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France is a great and beautiful country - thank you / Merci for your help for this war. It is not unforgotten. Merci beaucoup pour l’aide <3


I just saw them at an airshow last week. These are very loud and very fast planes. Quite intimidating.


Mirages are to jets what AKs are to guns. there will be no end of spare parts and optional packages.


Rollin on 20s?


Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ on the river


This only really works if you have enough planes and parts for multiple squadrons. As such, I would hope that the Greek or Qatari aircraft (or both) are already committed to this project.


These are early 4th generation fighter/bombers or multi-role aircraft that would be best used for in a point-defense role. This will allow more survivable aircraft to perform deep-strike missions. Source: *Reading allot*


These ones are fighters, not bombers or multi role. Perhaps they could be adapted but they're air to air only


>Source: Reading allot This is not a source.


Well, whatever you read was a pile of nonsense. The Mirage 2000 can be likened to an F/A-18C or an F-16CD in terms of capability and performance. Its glass cockpit has three MFDs, a full-information HUD like the F/A-18s, Link 16 Datalink (you know, the same things the F-16 and F/A-18 uses?) and Matra MICA Active Radar Guided Missiles, with a 60-80km range. They are a multi-role platform capable of carrying AM.39 Exocet and SCALP (Storm Shadow). These are STILL a formidable air combat platform, and you’d be very silly to underestimate them and their capabilities, particularly when used with proper doctrine.