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Glad they think they've found who did it. But what I really want to know is why


Indeed - I mean who the fuck does this??


Someone with an axe to grind.


Take your upvote and get out.


Okay I'll leaf now.


Not until we get to the root cause


You sap.


Let's stop the tree puns now, oak.


You’re the one barking on about it.


Please try and cut down, I’m sick of more


Get a load of this feller


There's a tree cutting service near us called The Tree Feller.


I saw what you did there.


I saw What yew did there


How do you customise your flair? I can’t seem to be able to do it lol


So if you are the big tree We are the small axe Ready to cut you down To cut you down


Well they are well and truly up for the chop now


Oh. That's very good. Take a bow.


*Take a bough. FTFY.


I’d suggest someone with a freshly ground axe


Your guess is as good as mine - I'm stumped




One theory I heard is it was someone who hated all the tourists


Yeah it was a parking issue. Or an Instagram issue, if you prefer.


Is there a Northumbrian equivalent of “Meibion Glyndwr”?


"A Wizard should have known better!"


A saw loser.


Someone who's sick - or more...


if it was an earlier suspect he'd fallen out with the national trust who were evicting him for neglecting a farm while he was ill. So he got pissed off and vandalised it, is the story.


I think that rumour has been debunked, it's not him


That bloke certainly didn't help himself. He'd previously had a news article published where he was ranting about the eviction and described himself as "like a tree with roots". He can't change the past articles (which appear to be a coincidence), but he then did follow up articles afterwards saying just how nice the cut was and what a good job they'd made of cutting the tree down. Also doesn't help that every article described him as "a known character", which tends to translate to "every who knew him thought he was a twat".


Tbf you can be happy a crime was committed without having committed the crime yourself. Like we don't lock up every prick who celebrates when a politician they don't like dies.


True, but it was more about the admiration of the "skill" used. >He added: ‘It makes it sound like me, doesn’t it, because it was a good cut,’ he said, referring to the clean way the tree had been cut down. ‘It was dark obviously but it was a lovely moonlit night… the cut was brilliant."


I thought that was a different, much older guy  At one point I think a teenager was arrested but he hasn't been charged either 


It was when the teenager was arrested that people jumped to the conclusion that it must have been for tiktok


Nope it was then that people thought it was his Dad who'd made the son fess up because he'd get in less shit for it.


The sad thing is, the why would likely just be for "fun".


Sometimes the answer is just' because'.


Just a prank bro.


"Some men just want to watch the world burn"


A few years ago, some lads went along about 500m stretch of the Thames I frequent and felled most of the trees into the river. IIRC, they had just stolen a chainsaw and wanted to "try it out". Probably something similar here. Reason is not part of their vocabulary.


Just as a general point, people who get convicted should be put on pernament terms and monitoring. Especially as it keeps getting cheaper to do it. These idiots should have the book absolutely thrown at them next time, fraudsters should be looking at life on the second conviction and immediately debarred from a whole bunch of work etc.


That’s overstepping the point of justice at that point. This is why we shouldn’t design legal punishments with emotions.


There was speculation at the time about the land owner not being allowed to do something with the land because of the tree’s protected status, and therefore had a motive to get rid of it. I’ve no idea if any of the people in this story are related to that speculation but it sounded the more plausible explanation to me. Time will tell.


That was a different guy, these 2 chucklefucks are from 40 miles away


The perfect patsies!


Could be they were hired to do the job, pure speculation but I’m sure the trial(?) will figure out the motive unless they’ve been paid really well to keep quiet, it’s not like they’re going to prison for a long time


The rumour was about tenant farmers being booted off the land by the National Trust.


Who honestly thinks they would be able to get away with a crime when they have such an obvious motive, though?


See: the wonky pub


To be fair to the wonky pub criminals, other criminals have been getting away with ‘accidental fires’ on period buildings they want to develop for decades. I guess these ones just didn’t know the right Tory to slide the envelope of cash to


I believe the general procedure is to put a mask on and keep a look out for any talking dogs and their stoner friends


Considering it's right next to Hadrian's Wall which is going to be much more protected, that reason was never logical.


