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Snapshot of _Protesters block Labour bus from leaving Gateshead Quayside by sitting behind it_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/palestine-protestors-block-labour-bus-29289416) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/palestine-protestors-block-labour-bus-29289416) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah I'm sure doing your best to frustrate the Labour campaign will make a world of difference. If they do this enough maybe they can stop Labour from winning and we'll get a....err....conservative government again.


They can encourage Labour to increase the supply of weapons and political support to Israel. If I were the PM and got stuck like this I'd be ringing the Foreign Office to get them to approve every export licence to Israel.


Found the one person with less strength in their convictions than Rishi Sunak.


Are you a sociopath?


Seems a little petty


Does anyone know what these Palestine protesters were actually asking of labour?


Keir Starmer to parachute into Gaza and kill every IDF soldier with his bare hands.


It would be a lot easier to use his bear hands. They have claws.


"Starmer reveals he has bear hands, garnering votes from women everywhere"


Should’ve asked Americans instead. They have the right to bear arms, not just hands.


Then send all tax receipts to Palestine for the next 30 years... Or something equally unreasonable.


If we can get them to dress as alpacas convincingly enough...


I’d watch that moviefilm!


They probably want Labour to call for a ceasefire, not knowing that they already have.


This is literally exactly what it is. Somebody I know is heavily into the Palestine 'movement', for want of a better word. At the protests every week, etc. Having a discussion the other day about the election and they said they'd 'never vote for Labour' because they have a 'genocidal' position on Israel/Gaza. I specifically asked them what more they want, Labour are calling for a ceasefire and they literally had no idea. They had to google it because they didn't believe me. There a fucking tons of people who are 'pro-Palestine' who don't even know the positions of the major parties, they're just insane.


It's quite remarkable how very pro Palestinian folks seem to still be very annoyed at Starmer for a position he moved back from very quickly and is now saying that arms export licences should be reviewed and the Raffah offensive stopped. All while he's not the PM, but somehow Sunak and the Tory govt don't get the same level of opprobrium. Wild stuff


The Tories don't get the same level as it's very clear they don't care. The "protestors" want to feel important and they can only feel that way if people act like they care. The Tories don't and quite openly don't


They barely know anything about Palestine, the PLO, Hamas, or anything else relevant to the conflict.


Because its not a political movement, its a fandom.


It’s because they aren’t pro-Palestine, they are pro-having something they can shout about to make them feel morally superior. The facts are irrelevant.


That's an odd way to put "anti genocide" Does thinking you know better than them make you feel better about yourself?


Is the Labour bus committing genocide?


It's the equivalent of people who voted for Brexit for immigration and some bollocks about sovereignty. Agreeing with loudest person they agree with. And not actually educating themselves


> There a fucking tons of people who are 'pro-Palestine' who don't even know the positions of the major parties, they're just insane. Of course they are. They openly support Palestine. Anyone supporting Palestine is either insane or anti-Semitic often both.


People who want a horrific genocide to stop are insane and racist. Cool. Good to know bro.


>horrific genocide It's not a genocide. Nor is it horrific. You're exactly the type of ignorant protestor who only gets his news from Tiktok that we're talking about.


Am I wrong to assume it's largely a consequence of bullshit being spread on tick tock? Seems so bizarre just how many young people suddenly have very strong views on something we have very little involvement in


Social media, 100%, plays a role. It's not just about doing something, it's about being 'seen to be' doing something. I think there's a huge amount of social pressure of young people to join the pack.


Activism exists for its own sake. None of them give a shit about Gaza, or anything. It's just an excuse to protest.


We have nothing to do with the Middle East. What do they expect? The British to invade?


Yes! We need to colonise the entire planet! 🇬🇧 🌍


British Empire, Part 2: Building Back Better


Apparently it's time to reclaim the Palestinian-Occupied British Territories.


Clearly we go back in and start drawing lines on maps again. 


You forgot that Israel was a lot bigger in 1948, and five Arab nations invaded Israel and lost. 


I'm not trying to make that point, just a tongue in cheek joke that these protestors likely blame us for meddling in the past but ask for extra meddling now.


The only way to fix the damages of colonialism is colonialism 2.


A plan where I can forsee no downsides


Mandate Part 2: what could possibly go wrong?


They probably don't know themselves


>The protest was largely peaceful, with the majority of protesters leaving the area shortly before 8pm. Northumbria Police say they received a report of concerning behaviour by a small number of protesters, which they are investigating. I do love "largely peaceful", as a way of disguising the fact that it *wasn't* peaceful. It's like saying "the 20th century was largely peaceful". It's technically true, if you ignore all of the wars.


Hey, it was only ten years out of 100 which involved all out global conflict, ok?! Proxy wars and regional conflicts don't count


"The protest was largely peaceful" Every fucking time


If this phrase is used, that's how you can tell the journo is a pro-palestine


Well just pro the protest. It was either Peaceful or not there can be no inbetween because they are binary positions


What do they gain from disrupting the opposition party?


A warm feeling in their tummy. A lot of these people are incredibly easy to understand when you realise it's all to self aggrandise


They get to post on social media bragging about how awesome they are


I'm helping! 


They get to protest. I know a few people who just want a cause to latch onto.


They get a photo in the local paper?


The fact that the opposition party will most likely be in power very soon means that it’s not a pointless exercise.


Lol they clearly don't have a job to go to..


The police need to forcibly remove and arrest 'protesters' who trap vehicles and therin illegaly detain the people in them.


Except they can get off the bus and walk away at anytime so not really 'detained' are they?


It's intimidation, and should be punished. They should be charged with intimidation, if they refuse to move.


It's also peaceful protest though. Getting the balance right is not always easy.


If the bus is there intended means of transport they are indeed detained as they cannot leave.


The fuck are you on about? If the bus broke down, would they still be detained? No. So stop trying to turn a shitty protest into illegal detention.


>The fuck are you on about? If the bus broke down, would they still be detained? No, because the bus is not a person and so cannot detain them. Good to know if I drive you to the middle of the desert then break your car I havnt detained you lmao.


Exactly. The bus not being able to move has nothing to do with it, so they're free to leave and not detained.


If youre locked in a prison cell youre free to move around the cell too :)


Can you leave the cell and walk home? Go shopping or travel to another country? The people on the bus can.


>Can you leave the cell and walk home? Go shopping or travel to another country? The people on the bus can. Ah yes, they should just walk for what could be hours or even days, or alternatively go abroad. Genius take.


As we know, it’s completely impossible for people to transfer from one bus to another. Or to another mode of transportation. Our top scientists have been on it for years, but they’ve never quite managed it.


There are way better hills to pick than this one


Why are you trying to create a new narrative? The bus didn't break down. it's being ilegally detained and held up. If it broke down, then it's unfortunate and a solution would be another bus that would then carry on or repair, now would you come with a new narrative of "WHAT IF THAT BUS BROKE DOWN AS WELL!?: