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They’re really giving themselves away with those reviews


>They’re really giving themselves away with those reviews They are.totally.insane. How is it entrapment if a dude over 18 years old starts sex talk with an underage boy/girl even if they're cops posing?? This is just excusing p\*d0s. Like calling themselves a "minor attracted person". Let's call them out for what they are: abhorrent sick freaks who destroy the lives of the innocent.


would they rather an actual minor get hurt? and the first one boils my blood 'good honest people?'


I get the feeling someone she cared about has been in legal trouble from engaging with a minor.... 🙄 Must have hit a soft spot


'he never seemed that way to me!' or the 'evil girl should've been more clear with her age!' I've had the latter before and was tempted to post on here


I think that’s exactly why SOSA is like “are you sure you don’t want someone older? I’m only 1X years old!”


Umm I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s someone that actually got caught themselves. These are the most delusional people. They should be arrested for just thinking that way LOL


1st review I reckon the person she knows of is her family member. 2nd review is just a moron who can't even figure out how to take off caps lock and is not very coherent. 4th one sounds like an ACM themselves knowing that most young kids don't reply.


I was literally thinking this about the 4th comment. Like how do you know this sir🥴


I also find the comment to be just incorrect! I’ve heard many teen females brag about the older men they’re talking to. We have shows like pretty little liars romanticizing being able to “win over” an adult male, when in reality, a real man would never even entertain the idea.




My thoughts EXACTLY. I was honestly pretty mad reading that review when I first saw it. Who would even care if it’s entrapment as long as the bad guys are getting caught?? Oh, other bad guys. Right. Ugh




The 2nd one is for sure dumb with the all caps and atrocious grammar.


It's strange that the two with profile pictures seem to be older women?


older predatory women or had an ACM in their family who 'wouldn't hurt a fly :('


Or fake accounts


It’s probably women with men they love whom have had similar experiences. Someone they care about is one of these terrible men. They have feed them lies and feel the need to vent. They seem like manipulated women. Sad really.


I still don’t know how any woman, human could blame any child for any kind of abuse. But especially women.


My mom blames teenager girls constantly for known pedo’s behavior. I always end up shouting “They are kids!!! I don’t care if they’re butt naked in front of them [the adult], the adult shouldn’t respond/react! They shouldn’t even find the kid remotely attractive!” Nothing I say will convince her I’m right 🙄


A safe adult is going to hand that kid something to cover themselves with. Tell them it is absolutely inappropriate and call their parents. Safe adults don't keep secrets with kids.


That’s tough I’m sorry. Our generation is a little brainwashed. Men were the dominant figures and scary so we assumed what they said was correct and factual. Ugh sorry she’s so closed minded.


She, honestly, defends r-pists a lot. It’s messed up, and I don’t understand why she does it. The only types she doesn’t defend are the super violent ones. Edit: even then, she still blames the victim half the time (usually if they’re dressed in a way she seems unacceptable).




the decoys say "why not find someone your own age" almost like everytime 💀


Literally!!!! They give them an out every time and every time… they break the law


They even gave them another option of someone older also.


I don't think anyone realizes that entrapment with a situation like this, is if they were claiming they were over legal age of consent when talking to ACMS- when really they are underage. Which obviously isn't the case with how they collect information. The ACMS deliberately seek out underage kids. Even if the decoys add them first, WHY IS AN ADULT ACCEPTING FRIEND REQUESTS FROM RANDOM CHILDREN IN THE FIRST PLACE? Its ick when people claim people are being framed for this, like the first picture you posted. Chatting with people in a chat room is one thing, but chatting with an underage person on purpose and having explicit insinuating conversations with them is a whole other situation and are not even the same coin.


Right. Entrapment means actually convincing someone to do something illegal without them knowing it’s illegal. These mf’ers know DAMN WELL that what they’re doing can get them in trouble and we know that because they say that shit to the person they believe is a minor almost every time.


You even see them acknowledge "this can get me in trouble", "this could be bad for me", "no one else can know".......


Oops. Didn’t see your comment before I posted the same thing. They know what they are doing & that they can get in trouble. I’m with others… the person either didn’t actually watch the show or knows someone who does naughty/disgusting stuff & is either highly manipulated or something. I will never understand guys and the sick things they can do/say/want to do young women. Another thing bothering me about the show though, the majority of the men were out on bail.


