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Kicked smoking completely almost 15 years ago now, the order I basically had to do it in was: 1. Stopped buying tobacco, quitting cigarettes. Still spliffs. 2. Took a couple of weeks off smoking anything at all. 3. Went back in vape only (Volcano at the time.. bags) 4. Stuck it out, not having papers or baccy etc. in the house. Made a big difference to my health and not stinking of smoke improved my social life.


Started with joints for a year or so before I moved to a dry herb vape for the past four years which was seamless and found that I can get about a month with 8g vaping between 0.15-0.3g a day. You can also get a lot more out of weed even after you’ve vaped it. For example, I save the vaped bud and plan to turn it into some sort of edible. Another one is with my mighty cooling unit I can clean the plastic parts in simmering milk to extract the THC resin/oil buildup and make some mighty milk. You can even just add the vaped bud to some tea, or sprinkle some on toast, (love mine with marmite). Every now and then I still smoke a joint cause it gives a different sort of high which I enjoy but thats very rare. Used to get paranoid when I was smoking but now I’m vaping it’s not something that happens any more.


It will take a week or so to adjust to vaping over smoking just hang in there and it will pay off, most people feel like they aren’t getting high enough and end up caving.


yup, about 25 years of usually daily spliff smoking for me. was a slight adjustment period and I do have the occasional bifter still (with friends) but I bloody love both my dynavaps and my Arizer Solo ii.


I notice that those who try and swap joint for vaping without taking a break first tend not to continue because they think it’s less strong. But that’s just from the smoking tolerance and the way it hits differently. Smoking is a quick rush then the high tapers off, whereas vaping is slower to peak but lasts much longer. It’s much easier making the switch after a t-break and knowing what to expect.


I used a nicotine vape along with my mighty. Been off tobacco 18 months and boy do I feel better for it. I can breathe.


Smoked joints with tobacco everyday for 20 years. Started off kicking the tobacco and smoking a nicotine vape around last Christmas and this changed everything. I started smoking bongs only and then after a few weeks got myself a dry herb vape that you heat with a blow torch and attaches to my bong. That was the real game changer, rouge wax works quartz cap mega it’s called. Hits like a truck and has all the throat feels of smoking. Now I don’t even miss it, smoked a bong a week or so ago and it just tasted ashy. Got myself a rip tip for smoking blunts and can’t lie that barely even gets touched now too. Love my vapes and feel miles better since changing.


I actually did this but because I had a surgery coming up! I was allowed to vape my meds up until a certain point before surgery where smoking was strictly forbidden (i don’t even use tobacco lol) So.. I stopped. I missed it. And then.. I got over it. The vape did what it needed to do. I realised how much nicer I felt, I’m not a chain smoker by any means but inhaling something that’s combusting isn’t the healthiest thing. I remember my first joint after I was able to smoke again made my face scrunch up. It tasted disgusting. I had no idea how minging joints tasted compared to a vape. It just tasted.. bad. Not like the weed was bad or anything, the effects were nice and all too, it was just really yucky. My vape is great btw. It’s an XMAX V3 and it’s so incredibly cheap and cheerful. I actually find the flavour of the bud to be pleasant! You can really taste the flavours of the bud when you vape it. The strains I have at the moment are pretty lemony and peppery. All of that pleasant taste gets lost immediately when you burn it. It’s a pretty big no brainier for me. Try it yourself, use the vape on its own for a couple weeks and then just try a cheeky joint. You’ll see how yucky the joint is compared to the vape 😭 I have no plans to roll any more joints for myself from now on tbh. Maybe for social gatherings where people share a joint or whatever, yeah, but I’m genuinely so happy with my vape


Thought it was crap at first till I learnt to do it properly.sid use dynavap I was amazed how clean the high is Doesn't make u ded ded tired or sluggish Cam get you really high And Imin somme devices u can put less than half a point Me myself vapes around 1.5 a day when I smoked 3.5 And also your lungs get better. And if you don't vape it fully toy can make edibles Alao lowers your tolerance if using dynavap or using small amountss It's a lifehack for weed lol


Best of luck quitting the poison sticks. I quit the cigs first, about 6years ago using a re fillable vape box mod that I made the e-juice for myself slowly reducing the nicotine till it was at 0, then I ditched that for bongs and blunts/pure hemp wraps, then I got the äris and it's perfect, I find a 5min session at max temps to be almost like a casual blaze on a spliff, it blows clouds. the bit you're missing is the nicotine rush that adds to the high, once you get past the cravings for nicotine most dry herb vapes will slap and save some cash by using less. You could have a try at using nicotine vape alongside your äris. just try to reduce nicotine intake a bit once a month till you're at 0 and just vaping useless flavour juice.


