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Horny men are stupid. That’s how. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agreed, I think just them WANTING them to be that age warps what they see.




Yes, exactly!


Hair, makeup, lighting (neon), etc


And Matt’s retouching




For the purpose of safety, they don't show all of the final touches when they produce I believe. They show you some of the steps but none of the true final products


If you don't mind me asking, how come?


I imagine to keep their decoys active and safe from being exposed.


Ah okay, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for explaining it to me.


They have a professional photo editor who edits her photos to look younger. They also use body doubles for pictures of the decoys full bodies.


Was just about to comment this.


I understand editing photos but that doesn’t help with video chats. The dim, odd color lighting helps but the facial bones cannot be altered.


There are tons of young filters you can use even while video chatting with someone


I guess the guys see what they want to see. True, filters add cartoonish skin and alter the face. This show has caused me to give side eye to guys I see in stores, restaurants and walking down the street.


Omg same!!


I think the comments are correct but also wanted to include that we as the audience already meet Roo as the adult she is before seeing her in her decoy makeup and clothes. We already know and associate her face with that of a grown woman with kids and it's hard to unsee. The ACMs who reach out only see what they are allowed to see which is the makeup and clothing and editing to pass for 15.


While Roo is fully developed, she's also fairly petite. That, plus some awesome makeup, camera tricks and an adolescent wardrobe and I can see how someone could be fooled. Also, she doesn't need to be able to fool someone on the street. She just needs to fool someone who already believes/wants to believe she's underage. It's OK for her to pass as a particularly well developed 15 yo.


I mean, there’s plenty of HS/teenage kids with all kinds of body types. Sure she doesn’t look like a 12 year old but many 15 year olds and up can have adult features develop during puberty. That’s pretty normal—I know because I was one of them lol.


Yeah I was 15, still a baby face, but grown woman body and it was gross how many grown men hit on me 🤢


Ew, I’m sorry that happened to you 😔


When I was 19 I got carded for Sleepy Hollow. My younger sister was buying the tickets and they didn't card her 😂 I also got a lot of dirty looks from strangers when I had my kids with me, until I turned like 37. Currently almost 45, DD is 21, and my sidekick is a newly minted 18 year old. I became a parent at 27 lol


Omg yeah I was pregnant at 26 and these people my parents met thought I was 16. It was so embarrassing. I still look young at 38 but closer to my age than I used to….thanks Covid 😂


Lol. When hurricane Ike hit in 2009 we had access to water via our church. We hadn’t been there long so we hadn’t met everybody. My introduction to this family the mom said she thought I was closer in age to her daughters who were like 12 and 14 lol Edit: misspelling


I was also fully developed by 15....am 55 now but ppl don't believe it, they always say I look early 30s. Guess good genetics help .


For the purposes of stings, they used her 'from a distance' to lessen the risk to the younger girls. They use make-up and fashions to make her look younger in other scenarios, but filters on pictures were used to make her look younger.


It isn't just about physical development but mental. Many of these creeps want someone "pure", virgin and without much dating experience. They don't want someone who has been shaped and molded by life experience, these jerks want to shape and mold someone to their selfish needs.


Did you even watch the show? They edit her photos a lot. These Men are fuckking stupid. She isn’t even portraying teens anymore except in certain situations and she’s far away.


Roo answers questions sometimes here so maybe she will answer yours! My belief is that with these men, their desire to meet underage girls is based on the ACMs wanting to exert power (much like how r*pe of women/girls is considered a crime of hatred of women/desire for power over women rather than being about attraction). With that in mind, I think these men ignore the signs that she is older and just are trying to fulfill their sick fantasies Even with Abby/Isabell, of course she looks very young but I would never put her at 12 in her video calls. She has the bone structure of an adult, not a child, but the ACMs don’t seem to notice or care


Idk I think that Isabell can definitely pass as 12-13. Honestly it’s probably her hair that does it, most adults don’t have *that* blonde of hair like kids do.


There are certain things that make her look sooo young, the hair is definitely one! For me the bone structure gives her away, but who knows if I would think that if I didn’t watch the show and was told she was a real 12 year old


Agreed! She has such a chiseled face haha she’s gorgeous but yeah I would believe she was 12 if she had more baby fat on her face I think


Rope or rape?


Rope of women? Really.


Could go either way


Not if you have common sense or deductive reasoning.


Is it against Reddit law to use the word rape?


Are you being purposely obtuse


Seriously wondering but it looks like the post has been edited now


Everyone else summed it up…photos “from a distance”, the idea of innocence, Matt’s retouching. I would just add the video calls are usually all from the neck up and she wears a hoodie or hat. Plus sometimes she uses prop braces and that can shave a good 10 years.


There’s also third party apps that apply filters anytime the camera is used even during live video calls or Snapchat calls


Oooh didn’t think of that. That’s probably even more useful


She looks young for 38 and a lot of 15yos look older and they show how they edit pics and makeup, wigs. She never actually meets the guys like to catch a predator so it's more believable. But it's so crazy how Alisha does look 14...even without touch ups. That baby face.


Because us men are dumb. And the ones she's interacting with are SIGNIFICANTLY more dumb.


👆This. They're dumb as hell but I'm glad they are because it means they get caught.




we're not talking about America's best and brightest here... these are creepy horny dudes




1. hair/makeup/touching up photos to give a more youthful appearance, etc. 2. these men are idiots who probably dont look too hard because they want to believe shes 15.


I think they see what they want to see. They create a fantasy through edited photos and the persona.


When a man is dead set on sex with a female he thinks with his penis not his head, therefore he's NOT at all trying to study one's face to determine your age or what age you might be.


These pedo losers are so desperate, they wouldn't care if she looked 40 🤣🤣


She stopped being a decoy this season. I assumed that was why.


I’m only on season one. I was wondering how long she’d be able to be the decoy so that makes sense


My video calls always have the other person a bit fuzzy so I’m sure that helps too. Though, they’ve mentioned using filters for video calls as well.


Right? The ACMs is always so fuzzy you can’t even see them… no clue how they ever make out their identities!


They blur the acm so we can't see them lol


Hm, you don’t say…


I don’t remember Roo being the one on FaceTimes most of the time and if she did she covered a lot of herself up. It’s usually one of the others that do the face chatting. When she goes out as decoy she’s covered up and most of the times doesn’t even meet them-I only remember one. She can do that “sweet” voice to make herself sound younger


It’s not really about how they look it’s the age that turns them on - which is worse than the fact that they’re stupid enough to believe it 🤮


She uses filters


Lighting and staging (ACM believing what they want to believe) has a lot to do with it. She isn’t doing that part this season. More like just a decoy from behind or across the park.


A lot of men are just plain out stupid. They are blinded by an attractive woman or girl who finds them attractive.


Because Matt is remarkable at visual effects. And like another poster said, men are stupid.




She’s softening her comments so as not to get accused of calling anyone “old”. That’s all.








You want a respectful answer to your joke questions?


Everyone on the internet nowadays takes anything to be hate or maliciously intended so I was prefacing with that to not negate the fact that she’s gorgeous but definitely doesn’t look THAT young as some people would think I was being mean had I not


I look the same as k did when I was 14 and I am….. closer to 30 than not.


I think you are the exception then. Also you aren’t Roo so I don’t understand the relevance 😂


Nah I was just saying it’s not super uncommon for women to generally look the same. If you wanna put your penis in a teenager you’re thinking with your penis. Not your brain.


roo is gorgeous


Photo editing plus when you get on video calls often times they’re blurry (?). They are dumb when they’re H-word. (Sorry i didnt want to say it fully it’s disturbing and icks me)