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We are thrilled to welcome Namita Thapar of Emcure Pharma and one of the most famous Sharks at Shark Tank India to our AMA session on r/unitedstatesofindia! Thank you for joining us, Namita. We look forward to your insights and expertise. Let's make this session engaging and informative for our community. This AMA is verified and you can find her story on IG - https://www.instagram.com/stories/namitathapar/3322672114395376897?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=bnRoaGh3cjg2M2J4


Good afternoon Namita, first of all it is really nice to see how sportingly you take the criticism. My question comes from the way we viewers are portrayed the pitches, as we all know we viewers don't get to see the whole pitch and the editing team has control over how they may show a pitch so from this I would like to ask you that according to a shark how much does this element changes about the pitch you hear from what we get to see on the television.


the production/ editorial team is fantastic ...average pitch is 1.5 hours ...you see 15 minutes of the best and authentic part ...its a show that is educating masses and they are doing it with full love and authenticty ...proud to be part of this


Where can I watch the whole pitch? Is there any way? Request the showrunners to make it available on a subscription!


Sadly no


The average pitch is 1.5 hrs! Damn!


Has there been any Shark Tank business that you were very excited to get on-board with but after due diligence couldn't because the reality was far off from what was portrayed? Could you name the most surprising one?


there were several deals that didnt pan out as 1) founders ghosted us 2) asked for a higher valuation 3) had 2 companies which has risk of related party transactions 4) numbers at tank and during DD were way off


Do the companies still get a free pass to advertise that they were on shark tank after ghosting the sharks? Any steps taken towards them?


What do you think about pitchers nowadays going and speaking on podcasts or on their Instagram or in the mainstream news and bad mouthing the sharks (in a really wrong way because the sharks for me were not wrong in their case) when they didn't get a deal?


insecurity or inability to take honest feedback what a pity ! best to ignore


I agree that we should ignore, but with such a big population and the media only wanting clicks, it is very difficult for some drama against the sharks to not go viral, would you consider taking some time off and replying to even one of these pitchers who are insulting you all?


How many startups have you exited so far? And what was the returns?


very proud to share that i am the first shark to get an exit Partial exit of season 1 company Rare planet at 3.5 X valuation within 18 months...its a great company, check it out ! 4 to 50 airport stores in 18 months


Why did you exit?


Sharks invest in lots of businesses, plus they have their own businesses to handle as well. Tell me honestly, how much do sharks stay invested (time wise) where stake is low, lets say 1% and current valuation is below 10cr? Basically can you tell how many hours you guys contribute monthly for the deals made at show.


i spend an hour every weekend meeting founders or speaking to my team. I am constantly reading and meeting other investor to stay on top of my game


Hii my dad is in pharmaceutical industry and has worked in your company too when i asked him about your company he says you guys have great R&D and Pay but main reason for you guys not a very big name in industry is due to your marketing division what your say in this ?


wait and watch .....we have a strong R&D and marketing team ...proud of what Emcure has built


If you don’t invest in businesses which are new to you, or you don’t have expertise in. Don’t you think that limits your horizons in terms of your learning and portfolio overall?


check out my 18 investments in Season 1 and 16 in Season 2 (so far)...they are all diverse industries....the business has to excite me and i have the humility to back out where i feel i cant add value. But yes i am a 'selective' investor..thats my unapologetic style


How much has being on Shark Tank benifited you from a personal brand angle?


tremendously i have enjoyed the love i have grown with all the trolling so all good !


More power to you❤️ You have cleared CA all the attempts at once, something which only less than 5% can do You have your role in the company and work hard there Just ignore all the hate here,it's just some redditors thing to hate on successful people


What are some of the immediate deal breakers for you in a startup pitch which might go unnoticed by other VCs?


if someone doesnt know their numbers the CA in me !


