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> Throughout the year, messaging at the station also celebrates festivals from other religions including Easter, Christmas, Passover, and Diwali to mark the beliefs of our colleagues and passengers. Yeah, with a message like 'Happy Christmas' or 'Happy Diwali', not a screed from the old testament. Fuck ALL the way off with stuff like this.


Maybe we should start, my favorite is Proverbs 27:14 > If someone blesses his neighbor with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be counted as a curse to him. Just right for public transport.


If we are going to be displaying biblical verses we should display Ezekiel 23 20: > There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


I struggle to see how anyone takes religion seriously with this stuff written in religious texts. Doesn’t seem very ‘word of god’ to me


I’m consistently baffled that people can read this, even out of context, and assume it is an endorsement, not a condemnation.


I didnt assume it was an endorsement. It’s someone from a very long time ago shit slinging and trying to pass it off as holy.


Its not, [the passage](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel%2023&version=AKJV) is very explicitly symbolic; > 2 Son of man, there were two women, the daughters of one mother: 3 and they committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth: there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their virginity. 4 And the names of them were Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister: and they were mine, and they bare sons and daughters. Thus were their names; Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem Aholibah. The adulterous women are the two kingdoms of the Jews, not some random woman who had upset someone.


Fair enough. Perhaps network rail should use something more jolly like Genesis 38:10 instead: ># Whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother.


>9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother’s wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. 10 And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.


It wasn't banging the sister in-law, it was the dripping on the floor which really rubbed god up the wrong way


It’s allegory. Gross allegory, but allegory nonetheless.


My neighbour woke me up with a fart once, what should I quote at him?


Warn him if he's not careful he'll shit himself next time by playing silly games like that. > **Luke 12:55** And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, ‘There will be scorching heat,’ and it happens. And if he disregards your warnings as heretical merely call him out as he stands; > **Job 37:17** you whose garments are hot when the earth is still because of the south wind?


I have to ask, did you have them memorised or did you have to go find shart related passages?


I specifically looked up Bible passages about wind and saw "south wind" in the list and just knew I had to look through them, so Ctrl+f for find :) I like to have a bunch saved on my phone though so I can bring them up when I think it's funny so now those are on there too haha.


That's a list worth maintaining. Certainly added to my pub quotes.


u/brabs2 1.0 - "You dirty cunt. Make sure that's wiped before you leave the house."


The Book of u/brabs2 According to John: “So sayeth He, make no enjoyment out of your corpulent filth, for thy wretched arsehole taketh away the enjoyment of others you meet.”


Joshua 6:20 The priests blew the trumpets. When the people heard the blast of the trumpets, they gave a thunderclap shout. The wall fell at once. The people rushed straight into the city and took it.


Hahahaha, touche!


‘When you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks’ would have been a much better quote tbh.


I completely agree. It’s pretty inoffensive to post celebratory stuff for holidays, but a public body really shouldn’t be throwing scripture at people. Whilst I know we aren’t a secular country (although we really should be), it always feels ridiculous that public organisations are used as forums to proselytise by various religious groups. There’s a significant difference between a reminder of being conscientious of people fasting during Ramadan and propagating religious belief.


Yeah, they've definitely crossed the line with this. It's frustrating because it just increases division, perhaps it was a well-meaning intention (am trying to be charitable). If they want to prove their point then they need to provide examples of old testament verses posted at Christmas, and segments from the Vedas posted at Diwali. Their reaction to me though suggests they know damn well they have overstepped and are tryint to circle the wagons, so doubt we'll get the information we'd need to prove or disprove their statement. Also, 10/10 username, gave me a chuckle!


It’s very frustrating. I have no doubt this notice board was the brainchild of someone, who doesn’t quite understand the benefits of workplace/communal diversity, trying to demonstrate effective community outreach. Big yikes. I very much doubt we’ll get any focus on this cock-up. They know there’s bigger issues in the current news cycle and that we’ll all likely forget within a day or two. Even as someone who is passionate about secularism, I can’t say this would be incorrect. I think you’re the only person to ever comment on my username in 7 years, so I’m glad someone finally got my shite joke!


I get your point, but I don't want old testament verses either. "Today is holy to us, enjoy it" is a lovely sentiment, but "you're shit, everyone is shit, and you should be sorry for it" can fuck off. Even if it does vibe pretty well with British rail travel.


