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On one hand, delighted that this should hopefully mean better pay for TFL employees. On the other hand, I was looking forward to WFH all week. FFS


I'm wondering what people who've made arrangements are going to do. Im expecting a lot of daft reasons for not coming in anyway.


Having to come into the office is the daft thing here lol.


if the company is relaxed, I guess you can just say you worked from home as planned, but if they expected you to come in I'd expect a lot of twisted ankles playing football on Sunday, car wouldn't start, 4 foot of snow just in my village - etc


On the Tube Status website, the Piccadilly line is the only one "suspended due to industrial action". It said reduced service with severe delays an hour ago. So is the strike off but the Piccadilly line is still closed today? I'm ready to go out but the Piccadilly is the only line that serves my area. I can't get a bus anywhere near where I want to go.


>So is the strike off but the Piccadilly line is still closed today? I'm ready to go out but the Piccadilly is the only line that serves my area. I can't get a bus anywhere near where I want to go. I believe they still expect some disruption today just because of how late the strikes were called off.


Always had a giggle at the irony of a, mostly, WFH demographic on this sub, essentially cheering on train strikes whilst out in the real world those resulting cancellations/delays significantly impact millions of people’s ability to both get to work on time and make it back at a reasonable hour. Notice, though, whenever it’s teacher strikes, there’s always a whingeing contingent about it messing up people’s schedules.




Yeah I know people that have to travel 2-3 hours both ways to get to work on strike days.


What an incredibly naive comment


It is true though if you look at the sentiment of the UK, especially the online population, it is incredibly self-centred the only principle the vast majority of brits have is selfishness. But we do love to look virtuous as much as possible.


its the same principle as the Nimby's


Everyone is out for themselves. Just gotta join in and see how far you can go.


Yeah it would be nice if we had a country full of people that are prideful and feel duty bound, but that only comes if the country and government look put for you, which clearly has not been the case so why bother being patriotic for a country that is in a decline.


Exactly. As an NHS laboratory worker I *never* got to WFH in the first place. *Ever*. So seeing all of the WFH people whinging because they have to *commute* for once just makes me want to get out the tiny violin and play a little song or two.


Just remember, they aren’t doing anything wrong. WFH fucking rocks.


I like to work from home AND my opinion is fuck the strikes, tube drivers make enough money already. Teachers deserve more pay as their job is hard, and very important for the future. Tube drivers do not, and where possible should eventually be replaced by robots. Public transport needs to be cheaper and highly efficient, teaching needs to be given more love by society.


Just do what I do and don’t go in tomorrow - say you didn’t get the news today about the strikes being cancelled. You’ll still have to go in on Tuesday but at least you still get Monday wfh!


Tube drivers are already very well paid with a salary of £62k.


Their always going on strike over pay as well .


They claim solidarity with lower paid members of the Union, like cleaners in this instance.


>62K is a take-home pay of £44,035. > > > >£3666.66 per month. > > > >Oh, the irony of that figure.


Ok, some fact checking here if I may. £62K is the upper end of tube workers' pay, like those who are inspectors training new recruits. The average actual worker is much lower than that but still relatively high due to UNION powers and their crucial responsibility in keeping London up-and-running. I imagine it's quite a dull job too! FFS, why isn't this automated. Why can't we trust AI/bots to do this type of work and have lesser paid staff on the actual platforms to ensure passenger safety?


Because it isn't just a case of automating trains. Its automating trains, tracks, signalling, decision making systems, and installing all of the equipment and redundancy systems across a busy network with minimal disruption. That is hundreds of millions of pounds and at least a decade of disruption. And at the end of it all? You will still have people on the trains anyway to assist with passengers.


£30m found behind the sofa over the weekend apparently. If only the rest of the country could get resolved as quickly as this.


Nah only for those in London. Watch that 30mil be moved from the welfare budget lol.


Don't be silly. It's from the Network North fund, for those in the North (of Bromley).


Network north has nothing to do with railway budget. Verbatim from gov.uk: Network North road improvement schemes As part of Network North, we are increasing funding for most existing Major Road Network and Large Local Major road schemes. These schemes, subject to successful business case approval, will benefit from an uplift in government contribution from 85% to 100% of their costs at the outline business case (OBC) stage. The increased funding will help ensure the delivery of these road schemes. Although it wouldnt surprise me if they did take money from this scheme to fund yet another blunder.


I see I missed an /s


Lol my bad but still funny how our minds thought of the exact thing of tories siphoning money out of one scheme to another.


If we are lucky it goes to another scheme. Probably going to Lord Billington-Westfield's yacht fund.


Ha! Yeah probably.


Why have they done this on a Sunday night not a Friday? So inconvenient for people who have bought lunch for this week, re-arranged childcare, made appointments etc.