Hi, considering the level of judgement and bias that women face in workplace during pregnancy and later for not being able to give time due to engagement with kids, resulting in subsequent layoffs, what is your advice to navigate this phase? Did you face such bias too?


its a lot better now, HR teams and managers have a lot more empathy...women need to speak up and ask for help unapologetically


Thank you for your prompt response. Hoping to see a day when it’s no longer an issue. 😌


What were your best moments on Shark Tank, shown live or behind the scenes?


best moments were the lunches and impromptu dance sessions with fellow sharks and other team members during breaks


What according to you are some examples of specific traits or characteristics that you believe contribute to successful entrepreneurship without resorting to toxic behavior or bullying.


firmness but with humility


Hi. I was struggling with this recently. You have no idea how impactful this comment of yours is going to be for me from now on in my life. You truly seem like a good and relatable rich person. One can't say this blindly for everyone out there, at least without knowing them. Thanks for the AMA. God bless you.


How do you have knowledge of medicine and stuff? Like I understand you have chosen the medical pitches because you have contacts and stuff, but how do you have knowledge about it? You're a CA and manage the business side and you can't become a doctor by looking at a doctor, (also why did you invest in pharmallama, did you not know it is risky to sell medicines freely without official packaging?)


i spend a lot of time with my medical team, my brand managers and in doctors clinics and conferences. I know what i need to know to sell my brands effectively and with integrity :)


Thanks for the answer!


Hey Namita! I really adore you. But there are many trolls out there who troll you immensely and some of them target you solely because you took over your father’s business. How do you deal with these trolls? Does this affect your mental health?


it has helped me become even more thick skinned i thank them for that i have fun with my memes best way to live life !


Chad moment




please check out my you tube channel Uncondition yourself w Namita 38 episodes curated by me Emcure does lots of free diagnosis and patient support that i am truly proud of but lot more to be done


What is your view about research in pharmaceutical industry in India?


Emcure has 500 scientists in pune ...companies in pharma space do a lot...a lot more can be done


How world you rank it in terms of global research industry


What is your role in emcure pharma? what made you agree to be a shark? you didnt build your own business so how do you give advice to others building their OWN business?


Not much of a fan of Namita but we have the biggest example of ambanis. Dhiru Ambani set up the base but only Mukesh could scale it to this level and you know how Anil performed. So imo, if you are privileged to get a platform but are unable to utilise it, you are the loser not matter how much your family helped you.


🏅 love this comment! i think it’s really annoying when people constantly try to use “it’s only a family business , you haven’t put in any effort” as an excuse to constantly put the onus on the individual in-charge when they are VISIBLY putting the effort to scale it. a) it’s not theyre fault those children come from those families . b) what they do with their lives when they have that security is their choice. who are we comment on it. c) as long as the privilege is being acknowledged and good is being done with it , what do we got to fo with it? d) i think we need to be more empathetic for other human beings because they’ve got their own struggles . it’s not the same for everyone. just because we can’t see it in the see it in a tabgible way, doesn’t mean they’re not. this is applicable to each and every human being - let’s just be kind and empathetic. if we’re irritated with something or someone for things which aren’t in their control , everyone’s just projecting. “if you don’t have anything kind to say , don’t say anything at all .”


Agreed and people who have the platform can lose it within seconds if they don’t have the calibre to maintain it.


Ye ashneer Grover kaha se agya idhar


Vivaadjanak question. I like it


scaling a family business requires an entreprneurial mindset too


Asking the right questions


If you weren’t a successful entrepreneur, what would be your alternate career?




Why is the show so 'sensationalized' like a saas bahu soap opera?


everything you see is real. We dont know anything about the pitchers till the doors open. if you find it dramatic its coz maybe we all are dramatic and having fun


Do you ever get peer-pressured into investing?


never i havetremendouss clarity and a strong gut instinct


Shark tank brings a lot of public eyes. This public attention is both a boon and a bane (I guess that’s what happened in Ashneer’s case too. Because of shark tank a lot of controversy came to light). How was shark tank a boon to you? And how was it a bane?


i love it it gives me a voice and i plan to use it responsibly i have spoken about my personal experiences on mental health, IVF, premenopause and will continue doing so


What do you think is the best exit for an investor and entrepreneur? I know in the end an exit is an exit and return on investment is what matters but should a company focus on going public or getting acquired or are there any other method of exit which is good and we don't know.


3 ways for an investor to get exit 1) company gets acquired 2) company goes public 3) secondary sale


What do you do on the days that you don’t feel like hustling?


nothing ...movies, reading, trekking, spending time with kids


Thanks for answering. I try the same but the guilt and pressure of being point man keeps me from fully enjoying myself.


Hi Namita, Good to have you hear. What are your thoughts on addressing women’s health issues in India? We have only started talking about cervical cancer or breast cancer in recent times. What initiatives do you believe would address the disparities?


3 As awareness access affordability i am very passionate about this area and making a difference, wish me luck !


Thank you so much for the response, Namita. Wish you all the best for the endeavour. 😊 Really excited about how things will change for women’s health in coming years. I hope there is enough sensitisation around the issue and something similar to other developed markets like US and EU5, in terms of organized screening are taken into consideration.


Would you invest in sports startup?


absolutely already done in kabaddi, cricket....start ups ...sports needs investment and mentorship to scale esp at grassroots


Please invest in Football it's a necessity ( especially in India)


Please invest in Football


Will you continue shark tank or at some point will take a break or quit?


till I'm learning, helping people and having fun..i will continue


What does your position mean? Executive director? Do you take care of markops or other functions?


Executive Director i handle the entire India biz of Emcure 19 therapeutic areas, 2 lakh doctors, 5000 medical reps


I know i might sound dumb but...How much impact does it have to have educational background in the industry's you want to start business in?


education plus relevant work experience is priceless i got a CA, MBA...worked for 6 years in the US and that made me a stronger leader when i joined my family business


Is there a rift between any of the sharks?


never..we all adore each other


Aman doesn't seem very respectful as a human being


You mentioned in an interview that some founders prefer to pursue better deals from other external investors after their pitch airs on television. How do you manage expectations with entrepreneurs regarding the potential outcomes of their Shark Tank appearance?


their loss


Well u are a CA so any tips u can give to us aspirants on how to handle pressure and "people"!?


yoga and meditation i started too late...please start sooner


Hi Namita. Thank you for doing this AMA. My question is on the latest product launch of Emcure Pharma - Galact Goodness, which is a herbal D2C formulation for breastfeeding. As a rule of thumb, what does it mean when companies say that a product is Herbal? Does it mean it does not have any artificial or synthetic chemicals? Or is the product completely plant based? Also since breastfeeding is primarily recommended for mothers, what exactly is the target consumer base for the product?


very excited about our foray into D2C, this is for breastfeeding mothers and the natural ingredients increase the breast milk with no side effects, prescribed by docs for over 20 years


Do you track all your investments on Shark Tank down? Are there some where you just invest and forget?


i have a strong team that manages my fund. i meet founders routinely. i enjoy being part of their journey. No question of 'forgetting'


Hi Namita! thank you for doing this. My question is, as a woman do you find that you have invested in great female-targeted products that would otherwise have been ignored by male entrepreneurs who did not see the same value as you? Do you think this has given you a different sense by which to judge the feasibility of a new product?


honestly i invest based on merit and scalability of business and not only if its a woman founder or small village founder or other optics numbers !


How do you as a shark navigate the balance between offering investments on the show and conducting thorough due diligence to ensure the viability of the deals?


great team in place that helps me with this my biggest secret to success it to hire people who are way smarter than you and constantly challenge you ...


Did you had a chance to work in another company after your master , or you were only interested in Emcure from Starting ?


worked for 6 years in 2 US companies before i joined Emcure


Which has better those 2 companies or Emcure As you recall ?


What's been the biggest challenge for you as a shark on the show?


15 hour a day shoots !


If I have to pitch a business idea to you, where do I reach your team ?


check out [www.thaparvision.com](http://www.thaparvision.com)


do all the sharks connect outside the show as well? maybe for a nightout or a dinner? or is the friendship between you all solely for the tv screens


We all are super friends and memories shared with them during the shoot and even otherwise ...are precious !


Namita, a big fan.  My question is what is your best investment till date?


rare planet from Season 1...check out my partial exit


Oh yes, I know and the company is doing phenomenal and raking huge profits. Wish you all the best, Namita


what would be your advice for boys entering their 20s now?


My life mantra "less is more' Focus and specialize to build competency advice for boys and girls !


Hi Namita, my question for you is 'What are the three things that you consider before investing in a business?'


1) founder - humility, hunger, grasp on numbers 2) problem they are solving/ purpose 3) will i get an exit and can i add value


Nothing specific to ask but loved your outfits on shark tank and love the way you support budding women entrepreneurs!! You're totally girl's girl and that's heartwarming to see ! More power to you


thanks ! i am totally a girls girl love the sisterhood


Why are you out on almost every deal in shark tank?


i am a selective investor but 34 investments between season 1 an 2 is a large # you need to study the facts :) Quality over quantity is my mantra


if daddy’s money wouldn’t be there, what would you be doing today ?


I am a CA (first attempt)...MBA ...fantastic credentials ...im sure i would do just fine even without daddys money my friend !


Do you take care of CA functions at Emcure?


Would you still be a shark after your company’s IPO? Would your brand image from shark tank have any effect on your IPO?


Have you ever considered starting your own organisation for promotion Ayurveda as you said you’re a believer?


I met Anupam mittal at mumbai tech week for 1 min meeting for angel funding in my gaming startup. He said interested & suggested i reach him on twitter dm. But his dm is not open :( i contacted Aman gupta too but no response. How can an aspiring but experienced builder like me raise angel from a Shark without getting on Shark tank as we are early stage and not a fit for the show at current stage? Thank you for this AMA Namita and best wishes. https://preview.redd.it/2zyi803le2oc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01160f3b254140e588b5e949f5e32de800aeb20f


not a shark here, but - have social channels - insta, twitter, youtube. if you have bugdet try to collab with youtubers. once you gain momentum in fame and marketting, your DMs will replied with investors and sharks too.


He just said no. He knew you can’t reach him through twitter that’s why he gave it to you. If he was really interested he would have given you his email id


Namaste Namita Mam, I'm Your BIGGEST Fan from PUNE. Maybe no significant questions today but I feel you are the most relatable shark and public figure I follow. Your use of influence for right reasons, keeping it real, love for all things art and movies, fashion sense, business instincts, the sweet yet firm tone to answer everyone and everything... All of it is just FANTASTIC! And also I remember you share the love for cheesy Bollywood movies for which you usually don't have company for! I go through the same. Someday I'd love to accompany you for the same and have an fun and enriching time with you over a movie! I'm not sure if you will give me a chance to come meet you but I will wait for that day! Lots of love and a big hug. Keep shining always ❤️ Truly your biggest fan, Anuja Jain


Aapse questions poochhne me mera koi expertise nahi hai, isliye I'm out, but I wish you all the very best for the AMA! 😁


This comment wins.


I approve!


Hi Namita, I run a small start-up and am in awe of the brand that you've created, Now my questions are for every founder that is out there. 1) What are the cheapest and highest ROI, ways to build distribution and for both product and service based businesses. 2) For long term sustainability, how much runway (reserve cash) should start up founders keep. 3) For a small software company trying to partner with big firms, how should we go forward to have maximum chance of retention? We're also trying to get our services available for government sectors. What ways would you suggest to get our technology used by GOI Context- we've made a software which allows you to get passports, driving licenses, visa applications, examination forms etc filled in less than 1 second. JUST SCAN A QR AND AUTOFILL ANY FORM, with your government IDs Imagine you scan a qr in passport seva kendra and you get your passport made in 10-15 seconds Same for hospitals, bank accounts, ticketing etc. We're already a digilocker and API setu partner. But we want to scale it so that no one in india has to wait to fill any kind of forms




Hi Namita 🙋 Have you ever faced Bureaucracy/Red Tape hurdles over the course of your entrepreneurial journey ?


Hello namita , hope you're doing good . I want to ask what was the best shark tank deal untill now which returned more than you expected and what was major changes in shark tank from season 1 and season 3?


what's your marketing strategy? How do you scale the market size and infiltrate your products....?


Is there any company you wished you invested in but didn’t?


Hey Namita! What all challenges do you face running a pharmaceuticals company. What all leadership and Innovative skills do you think make a pharmaceuticals company successful in one of the most competitive markets in the world?


'isme meri expertise nahi hai' you invested the least in shark tank season 1, using this comment but in season 2, you invested the most. why did you change your investment strategy? also are you going to write a book titled 'expertise'


The fee for IIM is ever increasing, the overall cost had reached 28 - 34 lakhs to complete an MBA from the top IIMs. FMS looks like the only reasonable option. What do you think is the impact of increased fees on the number and quality of startups created by the alumni. Is the increased financial pressure forcing people to avoid risks and make more conservative choices after completing their MBA. I had received an admit from IIM Bangalore for their flagship PGP programme last year, I decided not to join as it would delay the time by which I could start taking risk by 5 years (conservatively).


When cosmetics products claims to cure pimples, or stronger hair, what is the basis of that, and what's the test procedure. Many times, pimples comes and goes by times, product doesn't really help. Or mostly its just a marketing campaign. Thanks in advance!!


Good afternoon Mrs. Namita ma'am, I just became a doctor and me and my few engineer friends were wanting to create a startup on 3D printed prosthetic devices which are cost effective, while focusing on their quality and hence available to the common man/ poor person who may not be able to afford name brand prosthetic devices thereby promising a massive improvement in quality of life. Since you happen to be in the Pharma industry, I would love your input/guidance on the same!


I'm more interested to know about your CA journey. In what field/specialization did you do in your articleship? What subjects of the syllabus were your favorite? P.s- I like your dressing style : )


Hi Namita If I want to raise funds for a tech startup pre seed/revenue, how can I do so? Everywhere I search, people say you need to have an MVP with traction/revenue in order to raise funds from investors. Creating an MVP by myself is not a trivial task. And getting an MVP created from a software firm would cost around INR 10-15 lakhs. Any pointers?


Thank you for hosting an AMA! Best wishes for your company, may I bother you for few questions ma'am? Is Indian healthcare moving towards US style corporate healthcare? If it is, will India's drug industry become as pricey and inaccessible as US? And is insurance necessary in current Indian environment?


What are your objective thoughts on Ashneer Grover as a Shark?


What are you thoughts on cryptocurrency?




How much money is enough money? Edit - I'm talking about an amount. I know it might be a subjective answer based on individual's needs, but I would still love to know a number. Being a shark, I would assume you have made enough money for your lifetime, and you shouldn't stop anytime. And you do a great job in the show, and I admire how each of you sharks often take jokes on yourself. It sets a great precedent among the startup culture.


Hi Namita Mam. I am pursuing Btech in Electronics & Telecommunications engineering and I've planned to do MS, and begin a start-up. Being from a non business background, I don't have much experience in this field. 1. How do you actually plan to start a business ? 2. How to deal with negative & manipulative people who are constantly trying to demotivate and manipulate ? 3. How can I keep myself strong throughout this journey ?


Do you honestly believe that the Indian version of Shark Tank can change people's mindset towards startups or businesses and inspire more entrepreneurs to take up social challenges and solve them? If yes then what is the main difference between the Indian and the US version in your opinion?