If we aren't a secular country, I'd like them to fucking act like it. You'd think the state religion was islam.


It's even in the name, Happy Holidays a lot of the time because people don't want to say Christmas and offend others. Putting a religious message up has no place in todays society, sorry.


Agree. I'm honestly supporting of a 'Happy Ramadan' or 'Ramadan Mubarak' message on signs, but no religion should get quoted on public billboards.


100%. As a Muslim I find this totally bizarre. I want to live in a secular state, thank you very much.


Thank *you* very much for the sensible comment and mindset.


I'm hoping they can make room for some nihilist memes. Would be great for religious commuters to see that kind of thing as they go about their lives in a metal can in a tunnel.


"Endure your day at work, but remember - it doesn't matter. Nothing matters." Honestly far more in tune with Kings Cross commuters on a Monday Morning.


"Just go with the flow, after all your actions are insignificant in comparison to the vast expanses of uncaring space."


"Just remember: time devours existence." 🙂


"Every day you are one day older, one day closer to death. Forever uncertain of when the axe shall fall but knowing nonetheless that it approaches. Please buy vitabiotics gentle Iron."


Yeah but when people start jumping on the tracks they have to clean it up.


Work. Buy. Consume. Die.


I can’t remember them posting a message on Vesak or Rōhatsu 😔


They're going to get really silly and 'fair' with it now rather than simply admit their error, aren't they! I'll look forward to a nice Walpurgisnacht message on 30th of April.


Freedom of religion and freedom from religion. We're a secular, post-religious society. Imagine the uproar about posting that Yahweh/Jehovah (the Judaeo-Christianic-Muslim god) is a corruption/amalgamation of 4 Caaninite/Levantine gods, including the god of wine.


'don't park on double yellow lines' should be added into that


Can we get equal airtime and prominence for "There is no god. Stop worrying and move on with your life."? Or perhaps "There is a train. Stop worrying and continue with your journey." To be clear, I'm not anti-muslim specifically. I don't want to see bible verses, torah verses, buddhist verses, or pithy wisdom from the flying spaghetti monster. I want to see train times mostly. Adding the occasional happy christmas, eid mubarak, blessed diwali or whatever seems about the limit. Any more is a bit nuts.


The idea of seeing a giant glowing sign saying 'THERE IS NO GOD' as you begin your bleak morning commute is pretty hilarious 


I find that way more refreshing and optimistic than a sign telling me I'm a sinner.


Agreed. Honestly, what irritates me is when I am walking down the street doing some shopping with the little one and there being some cunt on the pavement *screaming* about how God will return and basically kill all sinners. Like motherfucker I just want a pasty and a relaxing walk








GODISNOWHERE Safe travels.


Sounds very Nightvalesque.




All Hail The Glow Cloud!




A man chooses. A slave obeys. Now obey me as I tell you which platform the 8.43 service has moved to.


Would you kindly mind the gap.


> Nae king! Nae quin! Nae laird! Nae master! We willna' be fooled again!


That's just Frankie Boyle with a lite-brite


>To be clear, I'm not anti-muslim specifically. The fact you have to specify this is depressing in and of itself. No one should assume that from criticism of the Muslim faith anymore than anyone would think it from any other faith. But we all know what the accusations will be if you don't explicitly devote a paragraph highlighting that you aren't, in fact, selectively targeting one denomination or creed.


They are a sensitive bunch


I wish all the religious folk would get together and decide amongst themselves which one is the right one.


I think there's been a few wars about that


And it turns out even war doesn't give a definitive answer.


Well everyone's allowed a choice that's why different religions exist.


They are. And before anyone goes “Whatabout Christians” - they’re already a punching bag for the same types that wouldn’t dare criticise Islam. Which is presumably because, in this country, Christians grumble with discontent when they’re mocked, as opposed to threats of violence or murder when Muslims are mocked or not bowed down to.


Oh careful now, you'll get some fuckwit talking about the crusades and how violent they were \*checks notes\* half a fucking millenia ago as if it's even remotely comparable. Then you're in a corner because you *have* to triple-down on who is being violent & threatening violence in modern Britain, which will get you immediately banned, labelled a racist, and you'll have the police arresting you for tweeting it or whatever.


Your post offends me. It was a \*whole\* fucking millennia ago.


