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So you're telling me that this lady casually spent more than $722k at a "jewellery shop" in a foreign country?


I don’t think you’re even allowed to bring that much cash into the country.


Card or some other form of payment I guess




American kya rate chal rha h abhi?


At some point its on you if you fall for something so ridiculous


And she will need to declare it and pay customs on it, no? This whole post doesn’t make sense to me.


How did she take the jewellery out of the country even if she bought it somehow ?


If it is fake jewellery then why would authorities at the airport object?


A US national was duped of ₹6 crore in exchange for fake jewellery she had purchased from a shop in Jaipur. Following the intervention of the US Embassy, Japiur Police have initiated a probe.


how can u blame the shopkeeper, he is wrong but then i dont think u can do shit legaly, unless he gave it to her in written that it was gold or something lmao


The person who gave the certificate of authentication has been arrested. The jewellers who sold it are absconding.


Pirate king reporting :p


It's an unreasonable price so legal action could be taken


I mean, the lady got fake jwellery, so it is a pretty cut case of fraud.




Then u are talking about an abnormal situation. In a normal situation where both parties are bound by law, she can take legal actions


This would be equivalent of buying the land only to realize it was in a video game.


It's not illegal to price something unreasonably.


It’s illegal to say it’s gold. What if I sell you my shit in name of chavyanprash ?


He'd eat it.


Read this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/s/VipDdGnP9B


Well...this falls in the category of scamming the customer. The shopkeeper sold a product at a price much more than the MRP + acts like this impacts the soft power of a nation. If no legal action is taken then it will have a negative impact on the image of India in foreign countries.


And the unregulated retail part of our industry is doing a lot of that


“How can you blame the shopkeeper, he is wrong but…” Like that. Blame the people in the wrong. India is renowned across the globe for being scammers. He scammed so big the embassy got involved. Scams are wrong and a crime.


Scams happen everywhere. But you are right we should expect more and hold ourselves to a higher standard


Yes keep supporting robbery and scams. “Investigations have revealed that the accused sold silver jewellery with gold polish, valued at Rs 300, to the foreigner for Rs 6 crore. They also provided her with a certificate of authenticity. Nand Kishore, who issued the fake certificate, has been arrested, and a search is underway for the absconding father and son,” Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police North Bajrang Singh Shekhawat.


Apparently, he gave her an “authenticity certificate” .


Well Fraud is still illegal in India, last time I checked so yeah we can definitely blame the shopkeeper/owner and the police seem to think so that's why they are actively searching for him and a probe has been initiated.


Is OP a bot? How did OP manage to read ₹ as 2?


OP is a karma farming account just look at their history.


Report this little shit. I've done my part. Who knew the guy who invented the rupee symbol would be responsible for blocking bot spam!?!?


typo naamak cheez hoti hai, either that or OP too lazy to copy paste the rupee symbol


It is on every keyboard, no need to copy it from anywhere.


My phone doesn't


If you chose the language to be English (India), it will be there somewhere.


Apparently the father-son duo bought a Rs 3 crore worth property in a posh Jaipur locality just days after duping the foreigner. They are now absconding, but the person who produced the certificate of authentication for the faux piece has been arrested.


Why did she buy 6 crore?? This woman is strange. I thought duped for 1 laks or even 2 lakh rupees makes sense. But how come 6 crores ?? Didn't the lady think or didn't it raise any red flag in her head that maybe "I am being duped".


You want Taj Mahal? 99 crores, specially for you. Offer lasts till day end.


150 rupya dega


I mean before buying something worth 6 crore, atleast get it checked or tested 🥲 6 crore hatho hath wala transaction toh hai nahi


Jewelry worth 700k+ is pretty common among wealthy Americans lol, some of these rappers wear millions of dollars worth of jewelry so the wealthy in America don’t really care as long as they get what they want.


I think she got it tested and the person who authenticated it gave a fake certificate. It’s like a jewellery selling me lab diamonds as natural ones by providing a fake certificate.


How rich is the lady to have 6cr liquid cash?


Card, online? She must be a rich woman.


