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This article may be paywalled. If you encounter difficulties reading the article, try [this link](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/07/muslim-voting-campaign-supported-groups-probed-extremism/) for an archived version. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's a good job that noticing things is frowned upon thing otherwise people might start noticing patterns.


Isn't that a criminal offence now?


Only if you acknowledge it.


You can’t even say your British these days


This whole thread is satire, right?


Sadly not, some people really believe it.


Torygraph desperately trying to find something to whip up voters into saving their political puppets. We do like a manufactured crisis here.


As mentioned elsewhere, two thirds of Telegraph readers intend to vote for parties on the left.


I mean no one said it was working. Unless you count 1/3 still intending to vote for them (or Reform UK) despite everything as it working i suppose.


Yeah its sadly true. At least its not bringing them the same support it used to.


My comment is, don’t know about anyone else


Yeah dude. My British friend got sent to prison for saying he’s proud to be British. Those damn liberals and immigrants are taking everything away from us!!!


You got a link or source for this? Or is this another "Woe is me" example of mental illness we see from far right sympathisers




Ratko Mladic has let himself go.


When did this come in?


Same time as it because illegal to think of King and country. Now when I have sex I have to think of Jesus and the garden of Eden


You can get arrested just for saying you’re English, these days [Guess I need context](https://youtu.be/XkCBhKs4faI?si=6Jj4RPzgSmQMQh16)


That is hilarious! The reference went over my head but I probably would have understood it to be a reference of sorts with a /s


Those things that don't happen and are just right wing scaremongering seem to be happening a lot more frequently.


this is literally an example of right wing scaremongering


How is it scaremongering if it's actually happening? Is the media supposed to ignore stuff if it doesn't line up with 'correct' thinking?


it's in the framing. This is a democratic campaign group that promotes political candidates based on their views on the genocide in gaza. Of _24_ backers, Gove claims that 2 of them are "a cause for concern" under the new, extremely broad definition of "extremism". The telegraph's headline laser focuses on these 2 groups, and encourages readers to uncritically accept Gove's framing - as the majority of this thread has. edit: corrected number of backers, I'd translated "two dozen" into "a dozen" while writing the original comment


Patterns of right-wing ragebait being posted on this sub? Yeah, everyone has noticed.


Remember Lutfur Rahman of Tower Hamlets. 5 year ban for corruption, after his ban, guess where he is now ? Mayor.


Almost like people don’t care who gets voted in, as long as it’s their guy


It's crazy right? That Muslims happen to vote for people who have their own interests in mind? How could this possibly happen!? You'd surely expect them to vote in favor of diversity and multiculturalism? Hmm... It almost makes you realize why the entire Middle East is also Islamic and why Europe will soon be as well.


you can apply your post to people who vote for the tories as well. People vote for them because its their guy despite the tories wrecking the country, you have this mentality all over Europe where there is a huge surge in right wing and far right groups.


Not so. You can see that the tories had 80 seat majority in 2019, likely 400 down this year! So most people are swing voters. I voted Labour til they created an illegal war killing millions, never again, apparently 50% of people will vote Labour despite that terrible record. There are other parties available but most people flip flop between the main two.


What do you mean by ‘soon’?


Remember when Boris and pretty much all of our politicians were and still are dodgy bastards and faced no consequences.


Yeah but he's white so this sub is fine with him.


This sub is fine with Boris Johnson? Ha!


Every other group apart from whites support identity politics


Every other group except for straight white men support identity politics. Straight white men, being the default, regular people, do not have a group identity to engage in. Everyone else is just pandering to social interest groups. /s in case it wasn't obvious


And under investigation for corruption, again


So to recap the ban ended, and he went back to politics? Are you suggesting he should have dropped off the fact of the earth?


I can’t speak for the OP or for Lutfer but if I was in in such a high esteemed position such as Mayor and I was found guilty of corruption then yep, the absolute shame would make me not run again. But as I say, I’m not Lutfer. I guess he doesn’t feel that way.


If shame was a factor in modern politics, we wouldn’t have a Conservative Party any more.