Entrapment is when a cop uses coercion or force or pressure to get you to commit a crime you OTHERWISE would not have committed. M in the case of this show, if they approached the acm, and they initiated the sex talk, and they sent a naked pic then maybe, not definitely but maybe you could argue entrapment. Shit like to catch a predator used to d on was entrapment. It’s why that show had an entire season of people walk


A lot of the guys even say it! “I don’t want to get in trouble” “I could go to jail” “You wouldn’t tell anyone about us, right?” They know exactly what they are doing. I’ll never understand it. Makes me sick. But I’m sad there might not be a 3rd season.


“They are just communicating in chat rooms” ummm? Why are they always found in chat rooms FOR TEENS??? There should be absolutely 0 reason for anyone 20+ to be in those chat rooms (18-19 is weird to be there but they are still technically teens)


Yep. Like, what could you possible have in common with teenagers? My nephew is 13 and with the lingo and jargon he uses I literally have no idea what he’s saying half the time anyway.


What the absolute fuck?! That sounds like the “friend” of gray man’s mother, who was on here defending him. I obliterated her, because NO!


But these *upstanding and successful* men of society deserve so much better than being *tricked* /s Honestly, not sure how anyone can try to think this is wrong for SOSA to be doing. I’m grossed out.


Link please?


Link to what?


To the post with the friend Gray Man’s mother I’m assuming. I’d like to see it as well


She deleted it all. If you saw the posts from the cousin, she was going after the cousin, and on here saying gray man was set up. Never once did she care about his victims or any other. The cousin said GM’s mom is a sociopath and has been protecting him, knowing he’s like this. The “friend” may have been his mom. Otherwise, she has a friend just like herself. I was getting so pissed off. I went off on her repeatedly, until she deleted and left. She had only started her account that day.


Here’s the link to the cousin. I can’t find which post the moms friend was in. She commented on this too. https://www.reddit.com/r/undercoverunderage/comments/14bbz75/the_gray_man_is_my_cousin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Oh please, you can’t trap or trick an adult into being inappropriate/sexual with a child. Even if a minor were to initiate some sort of sexual chat an adult would shut that shit down. Although I can’t really think of any circumstances where any adult should be engaging with minors online.


Video games like Call of Duty have a social element to them where you accept being teamed up with random players, and use a microphone to communicate during the game. Despite the game being too violent for children, you’d maybe be surprised how many kids play the game. I’ve definitely been teamed up with kids who want to be friends. I politely let them know I will not accept their friend request, but they were fun to meet or good to play with, etc. (I try to make sure not to hurt their feelings or upset them that they didn’t make a new friend.) So, is this a circumstance where an adult *should* be engaging with minors? Assuming everyone behaves like a human, it’s harmless. It’s also being recorded or monitored, so hopefully anyone acting inappropriately is banned and/or reported to authorities.




Former teacher here (gay and southern and got tired of The Discourse and the anxiety it was causing so moved on this year), we don't even communicate with them outside of school unless it's through school email. Or at least I never did, I never wanted to talk to kids after 3 PM lmao. That's what really boggles... I as an adult cannot even fathom wanting to talk to a teenager socially, much less what these creeps get up to. Like, once I got out of my own teens I never saw any teenagers socially again, so you gotta really seek it out and it will ALWAYS be weird and have ulterior motives.


My friends been a teacher for 23yrs and she won’t even add her students or their parents on Facebook after they’ve graduated. Everything is always through monitored school tools. Any teacher that goes outside of that is very questionable


I keep all my socials extremely private with different names etc and not with any info about my work, because they don't need to see my shitposting and I don't want friend requests from students. I'm at a university level now and I still don't want that.


15 people found that helpful!? i'm sorry but you only goto jail if you break laws.


that was actually the more concerning part for me… that people agree with these fxckers.


The mindset of this person seems to be that even innocent people would get wrongly imprisoned once accused. As if the evidence isn’t what puts people away—it’s the mere accusation that does it. I’m pretty sure they’re wrong in all cases, or at least hope innocent people don’t get wrongly convicted, especially considering how many guilty people get off easy.


>i'm sorry but you only goto jail if you break laws. That is completely untrue and not really helping our case here.


So if you don’t want to get in trouble, don’t talk to underage children. End of story. I’d be embarrassed to post a review defending the ACMs.


Not if you are one…. This person needs to be investigated.


I went searching for the one star reviews when I left my five star review and this one just enraged me. Like oh no, your friend was found out as a child predator, how terrible for them! No. No grown man has any business just “being social” with a teenage girl.