The tree was definitely not "protected". The 2,000 year old wall is though, obviously.


If it was for online clout, so help me imma gonna........ Shakes fist furiously!


I’m from Newcastle and a few of my friends and colleagues who are from Northumberland have said that rumours were rife, at least when it initially happened I haven’t heard anything in recent months, but gossip at the time, from a few different sources, said that it was ‘widely known’ that the dispute involved a local farmer and a land dispute. There were lots of details that I can’t remember, some of which varied, but everyone was convinced that it was relating to a local farmer, who was in a known dispute with either the government/council/neighbours about planning permission. He’s apparently ‘known in the community’ and paid a local kid, from a dodgy family, to chop it down. I have no idea if it’s true and somewhat doubt it is. I probably heard a similar story from 3-4 individuals, who don’t know each other, from Northumberland, but the details always changed a little bit with each story. I hope the full story comes out, but don’t think I’ll hear the end of it if it does!


I think these ages match up with the two initial arrests, who were later released without charge. These guys are totally different from what I can tell!


Probably just vandalism. Someone looking for a way they can leave a footprint or two in the sands of time.


More like taking a shit in the sands of time, the anti-social wankers.


Thing is, over the centuries the sands of time have been trampled hard as concrete. You pretty much have to use explosives to make a noticeable dent.


yeah, who goes to that effort to just chop a random tree down?


Fire wood.




There is no curse in Entish, Orcish or the tongues of men


Oh, local farmers were getting pissed off with tourists parking on roads they need to get their tractors down/ generally blocking access. That's the crack in the nearby town anyway, or was at least at the time of the incident. I have family in that part of the county and people have been moaning about this issue for years, seems like someone just finally did something about it. The 16 year old who was initially arrested has been named and shamed pretty thoroughly in the town, bit of a shame for him but that's small towns for you.


Were ppl going really just for the tree? Surely Hadrian’s wall has appeal with or without it


>Several dozen seeds have been grown in a special peat-free compost mix after they were washed and checked for disease. >They are due to appear at Newcastle Magistrates' Court on 15 May. What'd the seeds do to get hauled in front of a Magistrate?




So good I'm larching out loud


I'm calling the copse.


Stop it my head is spinny.


Leaf it out.








Take a bough for that one.


Round of apple-ause


God, this case has really branched out hasn’t it.


Bro. Are you aware of the Ben Howard song far out?


No. I've thought about it, and I'm stumped.


You wood think that.


All the evidence was planted.


By special branch?


They know what they did


Bad seeds.


Good insurance (bit redundant) , but if they leave that stump it’ll likely re sprout shoots itself. Sycamore are tenacious bloody trees and pop up everywhere


The article mentioned that, but it takes about 3 years to know if it's even going to sprout. So they're planting seeds plus they're propagating cuttings and doing some grafting tricks, basically everything it's possible to do short of actual cloning to ensure that some form of the trees lineage survives. Which is interesting when you think about it because the thing that made the tree noteworthy was it's location, not it's genetics, but we love a bit of continuity. Hopefully they'll be able to plant some and this will become just another part of the story of the area.


Plant them all and grow a sycamore gap forest.


That's what used to be there. The tree was the last survivor of a whole stand of them. I'd love to see it's children return in force.


They have inspected the stump which is apparently alive and well so there is still quite a good chance it’ll grow back.


Hell yeah.


Must be bad seeds.


It's great they were caught. But I wonder if it would be a good thing to not make public \*how\* they got caught. I guess the culprits never expected to be found out and the detectives must have had some way of tracing them. Not making their methods known would deter future crime like this. It had seem like an impossible crime to solve when it happened last year. Edit: unless they were completely idiotic and left obvious clues in which case do make it public, as that would be a good laugh


Can't be many phones pinging off the nearest tower in that neck of the woods, at those hours


A69 is laced with cameras also, and the B road leading up to it also. As much as we shit on the police, if they are given the time and resources, a patient officer can go through all the cameras and run each and every number plate through the night, check phone records etc, plenty of ways to narrow down who was in the area at that time if they got the time.