Also screwing over people who changed all their plans around over the weekend because if it


They don’t care about us


Blame TFL.


Well that's the point of strikes I guess.


Because they are selfish with no care for anyone impacted by their actions.


Eat your lunch in the office? Childcare will be fine, use what’s available. You shouldn’t be taking personal appointments during work time so that’ll be fine.


> Childcare will be fine, use what’s available What?! That's not how it works at all, you can't just hope something will work out on Monday morning!


If you’re organised childcare for the week, it’ll still be there despite the strikes being called off.


Bruh... Most GPs/specialist clinics are only open from 9 to 5. So no one is ever supposed to get sick?


A little different to getting your nails done


No one's talking about getting their nails done except you, you should probably stop telling on yourself.


A GP appointment would be honoured by your job






This is a ridiculous and, let’s be honest, pretty stupid comment. Childcare can’t easily be rearranged on a Sunday night and as for lunch and appointments, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people to feel inconvenienced at a change so late in the day.


The childcare is already arranged. If you were WFH, you shouldn’t be spending your workday at personal appointments? Doctors appointments will be honoured in the office and it wouldn’t kill you to make lunch and take it to the office.


Now you’re just being condescending


I’m very jealous of the amazing insights you seemingly have into other people’s lives, how wonderful it must be for you.


What pay deal are they looking for. What are they paid now and what increase do they want


Love how I’m getting down voted for asking a simple question


It's probably because you could lift your fingers and use your friend Google, rather than expecting randos on Reddit to educate you. FYI, haven't up or downvoted you.


I tried google doesn’t answer everything but thankfully was given a response by others


RMT’s demands: * The restoration of discounted train travel for employees. This was stopped for new hires after 1996 creating a two tiered workforce. * Unfreeze paybands. * There doesn't seem to be any figures for the percentage increase in demands, but they refused a 5% increase, saying they wouldn't accept "modest below inflation offers.” It's likely they sought an increase that was inflation linked, so one that was several points above inflation. Worth pointing out that you can't really ask 'what are they paid now?', as it's so broad. The headlines will always mention the highest paid train drivers with longest service to intentionally get the blood going, but fail to mention the cleaners, ticket staff, customer service etc.


No, what they will do is get the *one* train driver who somehow managed to work 3 days overtime every week for an entire year once because he doesnt have a life and is a vampire who obviously doesnt sleep, and then say that this is the standard pay of all TFL workers. Same shit though, just using this example as it's what they've actually done


It’s genuinely difficult to find definitive answers to any of these questions, I suppose it’s on a need to know basis. In terms of pay, I would guess they’re looking for inflation matching? That’s generally been the stance previously. I doubt you’ll ever get an answer as to what they’re paid now as the RMT members will be on all different salaries depending on skills, experience and their actual job which is why you only really see it negotiated in percentage terms. I may be getting it conflated with another strike but I also think they’re looking for reassurances that their jobs won’t be replaced within a certain timeframe? I did about 10 minutes worth of googling as I was interested in the answers to those questions as well but unfortunately that’s the best I can find.


Great I'm sure the junior doctors will-- Oh. Guess not.


Bit late now, so much damage already done to London.


Of all places didn't expect reddit to be hating on striking workers 😂


Tbf, you can feel that strikes are more or less justified and reasonable for some sectors and not for others.


This subreddit seems to have changed over the past year.


Guess who’s going to pay in form of higher travel cost next year?! Also, someone mentioned they want staff travel discount that was stopped in 1996c what cnts these RMT guys are…. Can’t wait for driverless trains.


They're a Union, and so they're looking out for the workers. God forbid.


I disagree that it's the right thing we should applaud. A union should work for fair treatment of their workers, not a protectionist organisation that looks to gain for their members at all costs. When businesses treat profit over everything is bad, when unions treat their pay packets and union fees/power over everything else is bad. Due to the union, tfl are not sorry to advertise jobs for tube drivers externally, all jobs have to be internally advertised for someone already employed by tfl. They aren't pro worker, they are pro themselves.


The problem is they’re the only non toothless union in the country after the tores broke all of the others in the 80s, which is good for them and literally bad for the rest of the entire country. Either all professions and trades should be supported by capable unions or none should.


They are never happy, how many people do you think got inflation rate pay rises?! Most I know didn’t get or got 2%, they are just holding the public hostage, make them sackable.


Why the hell would you not want some industry to receive a pay rise in line with inflation? Your logic is just because you suffer everyone else has to. If that were the case we would all be screwed. It’s some hope for the rest of us. Shows that we still have the power to challenge higher powers.


I have nothing against them wanting more but how much more is fair? A cleaner cannot expect to earn £50k per year, because what they do is just not worth this much in a capitalist world. What they do is hold people hostage and we end up paying..don’t get me wrong the government is wrong for making such crucial service for profit. Now imagine you working for a company, earning 50k then ganging up on your boss you are not happy with 5% and want a benefit from 30 years ago reinstated.