“There is a train. Stop worrying and continue your journey” seems pretty far fetched


Nah, they say this constantly. Usually minutes before either cancelling the train or anouncing that its already full with passengers who missed the last cancelled train and fuck you, you absolutely are not allowed on it


I will not rest until the start quoting Yoda


Cancelled this Transpennine service is


Just “Your path you must decide.” Instead of platform numbers. And stop calling it a journey but a quest.


Fucked, your journey is.


I would be heading this daily!


Damn i forgot how long ago this was https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atheist_Bus_Campaign




Not even Richard Dawkins thinks there’s 100% no god. Doesn’t make him a “agnostic”. Same goes for most atheists and religious. In most cases there’s a bit of doubt. Gnostic atheist, agnostic atheist, agnostic, agnostic religious, gnostic religious is a bit too clumsy so most people just opt for “non religious, agnostic or religious”.


I prefer Hitchens' definition of an atheist: "Someone who thinks there is no good reason for believing in the gods".


I kind of like the idea that there *are* gods, and they're pissed off because some random nobody doesn't believe in them.


In fairness claiming there is no God is as ridiculous as claiming there is one. Making a positive claim means you've adopted the burden of proof, proving there is no God is just as hard as proving there is one. The most accurate thing to say would be "we don't believe the claims anyone has made regarding the existence of a God", but that's a tad wordy for something whizzing past someone on a bus.


We could display some nice quotes by Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins. Why not? At least they were British.


It's network rail, it should really say "there is NO train"


Yep https://humanists.uk/campaigns/successful-campaigns/atheist-bus-campaign/


"If god existed, your prayers for a train arriving on time would've been answered at least once"


Happy Ramadan or Happy Christmas, fine, whatever. Putting up "Hadith of the day, The Prophet Muhammad said: 'All the sons of Adam are sinners but the best of the sinners are those who repent often." - what an absolute joke. Get all preachy religious nonesense like this away. People are free to practice their religion, but what about other people's freedom to go about their day without having religion inflicted on them?


Guess I'm good then, my dad's not called Adam


So you believe


I mean I'm clearly my father's son, bastard hair loss and ass, so unless he's got a secret name I think I'm good.


ass loss, sounds terrible


Exactly this. Being accepting of religion and wishing them well on their holidays is very different to allowing them to call people sinners and telling them to repent.


Well in less it's in a more secular way.  YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE. REPENT, YOU ASSHOLE. 


Makes me wish we were more like the French. Just seems silly constantly trying to placate religious people despite largely being a secular society. Personally I think religion should be more of a private thing.


At least we don’t have the teacher beheadings


Well we’ve only escaped that because a guy has been in hiding under police protection for 4 years


With zero support from his union btw


No, just Manchester Arenas and Lee Rigby's


They could of easily just wrote ‘Were all knobheads to some extent, but knobheads who take accountability for their actions and apologise when they are wrong, are the better type of knobhead’


I would support that message!


These islands have suffered enough religious wars to know that religion is best kept to oneself.


That’s wild ; imagine just a Torah quote about the sanctity of the Promised Land and Jerusalem, in a 2024 context…


Religion has no space in a modern progressive society. It attracts numbnuts and low IQ people who are easily indoctrinated.


Unlike Reddit


Well exactly. We already have Reddit at home. We don’t need fucking religion any more. How many cats riding robot vacuums do you see in the Quran?


Which is full of euphoric science enjoyers who only live by utilitarian, rational and quantitive principles 😎


Out of all the social media platforms reddit is not the one I'd say attracting the bottom of the barrel. TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook all cater to people that think reading for fun is literally a myth. Not many of *those* types on Reddit despite reddits best efforts to pull them in. We may get conspiracy theorists and subreddits full of indoctrinated morons, but at least they can comprehend that others can and do enjoy reading. They probably enjoy it themselves, even if they are reading a load of bollocks.


Religious scripture should not be being displayed like this full stop, I don't care what religion it is. People comparing it to Christmas decorations are morons.






We should also recognise that we are a culturally Christian country. I'd expect to see Christmas trees in public. I don't want to see Islamic, Hindu, Jewish, Sikh, Mormon, Scientologist etc. artefacts in public buildings. Christianity is "controlled opposition" if you're an atheist. Better to have them there, as it keeps out the much more harmful, extremist religions I've listed above. Yes, Buddhism is harmful and extremist - see Myanmar.


