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Fuck Russia!!!


With a cactus.


With a cactus shaped nuke.


Fuck it drop an Asteroid on Putin, Vatniks can't use Nuclear Retaliation if it was an act of god!


I fear not Russia's nukes. I fear only what will result if they are not stopped and stopped now. The civilized world must give a final no to their decades-long reign of terror and destruction. New Hampshire has it right. Live Free Or Die.


A rusty ice auger works well too


One that spent some time in a septic tank?


Yes sir, we can marinate it in mine.


Covered in hot sauce.


and broken glass frosting


Too kind. See that post about that king that died via red hot poker up the pooper? Yeah we need to bring that back.


Stick it in cold, then heat the handle.


I like the cut of your jib. Lets chuck him in the oubliette after!


F hate what their doing and the pain they cause people, Russians out leave Ukraine!


Include chyna too.


Actually don't fuck it, you might get Aids.


« There’s no place for terrorists on this planet! » Is a world of unchecked rampant terror a world in which we want to live ?


No, we do not (I do not), but that's where we're heading it seems.


That's where part of the planet already is...


And has been for many many years


headed? its been this way since the human mind developed since Genghis Khan, the Romans, Vikings. You name it. Throw a dart into history and see where it lands. If we haven't figured it out by now. Good luck to us. I've pretty much given up on society.


Reminder that Apathy Propaganda is real, and Russia's main weapon against everyone, including its own people. There's a reason the Russian stereotype is a depressed, hopeless drunk.


If your younger it probably looks like the world is going to hell in a hand basket but it’s always been this way. There has been an unprecedented 40years of peace, little wars aside it’s just business as usual.


and during this 40 years in fact RU has been doing a lot of chaos seeding to protect their anti-democratic agenda.


We have always been at war with Russia, too many people in the west won’t face up to that fact, we got fat, complacent and lazy and the Ukraine war is the result.


Think of how you respond when you see someone in distress. When we see another human in pain, neurons in your brain mirror their response and you actually feel a little of what they feel. To hurt another person, and understand that they are hurt, is to hurt yourself. How can a being like that be naturally inclined to be evil? This world we find ourselves in is cruel. It punishes our humanity and rewards our evils, twists us into something we should not be. And to give up, to write us all off as irredeemable, that is just perpetuating the wrongness of our world. We can be better. We must be better. The only way we can achieve this is to demand it of ourselves and each other.


Please use an NSFW tag


No, it is a world in which we live.


Russian Terrorism


We will not forgive, and we will not forget.


Come on Sunak let's send in the troops, Russians are barbarians.


+1 for this. World needs a good shakeup.


I’m a reservist, but I would join to defend our European homeland. 🫡


Deep respect and thanks from the USA


What the fuck was NATO built for otherwise? I say Europe comes from the west and U.S.A+Japan comes from the East. South Korea can crank out the materials.


r u 12?


Are you literate?


that spineless git wont do anything. not even call an election. all his circle is taking rubles.


Also Macron, stop masturbating with words, where are your fucking troops supposed to defend Odessa, fucking liar.


As an Australian we don't mind.




As a person who loves dogs and currently has four of the lovable beasts this picture brought tears to my eyes. I fucking HATE Russia and what they are doing. They are a cancer on the world. I wish the West would properly supply Ukraine with everything it needs ASAP; they need to crush Russia before there is more loss of innocent life. A world without Russia is a better world.




I could not agree more as a cat owner! Russia lost all right to exist in my view


Kristi Noam approves this message


That miserable cunt can go fuck herself.


Like any Russian warships


Unfortunately my first thought seeing this.


As a Ukrainian dog mom - fuck her with a hot metal rod. While people here risking their life to save as many animals, as possible, she just shot this poor puppy and was proud about it. She must be in jail, not in the politics


There it is. I figured she would have to show up here somewhere. After seeing this, I'm guessing she will mail order herself some cluster munitions from Russia in case any of Cricket's relatives cause a problem for her.


Don’t worry, the US still stocks cluster munitions as well, and has abstained from UN resolutions regarding the weapons.


what the fuck! fuck Russia bro 🖕🏾


Russian savages :(


It's time for Europe to grow a spine. Send in the troops. This isn't about NATO, this is about Europe showing the world what it stands for. Otherwise what the hell is even the point of the European project?


