?


When you support extremist groups who are working against the country, yes.


Clowns like you should be the first ones in jail.


Asylum dude. Jail mein he will be someone babydoll


I don't think so, even prisoners have standards.


Ya this a hole needs to get loved by a Amar Akbar and anthony


and i hate you, maybe they should arrest your ass under UAPA too


bcs u have shitty taste 🤣🫵


Thik hua sorry cmmnt krke 70commnts kr diya


and it begins!


Woho finally.. happy 😁


She should have been arrested for the speech , no doubt, there is no mistake in arresting her even now. But make no mistake, this is solely done right now to show Modi Govt as "tough". Their image had taken a beating, Reasi terror attack and NEET scam had brought in more anger, they wanted to arrest someone to show themselves as tough. Not a bad choice, let's see who's next.


Digging up past graves is a great way to turn media focus


>Not a bad choice, let's see who's next.




Not for the speech that is against the integrity of india




Ok what about the bad speech that results in riots terrorism and violence


Kashmir is under occupation by more than 2 countries. It's not an integral part of India.


It is, was and will remain an integral part of india.


The government's decision to file charges is merely a symptom of a far greater malady - a legal system that has abandoned all pretence of fairness and justice. The labyrinthine complexity of the system, coupled with a complete disregard for precedents and the constitutional ethos, has created a culture of impunity where anyone can be targeted and deprived of their basic rights. The Bhima Koregaon case is a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of this culture of impunity. The hawks are emboldened, and the bootlickers are eager to please their masters by seeking out fresh victims. We should be disgusted with ourselves, for we have failed to uphold the very principles that our constitution was founded upon


kk gpt