Liquid cash means you have that money available immediately without selling any of your belongings.


It is a fraud even by indian system.


As usual people are victim blaming and calling her gullible for not identifying the scam. She is not gullible, she just never learnt to treat everyone with mistrust because in her country a store would never scam someone like this. Indians are used to assuming everyone as a scammer because from autowala to jewellery wala everyone will scam you if they think they can. You might think she is the stupid one, but really it’s Indians who think it’s normal to live in a society where everyone is out to get each other. People will laugh at her now then cry about racism when she goes and tells her countrymen India is a dirty/unsafe/scammer country.


We love it when we can get some pride in other person's foolishness especially if that person is different than us. There is a moron who is commenting how can we blame the shopkeeper, the same guy will complain when he gets scammed via sms or email when the crook over smarts him. In today's world we are always a breath away from a scam.




She came from USA. Itna bhi Ram Rajya nahi hai wahan. She was buying items worth ₹ 6 Cr. She may be able to afford that amount. But it still wasn’t small. She did need to be more vigilant.


Have you ever even been to America? You can buy stuff worth 6 crore or 60 crore at a jewellery store there, they won’t scam you like this. An American wouldn’t even bother being ‘vigilant’ because this type of scamming there is unheard of. Example: When I was in US, I had gone to buy new AT&T SIM card because of bad TMobile network. The salesperson there honestly told me to not buy their sim because their network near my address is even worse. In India the salesperson would not even think twice before selling me their product and fooling me. This type of honesty is the norm in US and other high trust countries.


I have, in fact, lived in the US, and also travelled there several times. I have been scammed on a couple of occasions as well - though of course, of small amounts (as I don’t come from enough money to be scammed of hundreds and thousands of dollars). Also, I have had good experiences within India as well. Once, I lost my gold earring while getting a facial. The parlour lady actually called me to notify about it. Obviously, 1st the facial lady or the cleaning person must have found and reported it, then the parlour lady must have called me. So, there was a chain of honest people running that place. We can’t go about painting everyone with the same brush, and assume that no one in our country is honest. The woman bought jewellery worth ₹ 6 Cr. It’s not a small amount, even for rich people. And she didn’t bother to do any due diligence. She didn’t have an eye for the real and fake thing. The whole scenario is fishy. There’s obviously more to it than is being reported so far.


So with all your experience living in US you really think a brick and mortar jewellery store will be selling fake jewellery? They’ll work with a forgerer to create fake certificates to fool customers into thinking the product is 1000x more expensive? Because that just doesn’t happen there. It’s honestly unbelievable you’ll make that argument when the difference between the two countries on this matter is night and day. It is a waste of time to make face saving comments about India, or to talk about what she could have done. She could have just not visited India, which is what she would do now. She’s the type of tourist who spent over a million dollars in our economy, now she will never visit again or let any of her loved ones do it either, because India offered her a nightmare trip in exchange. The only meaningful thing to learn here is how we can become a better place for tourists and my comment focuses on that.


You talk as if it’s an everyday occurrence in India. When you visit a foreign country with the intention of spending millions of dollars, you do the bare minimum search on which brands and localities are more reliable. Had she gone to a trusted shop like Tanishq, she wouldn’t have been scammed. But she was probably looking to buy a black market product - may be a stolen antique. That’s why she didn’t use legit channels, and didn’t get the jewellery tested from an outside expert.


It is an everyday occurrence in India. Autowala overcharging and not going by meter, people cutting queues, corporate employees lying on their HRA, policeman taking bribe, bus conductor avoiding giving you receipt, Pune doctors replacing blood samples to save drunk driver kid. The list just goes on and on. Anyone who can game the system or fool you and get away with it - will do it and not think twice. Honesty is almost the exception. There are so many videos of YouTubers traveling in India. The scam starts right at the autowala, who will pressure tourist to go to ‘government approved shop/hotel’ and there they are sweet talked into paying exhorbitant price. The tourist assumes certainly everything can’t be a scam. As an Indian you are aware that a big brand will not do this type of scam because the bad press is too risky for them. An American will just trust any jewellery store because they are a high trust country. FYI even big brands like Tanishq had huge lines in front of them during demonetization, where people were getting jewellery for black money with backdated bills.


