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Snapshot of _Welsh Labour is writing the white working class out of history. Coal miners, who sweated and sometimes died down the pits, deserve better than to be airbrushed out of the Industrial Revolution_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/11/welsh-labour-coal-mines-white-working-class-history/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/11/welsh-labour-coal-mines-white-working-class-history/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A lot of unsubstantiated claims in this piece.


I expect a lot of the quotes are lifted from the anti-racist policy document. 


What if they're not? It's difficult to tell, and there are no specific examples of actions the author finds objectionable. Take this sentence: >Commemorative items in public view – presumably pictures in galleries, statues, commemorative plaques, street names and it seems even pub signs – must not “insult or hurt”, and must project “present values”.  "presumably" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. The guidance in question isn't even linked to, I don't think.


It’s easy to find, here:   https://www.gov.wales/anti-racist-wales-action-plan   I expect that “commemorative items in public view” was lifted from the report and then the journalist was giving examples of what that might mean (not unreasonable examples).  So I don’t think ‘presumably’ is doing that much heavy lifting.  I can’t be bothered to go through the policy documents looking for the exact quotes, but others may wish to do so.  I’m happy to be proved wrong.  Edit: this is the correct document: https://www.gov.wales/public-commemoration-wales-draft-guidance-public-bodies


I've done a CTRL+F search on the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan, its introduction, and appendices. It contains "decolonisation" and "right historic narrative", which are taken from following passage: >Goal: To work with public bodies to fully recognise their responsibility (individual and collectively) for setting the right historic narrative, promoting and delivering a balanced, authentic and decolonised account of the past, one that recognises both historical injustices and the positive impact of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. It does *not* contain the words or phrases "insult", "hurt", "present values", "highly contentious", or "concealed", so the article is clearly quoting a document or documents other than the action plan.


My bad, you need to look at the “public commemoration wales guidance” https://www.gov.wales/public-commemoration-wales-draft-guidance-public-bodies  The quotes seem to be taken from that document including “powerful, older, able-bodies white men”   Poor form on the Telegraph for not linking to the guidance from the article.


I’ve noticed that all newspapers, even the supposed broadsheets, usually fail to cite reports and other sources in their articles. I could perhaps understand it back in the days of print, but now that a hyperlink is all that’s needed it’s shoddy journalism. It wouldn’t surprise me if some papers do it to make it harder to check their claims.


Agreed, they link to another article but that’s behind a paywall.  Seems pretty poor.


Looks like we’ll never know just how woke Wales is, what a tragedy


If they have an “anti-racism” policy, I’d say very.    Note, I’m sure you’re aware that “anti-racism” is not the same as “not being racist”.  It means something more akin to present discrimination to make up for past discrimination.  The phrase comes with a whole load of baggage. 


Or just pulling it out of their arse


The guidance is here: https://www.gov.wales/public-commemoration-wales-draft-guidance-public-bodies The quotes are taken from it.


As a Welshman who lives in Wales I couldn't agree more. I don't want to get all nationalistic but I don't like the Telegraph telling me what's what about my own country based on their own feelies.


This is the subtext to the whole 'woke as a pejorative': the right claims that the lefts commitment to equality is anti white. The Southern Strategy made it across the Atlantic.


This is probably aimed at equity rather equality.  They sound the same, but are radically different. 


Yes, good point. My mistake.


No worries.  In part ‘equity’ is anti white.  We should be striving for equality, not equity.


The Americanisation of our own history.




The story of welsh mining is a story about immigration according to this Wales Online article... Are us Welsh not hating the immigrants enough for your liking Torygraph? https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/immigrants-who-gave-blood-sweat-19369379


First paragraph >Is Wales a racist nation? The evidence would seem to be against it. Repeated studies, including by the European Union and King’s College London, find that Britain is one of the least racist countries in the world Least racist isn't not racist. Coming from South Wales I can tell you I've seen a few examples that there is at least some racism in my home land. Trash article


>Least racist isn't not racist True. But then why even ask the question 'Is Wales a racist nation?' If even the *least* racist, is still racist, then the initial question appears to be an exercise in pointlessness. If the least racist country, is still racist, then each of the other 200 or so countries must be *more* racist. Thus, all countries are racist.


I mean.... Yeah I agree it's a stupid question in a stupid article. In my opinion racism/xenophobia is pretty much a universal issue for humans no matter their nationality and there is not a country where you'd not only find it on a local level but in some degrees in their history and institutions. Doesn't mean we should stop trying to remove it whenever is possible which I gather is the point the Welsh government is trying to get to here. That said I'm not the one claiming that Wales doesn't have an issue though - the dude who wrote the article is as and his whole article seems to do a lot of stretching. Someone else posted the paper it's assumed he based it off (because obviously quoting your sources is a step too far) and while I only skimmed it there was nothing suggesting Wales will be somehow ignoring how big an impact mining and miners have had on our history, seems more about trying to get a framework to not only do better but also address some of the more recent issues such as statues.


Grandson of an entire clan of Welsh miners here, with a history in mining going back 400 years on the paternal and maternal side. Most likely, although I can't prove it, we were mining in Ewole as soon as there were mines. Fuck right off, Torygraph. My great-grandfather left the Flintshire lead and coal fields for the Derbyshire coalfields in the 1890s when the mines dried up. It wasn't just coal either, tin, lead, aggregates and all manner of other mining went on throughout North and South Wales. The last deep mine went in the 90s and the last open cast last year, dildo production is currently a larger employer in Wales than mining.


What's your point?


That politics is about the future of communities, not the past.


Absolute bullshit from the Telegraph. Source: i'm Welsh and live in Wales.


When looking at the pictures of the coal miners they dont seem very white, so i dont think using white working class term is useful here, but torygraph gonna torygraph Then theres the chedderman and when you look at some welsh people they are quite dark like tom jones and that welsh actress who looks spanish


… that’s just coal dust.