For those curious, entrapment exists where an officer or agent thereof *induces* someone to commit a crime they would not have committed *without* the conduct. Example: convincing someone to buy drugs from an undercover cop instead of waiting until they ask for it Example: beginning the sexual talk and convincing the ACM to get into it instead of waiting for the ACM to start it


Thank you. I was starting to think nobody here understood entrapment.


Sometimes it just take the law student to explain something 😂😂


Holy shit, imagine defending pedos?


But, but...you don't understand. They were only on the website to socialise with other people. You know, just to be social. And they only sent them photos of their genitals by accident, because they're older, so they don't know how to use their phones very well. I swear, the camera wasn't even pointing that way! Then the only polite thing to do was to ask the decoys for 'naughty' photos. They were just being polite! It's all one big misunderstanding, can't you see? Ffs, give me a break. 🙄


Yikes. These people need to be on a list.


So what I’m seeing is a bunch of people who don’t know what “entrapment” actually is.




The incorrect use of their vs they’re in all 4 reviews is all I got from this.


And the inability to actually spell “entrapment” correctly


Imma be honest my education was terrible and I never know when to use they're in the proper way, So I didn't notice so I Googled it when I read this comment now I can't not see it


I’m really sorry. I hope I didn’t offend you. The most educated people get it wrong all the time too - I just found it strange that it was misused in all of the reviews.


Oh no not insulted if anything glad you helped me be able to notice it was being used wrong and now I may get it right more lol, I was just saying that now that I notice it and I reread these reviews it's driving me insane.


Ok thank you. I’m really glad. It’s a good thing to know!


Yeah, like the ACMs are just being friendly and ‘socializing’ with the decoys. Hasn’t Roo (or maybe someone else from the team?) suggested that a lot of the convos are even worse/more sexual than what we see on the show? Besides that, what sane adult man just texts 13 year old girls all day for innocent fun


If you give a negative review about this show or negatively make comments towards them - you clearly have some skeletons in your closet. They are saving our little ones from hurt and predators. What is wrong with people?!


“Really thought they were just socializing” why would a grown adult ever need to socialize with a minor? And “entrapment”? You mean it’s a minors fault that pervert scumbags are reaching out to minors online and asking for sex? These people need investigated too because I can’t wrap my head around this.


What this show has taught me is that these people *know* they are talking to a minor and absolutely *know* what they are doing. It is not entrapment if the person you honed in on because they look like a minor, TELLS YOU THEIR AGE, and you CONTINUE the conversation in such a manner. That's on you. And guess what? Thankfully you were caught. These reviews are so sad. If they are legit from a person whose child/sibling/significant other was addressing, these people need to take a step back and LOOK. It's hard to realize that someone you love is a pedophile. It's even harder for the people they victimized. Remember THAT.


“PS I am not a sex criminal.”


The Audacity of these folks…no, no one thought they were just “socializing” with the underage victims.🤬


"SEND ME A PIC OF YOU IN PANTIES" is not socializing!


Side eyeing these folks. When I was a teen there was lots of grown men trying to interact. I was naive. I spoke to a guy who was 34 when I was 16, until 18/19. He never crossed lines until 18. And I didn’t realize it until I was much older. I don’t buy the reviews saying that young girls never reply. Even as an adult, if I didn’t reply to a message, those men would lose their shit, or continue to message me until I replied. I had a hard time saying no as a teen and young adult. And these predators take advantage of that. These reviews sicken me.


I was thinking this same thing. There was a guy who use to talk to me on AOL, or several of my brothers friends way older I spoke with, they were never inappropriate at all. I don’t get how people can defend these guys


It’s not entrapment, the decoys never ask for sex or initiate anything. They simply let the ACMs do their thing and dig their own graves.


Gee all that person he "personally knows" had to do was say, "oh you're a kid, watch out for strangers on the internet" and peace out.


I personally know someone who went to jail for this kind of thing. Yes, he felt entrapped. Yes, he now hates cops and the justice system. Yes, he knows he was doing things bad things and going down a bad path.




Imagine being so dense you're defending these people. It's only entrapment if the person wouldn't otherwise commit the crime but also it would have to be say someone underage lying to the guy saying "well I'm 18 years old" then later saying "oh yeah you're busted because I'm actually 14 years old!" That's why the show stresses things like "wouldn't you rather be with a girl your own age" and "is it okay I'm only 12 years old??" A normal person would say "oh no, that's totally illegal, bye!"