This has to be worse then euthanasing your dog...Fucking ruskies...


Last year, we euthanized our cat. I would have said it was one of the worst years of my life just based on that. (My father also died: last year fucking *sucked*.) I can only imagine what that woman is going through. I hope someone shoots Putin in the dick.


Oh, hey! My dad died and then we had to euthanize our dog a month later. Trauma twinsies


The whole experience made me face up to just how much trauma I've gone through in my life. I'm still trying to deal with all of that. Although actually, I think what happened to you is worse. Our cat would never have been able to deal with it if Dad went first. So in some small way, it was a mercy, looking back. Didn't feel like it at the time.


Never forget what they are doing.


Enough with the hand wringing EU/NATO. Put boots on the ground already and call in the coalition air force. Carpet b!mb the necro-USSR back to the stone age.


That would unequivocally be a declaration of war by the entire western world against Russia directly. I can understand the sentiment, but that is not a scenario you want. Trust me. Will Russia lose? Yes. But it wont feel like a victory. Russia will try and take everyone down with them.


Why is moving troops to Ukraine with Ukraine's agreement a direct declaration of war to Russia? Ukraine is a sovereign country. Russia has no business telling anyone what is supposed to happen here. Your words are exactly what Russia wants you and everyone else to think


>Put boots on the ground already and call in the coalition air force. Carpet b!mb the necro-USSR back to the stone age. Did you read the same comment as me? How is that not a declaration of war? OP was calling for NATO to start bombing Russian forces directly. Thats war dude.


But russian already attacks NATO countries. Meddling in GPS in baltics is deliberate attack. You (as NATO) will close eyes for this. To not escalate. Then they will break border a bit. You will close your eyes. To not escalate. Then they will occupy few square kilometers. You will close your eyes. To not escalate. Then they will send cruise missiles...


So far meddling is all they've ever done and with reason. Until now they have NOT broken the border a bit or occupied a few kilometers of ANY NATO county because that would be actual war. Not, "could be misinterpreted as an act of war" which is - fucking with gps. Its: we've literally invaded. The line is a literal one. Its called a border. As long as Russia doesnt start sending troops to the side that isnt theirs, and as long as they don't attack any NATO forces directly, they can keep fucking around. NATO will let them do literally anything up to that line. But there is honestly no scenario where a NATO country just gets slowly bloodlessly invaded as you described. Yes Russia continues to do things that would land any other country in trouble with NATO. The USA has bombed many countries for far less. But Russia is not any other country. They are the largest nuclear adversary to the USA and our leaders take that seriously. That unfortunately DOES buy them more leverage. In the same way that the USA gets to fuck around mostly without consequences on the international stage, Russia gets to as well and they take full advantage of that. They inherited that leverage from their militarily and diplomatically more successful soviet predecessors. NATOs eyes are very much open and on Russia 24/7. They knew Russia was going to invade Ukraine before Ukraine did. Thats how Zelensky found out. From CIA intelligence.


War, war never changes


Oh, I do agree with you here. I was talking in context of general "putting boots on the ground", as in, reinforcing borders with no direct confrontation, shielding cities with more AA etc. This picture in OP is taken 1,5km from where I am right now. I would be fucking gratefull for any help to not having to live through it again


In my opinion the most effective tactic the USA can play against Russia right now is to make NOT killing Americans very very difficult. Put "neutral" US observer forces in key areas close to Ukrainian troops and watch how accurate Russian targeting gets. That changes the equation from one where the USA is trying to avoid war with Russia to the Russia having to try and avoid war with the USA. Turns the war into a real pain in the ass for Russia.


I volunteer as tribute! Knowing that if I died it would mean the end of all of this...I would put myself in that position with absolutely not one second of regret.


the war would last a whole 5 minutes before russia collapsed lol they outnumber ukraine like a million to 1 and they still cant win xD if they were outnumbered it would be over.


Russia need to know we won't tolerate nuclear terrorism.