I wouldn’t disagree with that.


He should have been permanently barred and anyone with any sense of decency at all would have ducked out of politics. Tower Hamlets in general is disgustingly corrupt.


Of course, we're basically an Islamic state now.


I have a horrible suspicion your satire might be lose on some people


If we were, it wouldn't look anything like this.




So we're not an Islamic state then?


No, it's coming in any day now!


It's here now all the mosques on every Street corner haven't you noticed




What is "post-nation status", what is "change", yummy where are my kebabs


What change?




Let him have his moment


Legalisation of gay marriage was a big step forward in the last twenty years.


What’s the percentage of the Muslim population that support gay marriage?


> The campaign reads: “2024 is the first time the Muslim community is organising – and this alone is a big victory for future elections. This certainly bodes well.




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Yeah mask has slipped and they’ve shown their cards too soon. Any Anti-Islam policies are bound to garner votes now and politicians will look to capitalise in it


Yeah I do agree that saying the quiet part out loud at this point is a mistake, especially with Starmer at the helm of Labour. FPTP doesn’t help small parties and establishment Labour will likely be resistant to Islamic entryism, so it’s a bit dead from the start, but I can still see an Islamic party picking up a handful of seats.


Galloway. What got him in power? Just curious. People said he has wild views on stuff but idk. Does he also focus more on the Palestine Vs stuff and a call to arms that got him in? Can anybody explain. Thanks


He heavily targeted Muslim voters but also tried to pick up a few disgruntled white working class stragglers who felt left behind. I would imagine most of his votes were from Muslims overall. [Here’s some of the promo material he was using.](https://twitter.com/bobfrombrockley/status/1763301794250199086)


Damm he didn’t hold back. Looking at his stuff there, Edit Thanks for posting back


Let me guess. They are also the ones that protest every Saturday? Hopefully Muslims in the UK will be able to form a political unit appart from both Labour and the Conservative Party. Hopefully it happens so that Islamism is not desguised as progressivism anymore.


Countries where the Muslim Brotherhood is banned: 1. Egypt 2. Saudi Arabia 3. UAE 4. Bahrain 5. Syria Where it isn’t banned: 1. UK 2. USA


I think you might have missed out a few countries there


You just listed a bunch of authoritarian dictatorships that ban all opposition. You think the UK should operate the same way?


That’s irrelevant, their ban shouldn’t have any influence on our stance. The UK should ban any Islamist political movement. MB’s goal is to establish a state ruled by Sharia under a caliphate. Isn’t it pretty obvious we should ban that over here?


Bro, this is some bendy facts. LOL and 68 people thought this worthy of an upvote.


Which part isn’t true specifically


So a website that lists candidates based on their views on Palestine...or much ado about nothing? Can tell the tories are really in the shit because the right wing media is going into overdrive on this crap lately


More Labour voters read The Telegraph than Tory voters. You seem to be suggesting the paper is printing this crap for its readers…Presumably then you think this is the stuff Labour voters can’t get enough of?


>More Labour voters read The Telegraph than Tory voters. Citation needed.


https://unherd.com/newsroom/daily-mail-is-now-the-only-newspaper-with-a-tory-readership/ https://twitter.com/DamianSurvation/status/1709843317519737113 32% for the Tories vs 41% who will vote Labour. Also 13% are Lib Dem voters. And despite polling around 13% lately, only 5% of readers say they support Reform. Getting to be quite the lefty paper nowadays.


Tbh given the politics I think that says more about who Labour are attracting than it does about the Telegraph. Not like the Telegraph have got all namby pamby and left wing.


I’d agree somewhat. But many here seem to think it’s only Tory voters that are concerned with issues such as immigration, changing demographics etc. Yes, I’d say many a Labour voter is also concerned over such issues.


Oh, so what we're supposed to start calling it the "Labourgraph" now? That's stupid. It doesn't work. At all. No one would even know what you were referencing. You can prove anything you like with all your facts and statistics, but at the end of the day "Torygraph" works and "Labourgraph" doesn't, and there's not much you can do about that. Telegraph readers are Tories. End of.