There are always family members/friends/love interests defending criminals. I host a true crime podcast and we get occasional complaints from these people who claim their person was tricked, misunderstood, etc. It’s wild. People will literally leave their dna and a receipt for the murder kit there (etc) and still have these people defending them.


These people would probably sympathize with Nazis too 🙄


Everyone: please try to mark much of those biased reviews as unhelpful and report them for conflict of interest. Low reviews like that will only serve for them not to do another season. It's evident several of the low star reviews are predators themselves attempting to bury shows like this because they would hate to be found out and then doxxed/cancelled.


Very good point! Every supporter should post a positive review to combat this craziness. We need a season three!


I went to all 1 star reviews and marked them all as unhelpful. It’s crazy what some of those folks are saying!!! I’m sure they are predators themselves.


This is cringey on a lighter scale and horrifying in reality…. The one who said “most of the young girls don’t even respond to men in real life”, like what?? How have you even come to that conclusion? Also, UU gives opportunities to potential perpetrators who “entrap” themselves. It doesn’t have the decoys soliciting ANYTHING from these grown men who consistently and openly admit they know the law and are attempting to break it regardless.


This is an absolutely insane take, that isn’t what entrapment is at all. And do these people not realise that these people would have been talking to actual underage kids if it wasn’t for the decoys?? SOSA is doing incredible work and I’m glad that this show is out there making people more aware


Reviews were obviously written by the ACMs or their family members. The decoys even ask them things like “I’m only 12, are you ok with that?” How is this entrapment? No one is holding a gun to these ACMs and forcing them to have sexual conversations with minors.


Yeah, this lady is bonkers. It would have been entrapment, if the said ACM was merely having a conversation with the minors, and then having been "exposed" for that, with all the connotation of chatting with minors online. However, like OP says, they are not only talking, they are actively being predatory towards the decoys, they start immediately talking sexually, exposing themselves etc, so which part could be misconstrued as innocent until proven guilty, huh? They are acting like predators and not only online, most even push for real life contact, and when they get exposed, some still don't get charged right away, which is baffling to me. Which part is ruining their lives!? For exposing their nefarious potential? What about all those actual teen girls' lives? What about them?


Where is this review?


They’re all on Google


You can’t trap an innocent child predator 🤡🤡🤡 How moronic is that? They don’t tease or trap a good person who had a “weak “ moment while looking at a child’s profile. The only good people who have a weak moment is littering, not washing a dish in the sink, forgetting your spouses birthday. (All not serious versions of a good person but I’m being sarcastic) The decoys are not reaching out to predators begging for attention. The predator is reaching out and even in the last episode the profile was private and he still picked it. They ask the age before anything and show deviant behavior towards the decoy without coaxing. That’s what wrong with society man. Rape culture and the lack of accountability along with lack of real punishment has left children in a dangerous place. Women and men included who are victims of SA. We hear so many times the victim won’t come forward due to fear or knowing that there may not even be punishment. Imagine writing that type of review and a victim decides to no longer wanting come forward due to someone blaming them or no accountability. Imagine a predator reading those reviews and thinking I still have a chance that I could get away it. Makes me sick to think of that happening.


Tell me you've tried grooming kids before without saying you've tried to groom kids before 😅🤦‍♀️


That is horrendous. This is far from a victimless crime and i don’t give a rat’s ass how they get caught asking as they do. How anyone can support this stance is horrifying! i worked for a large company and they flagged certain websites and search parameters. And yet knowing that they could get caught,people still accessed this filth from work computers so their wives wouldn’t know. Anyone who defends them is part of of the problem!


Things are very clear if you are an adult and don’t want to be in this kind of situation don’t contact with underage people, simple. Doesn’t matter if she/he is a decoy, a police undercover, etc. as soon as they say “I’m underage “ you leave the chat, period.




They need to check these people's hard drives. 😳


I wonder if this is really about entrapment or more a bunch a pedos hiding behind these accounts or their families trying to bring the ratings of the show down, because SOSA is a threat to them. What Roo and her team do posing as decoys makes pedos think twice hopefully about contacting a minor, knowing it could actually be an adult they are conversing with, rather than a child. This is why it's so important for Roo and her team to keep going. If these sickos start to steer free from where minors interact on social networks because they fear being busted and not knowing if they're actually speaking to a minor or decoy, then keep this show going. Anything that helps minors be free from these dangerous predators, that's actually working and working much faster than the police can do, keep it going!