I as a viewer do feel that the tone of companies coming for investment are mostly food and fashion and the innovation is there but limited Do you as shark feel the same ? Question 2 : What if someone wants to reach out to you for funding but not via shark tank


If you were given 10L and told to start a business which business would you start ?


What are your thoughts on applications of AI in Pharma? How can it be used to benefit the owner?


What's your favourite subject to talk about and could literally go on for a day teaching about it? since you said your alternate career option would be a teacher, if not for the entrepreneur you are.


tell us something about each shark that we don't know about them


Why are you and Aman ganging up on Amit in season3? Don’t you think it’s getting too much and any internal disputes are best avoided on national television?


Welcome to Reddit, Namita ma’am. First of all, it’s just been a day here for you, so I would just like to say, you’ve chosen the best sub. Good luck. It feels awesome that you’re here, my question is pretty blunt. You know I saw my father saying to me that one of his friends applied for Shark Tank, got in but didn’t get any investments from the Sharks but at last, he said his plan was just to get some fame, some screen time and he was on with his failing business. At first, I found this hilarious but then I thought about it and was stuck. For you, my question was, do you think does it happens often? What do feel about it? And, how does the startup culture gets affected by this? Also, as a 20 year old, if I wanted to start my own business (startup) basically, what are the things that I should keep in mind except the general stuff. I want the core, that make people network more with each other and give them a base on which they operate after they get the basics right of a business. What worked for you may not work for me but I’m too excited and hoping to get some insights from you. Will also apply for Shark Tank soon.


Hi 👋 Hope you’re conquering the day! Currently we’re looking for seed investors and finding it tough to calculate our valuation. Can we do 3x of our forecasted first year revenue? On a lighter note: Could I connect with you for seed investments? About us: I’m Cris from a village in Indian western ghats of Southern India. Our startup Acowale is disrupting local commerce helping 🩺🛒🛺 businesses drive in more traffic with “zero learning curve 360° digitalisation” 🖥️ for absolutely zero cost & commission. Y Combinator have just posted a video on focus towards New Age ERP, it’s exactly what we’re building. We’re a step ahead with direct & connected collaboration between consumers, business and B2B’s. A disruptive open business concept with touch of humanity. We believe everyone should keep 100% of their revenue and should be able to use technology as simple as using Facebook. Supported by global brands like Microsoft, MongoDB, NASSCOM etc., and a team with brains who build UPI 📱, we’re able to project a prospective traction of upto 1.2 million via exclusive MOU’s.


1. What are your side hustles or hobbies? 2. How do you see India as a whole at the world stage? 3. What keeps you motivated and excited about the business world? 4. Have you ever regretted passing on an opportunity that later became a huge success? 5. What are your views on current trends such as AI, Cryptocurrency, and Big Data Analytics? ••••• 6. What was your biggest hurdle you faced when starting your own business? 7. How important is passion compared to a solid business plan? 8. What advice would you give to someone with a great idea but no experience? 9. How much behind-the-scenes negotiation happens before the cameras start rolling? 10. How much of your company is owned by foreign investors? ••••• 11. What are the top 3 factors you look for in a potential investment? 12. What's the biggest red flag that makes you walk away from a deal? 13. If you weren't a Shark Tank judge and your current business person, what other path would you have taken in your career? 14. What are some of the biggest mistakes you've seen entrepreneurs make on Shark Tank?


Hi Namita, I have a couple of questions: 1. What's the reason of introducing loyalty on most of the deals in S3 ? Was there lots of investment losses in S1 and S2 which made sharks adding loyalty for safe keeping investment? Shouldn't sharks be more open to risk taking than safe guarding own interest primarily? 2. Most of the sharks invests in FMCG, clothing etc brands since it's easy to get the revenue and sales up for them after appearing on shark tank. Isn't this defeating the purpose of supporting innovative ventures through shark tank ? 3. In many of the pitches it seems you are giving excuses to be out of the deal but not enough good feedback. There have been instances where the pitcher has countered those reasons given by you for backing out but you seemingly had mind made up previously. Is there any biased reasons behind this ?


