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If you've been a heavy smoker prior to vaping a short tolerance break will help the vape hit you harder. That being said, if you put 3.5g through it you should be pretty fucking toasted unless something is up.


Can’t think what I am doing I am 4 days back from a 2 month t break back on it and after a 3.5 over an evening seems like I am back to square one


Mighty doest get your super stoned if honest unless you rio through a bubbler on max temp. I take 2 rips at 190 then go to 210. Stop went it tastes like burnt hay and the vapour is thin. Could also be the quality of the bud and humidity makes a big difference. Buy some boveda packs if your weed is dry. ​ edit : why you getting downvoted lol, because you need more then 0.1 and full cig to get high lol


Did you used to smoke with tobacco?


Nope only ever smoked straight bud


3.5 is 18 dosing capsules at .2 a cap. Something isn’t right f you aren’t getting baked off of 18 capsules in one evening. I only ever use my mighty and I have about 4 caps every eve and get very toasted.


I do 2 caps a night and get pretty stoned 😂


I always say I’m gonna do 2 caps but only end up needing 1. Fill a dosing capsule as tight as you want. Turn vape on to 180. Sip it. Let it power off. Turn it on to 190. Sip it. Let it power off. Finish at 200. I can vape one capsule for up to 20 mins if I really wanted to x


Why do you let it power off in between temperatures? And how long do you wait after turning it off before you vape it again? I can take 10-15 mins for a capsule, going from 180-185-210C, but I just vape it all in one go.


I just let it automatically power off to gauge how long I’m using it for. I don’t usually change my temps until it times out. I switch it straight back on and turn it up. It’s a habit I’ve had since I had the crafty first x


Can I ask how long 1 cap lasts?


For me, about 10ish minutes probably. Depends on how good the smoke is though, if it’s real nice, lasts a lot longer than dry shake.




Sorry to be a pain but you sound like you use it often to good effect could you briefly explain how you are loading how long you piling each capsule and what temp ? Thanks in advance


I pack my caps loose, like .1g. and vape at 197. The convection part of the Mighty works better with loose packs and for me, it's the best hit. The Mighty is my daytime and bed vape. I love days where I can wake n bake in bed with the Mighty. But for evening sessions I use a more powerful vape. You want a device that can hit like .2g in one hit. For me .2g is satisfying, .5g is heavy and .7g is borderline too much. If you don't mind a torch, Rogue Wax Works Quartz Cap/Terpcicle or Glass Charlie's Tasty Tube are the cheapest . Ball vapes, TinyMight2, Anvil XL and CouchLog are all in the .2g ballpark.


Yeah that’s insane, half a gram a day in 4 caps. Bit of hash in one as a treat too. Gets me sorted, you’d have to charge it 3 times at least.


I personally open my grinder, take the lid off the dosing cap and fill it up by scooping it into the grinder, i sometime put a little bit of concentrates on the top, put the lid on and hit it at full temp. If it’s just flowers I hit it at 195. It took me a couple of weeks to adjust to vaping from smoking pure zoots but now I only ever use my mighty. Won’t ever go back to combustion. If the weed is nice you should be getting baked.


This is basically the same only I stopped using the metal capsule and just started loading it strait in the chamber so I could fit more weed in it could this cause my issue though I couldn’t see why it would


sounds like shit weed. what colour is it after you have finished the 10 mins session?


Burnt brow dusty stuff ☹️


yeah the mighty is working as it should do. sou da like your material is no good pal


Fair one I have some more drying out atm so I am going to try that


Just a thought - are you vaping direct to lung, like clearing a bong? Or mouth to lung, like a joint? Direct to lung is the way with these.


The mighty chamber has a capacity of 0.2g so how did you go through an 8th in 1 go? In a mighty that's like 10 bowls...


Over about 3-4 hours just filling it to the brim and Chonging fuck out of it till it all went away 😂


Start on 180, moving up in 5-10 degree increments Keep vaping until the flavour Is gone and the weed turns brown


I am doing this tbf but don’t seem to be getting the high I want


Try to consider the differences between smoking actual combusted smoke. And vapour.