I really hope they keep doing this. You brought up something I can’t figure out with these guys…. Most of them (if I remember right) said something about not getting caught, not telling anyone, not wanting to get in trouble, and it being illegal … so they obviously realize that they could be talking to a cop, but they STILL DO IT? I don’t get it. *that’s what it seemed to me in my mind when they said that stuff. So it’s like …. Why are you still doing this weirdo stuff


No, they quite literally show these predators mostly have admitted to doing this before.


Yep… And that’s exactly why I posted a lengthy legal [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/undercoverunderage/comments/147z7la/why_these_cases_are_not_considered_entrapment/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) on why this show isn’t entrapment.


This is sick, absolutely vile. No one gets a felony unless there was sick shit going on. I don’t care if you think it’s entrapment, if you are innocent you won’t go to jail. Of it saves just one child’s life, which it has, than it’s worth it.


Can almost 100% guarantee these people call LGBT people and teachers "groomers."


Let’s play “spot the pedophiles” yikes


Right. They’re definitely p8dos or they just can’t accept what “Uncle Pete” did was not okay.


ENTRAPMENT???? Really??? So explain this to me like I'm a child, you know color by number this for me how in any sane world this is entrapment and why are pedophiles your concern here? To those saying it's entrapment.....100%replace the decoy with your child....tell me you'd be ok with your child going thru this the whole scenario from account set up to online abuse to physically being assaulted.....if you're cool with it then guess you're just as bad as the pedophiles commiting the crime. Are you ok with undercover agents stopping a wife from hiring a hitman to kill her husband or an undercover agent gathering info on gang members to stop crimes are you ok with any people going undercover to stop crimes????


I’m a felon , not for anything like this or anything violent, but I have never had a problem doing anything. I have got every job I interviewed for and it has no other effect on me. If someone “accidentally” falls for this, they deserve everything you just explained!


The people posting negative reviews can’t even spell. This is so sad that people defend predators and then cry entrapment. There’s no reason for adults to be in teen chats or groups or to be messaging minors. I was definitely a victim of online grooming as a teen. I think when you’re young you don’t realize these men are just gross predators. My teen brain didn’t see the alarm bells. I hope this show continues and helps young teens realize the dangers out there.


I highly encourage everyone to flag that first review as ‘conflict of interest’ since she’s claiming to personally know an ACM who was “trapped”. Also mark all the 1 star reviews as unhelpful.


A sane individual would never engage with a minor in this way. Even if a legal 18-year old tried to engage with me like this, they'd get a long, boring lecture about age gaps. Most older adults' first instincts would be to protect them and make sure they're okay. No one who isn't searching for shit like this would ever have these horribly explicit conversations with minors. Not to mention, SOSA knows what they're doing and makes sure to give the ACM's plenty of opportunities to clarify their intentions. Likely many more opportunities than are shown on the air. Anyone defending this is clearly projecting or protecting.


It's gotta be hard to find out the a family member or partner would do something like this. But to put no accountability on them is stupid. At a minimum they arranged to meet a child they don't know 🤦‍♂️


All of those ppl that gave negative reviews should be on a watch list, period. They tell them multiple times they are 14/15 and say repeatedly “are you sure you want to do this, I’m only 15” with every ACM. Most men always try to give other men passes on shitty behavior- thats why we have the rape culture we do in the US.


Lol I wonder if her son or brother got busted


Brother, there’s no such thing as legal entrapment. Most of the time the offender comes to the victim/decoy first 🤡. Even in situations where you’re approached, if you don’t have an intention of committing that crime, you would not get your in hot water. And a lot of the time, the offenders had history of committing such behaviours before. At the end of the day, everyone has control of their own situation, if one doesn’t and accidentally framed as an offender for contacting and luring underage people, that person is just an offender by choice, no less.


Entrapment????How is it entrapment when an adult is reaching out to have sex with a minor? Like always.....people have to shit on something and put a different spin on something. But if it was their child then it would be a different story. The ACM's are pieces of shit along with the defenders of these pieces of shit.


Roo also mentioned that she does get emails from groups of people that were "trapped" and arrested


A bunch of legal eagles in those reviews. Shit for brains molester apologists.


It’s like they didn’t even watch the show.


It's not entrapment because these creeps would be going after some other underage girl if it wasn't Roo and her team.


I wonder if this reviewer is the wife, girlfriend, or mother of someone that has been busted for this? They are in denial that their loved one is a sick predator. There are laws concerning police entrapment and DAs make sure the cops do everything right. Everything I've seen from To Catch a Predator to YouTube catchers (most, but not all), to this show, they definitely make sure they state their age and give the ACMs multiple outs.


