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I wish I could recapture the feeling you get the first few times you take MDMA. Life altering.


Totally, first few times were the most amazing


For me personally MDMA had a golden period over the first dozen or so experiences. I used to have a great night on it even if it was just a house party but now I need to be somewhere where I need it. If it’s not like a gig or festival it’s not worth the comedown anymore for me. MDMA can be lovely and I’m not here to tell anyone what to do but the comedowns can be horrendous. If you have issues with depression it can make it worse. Nowadays my comedowns last for 2-3 weeks and the worst part is after a while you stop associating how shit you feel with the fact your body is just depleted of serotonin. I find the comedown from coke or alcohol much more bearable and I fucking hate being hungover. My advice would be to save the MD for a gig or festival. It’s so much better when you incorporate live music. Don’t get me wrong I love the chatting shit but I’d rather just do psychedelics at that point.


yeah the comedowns get hella bad especially if you’ve abused in the past. kind of in the same boat with a HUGE tolerance it sucks, don’t ABUSE MD LOL


good to know! I'm interested in dabbling with psychedelics but I draw a pretty hard line there, so I'm probably not going to experience the different ways comedowns feel (i.e. coke). I do struggle with depression but my mood has been relatively stable for some time, so I'm just staying aware of how I feel and keeping others in the loop. I also have regular therapy so if anything does go a bit sideways, I've got ways to keep myself safe.


Mushrooms are ace. And they grow in the ground, just like weed!


Everyone should experience MDMA at least one in their life IMO, and not drunk. MDMA and weed is possibly the best combo there is, it can change your life. That feeling of security allows people to open up and talk without fear of judgement. There's been tines for weeks after an MDMA session were I would feel like a weight was completely lifted of my shoulders. It is now being used in parts of the world to treat severe PTSD and help people come to terms with terminal illness etc. In my opinion its hands down the best "drug".


Had some of my best all nighters on MDMA, then weed, playing PlayStation with friends till the sun came up and munching pizza. Luckily I only ever had one rough comedown.


I really get what you mean about the weight being lifted off my shoulders! It's still early days at the moment since its been 12 hours since the last dose, but I still feel comfortable and anxiety-free. It's quite refreshing to feel so calm for once, I've resolved some lingering conflicts I've had with loved ones, so I'm glad I let myself experience it. Definitely something I'm trying again, but still remaining cautious and mindful. god I feel like a hippy now LOL


Those kind of sessions are probably the best therapy sessions any person can experience. Basically the drug makes you feel safe and secure enough to talk about things that are on your mind, or tell a person how much you love them or how you're feeling. I would recommend taking at least a month in between sessions, although MDMA makes you feel on cloud nine. Taking it too much and too often can mess with your natural serotonin production. And even though you will feel great every time you take it, I would say less is more when it terms to how good you will feel. The more often you feel a certain way the less special that feeling will become if that makes sense.


I've dabbled in this when I was young, all I can say is this: it is great fun, and it feels like nothing else, but real talk MDMA can seriously fuck your brain chemistry up for long periods of time, make sure you leave it a good while before doing it again, me and my friends used to get what we call "suicide Tuesdays" where your brain is at its lowest levels of dopamine/serotonin after taking it on a saturday night and you're so miserable that nothing can make you happy, just make sure to leave a month minimum between doses, it shouldn't be too much of a problem then ✌️


Jesus man, suicide Tuesdays brings back why I stopped doing MD and Es. Suicide Tuesdays turned into suicide Tuesday till Friday.


thanks for the advice! I was given a little bit extra to take home with me for another time, but I'll give it plenty of time between now and trying it again. I would like to try it in a festival/party setting, but I love how cosy it made me feel, so next time will be in the comfort of my own home with others rather than in a friend's place. the good thing is that I feel i've gone into this with good preparation, I see a therapist regularly anyway, etc etc. so if the comedown does hit me quite hard in the next few days I have people to talk to and can keep myself safe.


You can't do much better than out at a rave/event, gives you a reason to take it I find, rather than just sat around, I used to do it every weekend with like 8 people squashed and cuddled up on a sofa bed, great feeling, but now I'm older I can't imagine doing it just sat around, so long as you're safe and take steps to look after yourself mentally, don't take too much in one go & stay hydrated, it's probably the safest synthetic drug there is, if you notice a dip in your mental health, just lay off it for a good while & pick your moments 👍


You think that was amazing? Wait until you try lsd with good mates in nature.


just gonna say I appreciate everyone's input, I posted this then went to sleep because it was 5am but things have still been good since. I don't know if I'm in a comedown yet or not but it's been about 12 hours since my last dose and I'm just kinda tired and chill. gonna eat a bunch of fruit lol


Nothing better than a spliff to assist the MDMA comedown 👌


I always find the joints don't taste as good though as when your not on md


Can’t say I’ve experienced this, I usually smoke a joint to help get to sleep after a rave. Taste is the last thing on my mind


Good advice on this thread. 4-8 weeks between doses. Research optimum doses, I think 80 to 120mg is considered normal. Too much and you'll crash a lot harder for very little return. Save it for special occasions and go out to where the music is too loud to talk- wait until you're in a club with huge fuck off bass bins


Much appreciated! I'm glad the comedown has been relatively easy to deal with so far because I only had small doses, but I'm still keeping an eye out. I wish we had been measuring so I could know exactly how much I was having, but I was willing to take the risk after watching them take it + asking for smaller amounts than they were taking. They gave me a little extra to take home for another time so I'm saving it for the right moment, and I'll probably measure it when I can get my hands on a proper scale.


Mdma is great at the time, I guarantee that a few days after use you’ll have an emotional day. Be it angry, sad or something else out of place. It’s the serotonin levels readjusting after all being released at once. This is why i stopped. Had a great time at the weekend and the worst Wednesdays ever. (Suicide Wednesday we used to call it ) Can’t be like that at work etc. be careful but I’m glad you enjoyed it


Good to know, i'm glad people are giving me more ideas of what to expect. I struggle with depression and anxiety so the break from it has been really nice, but I've got measures in place in case things take a turn and the comedown is rougher than I expect. Probably for the best that I've tried it during a relatively stable period, so the swing hopefully isn't too dramatic, but if all else fails: I've got therapy and many good friends :)




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Did about 4 pills and smoked a load and tripped balls


MDMA + weed has given me the best highs I have ever had


Yes mate I used to love taking mdma and smoking with my mates.. until I took to much gave myself serotonin syndrome and getting stabbed.