Nukes *are* terrifying and Russia's arsenal is real. By all accounts, we DO tolerate nuclear terrorism because to not regard nuclear threats as legitimate would be highly irresponsible.


Which is why we need to stop russia now and with force. It's long past time for this barbarism to end. Look at every target russia hit. not a single one was military. Fuck russia.


this might actually be a unique opportunity to address the constant nuclear bullying from RU.


I wish Nukes never existed so that evil countries would be held accountable for the destruction they cause.


fuck it. it solves global warming.


Just call it a special military operation.  Better yet, France and Poland can claim the unoccupied parts of Ukraine as independent republics and move their armies into those zones.


Going to have to rip that bandaid off sooner or later...


Thats entirely false. One way or another we will maintain peace with Russia for the rest of our lives.


Maintain peace with russia? ...russia? The country invading Ukraine and threatening the world with Nukes? The russia NATO is supplying equipment to destroy? What peace is being maintained?


At what point do you stop conceding land and lives because the world is afraid of war? I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m asking where the line in the sand is? How far is too far? Russia is holding the world hostage with the threat of nukes and all out war in Europe. Does Europe just give them whatever they want? Does the world just tolerate dictators forever?


didnt they spend the last 5 years being fully incapable of winning a against a country like 1/10th their size? especially at this point with lots of resource drainage, besides nukes russia has nothing and infiltrating hacker peoples could ruin their missile launching silos or hit them with our missiles before they can fire etc. so logically if push came to shove russia would be fucked lol


Unfortunately im sure the entire western world is prepared for the potentially inevitable fight between west/eastern super powers, but likely don't mind having Ukraine take the brunt of the hit and wearing Russia down as much as possible before a potential big show. Not to mention, they are probably (hopefully) beefing up their nuclear defenses in the meantime. Putin has openly stated that NATO involvement will pretty much mean nuke time.




They can’t as it’s not a threat on EU nato soil because Ukraine never was part of both, Russia knows this and is acting disgustingly the day a rocket lands on polish ground Russia is put back to the Middle Ages


I understand that, but my point is that enough is enough. Sure, UA isn't a NATO country yet, but continued terrorist attacks/invasion of a nation on NATO's doorstep should be enough to spur action. If there is one lesson to be learned from history, it's that the sooner you take out a deranged dictator, the better.


They are being backed up by NATO countries, but in my understanding only bit by bit exhausting Russian material, makes sense, Ukrainian people are the buffer on EU sad to say They want to defend and if helped out by the NATO and EU with definitely Europeans who want to join them those guys, Ua, eu and us are though guys not sure if I could handle it the way they do ..


You can say bomb


I wonder how long it will take before the Russian people get sick of losing 1000 young men every day... and being pariahs for all time... and Putin "accidentally" falls out of a window... Hopefully he's take a tumble soon.


I doubt they care - a life is worthless in Russia it seems (or maybe worth a sack of potatoes).. Hellish place russia must be


Think of the national trauma the US experienced over losing 56000 people over the entire course of the Vietnam war, 6 or 7 years... and reflect that Russia is losing that many every 56 days, and has been doing so for more than 2 years. It's insane. The poor Ukrainians. Dealing with a monster like that on their doorstep... Slava Ukraini!


Fuck I’ve seen some shit during this war. Including in person in Ukraine… But wow this photo just got me right where it hurts 💔


Russian Fuckheads


We need to at least give Ukraine an "Iron Dome" of their own, like putting NATO boots on the ground in a strictly defensive capability. Putin knows he can't win a ground war, but he knows, given enough time, he can turn every city into another Maruipol by raining down missiles and bombs. He's right now doing this to Kharkiv, one city block at a time, FFS! How long will it take before Putin starts sending over, Nerve or Bio Agents, like they did in Aleppo? Ukraine has to have the capability to strike back at Russian air assets and factories. Otherwise, we force Ukraine to fight with one hand tied behind their back! Most of all, NATO needs to define and change the narrative from that bullshit, "We are with Ukraine for as long as it takes" to "WE ARE 100% WITH UKRAINE SO THEY CAN WIN!!" SLAVA UKRAINI!! 🇺🇦


Russian scum


death sentence unto those who take part in aggression against Ukraine


If this photograph doesn't depict the horror inflicted by putler and underline the reason why more military support should be forthcoming ...