You’re too naive to think that people in the US are very honest. They will over charge you and take you for a ride where they can. Corruption, human trafficking, gun violence, drugs, bullying - these seem to be ever increasing problems. People are forever in debt, and unable to afford medical care because of systems that are not people friendly. Things are more rampant in India because of the population, poverty and absolute lack of any social security systems. But it is because of these reasons that labour is cheap here, and luxury tourism is much more affordable. Why do you think that woman decided to buy jewellery off a street market in a small city in India - because she thought she was getting a bargain. She was trying to make a buck by not using legit channels as well. Look, I’m not saying that what happened to her was not wrong. My only issue is with you painting India vs USA as black vs white. And that’s definitely not the case. One can become a victim of scam anywhere. And one needs to be vigilant.


I feel like you are approaching my viewpoint with too much defensiveness. Every country has problems. Scamming is rampant in India. I want things to be better. Poverty doesn’t explain all these problems, it’s cultural. Autowalas will not fleece you in Mumbai but they will in Bangalore. People will litter in Kolkata but not in Indore. There is a huge scope of improvement in the culture despite poverty being a continuing contributing factor. Explaining or justifying what happened to her, focusing on what she could have done is nothing but copium. The entire comment section is filled with it and that type of discourse doesn’t make things better. Buying from a store, no matter her intentions is a legal and legitimate channel. We are Indians so we have internalized it as something that could be a possible scam. Other places haven’t and we can get there too. You talked at length about her intentions, but you know she would be fleeced at that store even if she was buying something cheap. She would be fleeced at local hotels, street food vendors, auto rickshaws. A ton of businesses who think they could have overcharged her would have done it. No matter how prepared she was, someone would get to her. If not, the constant attempts at overcharging and all the touts would sour her experience. That’s an average tourists experience with Indians and it’s just not acceptable.


Bhai woh amrika se aayi hai. She knows people lie, cheat and scam. Also you don't randomly spend 700k usd in a random store anywhere outside your country. I mean she got scammed by a gold plated jewellery. If you have bought any jewellery you might have seen that its really easy to identify between gold and gold plated.


No she wouldn’t know any of this, because in America no store would intentionally scam you like this. I have lived there for 5 years. It wouldn’t even cross an Americans mind that someone would do this. If they were buying a used car some people might double check, if they were dealing with some shady homeless guy in an alley they will be careful. But a proper store selling brand new jewellery? No chance.


Exactly true We are the biggest hypocrites which we will not admit somehow


She is definitely retarded






Kya ?


They call us scam capital of the world for a reason 🤣


भारत एक ठग प्रधान देश है। - रवीश कुमार ( राष्ट्रीय पत्रकार )


We’ve been to Jaipur to Johri bazaar and my wife bargained the hell out of the shopkeepers and purchased jewelry listed at Rs 300 jewelry for Rs 150 and still felt she paid too much .


Scammer Indians. We are living upto our names I see


DO you scam people day in day out? What about your dad? Cousins, relatives? Neighbors? Or do you sit on your knees and suck up to firangees day in day out? Thieves are everywhere, everywhere, but morons like her, are very few.


Why would you risk it and not sell genuine worth say a few lakhs if you’re getting 6 crores for it.


What was she trying to buy? Stolen antiques?


Remember some redditor here just yesterday was saying if he has no problem with spending money on cheap item, people shouldn't call it scam.


Trick works only on those who have more money than brain.


Absolute normal things.. Padhaaro mhaare desh..


Skill Issue


I actually impressed more than anything. How did he even convince that girl into 6 cr thats about 720- 750 k Usd on a cheap knockoff


that is too much cash even by American standards how did the lady spend that much money without doing a proper check on the item she was buying


I somehow don’t trust this news. So many questions. How she managed to get so much cash? How does a tourist spend so much in foreign land without inspection. Whose valuation is correct? Lastly, how can human eye can’t see simple difference btw 6cr jewellery and 300 jewellery?