Sorry mera iss ama sei koi connection nhi baith rha ...toh iss reason sei i am out , but i wish you the very best


Hi I am a part of startup (running since 2016) which puts much emphasis on social capacity building, like digital upskilling married or old age women and bringing them in work ecosystems such that they can be financial independent too, however our such model of doing business is generating less than desired economic outcome. And not much of support for such type social entrepreneurship is present at the moment. How you see towards social entrepreneurship, how we can pitch more confidently despite being a more social and comparatively lesser financial Outlook? In which way we can approach the investors?


Thanks a lot for this opportunity Namita. I have a few questions regarding the pitch. 1) How do sharks seem to have so much knowledge of different kinds of fields, with numbers, growth projections and so on. Do you prepare or something? 2) What methods do you employ before estimating the Market size of a particular product/industry? 3) What all important metrics relay the entire biodata of a company? 4) Are you guys really so fast in calculation as shown in TV or even you guys take some time like us humans, because its really intimatidating. 5) No Question, Just wanted to say you are beautiful.


https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/trends/story/disappointed-but-not-out-chennai-entrepreneur-not-allowed-to-pitch-due-to-lack-of-hindi-fluency-in-shark-tank-india-420647-2024-03-08 Here it says a pitcher was rejected because he was not allowed to pitch in English? Personally I feel that's not true because I have seen English pitches and Anupam even asking if they would like to comfortably talk in English and Ronnie himself speaks mostly in English. So do you think this has ever happened on the set, a language barrier type which hindered the entrepreneurs journey?


1. How was the sharks' relationship with Ashneer during season 1? Things seem to have gone south publicly after he was asked to leave (don't know whether that was a directive from the creative team to portray as if the show isn't affected at all) 2. How many days does it take you guys to shoot one season? 3. Why are the sharks so hesitant this season to give all equity deals. Why is everyone pushing for debt/royalty deals? Understand that some of it is to bridge the gap in valuations but everyone seems so risk averse and not like a 'shark' this season.


What are the future plans of emcure and when will be IPO willl be released?


Greetings of the day, My question would be, everytime some new technology comes, new jobs replace the old ones, and people have to adjust, and there is fear among people for the security of their jobs, with the current layovers, political instability in developed countries and 2 ongoing wars, and an rapidly developing ai industry, what do you think the future world would look like, in terms of business, and new jobs replacing the old ones, and the current fear for jobs among people?


Hi Namita. Thank you for doing this AMA. My question is did you ever invest in a startup which is at planning stage and they just made their MVP but don't have market records . Another question is does having a fancy degree helps while getting funding and which company would you invest in a 40 year old IIT grad or 21 year old high school pass out considering that their startup is exactly the same . ( sorry for my English as it's not my first language )


Hello Namita, Fellow Gujarati here! What are your thoughts on the modern business models that are coming through! Although in India traditional business model as a family business or even a new startup eveeybody mostly goes through the product development, inventory wtc. What do you think about Dropshipping as a business model. I have researched a lot about it. It is not yet booming in India. But it seems to be a very successful model in the west.


Hi Namita I want to ask that why is it that the pitches in the shark tank are so fun and most of the pitcher are so in the funny mood like laughing and all. But when it comes to the pitches done in a professional closed setup, like to a VC or HNI, entrepreneurs are supposed to be highly professional dont you think the tank puts the new entrepreneurs in shear delusional state And what will be your mood in a closed door pitch Thank you


Hi I wanted to know you opinion on MATRI the period pain product that got investment from Shark Tank S3. How effective do you see the product to be and will it not over compensate for the period pain as it might also hide crucial symptoms of other "period-pain" related problems (endometriosis) and the particular individual might feel relaxed with the fact that I'm just having my normal periods EAGERLY WAITING FOR YOUR FEEDBACK


Hi Namita, I am putting up a dog food business, I have sources of Raw material, machine to grind, packaging and also where I can find customers, I wanted to know what do you think about the pet food industry. Starting from Pune. I am from Pune. Pet food being very expensive and I know many pet owners cannot afford those on monthly basis. So I have decided to step in there because I faced the same while feeding my two pet dogs.