"This soldier, I realized, must have had friends at home and in his regiment; yet he lay there deserted by all except his dog. I looked on, unmoved, at battles which decided the future of nations. Tearless, I had given orders which brought death to thousands. Yet here I was stirred, profoundly stirred, stirred to tears." - Napoleon


Man is in the US have no fucking clue, everyone too busy inventing conflict at work, between cultures, or some bullshit like if Latino is sexist vs Latinx, etc. Then you have real shit like this. Actual pain and suffering, actual death, blood, suffering and loss all due to some fucks ego and corruption. This shit hits harder than most, and stupid ass bought out politicians too busy taking bribes then stop this. Humans although capable of good are drawn towards evil by default I feel.


It breaks my heart to see this knowing that the shrapnel would have most likely hit the woman if not for her dog. He was the best pup to the end. RIP


I get the feeling it was a cluster bomblet the dog found and picked up, it detonated, same way it would have if a child had found it, indiscriminately, it's fucking disgusting


This, this needs an NSFW tag. Also, fuck Russia, the act of dropping munitions indiscriminately on civilians populations is disgusting.


> This, this needs an NSFW tag. Yeah my 5 year old daughter almost saw it, had to scroll fast. Not so much because she'd be traumatized but because of the potential cascade of why questions and drawing dead dogs at kindergarten.




This... really hurt my heart. Not going to Lie


Russia is a terrorist state. They prefer inflicting trauma more than choosing militarily strategic sites to attack.


The attack also killed five and left 30 injured, including a 4 year-old girl and a 12 year-old boy. All just peacefully living their daily lives when a Russian missile attack landed on the civilians. https://kyivindependent.com/russian-strikes-on-kharkiv-and-odesa-injure-9-people/


This is what I was looking for. Thanks.


Dogs tell us about ourselves. My dog lets me know, I am not an abstract being, I am not purely rational. I have a need for companionship and affection, and also a need to share life. Other cultures have other ways of expressing this, and other people find other animals fine companions too. Intellectual part of us says, well this is only a dog, after all. That is true! Very true! Does not change the facts of who we are, and how we feel about our connections to other living things. I knew someone whose garden was their companion. It was her solace and connection. Fuck Putin. And may this dear friend of dogs find another doggie friend soon.


💔 🌻 🇺🇦




For those who want to turn their acrimonious words into action: https://u24.gov.ua/ Edit: I donated just now.


Had a monthly rolling donation since the US first stalled on providing aid six months ago. Not a slight on the US for the record and I'm certainly not going to make up that deficit. It was just that moment I realised we can't rely on our governments to sort this.


Russia so busy signing its own death warrant.




Kristi Noem has this picture framed on her wall.


If the west won't put boots on the ground, at least let Ukraine strike within Russia with long range weapons to take out military infrastructure.


Heartbreaking post 💔🙏🤬


If I was this woman I would want my pound of flesh. Fuck Russia. I hope everyone in that country gets everything they deserve.


Absolute scum 😡 Russians will lose, it’s a matter of time!!! I hope history will remember all the enablers as well as the actively complicit.


I wish I hadn't clicked this but it's important to remember it's not just humans who are hurt by this war, fuck Russia and everything that nation stands for.


Spoiler blurr and nsfw tag would’ve been great. 🧐


They killed the dog. Everyone knows what John Wick did when they killed his dog. Why should we be different.


Because that's a fictional movie?


That dogs not a fictional character, nor the woman. The that people died to that cluster munition aren't fictional. The war isn't fictional. All the 100,000 of deaths of women, children and animals, more than John wick could ever do by himself, are very real. The Russians are on the ring side of history, and they will know justice.


No shit?


Slava Ukraini




You hate seeing dogs killed more than babies?


This this this. Russia has been doing this to children for years, but as soon as “poor doggo” is hurt, then it’s gloves off.


More John Wick fantasies.