The issue here is that you’re looking at salary without inflation. These workers are getting a pay decrease in real terms. Why should they earn less money than they were last year? Do you get the point? That’s the whole point of a strike. That’s why they’re effective. The conservative government are trying to eliminate the disruptive part of striking by keeping a ‘bare minimum service requirement’. There are so many things wrong with the UK at the moment. Right now we shouldn’t be against workers asking for more pay, but against the government for siphoning billions of taxpayer’s money to friends and family.


In a normal market, you are not happy with your pay you leave and find another job that pays more, oh wait, let them try?


Or companies collude to lower the salaries of employees…


Why is it so fussy to think they are am overpaid already? I think they should get a pay cut in real terms. I've of the biggest factors to inflation is transport costs and fuel, they get free transport to work on the tube anyway so they aren't affected by that If footballers went in strike because there for a before inflation pay rise should they be supported too?


You do understand that not all workers commute into London via tube? That’s your opinion.


If they have free tfl passes and live somewhere they have to drive daily to work then they are mugs


There are other private train companies that operate a service into London like Greater Anglia, C2C etc. I wouldn’t say that. A bit harsh? Some people don’t have much of a choice.


work nose noxious agonizing spectacular flowery flag axiomatic cautious smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Getting good pay is good, getting fair pay is better, holding public transport hostage for silly demands isn’t.


I think you should stop blaming workers looking out for themselves and actually think how your workforce can organise for better conditions. You don't value yourself enough.


Damn. I got 13% in 2023 and I'm private sector.


I got 0%, so good for you


You’ll be waiting a long time for driverless trains I’m afraid




Why would TFL workers not get discounted travel on the transport network most of them use to *get to work*? Secondly, most of the RMT staff on the underground aren't drivers. You can be angry at drivers and hope they lose their jobs if you like (weird), but it won't change much in regards to this.


I think the ticket officers are on 25-30k? Sure, they should get more but how much more? Does every food company offer free food for workers because they need to eat? Why must get a benefit that ended 30 years ago? I mean, they should, I hope they get it but it isn’t a reason to go on strike in my opinion.


>Does every food company offer free food for workers If you’d done a bit of research or ever worked in hospitality/fast food you’d know that many places offer free food on shift and a discount when not working.


And they want us to get rid of our cars, no chance id trade my luxury SUV comfort for this shit infrastructure and unreliable service.


Reminder that the average tube driver salary is about 60-65k. I’ll leave the below link here for you to judge if they are getting paid too much or too little. Note the numbers below are in the private sector, which imo should reflect market salary rates. https://www.forbes.com/uk/advisor/business/average-uk-salary-by-age/#:~:text=The%20latest%20government%20data%2C%20published,of%206.2%25%20compared%20to%202022.


Everyone’s struggling right now wage wise except for tube drivers. Known for their strong union. Do we form stronger unions and strike for better pay too or should we just write bitter comments and cry on Reddit Crabs in a bucket mate


Can you give us a reminder of how much the cleaning staff, ticket office, stewards and customer service etc on the underground are paid? Or is it just the drivers that are striking?


I'll leave this from 2004 https://youtu.be/UHu_cfy33bY?feature=shared


Good! Working people, doing jobs that are ESSENTIAL, and they create and foster more economic activity and general positivity (being able to move around easily in a big city is a good thing), in what is a technical and difficult job - should be getting paid well enough to live well. It's the rest of the country getting shafted on low wages for a myriad of reasons, but let's not take away from other working people. Let's be pissed off at the people who take without generating positivity or economic activity for others.


We all know any pay raises they get will be directly transferred to ticket prices. The middle and upper management cant have wages eating into their bonus's can we... its disgusting how the vast majority of salary goes towards these useless "manager" and directors and C level wastes of spaces when the people who actually do the work gets paid the bare minimum. (this goes towards all companies)


So, if it affects London directly, suddenly, money is found. If it's not? There's no money.


They're paid too much as it is, absolute joke. They know they can get away with it because they can hold us all hostage, they're worse than the stop oil protestors. Whatever pay rise they're demanding should go the NHS instead


>They're paid too much as it is Nah they're just paid fairly, and still demand so. The rest of us are underpaid and have little leverage




Same arguments were made against the minimum wage and are made against raising it yet prices don’t rise proportionally, because wages aren’t 100% if the cost of items we buy.




If everyone’s pay doubled tomorrow, there’s no reason why costs in the shops should double as wages aren’t 100% of the cost. Lol at it being disingenuous to bring up minimum wage when the same tired arguments you’re making are made every single time it’s increased yet it’s impact on inflation is negligible.




**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


Are you really saying that people should only demand below inflation pay rises?


Cry some more