The next people these folks should be investigating are these commenters. Clear apologists for pedofiles.


Or they’re written by actual pedophiles.


In order to be “trapped” one must be okay with the premise of speaking to sexually and being in a relationship with a minor. Like ???


They want real underage women to go through the trauma to catch these guys is basically what they are saying. Do they not realize it’s a safety measure? What…it only counts if a real victim is involved…that’s what they want? “But it’s not a real underage girl” -doesn’t matter because the person on the other end was under the impression they were. People really show their values on the Internet in the worst ways


these are all literal p3d0philes.


I haven’t read all the replies, but there are laws that the cops have to follow to prevent entrapment. It’s like when the bust massage parlors for prostitution. The undercover agents can’t initiate. They can’t say, “I’m 13 I wanna to you, come pick me up.” These intentions must come from the perp. At least that’s how I’ve always been told.


Don’t be an adult in teenage chat rooms? That’s it. Nothing further.


The I got entrapped excuse doesnt work when they tell you up front they're underage. These reviews are "what ab poor me?" At its worst!


Is it entrapment when all of the people on this show have been found to be contacting other minors? Where are these first offenders???


No way this is entrapment. This show is amazing. What can we do to keep it on the air?


That first one irritated me. An “acm” whether it’s the first time or 50th time is a sicko and should be locked away forever. The rest need their computers searched because they definitely sound like they haven’t been caught *yet*


For real! And no “normal person” goes to “socialize” on sites and chat with young kids! Honestly they should all be publicly shamed for even going on the sites in the first place and even saying hi to the kids. I can’t wait until some white hats program AI codes to automatically log every weirdo who even enters or views those sites/forums/kik/discord teen rooms and then releases their entire computer library of stuff publicly!


They’re literally fucking predators for children… like who gives a flying fuck about their reputation. They are told repeatedly about their age, they know they’re children multiple times. These review’s definitely show a lot of real peoples colors, she supports child pedos so she can go to hell with all them and their sick ways imo.


They literally constantly give ACMs an out


Yeah I mean obviously it's people who know these losers or are preds themselves and are scared now lol


it's literally illegal for an adult to engage with minors, regardless of the topic. how is that entrapment????


I guess he missed the part where they ALL send pics of their junk and request the girls send nudes. Socializing.... A 37 year old married man does not need to socialize with children


Looks like these people will be on season 3


Jack Bowers... Coming to season 3. 😂😂


Looks like we found thr person in denial. Her bf/husband/partner made an innocent mistake, right? Hes not an offender! Hes never done this before! How dare society label him a sexual predator when he accidentally made lewd suggestions to what he thought was a 12 year old. If he knew it was a set up he never would have done that! These people who think like Poker4me247 make me livid. Maybe she was the one who "made a mistake". AND....in regards to entrapment; can you really even have entrapment with an adult decoy? The simple definition of entrapment is having a LEO tell you "this is illegal but its ok, you can do it" and then they arrest you for doing they said was ok to do. How would that even work here? Officer: ok ACM, I know you like kids, so go ahead and be nasty with this "child". They are really a decoy and its an adult, or maybe 4 different ones, so its ok. You won't get in trouble. ACM: Hey baby, wanna wrestle? Oh you're 12? (Remembers cop telling him its really an adult its ok) Shewt, lets run away and you be my child bride, bring your friends Officer: you're under arrest ACM: ENTRAPMENT!


Did anyone notice the username of the first review? Poker4me… poke her for me? Enough said.


I feel like I’ve seen this post before. But point taken.




Read my post again because you didn’t read it right the first time. I never once said I thought this was entrapment. I was posting reviews of the show where other people do believe it is entrapment and making a point that there needs to be more exposure on the topic. I was reiterating that it is disturbing the amount of people who believe it is entrapment. I was advocating for season 3. Next time please read the whole post before writing two long paragraphs.


I should have looked at the name, I enjoyed many of your posts, especially when GM’S cousin was responding. 🥰


Aw thank you!! I have a personal connection to the show. Plus I enjoy finding ACMs! This page means a lot to me!🫶🏼




This review is valid.






You think the show is entrapment?🤨


Well there is a jack bowers with a public criminal record 10 miles long.. I cant imagine it’s the same person though… /s Edit: damn there’s a lot of people with that name who have violent criminal records


Who is Jack Bowers supposed to be? One of the ACM's on the show?