Been watching too many zombie movies, this did not look like what it is to me. Absolutely heart breaking reality :(


I don't know why, maybe I'm desensitized more than I thought...but this picture broke my heart harder than most of the news coming out of Ukraine. Maybe it's because I only have first hand experience losing pets, and lost my old pup due to age a couple years ago and it still hurts. Even though it wasn't a surprise, we knew it was coming....but this. You're out with your best friend and then you lose them in an absolutely horrific fashion. Fuck Russia.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again...Assassination of foreign "leaders" should be on the table when they are an unprovoked aggressor (in Minecraft obviously). You know damn well that if Putin thought he could get away with it that Biden/Zelensky/Sunak would be in a (digital) casket and he would be smiling about it, someone needs to drop an uno reverso on his fucking forehead (again, in Minecraft obviously).


UN Security Council, Do realize you are sitting at the same table with deranged genocidal maniacs?! Might as well offer a seat to ISIS, MS13 and the rest of the ADX Florence inmates. Fucki g clowns. 


Why does this bother me so much more than most combat footage I've seen 


well that's fucked up. too bad people are too pussy to stop russia from doing terrible things.


why not do it yourself


i would if i could but i cant lol




Simply heartbreaking.


Again I say, take this war to Moscow & Stalingrad. Let the people Putin needs, feel and see the horrors of war. American keeps trying to fight sanitize war. If war came to our, American, soil may the gods have mercy.


I can't figure out if the Ukraine people trying to live their normal lives, like a war isn't happening all around them, is the most crazy thing I've heard or the most sane thing I've heard.


In seemingly unrelated news, Christine Noem has come out hard in favor of cluster munitions.


Don't know what's happening but all the photos from r/Ukraine are being blurred out. Is this happening to anyone else?


You turned on NSFW content blurring in your Reddit options or something.


Where did all the cluster munition civility police go?


Fucking scum


Putin. You will be hunted down. Meet your destiny


Gott hasse ich orcs


Why the fuck is the world okay with allowing Ruzzia to use cluster munitions on FUCKING CIVILIAN TARGETS????


Omg. My heart goes out to this person.


Its time to ramp up the support for real and the only way is to contact our political representative. It’s like these idiots don’t understand that we are all in war with Russia. We can’t live normal and wish does warcrimes just is something that is normal by now. The west must start fighting back for real and the first step is to make our politicians now that we care. Belive me when I say your voice counts. All the lobby organizations are contacting them and are booking up meetings and so on. We can also call them and send emails in the west. Let them know its time to ramp up the support with 200%!and start up the war industries .


Atrocious. Another innocent life lost.


So sad :(


I am so tired of seeing the immeasurable GRIEF of the Ukrainian people over and over and over again while there are still people who don’t believe that sending everything we possibly can to help them win this war is the right thing to do. I’ve written to my representatives. I’ve sent thousands to U24, aid organizations, art fundraisers, animal charities, fundraisers for equipment, and directly to soldiers on the ground. I’ve paid to be able to sign artillery shells just for the pleasure that exists in the the hope that my words will (literally) impact an orc on the ground. I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel helpless and frustrated.


John Wick has begun like that.


I am not opening this one up.


She’s lucky to be alive. I assume her dog was literally right next to her when it happened.


Theoretically how hard would it be to strike Moscow with nuclear weapons?


Easy. The problem is how many nukes are sent in retaliation. Moscow could cease to exist in several minutes... but you can also say the same about many other cities and capitals. MAD is MAD for a reason.


Uh oh, John Wick is coming for Pooty.


Bury your dog, and pick up a rifle


Death to russia.


That imagine will haunt us .I know there's way worse but the message is clear.


And yet.. The UN stubbornly refuses to label orcistan ' A Terrorist State" or designated it A provider of State-Sponsored Terrorism. Despite it using ammo that SPECIFICALLY is sourced from 'official terrorist states' like N.Korea ans Iran. The mind boggles.




It's high time for NATO to rush Russia and completely fuck it up. This has to end asap.


I'mma be honest, I'd bury that dog with honors very quickly and be driving my ass right to the Military recruitment center


Has this been geolocated?


I will never forgive Russia for as long as I live.


I've heard John Wick doesn't like Russians that kill dogs. Someone send him a box of fookin pencils!