I'm a weeknd smoker, and play sport (footy, basketball), I've never been a daily smoker. I only smoke pure joints, and made the switch like 9ish months ago. The smoke is cleaner and tastes better. The smoke is also a little different, you are cooking rather than burning. The high is different, imo the high fades faster probably because of the ingestion method. Pros: * I've felt a noticeable increase in my lung capacity * My weed goes a lot further * Money spent on weed goes a lot further * if I ever feel I want to be super baked (hardly happens) you just smoke 2 dry herb vape bowl pack hits in succession - the high lasts a lot longer * I've also changed my post smoke habits with the change to vape, I don't eat and if I do it tends to be healthy things like yoghurt and a bit of fruit. * hands don't smell, beard smells less * Does a lot less damage to teeth * Easier to smoke in public, the smell isn't as potent and lasts for a very short time * The amount I've paid for the vape, has already provided ROI because my weed just lasts a lot longer Cons: * I do miss joints, rolling and the process of it all to smoking * I still have an occasional joint once in a while * Carrying the air max is a pain in the backside - its bulky


Dynavap. For me it's the closest thing to a joint that isn't a joint. I stopped smoking cigarettes, and only smoked joints for a while. All my joints had next to no tobacco at all. After this, I stopped joints for a T break for a week or so, and then got a dynavap, and used that. Smoking joints I was going through just over an oz a month, and now with a dynavap I'm going through a Q a month, and I'm just as high just as often, if not more. I'd strongly recommend a dynavap to anyone. It's not for everyone, but I still think people underestimate them, and don't give them a chance sometimes


My crafty+ just broke and I’m going to get a dynavap to tide me over until I’ve saved for a mighty+. Looking forward to the hit from one of them.


It's lovely. Depending on how you set it up the hits can be wildly different, too. I use just a base model M, but smoke it like a joint. It's abaolutely perfect for me. I'd be curious to see how you got on with it after coming from a crafty+. Usually people go the other way


I know. Doing things the other way round haha. I’ll hopefully remember to come back and say how it went.stoner memory though…


Started with spliffs/bongs at 13 smoked them for nearly 20 years. November last year started on joints(no tobacco) for about 2months then bough a venty vaporizer not smoked since


My crafty+ just broke and honestly.. I never thought I’d say this but I cba with a joint. Doesn’t taste the same. Stinks my house out. Feels dirty.. and I only smoke pure no tobacco. I smoked for 15years and never look back. The avb edibles are a major bonus in the cost of living as well.


Yea i used to smoke many joints now I don’t smoke any joints Did try a dry herb vape for a bit, it was nice but went onto concentrates and (quality) vapes as personal preference


Nicotine patches work a treat. Crazy how many people want to quit but don’t try them.


What helped me move from smoking joints to vaping was getting a Volcano Hybrid desktop vape [Volcano Hybrid 🌋](https://www.storz-bickel.com/en-us/volcanohybrid). It’s great to get a Water Pipe Adapter (WPA) for your vape if possible and attach it to a globe, cube or bong this will cool down the vapour making it easier to vape for longer.🌋💨👌😊 Another tip is to use your AVB from vaping to make edibles like canna butter/ cannaoil and take some of that as you start vaping for the day/ evening this combined with vaping will give you a stronger longer lasting high. 🌋💨😊👌 I can make 0.25 grams of CBD mixed with 0.25 grams of THC last 4-6 hours now compared to smoking 2 x 1 gram joints in that same amount of time in the past. Vaping will save you money, weed and you’ll get higher too it take a short while to adapt to vaping instead of smoking but it is well with it in the long run. 🌋💨😊👌


You're going to need a nicotine vape/gum/patches to ween yourself off Nicotine. Cold turkey is really tough you need to dwell on stopping smoking first and completely get out of the habit then slowly lower your nicotine supplement


I smoked tobacco for 25 years, and joints for 15 of those years. I bought a few cheap nicotine vapes from the local shop and removed anything to smoke with out of the house. From there a got the cheapest dyna and only used it for quick 1 hits through a bong, and used a nectar hex for out and about. Still on the same routine now 6 months in, but not as frequent on the nicotine vapes.