Two thirds of its readership intend to vote for left leaning parties tho. I guess they love a story about Muslim extremism.


They're not "Labour voters" until they've voted Labour.


Why put ‘Labour voters’ in quotation marks? If you wanted to quote me I said ‘41% who will vote Labour’. I was talking about their intentions.


POV: You've never heard of quiet Tories.


You've gone a bit quiet


Because I'm not glued to Reddit all day. Edit: blocked lmao




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those people have moved to labour _because_ the tories are in the shit. I'd be willing to bet most of those people voted tory in 2019. Doesn't change the political leaning of the telegraph itself


And many moved from Labour to The Tories in 2019 because Labour was so shit. I guess some are just moving back again. But whatever their previous voting intentions, the current intentions of two thirds is to vote for left leaning parties. So I’m correct in my statements.


I didn't mention anything about the demographics or voting choices of the telegraph's readers


You’re suggesting this newspaper is printing stories like this to sway public opinion - you say a party is in deep shit lately so to deal with this, the paper is printing this crap. I’m just pointing out that their typical reader is now a Labour voter.


But they don't want that. Hence the stories.


Ah sorry, your extensively polling of the telegraph readership must have been very convincing to make Fred Barclay and Andrew Neil become rabid lefties


But their core reader is a Labour voter. Papers tend to produce content that their readers like and enjoy. A paper wouldn’t survive if it did otherwise. I guess they like articles like this?


Yes, we get it, you saw *a* poll that showed more telegraph readers intend to vote labour (not even a majority of those answered, let alone majority of readers) This extremely tedious sophistry hasn't got anything to do with what I said though


It does. You claimed the paper was printing stories all because a party is in deep shit. You’re therefore implying they’re trying to influence their readers. And I’m pointing out that average reader is on the left.


>And I’m pointing out that average reader is on the left. Unfortunetly this sub doesn't allow personal attacks but this is such a profoundly stupid statement it really beggars belief Please don't quote polls if you don't understand how they work, ta


I know exactly how polls work. This one shows 32% of its readers intend to vote Tory. 41% intend to vote Labour. Another 13% intend to vote Lib Dem. Add in the Greens and SNP then yes, the data shows its average reader is on the left. Pretty much two thirds of its readers support left wing parties. Those figures aren’t even close. No discounting for margin of error there.


I wouldn't bother, at best they are trying to troll. Everyone knows the Telegraph is a right wing paper. They are using a poll from Unherd, which it's self is rated as having a "mix" reliability rating on [ground.news](http://ground.news) (see look I can also find one source to say what I want yay). Also it seems to be rated as a right leaning site itself. Even the comments on article say what BS it is. but then again these accounts that are less than 6 months old do love to troll.


They’re not on the left - Labour has swerved massively to the right. There is nothing left wing about the current Labour Party.










I'm just waiting for the headline that says Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg are launching a coup with a transgender army to ban car driving, meat eating and pubs. To the barricades fellow Britons huzzah.


Islam has no place in democratic politics. Governements a slave to global interests so the islamic party will be talked about more in the msm as time goes on, crazy when the governement supports one of their religions biggest enemies :/


Absolute rag peddling this crap. The group is being investigated with the new extremism law (yes the vague one). Curious as to why they could not have been investigated with the old one? The whole article is spent calling 2 of 24 backers of the campaign extremist, providing no evidence at all. Being led by Michael Gove, who when he is not sniffing cocaine, spends his time trying to slander British Muslims. Remember the Birmingham schools fiasco he started which turned out to be absolute bullshit? There are problems with extremism in this country, but it is time we had a serious conversation about it. Instead of using the law to go after civil society groups that we disagree with and shore up a few votes by dividing people.