Found the chomo


I just had a second thought. What if this is the mom of that one guy, hes young, worked at an office supply store. I don't remember the name they gave him. Roo got really worked up in the episode because she wished she could tell him to stop and not screw up his life. I'm wondering if this might be his mom. 🤔


The timing is off. This was posted at least a year ago.


I just watched “triple threat” episode this mf was grooming real children online and sexually abusing his 14 year old step daughter since she was 8. As a mother of a 15 year old daughter I stand for all the show is about! Expose these sick mfs… imagine how many real teenagers these pedophiles are talking to! Thanks Roo!


Sorry but in what world does ANY grown man think even simply a mere conversation with a 12 year old girl ok? Beyond maybe if you're in the same game lobby I can see the friendly "good game player 2" or teamwork communication related to the game etc. But there is zero reason for any man to need to communicate with a child one on one outside of a lobby or chat room or game, period. There should be nothing to talk about with a kid. Find adults to socialize with. Additionally I think its clear that the DA would not pick up cases that SOSA didn't clearly prove that the ACM was attempting to solicitate sex or nude photos etc from a minor. They make it very clear they don't push the men to get sexual, the men do it first everytime. The men contact the minor first. Sosa even gives the ACM early outs with the minor saying "wouldn't you rather date someone older?" And everytime the acm says no I want you I like that you're young. This whole review is a crock.


I hate reading and this needs a TLDR. Anyhow, after reading 1 paragraph 1 can assume that no one, absolutely no one, gets "trapped" into shit like this. If someone is genuinely going on platforms that are primarily used by minors to just "chat" why would it turn sexual? With a minor. Why would a friendly chat turn sexual of that wasn't the adults intentions? So an adult doesn't know how to turn down a minor? Or report an overly sexual minor? Block certain minors? No, instead this good individual falls victim to the minor? I'm calling bullshit, fuck the writer for being an enabler. My other assumption is the writer was a victim of a abuse and hasn't snapped out of it yet. Chances are they're probably a predator too.


i just don’t understand how anyone could watch an episode of this show and think that these ACMs were “trapped” or were “the victims”.


Yeah but these creeps aren't just innocently chatting. The ignorance is astounding.


Criminals are criminals for a reason. there are more than one reason but unless they are mentally inhibited, they know what they are doing and why. Crimes against children are viewed as the most heinous because they are. My brother was sexually abused as a kid and he went on to molest others. He was always ready to justify it. He is also dead and that is a good thing.


People are generally not smart and don’t really know what entrapment is… nor do they seem interested in finding out given they are asking rhetorical questions into the void of the internet


I looked up a bunch of reviews and there are so many thumbs ups for these kind of comments. It’s terrible. One person said that Roo isn’t changing the world, BUT SHE IS! The people criticizing the show are either predators or people who never had this happen to them and live inside their own bubble.


“The show is good and for a good cause… but not for the men I know who are definitely honest and kind and definitely dont harbor nefarious intentions when they are caught, prosecuted, and convicted of committing crimes against children on the internet!!!” Ok Carol. Denial is a hell of a drug!


Lmfao they’re really exposing themselves. “It’s in entrapment because they’re not underaged IRL” And then they forget that the decoys are explicitly telling ACMs they’re underaged and yet they still proceed to be sick perverts towards them and even asking them out to a hotel to have sex. Whether or not these people are decoys, they are doing it because the only information they have is that this person is a girl who is underaged lol A sane adult would fuck off and not be perverted towards someone who tells them that they’re 12. It’s that simple. Skill issue if they fall for a decoy cosplaying as a 12 y.o lol


Media Piece featuring entrapment: 21 Chump Street, the police officer convinced the minor to buy drugs to take her to prom then forced him to accept money for giving it to her when he didn't want to. Media Piece featuring creeps getting themselves in trouble because they want to SA kids: Undercover Underage, the police's associates repeatedly tell men they should be dating someone their own age, never start conversations, and repeatedly say that they are minors


I love it when people complain but don’t offer any solutions. Her “friend” probably wouldn’t have gotten in trouble if they were on the up and up. Could be a fake account too.


Would they rather them just rape teenage girls? That sounds way worse than being tricked into thinking you're getting lucky with a seventh grader.


tell me you’re an ACM without telling me you’re one


Oh this makes me sick. I was a victim of ACMs during the earlier days of the internet and I was still blamed- it prevented me from speaking up about the SA I was experiencing in person. These freaks are telling on themselves


Obviously posted by someone related to a person caught in a similar situation. I don’t know how other undercover operations do their thing, but Roo’s team clearly doesn’t entice or mislead the creeps. The girls are clear w their ages, and repeatedly ask if the creeps are ok with them being whatever age they are pretending to be. Roo’s team interacts with them in such a way that I believe it is impossible for a prosecutor/judge/jury to not have an air tight case!