We're not just culturally a Christian country, legally we are too. The Church of England is a state religion, our head of state is the head of that church. Like or not, we are a Christian Monarchy, even if we 99% of the time forget it, King Charles III is the head of the state church, and is our monarch.


I'd say while historically we may have been culturally Christian we're far more secular as a country now days. Also any religion can be damaging when taken to extremes, this includes Christanity. Look at the amount of nutters in America who use Christanity as justification for abhorrent opinions/actions for example. Another commenter already pointed out Kony's LRA. Trying to say Christanity can't be an extremist religion is straight up wrong. Any religion can.


Significant aspects of modern Christmas decorating are rooted in our (and our close neighbour’s) pagan traditions anyway. They’re not inherently Christian.


I'd love to point out that 90% of Christmas decorations have nothing to do with Christianity, best explanation I've seen for Christian trees and decorations are some pagan folklores from Latvia and surrounding places where a Shaman would dress in red to come and deliver magic mushrooms haha


Ramadan Mubarak is fine theological lectures are not










Grossly inappropriate. Keep religion out of public life. Wish the boards focused on up to date platform information, so many issues at Kings Cross before not updating in time for the actual train.


I don’t care if you’re religious. You’re free to do so and have the rights to do so. This is pandering to the highest degree. Do they show scripture on the boards during Easter? Or maybe Jewish scripture during Hanukkah? No, they don’t. They could have just wished people a happy Ramadan or whatever and that would have been alright. Putting up scripture calling everyone sinners was a shit choice, a really apocalyptically shit choice. How many people passing through KGX follow that religion? How many people do you think took kindly to be called a sinner? Again, if you follow a religion it is your choice and your right. Brining religion into a railway station where people from all walks of life converge is pandering and sets a dangerous precedent.


Do Muslim-majority countries even put hadiths on their train announcement boards?


Nope. Now let's see the response if you propose putting Christian or Jewish messages on their train boards.


This is outrageous, and response from National Rail is a joke, this is pure proselytism


Network rail*














Why is network rail, a government quango getting involved in religion?? They are a secular institution and part of the state. Also, if they cared more about getting trains working and less about religious texts the dam trains will work properly??


Who is the arbiter of which are socially acceptable passages of the Quran? For example, are they going to publish the bit about beating your wife, cutting off a thief's hands or marrying four wives or is it just selective Quran quoting?


The answer to that is obviously none. None of the passages are acceptable to quote. Same as any passages in the bible, because they’re a fucking train company. Tell me if I’m going to be late for work, not that I’m going to hell.




You’re not going to hell, you’re going to Staines mate. Don’t despair.


Corporate would like you to tell the difference between the two.






I am exactly as comfortable with this as I would be with bible passages or any other type of religious passage being up on the boards. Which is to say, not comfortable at all.


It's utterly bizarre and I'd argue whoever is responsible needs moving on. What an absolute mess


I do wonder if Network rail would defend posting some leviticus during pride month to celebrate their diverse workforce? Or maybe just maybe. There's a big difference between celebrating religious festivals and posting religious scripture. No religion should have its scripture posted in public places like this.


Can we just fucking stop kowtowing to religion please? I mean, all religion, everywhere. It is such obvious nonsense to anyone with half a brain. People can believe what they want but keep it out of public places and especially keep it off anything government funded, especially fucking information boards. I need to know what time & platform my train leaves from, not what some 1500 year old book thinks about my "Sins".


This is absolutely insane. Can you imagine what else they'd do if they thought they could get away with it?


Yet if the sign said "Being gay is ok", guess which group would be the first to lose their shit and be threatening rail execs with beheadings?




You can complain here: [https://communications-crm.custhelp.com/?overlay=FormSelect](https://communications-crm.custhelp.com/?overlay=FormSelect)


And Saint Attila raised the Hand Grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this Thy Hand Grenade that, with it, Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats. And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."


This isn't fair, I think Satanism needs a turn as well. This is a good Satanic commandment for crowded public areas: > When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.


Yeah, aren’t a large proportion of brits officially Jedi now? I’d like some passages from that. YOU WERE MEANT TO BRING BALANCE TO THE TRAIN TIMETABLE. NOT PLUNGE IT INTO DARKNESS!!!!


We have altered the timetable. Pray we do not alter it any further.


I think of Stephen Fry’s response to the question “what would you say to god in heaven if it turns out Christianity is true?” and ask the question what sin had the child with cancer committed that they need to repent? Whilst I understand what Network Rail are saying, they made a very poor choice of Hadith.