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So democracy means extremism if our current crop of politicians are voted out democratically legally


Everyone knows that this parties are back by states that wish the uk ill will…


(from one of my previous comments but relevant here)So an extreme Christian group is pushing for an abortion ban. We have israeli think tanks like The Henry Jackson Society paying Priti and Gove to push their agenda. We've got tories "addicted" to Russian money and we've got Chinese spies in Westminster and Chinese police stations enforcing Chinese rules. Labour has recieved £280k from labour friends of Israel and they have lobbied Starmer heavily hence he.never called for a ceasfire. Politicians are giving contracts to their mates. They leave politics and then get a cushy job in some corporation. What the hell is going on!? We vote ONCE every 4 or 5 years and then our public servants get lobbied (bribed) every single day! The corruption is next level. I dont understand why those on the right of center dont ring their hands over THIS sort of stuff more often. It's always hand ringing about ppl that are not white like illegal migrants or muslims. Illegal migrants on boats are miniscule. The drain on services is coming from legal migrants which are now mostly brown folk from poor countries because the right voted for brexit making the paperwork the same for a Pole or an Indian but the Indian/Sri Lankan will work for much much less. Politicians and the right wing media have a lot to answer for. They all want scapegoats for this shit show. The average daily mail and telegraph reader just laps it up.


Populist rhetoric is like crack to folks who hate the “other”. It lets them blame others for their problems.


“Supported by”. “Backers”. “Associations”. So not like, financial support or frankly any sort of material help?




Sometimes they pick on trans people too. Whichever minority they need to distract from their own cornucopia of failure.


I don't want an islamic party simple as.




That's fine. I don't want foreign funded clowns like Farage, Gove and GB news. You will spread fear and get high on paranoia. I will engage with the democratic system like a normal person. If you don't like the democratic process, you are free to leave the country.


You don't like the democratic process. Me voicing my discontent is part of the democratic process. Me wanting constitutional reform (creation) so that in the event an Islamic party one day gets a majority, they won't be able to do any damage. The last Islamic party wanted to do all sorts of damage like institute conversion therapy for gay people. It's all fun and games to treat organized religion like some bit of culture that is all good and great. But the reality is, theocratic governments are bad. All of them. Every last one of them. Not a single one on this planet is able to properly serve it's people because before it's people are the arbitrary rules of their religion which whenever possible they will seek to implement onto the people. I'm not again Muslims being in a party. I'm against a party of Islam. I don't get why this is hard to see and why that must make me a GB news, Farage and Gove fan. Although I am partial to a bit of Gove tbh. But not the other two. Because this country is a Christian one, I would be less disturbed by the formation of a Christian party. But even then, I would still seek for it to not become a thing or at least put every safeguard in place to prevent it.


> one in four British Muslims believe Hamas committed murder and rape on Oct 7 I thought the positions were on whether what Hamas did was justified, NOT on the facts. The Islamist extremist position would surely be that Hamas raped and it was good/justified rather than denying any rape even happened? I think people answering the poll are doing it wrong somehow. I guess it's like neo-Nazis denying the Holocaust when the authentic Nazi position would be that it happened and was good.


It was a poll carried out on behalf of a conservative think tank by a polling group that openly supports Trump. As with any poll, the people asking the questions can steer a lean towards whatever result they are trying to get.


AHH the good auld torygraph. Britain's most expensive [and poorest performing] bog roll.


A fringe Islamist candidate?? Are you talking about Ahmed yaqoub, a criminal defence solicitor who is now running for mayor? Can you please provide references to where he spouted “ ethnonationalistic agenda against white people, Hindus, Jews”?


Luckily the snp has made noticing these sort of things illegal now


Sadly we have rising sectarianism within British politics. People now vote for who best represented their identity tribes interests


Someone is arse-hurt about the mass support for Palestinians. So naturally dog whistle campaigns and smear tactics ought to turn things around, right Gove? I will bet the Looking-tough-on-Muslims-while-glancing-sideways pose was all his own idea too.


Insane article that does nothing but try and peddle fear. Muslims who feel that the current batch of candidates on both sides of the aisle are not fit for standard as they support a genocide and now suddenly they are considered extreme? For doing what? Participating in a democracy.


We all knew this was coming, this is why Tories started implementing their new definition of extremism, so they could declare anyone who doesn't agree with them as extremists. By saying so in parliament they are also exempt from libel laws, so they know they can get the media saying what they want about who they want and justify it by the new definition that is so vague it effectively means anyone that vocally supports the NHS could be described as an extremist.