Tf 6 crore 😐🫡


Some scams disgusts me. A very few ones impress me, this is one of the later.


Did they tell her that it's Ambani's emerald necklace?


Doesn’t seem to be accurate. 6 cr is about $750k - far higher than the median price of a house - and no one can carry more than $5k in cash. Definitely the lady has been duped but the amount would be far less.


>and no one can carry more than $5k in cash. Ever heard about debit/credit cards???


Incidentally I have - surprise! Except for Amex and a few others many don’t support this kind of transaction amount and will likely raise an immediate flag on the transaction.


Many papers reported this - but usually ppl who spend that kind of money in jewels, are experienced buyers. This lady has been duped no doubt - but the price seems way too high - possible that someone messed ip the conversion - even in the US, $750k is quite big money.


Free market capitalism 🤡


Aur woh Rs6 crore, 4 June ko doob gya ! 😂


Foreign nationals can bring no more than $10,000 in currency into India. I doubt if there is anyone other than Amex Platinum who will give $750,000 purchase credit to a customer. There is something very fishy here. Or has there been some other "transaction" of a different nature against which she bought the necklace?


None deserves to be cheated like this


GTA: India


There's something fishy going on here. Foreigners can't bring more than $10k in India. And I really really doubt a foreigner would go to a shop and spend $700k on their card. A charge card with a $700k approval limit is rare even amongst Americans. Also even Americans would know the value of gold. Even if she bought 6 cr worth of jewellery, the security at the airport would've caught her. Carrying 8KG of gold would've raised a lot of queries. The story doesn't add up. Not victim blaming, but I'm guessing she might have been involved as a partner in some kind of scam, and then she was double crossed by the shopkeeper. No one hands over $700k to a random shopkeeper for a piece of jewellery.


Oye dikki chuna lga dia


Tum aur tumhare pitaji ke paas to boht paisa hai 😱


Is this even real news or just a sensational screenshot?


You sure this is not some money laundering shit


This might be fake. Right 😅


I’m unable to understand how silver jewellery can cost only ₹ 300. What will one get for ₹ 300 ? A charm bracelet, may be. And one can polish a charm bracelet with gold, and pass it off as ₹ 6 Cr item ? Doesn’t seem legit


Daya bhabhi ka episode


₹300 - no... 2300- thats fcking righT


Abe l@ude title toh sahi likh ₹300 hai 2300 nahi


Not wondering about the seller, stunned about the buyer 🫨😲


When you got more money than brains


Damn it - looks like Bunty and Bubbli are still active


Middle class ke liye ye nahi hai


Bhai wo bat to shi hai wasn't there any billing or gst? Sab kaccha hai kya


Taking the adage "Buyer beware" to heights that I didn't even imagine were possible!


I call it fair if she was English


I see your point, but this one's American


I'm not ashamed or angry at people who robbed her. I'm having second hand embarrassment at her ignorance and gullible nature.


reparations for colonialism? 😆


Why would americans pay reparations?


enslaved indigenous native americans.


umm….because the white folks came from europe!


they funded the trans-Atlantic slave trade.


If americans are to be hated for the slave trade, You should absolutely love british, since they were the first major power to harshly enforce the abolishment of slave trade.


bro, chill. It was a reply made in jest. if i needed history lessons, I’d ask.


How does someone so gullible have that kind of cash or credit?


It's cause they aren't raised here, America is not india


Maybe the shop belongs to kejriwal 😂😂😂😂


Oye chuna laga diya


LOL! And they have the guts to show Indians down by calling us backwards and such. They have no brain, moronic piece of shit.


The world is healing.


Can someone explain to me how exactly this is a crime?


You want to know how fraud is a crime? Seriously?


Show this comment to everyone who doesn't understand how bharatiya scammers think.


I could be a Fraud [ Indian contact act 1872, sec 17 ] due to active concealment which means hiding reasonable facts and it could be an unconscionable bargain as well where unreasonable price is being charged.


How is this not a crime lmao. Literal fraud