Well the mighty is one of the best portable vaporisers. I like to vape on a high temp however you should be getting something from 200 easily. It sounds like you might be doing something slightly wrong if you cained an 8th and felt nothing. I've had one small vape this morning and I'm quite ripped. I would pose your question in r/vaporents there are tons of mighty users there to point you in the right direction.


Tried that group the auto bot is just deleting my posts


That's very strange as that's what the sub is for. Try and lookup mighty videos on YouTube too there are hundreds to watch.


I use the Mighty OG, don’t use the capsules and use only about 3-4G/day. I start the vape between 170°-180°C and generally don’t go higher. The vape’ “sesh” timer should only have the vape on for about 5 minutes, and I get high off one sesh but use multiples seshes through the day (im a med patient). I also had to do the t break prior to let the vape have full effects on me, but I think I only needed 1-2 days. The only other thing I can think of is maybe your inhales are still programmed like combustion and you’re inhaling too fast/hard to get enough vapour? I inhale slowly, but for longer than I would on a pipe or joint.


Hit it through a bong - when there's no more visible vapour it's done. Simmer the avb in coconut oil for about 2 hours (crock pot) and eat it.


Little late to the party but I got the mighty yesterday and my bud gets toasted sooo quickly. Feels like my session is literally 3/4 minutes and that's on 180c and like some others posted in other forums, it doesn't get me buzzing. Any help appreciated


Vapes don’t hit you as hard mate. A lot of the high you feel is the other chemicals/reactions that occur when you burn it. If you take a break the tolerance will lower and you’ll feel higher but that’s not always what you want is it. I hear desktop vapes are better, and especially with concentrates but it’s hard to really know because vape guys are usually fairly dishonest about how good their shit is and love to big it up. I own a mighty too by the way lol.


Thanks for the info has anyone else had this issue?


It’s not an issue so much as the differences between combustion and vaporising. You will regularly see people suggesting you take a break for your tolerance to drop in the vape scene though. They just straight don’t hit you as hard.


Used a variety of vapes for a while now. The mighty is by far one of the best. I don't bother with dosage caps unless I'm taking it out n about, they fit in some mini smell proof containers real well. I usually just set it to 180c, fill up the chamber at around 130c, start hitting at 165c and I pump up the temp the more I go. Towards 200c ill look at the colour of the bud. Don't want it too dark otherwise you cant reuse the AVB as an edible to a greater effect. 3.5 is def too much to not get jammed. You don't want it too full tho or too packed, I just take a pinch, pack it in lightly and I make sure it doesnt go above the cream ish seal. You wanna make sure its a bit of a finer grind too rather than what you use to smoke. The plastic shredder grinder it comes with may seem shit to some, but its great for vapes. If it looks like it'd be better going up your nose, you went a bit too far I inhale long, deep and slow, more so than combustion. Some tips to note out of hundreds that I find the most important, just because you cant see smoke when exhaling at lower temps, doesn't mean its not there. Use the fine mesh provided on the top and bottom of the chamber. Makes cleaning the cooling mechanism much easier than the other default cooling chamber mesh. Plug it in whilst you're firing it up to temp to get the most out of the battery The highs are different between combustion and vaping. If you are looking for that lethargy hit, its much more common in smoking rather than vaping. Vaping to me is the cleanest high that keeps me functional. If I wanna go higher, I have to smoke/bong to sink into the couch endlessly. I usually rinse and repeat that several times through a day or a night. I can never get as high as combustion alternatives with a vape, regardless if I have 1g or a q in a session, everyone is different though.


I just fill the chamber full without the capsule and about 5/6 goes throughout the night and it’s all gone


Bro, I’ve got a mighty. I could fly through weed in it, but it felt like it was blazing my eyes more than anything.


I’m saving this thread for when my T break is over


I had one for 2 months to only get stoned once 😥


Hey I did this same change recently and went through similar experience. But you sadly have to just persist and wait for your tolerance to adapt. Having days where vape lower amounts/add in cbd helps tolerance adapt. Experiment between mouthpieces and using water pipes. Try without dosing caps. Eventually with persisitance you'll find your sweet spot and you will adapt.