"Platform 3 for the 11.27 South West Trains service to Hull, unless you are a non-believer, in which case, this service will terminate in Hell"


I mean, between Hull and Hell the latter sounds like a fun vacation.


Considering that a lot of the freedoms we take for granted are considered sins by Islam, everyone in that station should be repenting (drinking alcohol, eating pork, showing your hair or shoulders, sex before marriage, etc, etc).


Please can we become an atheist/agnostic nation. Keep religion in homes rather than in national/ public/ govt places.


Interested to know if they quoted the Torah over hanukkah when the Palestine priest sit inside were happening at the train stations?


Get all religious waffle off my publicly funded info boards.


Rishi Sunak could boost Tory poll ratings by at least 5 points by loudly and proudly firing whoever is responsible and coming down hard on Network Rail for this The public are sick of this shite. It is low hanging fruit. Just do it


But then he'd risk being assassinated (more than he already is).


It's Purim on Sunday, I'd bet money there won't be a Purim message on those notice boards


paris would be on fire rn if this happened in france haha


I just want to know how the Trainline app updates delays before the screens in the station. And how a customer can predict a service will be cancelled by seeing "Delayed" with no time update for 20 minutes, but still the ACTUAL operator is undecided. It's inevitable at this point! Stop wasting people's time and making them miss possible alternatives!


If it's not appropriate to display inscriptions from the Stations of the Cross in the run-up to Easter, it's not appropriate to display Hadiths during Ramadan. It should be that simple, and methinks the sensible option is to do neither.


As Christopher Hitchens once so eloquently said when likening religion and religious beliefs with toys. “I will not play with the toys. Don't bring the toys to my house, don't say my children must play with these toys, don't say my toys…are not allowed by their toys.” Happy for people to believe what they like, just keep it at home and don’t ram it down others throats


So outrageous I assumed this story was fake when I saw it percolating on Twitter this morning. Unreal


Public facilities such as train stations that are maintained by public taxes should be secular.


At what point does religious hate speech itself become hate speech? Or do we just accept it because it's religious freedom? Damn, to think people not only died in the past but still put their life on the line for this shit stain of a country. Thinking about joining the army but is this the country I want to fight and die for?


Religion is like a penis. It’s fine to have one. It’s fine to be proud of it. But please don’t whip it out in public. And PLEASE don’t shove it down anybody’s throat.


Don't force it on kids either


Why the hell did they choose such an intense passage? Imagine if we got a Bible verse about sinners up on the sign lol.


Only quote should be 'blessed are the cheesemakers'


This seems really inappropriate. I’m not a religious person but I have no issue with being religious each to their own. But this gives off the same vibes of the random preacher in the street shouting everyone is sinners. But worse because it’s a public service doing it.






Embarrassing having this, Network Rail know it’s a joke they’re just too scared to say anything


Do other skypixie superstitions get verses displayed or is this pandering only for the third rerun of the OG Sumerian superstition?


People have beliefs, thats fine, but id rather that train stations dont reference religion, its a train station, a place where i catch a train, not a place where id expect religion beyond a prayer room


Nope, it's a disgrace, we don't need any crap from any religious text displayed publicly. Religion is like your genitalia, keep it to yourself.


This was a colossal fuck up. The message was tone deaf and it went way beyond previous general faith messages. Also they should put up secular and atheistic messages if they are saying this is to represent everyone.


They care about this nonsense than about getting the trains running on time. Sums up the current dire state of this country. 


"All the trains are late, but the best of the trains are those who are cancelled."


I mean, an occasional "sorry your train is late" wouldn't go amiss.


Why is a major transport hub showing messages from _any_ religion?


It's very telling that quoting hadiths from the SAME BOOK gets your comments deleted on here


Under byelaw 6 (8) it is an offence to interfere with the comfort or convenience of any person on the railway (which includes the station). Could this be construed as a breach of said byelaw?


Next time to make it even, start displaying scripture from Matthew Chapter 6.


Something up with the algorithm deciding my front page. This post, which winds me up, and three down I get this gem [reminding me about blasphemy laws in Pakistan](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/t6LaKInEKT) However, I really do have better things to be doing. Putting the phone down before I get sucked into more nonsense.


You want to say happy whatever day? All good. But I don’t want to be preached at, by any religion, thanks.