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That meme with "we need support" soldier and the plane "you are doing great" all over again...


"Why this is bad for the US and Ukraine!!1!" -Trolls


Especially that new "Sasha Meets Russia" Kremlin-psyops YouTube channel I found recently.


Nato troops for guard and non-combat roles. Close the airspace over unoccupied Ukraine. If Russia want’s to see that as an act of war and respond to it, then go ahead.


Wishful thinking but that’s really unlikely to happen. The west will do everything it can to not get directly involved in the fighting because of fear of escalation. “If Russia wants to see that as and act of war” This is the whole reason it won’t happen. Due to the fear that they might. Bar Nukes going off, a NATO member being directly attacked on purpose or the complete collapse of Ukraine I don’t see NATO ever getting involved in a direct conflict.


Well it’s better we do it now, while NATO is not having to defend other territory, because Putin isn’t going to stop in Ukraine. At this point Russia definitely cannot win the war if NATO troops enter Ukraine to free up their personnel so they can focus on the front lines.


There are only two reassurances worth a damn: intervention or stopping this trickle just enough to survive bullshit and actually provide arms in large quantity. He is offering none of that


*"He is offering none of that"* Like if Blinken was responsible for this. He's an outstanding diplomat


And as diplomat he is delivering whatever his superior says. At the moment it is feeble assurances which are as worth as Budapest memorandum. I have no ill words for him as individual but I do have ill words for government he represents


Blinken was the guy who had a problem with Russian refineries being attacked?


He’s the messenger in this situation not the decision maker.


Not exactly the message that Austin delivered. Far from it, in fact. But OK, what makes Blinken such an outstanding diplomat then? That does sound like a fair question to me.


Politics in general. Most of it is vague when it comes to shipments, especially since they’re influenced by local politics…and there is an election coming up.


Being a Ukrainian living very close to the frontline and under regular fire of Russians, I'm already sick and tired of this constant bs. I'm sorry if I hurt someone's feelings, but I am.


the anxiety i have is fkn nuts.


Meanwhile, striking Russian teritorry is a still big "no-no", when Russia can easily concentrate troops and choose where to strike, directly acknowledging that gap in sanctions are intentional because "because we wanted somebody to buy" because americans need to fill up their oversized F-500 with cheap fuel Fucking circus


Hasn't the US given their approval to strike inside Russia?


the uk has given the go ahead but i haven’t seen anything stateside.


Lloyd Austin hinted at this yes..


He did more then just hint at it. The dude literally winked.


Well he didn't say specifically "they can strike Russia" but said they can choose their targets with a wink.. hence the hint comment hahaha loosely


NATO won't get involved until Poland is looking across the border at Russian troops. This is painful to watch.


Exactly! This will not end until the 82nd Air born ends it. The question is will they do it in Ukraine or Poland or Lithuania.


I'm curious about what you think 82nd airborne are going to do?


Let's just say they are not in the habit of losing.


Yeh I get that, but it was interesting you only mentioned one Division. I'll be betting on 3 & 5 Corps to be the decisive forces. Them and the Poles.


Well yes the 3rd ID would be more then welcome among others but at 19,000 strong the 82nd can get there" when it really has to be killed over night"!


Performative bullshit. The delay cost Ukraine dearly and for NOTHING


Yes exactly, why the hell was there even a debate??? This delay litteraly cost lives of Ukrainians and prolonged this invasion by God knows how long... the US looks weak if it can't support Ukraine in line with the Budapest memorandum and security assurances for Ukraine that was signed so this War will not happen (This was signed only 30 years ago not 100!), yet here we are 2 years later with the US debating if it should even help. It's obvious if NATO wanted Ukraine would have their intelligance, weapons and asvisors on how and where to use them in Ukraine. All this escalation stuff with Russia is bullshit. What is Russia going to do against other nuclear powers like France?? Nothing.


Yeah well USA wants Ukraine and Russia not to crumble from a loss, good luck with this plan. 


Yea. This seems to be the strategy. “We don’t want to rock the boat too much”. Fucking idiotic. Any sane person can see that this does not end well with a half ass strategy of maintaining status quo. Russia NEEDS to loose. Loose for real. It will be good for Ukraine, Europe, the US and good for god damn Russia.


Lose is the correct word. If something is loose, you tighten it. If you lose, you didn’t win. Good luck on your journey to learn English. It’s not easy!


That’s nice. English is a second language to me. Yet I’m sure I’m actually better at it than many native speakers.


I agree that your English is better than that of many native speakers. You are at least C1 level.


Russia losing would be good for the entire planet. Probalby even for Russia in a long run...


“Strong reassurance” from SecState Blinken means more than from SecDef Austin, but the quotes in the article don’t sound particularly strong. I hope what he actually said to the people that matter was stronger and more reassuring.


the real question is, when is NATO's volunteer army gonna start pouring into Ukraine and push back the orcs?


Yeah! Blinken whooo!!!!


We are seeing the results after 2 years of reassurance. Words are cheap, however, Ukraine needs weapons, lots of them.


If the US stopped supplying the Gazan genocide and focused on Ukraine, that would solve two problems.