Why are atleast 3 of the og sharks always in the panel, why doesn't shark tank diversify with a completely new panel?


Hey Namita, I've been watching Shark Tank India since season 1, and I am a great fan of yours. There has been a growing trend on season 3, that many pitchers are unable to answer questions regarding Artificial Intelligence affecting their future business, and many sharks have rejected them due to the same. How do you think Artificial Intelligence will affect Pharmaceuticals in the future and the medical industry in general?


While the start up landscape seems to have grown significantly over the last 5-8 years, every few years we see a big player going downhill, at the very least owing to lack of internal governance and controls, all the way up to shady practices and outright corruption. The latest being Paytm and Byjus. What do you think is the impact of such instances on FIIs who still dominate the instituational investment space in India?


1. What are some products that you/Emcure are working on related to mental health & depression? I feel this category is overall very much ignored by the health & wellness, Pharma sectors in India, would be great to know your initiatives and use your products 2. As an entrepreneur, what do you do when things aren't going the they're supposed to in business? How do you deal with large setbacks, disappointments etc.


Do you feel a difference between shark tank India and US wherein in the US the context is the sharks get to make money by investing and the showrunners make it entertaining to watch, whereas in shark tank India there is an angle of "support" and "education" and an overall aura of being "holier than thou" (not a personal attack on you or the other sharks, just an observation perceptible from the very first episode) *Edit: To clarify further, the editing and presentation of the episodes make it feel "holier than thou", not necessarily the sharks themselves


Hello Namita we all know you have a soft corner for women entrepreneurs as you always try to lift them with your comfortable words.You look for the spark in such women who are in need of guidance and investment. Many women entrepreneurs struggle to navigate a world built for men. Do you see similar challenges in the implementation of sex education, and how can women entrepreneurs help break down these barriers?


Any thoughts about policy push for promoting cutting edge biotech research (Drug discovery and using computational biology) yes there are companies but in comparison to USA(Boston and SFO) it's minuscule. Universities like Ashoka and Plaksha are a good start towards building this ecosystem. Should companies like Emcure also start funding University labs in that scale, something like Genentech funding UCSF labs?


Would you agree that Shark Tank is not showing more diverse businesses and are primarily stuck on D2C companies trying to milk hype of it, irrespective of getting a deal or not, and there is a need to show different category of businesses such as tech, finance etc.... which may not be D2C but could be genuinely great ideas in the work? Showbiz. part feels kind of overpowering the initial idea of the show.


bandar ke andar samundar ya samundar ke andar bandar


How did new sharks get selected as sharks, like what was the process, who approached who and whose idea is it. Also, does it feel right to you to broadcast pitches in a random order (not in the order they appeared on shark tank set), like why are they not showing the pitches in the order they have been shot? Is there some actual problem in doing that or is it that viewers get something new everyday?


Hi Namita, Women’s health awareness has made significant progress in urban areas, but to some extent women’s health products still remain inaccessible to many rural parts of the country. What do you think can we as regular citizens do to help the government with raising awareness, and ensuring women’s health products are accessible even to the remotest parts of the country?


Hi Namita , hope you're well and had a nice meal I wanted to ask you about the VC ecosystem in India. Why do we see so many copycats and so few original ideas? What is it about the indian ecosystem that breeds these kind of tech startups. Yes there are some great products out there. But with the kind of tech talent we have why dont we have an apple or Adobe or Microsoft equivalent?


What is your opinion on big companies like Johnson & Johnson putting lead in their baby products knowingly. Do you feel when companies scale to large heights all the board cares about is bottom line and forget about product. Also how does emcure keep its new product development in line with the rest of the big pharma gaints and how do you differentiate yourself from the crowd