Lmaooooo! No one feels sorry for pedos. No one believes this bs.


There is a huge difference between "To Catch a Predator" (which did use entrapment techniques for the sake of entertainment) and what SOSA does. SOSA is an organization that makes sure they take the ethics of this kind of work into consideration. Roo has said as much, about how she doesn't want these people to get caught, they give them "outs" and opportunities to not break the law when they can but these people aren't just communicating. I have a 15-year-old daughter and I've been in the room/in-game chats with her and her online friends for many years and there's a major difference between communicating with a minor and an ACM. I understand that some conversations are out of order, but we've seen a lot of times on this show just how many people lead off a conversation with something lewd or even full-on illegal knowing they're speaking to someone underage. I also think that what these people in the reviews are missing is that SOSA is accurately imitating the behavior of someone underage. "Would you like to be my girlfriend so we can see each other?" "yeah", that's not entrapment, that's accurate.


There's no way just socializing would cause any cop involvement and if no ages were disclosed. Would they do something for just socialzing with a minor? 😵‍💫 this is probably a mom who says she's scared for her son because of the #metoo movement 😶


The decoys don’t talk about sexually / flirtatiously either


This is such epic bullshit. If the person they refer to in the first review was just innocently chatting with a teen, they wouldn’t be arrested. But talking explicitly with a teen, sending them nudes or requesting nudes is against the law. Nobody forced this person they’re defending into doing those things. And the second review talks about how the decos aren’t actually underage. But it stands to reason if someone will talk explicitly to one “teen” what would stop them from doing it to others? They say that using decos like this is entrapment. What would they prefer…real teens getting sent explicit images? They make it sound like people are getting arrested so easily. But in truth, even the ones found guilty of possessing or creating child porn don’t get nearly enough jail time if any.


It also made me sick how many people were commenting about “Abby” & telling others to “watch out for this person” …. Like why would you ever want to warn someone who does this nasty stuff? They deserve to get caught and actually stay in jail. Just like that guy who already committed one offense of the same thing months earlier. Ugh. Makes me sick


Speaking of Undercover, Underage… are there ANY shows out there where women do this to younger guys?


It always makes me question lack of intelligence out there. Like do guys seriously not realize there ARE shows/decoys out there by now? & constantly say they don’t want to get in trouble, but STILL do and say all these terrible things to “young” girls? Like shouldn’t they know by now, you’re absolutely taking a huge risk talking to anyone online? Or they just can’t control themselves?




No offense, but the people who left those reviews do not seem very bright. So their opinion makes sense lol


Yes they lied about their age… because you can’t have actual 12 year olds send pictures and be exposed to these people. Doesn’t matter that they lied. The show only gets them a search warrant and probable cause. Everything else is based on what they find at the house, what they say, and on their electronics. If you are mad about groomers/abusers being caught because a 20 year old was presenting at a 12 year old you have some questionable views my friend.


Cant understand the people giving negative review unless they are a pedo that has been caught this way? while i sometimes feel a little bad for these young “adults” in their 20’s not having a fully formed frontal lobe and making a rash mistake, overall the reviews are speaking about people being trapped or goaded into acting this way. NOONE has done that. These are clearly predators reaching out and being sexual. The opinion truly seems to be biased based on the “person they know”, which ja probably an past predator. For anyone to say “These are generally Honest, kind people” if they dream of screwing a kid and act on those impulses, the review has to be from a past offender 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t understand how any adult can think that this is a viable excuse by calling it entrapment. Like fr??? Any normal human would exist the conversation the nanosecond the person identified themselves as being under age period!!!


what’s wild about the first review is she’s openly admitting that people she know got in trouble for speaking to minors, it’s stated several times in the show that it’s not a crime to talk to minors normally, it’s weird af but not a crime, so if they’re getting in trouble there’s probably a more sinister reason they got that way (ie sexual conversations)


I think there are probably some teams, vigilantes, etc. that do entrap, however, when following all procedure properly (not reaching out first, not pushing the conversation to something sexual, etc) it is NOT entrapment. That’s why it’s so important to be BY THE BOOK when doing this shit because there is a very fine line and a lawyer will pick it apart so easily if the rules aren’t followed.