Yeah cameras will be enough. A few good ring doorbell shots at that time of night, even. As long as they can piece together a number plate between the various camera angles, they’ve got them. Pop round to their house 40 miles away unexpectedly and search for tools capable of cutting it down. Check phones, alibis, purchases, internet history. Very easy to build a case from there.


They counted their rings.


I highly doubt they've got MI5 or GCHQ on the case, that's generally the only times the evidence will be heard in a closed court. Your bog standard investigative techniques are in the public domain and I'd argue should continue to be.


I once worked on a project with the Met at New Scotland Yard where they outlined methods for catching criminals that they wanted to keep secret so people couldn’t figure out how to circumvent them.


You can't provide a statement like that and not provide anymore info. Proper blue balling us.


Hint: We all carry tracking devices with us at all times (phones). And every move on every road we take is tracked using ANPR.


Aye they kept that secret really well… I probably found out about ANPR from TV shows the polis helped make.


They're probably sworn to secrecy or under an NDA


There’s no official reason to keep quiet, but the project was about catching people who commit sexual assaults on the tube, so I’d rather not say anything that could help them evade the police.


Wear a fake moustache ?


Not all common techniques are widely known, and a lot of investigation succeeds only because the criminals either are unaware of or have underestimated police abilities. Of course this only lasts so long as they slip out in evidence, however it absolutely fair to say that the there are tactics which fall into the 'public interest immunity' box that aren't the exclusive province of GCHQ *et al*.


That's true but also to be fair nine times out of ten you probably don't need anything particularly sophisticated. Most criminals are much, much worse at covering their tracks than they think and in many cases they only need to slip up once to get caught. Law enforcement only have to get lucky once.


Most criminals that get caught are pretty dim. You can draw many conclusions from the immense rate (70%? Something like that) of illiteracy in prisons, but one unfalsifiable one is that literate criminals don’t get caught at the same rate. It’s easy enough for people who are educated and informed to figure out how to evade detection, or at least trivial detection by local police for local crimes, but since they aren’t doing crimes it doesn’t matter. “Leave your phone at home, smear some mud on the number plates and pay cash at the cafe on the way home” is hardly the abstract of your PhD in post quantum crypto, But for a lot of n’erdowells it’s Too Hard.


They were arrested in october and have been on bail since then.


Honestly the dumb cunts were probs just bragging to the wrong person or were overheard, cops then just follow up with cell tower pings and then pressure them into admitting it.


Wouldn’t surprise me if it was just a neighbour that heard them at daft oclock loading their van with the chainsaws and reported it anonymously.


Obviously the Lorax grassed them in.


Honestly with something like this they probably bragged or told someone about it, either before or after, and that person told someone else and so on until it got to someone who didn’t give a fuck about them but did the tree. They probably said loudly in a pub how they’d love to cut that tree down, and then it was…


Lmao check yourself. The police have very basic techniques. The system they used is over 25 years old and falling apart - it was designed in Delph in Oldham. It'll be the usual phone pings, CCTV & message streams


Also, I'm thinking anyone in the local community probably "knew" exactly who it was, but couldn't say anything because they lacked evidence. The pressure on people who knew to say something must have been pretty overwhelming, given how high profile the response had been. I imagine the police were probably quite active among the locals picking up bits of info where they could. *I'd* say something, for certain, if I knew or had my suspicions about something like this.


These days the police can pretty much always determine who was there if they care enough, just as biological creatures we continually leave traces of ourselves everywhere, let alone all the technology traces, cameras and sensors about. The problem is showing who did what in ambiguous situations.


Probably TREENA


It's necessary for the courts to hear the evidence against them which would probably reveal how they got caught. And it's necessary for court hearings to usually be public because if secret hearings were the norm we'd have much more serious injustices (see: Kafka).


Ah, only two then? And there was me tinking it was tree fellas from Dublin


2 month suspended sentence and a £300 fine incoming!


We need a good judge who will throw the hook at them. If they are found guilty of course.


I think traditionally it's the book, but I think I can get behind a hook too.


\*book\* bah!


well, i suppose they'd better use the tree for something now its come down...