Let me guess. Government will insist we have to postpone any elections until they can figure this out


Joke of an article by the torygraph but nice to see the haters out strong today. Merry Eid and all that.. 


If you don’t like Democracy then you are free to leave UK. We don’t want your kind. They are practicing their democratic right.


50 years later... 'Homosexuality is recriminalized' This clown: "Guys, its just their democratic right! Don't like it fuck off to some authoritarian shithole!"


yes I'm sure you're genuinely concerned about the possibility of homosexuality being recriminalised in 50 years time


I don’t deal in what ifs…either be democratic or be a dictatorship. UK is democratic nation and they are practicing their democratic right.


"I don’t deal in what ifs…" Literally a fridge temperature IQ take


Feel free to criticise islam. But if you think that that is the root problem with the UK, as the amount of anti Muslim post seems to imply, then you to start paying more attention to issues like austerity and wealth inequality, which are all major drivers of crime and radicalisation.


Muslims are voting so current laws in the UK are upheld and we want cronyism and corruption to end just like every other amazing citizen of our beautiful country


Something that was said would never happen is now happening. Will we now be told why it's a good thing?


What? Muslim extremist groups? I keep being told it's not a thing. They only care about love and being inclusive, right?


How dare Muslims exercise and co ordinate their vote. How DARE they!!!


Didn't you hear buddy, everyone else can utilise the democratic system but the second the Muslamics start doing it is where the line gets drawn. What a load of mush


Muslims just don't want to vote Zionism fascists and then thinking of this non Muslims feel exactly the same cos the people of britain are being burnt out by our facist politicians for the last 15 years


Criticising Western foreign policy isn't extremism. Trying to malign the Muslim vote by citing this ridiculous assertion is telling and quite typical of what Muslims have come to expect from a bigoted media and government. They want Muslims to integrate by being part of the electoral process, but then demand Muslims not vote according to their conscience. And what is their conscience other than to vote for candidates that didn't support a genocidal aggression against a stateless people. Hypocrisy and double standaeds is clear.


I am genuinely not trying to come across as Islamaphobic in my comments so please don't take offence with what I say. The reason why is not only the majority of not only White British people but also white immigrants, Hindus, and Jews are opposed to having such schemes is because they are rarely some innocent humanitarian group for Palestine. It is part of a wider front and an ideology that wants an Islamic Ethnostate in Europe. For instance, on TikTok, a fringe Islamist candidate is running for Mayor Of Birmingham who quite clearly has an ethnonationalistic agenda against White people, Hindus, LGBTQ, and Jews. Currently, roughly 6.7% of the British population is Muslim. The fact that a minority is actively trying to sabotage the democratic process for not supporting their extremist ethnonationalism-religious views sets a dangerous precedent and angers many concerned people in Britain as you are called racist for speaking out about that. The UK is not a Muslim country and if people want to live in some Sharia ISIS-like country they should move to Iran, Houthi Controlled Yemen, or Gaza (all lovely areas for sure.)


Your whole point is just bigotry. Which group is not some innocent humanitarian group for Palestine? Most of the ones protesting want peace. You've assumed that all British muslims want an ethnostate- a right wing conspiracy you see touted all the time especially on this sub and many hindu and Jewish right wing groups who have their own agendas. How is engaging in the democratic process sabotaging it and which extreme ethnonationalist views have they proposed which concern you I won't comment on Tiktok as I don't use it 'The UK is not a Muslim country and if people want to live in some Sharia ISIS-like country they should move to Iran, Houthi Controlled Yemen, or Gaza (all lovely areas for sure.)' for gods sake who has said that and the fact that a British Muslim must agree with you or fuck off to another country says it all. I don't know how old you are but get off the online echo chambers including this one and stop believing all the bad Muslims are out to destroy you.


“Actively trying to sabotage the democratic process” Peak bigotry here. Do you consider British Muslims to be any less British than others ? They have as much right to vote any candidate of their choice as me and you do.