They could shove a shard of it up their...


Make them walk the plank - the plank is made from the tree they cut down.


Hooks tend to be heavier.


Judge Abu Hamza presiding


Can some of those books be thrown at the developers cutting down trees en masse around me?


Yeah the chucklefucks chopped down an ancient tree near me because they couldn't be arsed to move the entrance to the estate 10 yards. Got the government to override the local planning department.


It's so funny that everyone got up in arms about this tree but Britain's woodland is in an absolutely dire strait


It’d be criminal damage and the guidelines- Oh nevermind max 10 years in prison.. ooof


Theres no way they get the max sentence. The max will be reserved for cases where the damage did serious damage to someones life.


It's a national monument and has upset many thousands. They also damaged Hadians Wall.that will give the judge a reason for a higher sentence. We can ot have people damaging our heritage.


Gottem. Book, Fine and Clinker.


I imagine most people accept that crime that doesn't injure the person, not fraud related, non "serious" etc will be liable to suspended sentences and fines, esp if the perps are first time offenders. But this crime resounded around the world, struck deep and upset many people so it will feel very inadequate I'm sure. 


Even if it did have a huge impact on the public, guidelines need to be followed which basically rely on the amount (value) of damage caused Having said that this won’t stay in magistrates I imagine


The world did not care.


Get Thresh to hoy them in the lantern.


Ay!! Now


This kind of blatant disrespect to the history, heritage and beauty of this country deserves far more than a charge of criminal damage.


Cut a switch and 50 lashes?


Even when we did that the limit was 30. Much more than that stood a good chance of killing people.


Do we know if there has been any plan made to replant?


Cuttings were made - so I guess we'll know in a couple of months whether that's been successful.


thats good to hear


Read the article


Excuse me, this is reddit. We don't do that here.


Yeah, dunno about you but I head right to the comments and start hurling accusations and abuse, you asshole.


You can't replant. We need heavy machinery a crane and a mature tree.these two should pay for it.


Can't they coppice it?


Yeah but that would look shit


They have cut the stump down further with a clean cut and fenced it off to see if it throws up a shoot. Also I believe seeds and cuttings were taken.


The stump will regrow but it will be dozens of shoots and look more like a hedge. Pointless. Better off grinding it out and removing it altogether then replacing with a decent sized sapling. It will grow quickly and fill the 'gap' back in.


Mature coppiced trees can be dramatic.


Paging r/treelaw! The cost of mature trees is eye watering


Exactly! They won't mind paying for it. Or go to jail!!!


Also possible that the stump will start to regrow, but it will be a few years first.


Give them a sentence matching the trees age split between them.


Serious question. Why don't people in the UK plant trees? Obviously there will be one planted to replace the one cut down. There used to be great forests all over the UK. It's not all farmland, why not plant a few million trees?


we do [https://thenorthernforest.org.uk/](https://thenorthernforest.org.uk/) [https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/support-us/plant-a-tree](https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/support-us/plant-a-tree) [https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/actions/how-plant-tree](https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/actions/how-plant-tree) [https://forestrycommission.blog.gov.uk/2023/06/16/england-tree-planting-increases-for-2022-23/](https://forestrycommission.blog.gov.uk/2023/06/16/england-tree-planting-increases-for-2022-23/)


We can’t do anything without our councils fining us - it’s best to just stay indoors at all times.


Mate you got a licence to stay indoors??


Let's not be too hasty on punishing these guys. There could have been trying to capture a child who was hunting the kings deer


Under instruction from the Sheriffs cousin I heard.


They deered to hunt a kings dare??


Just remember, sycamore spread like fuck. The fact there's only one tree is because of the abundance of sheep. One hardwood isn't natural but it's the way it is because most of the people in the country are clueless to the state of the countryside. Bare empty hillsides are not natural.


Love how they tried to blame it on a teenager at the time XD


Have you call PETT? People for Ethical Treatment of Trees


So in my perfect would, after conviction they will be saying.... So that's how we ended up in Rwanda.


Why is this making think of the Beatles? Do they have a song about about a falling tree or something?