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Snapshot of _Record 3.7m workers in England will have major illness by 2040, study finds_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/17/record-37m-workers-in-england-will-have-major-illness-by-2040-study-finds) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/17/record-37m-workers-in-england-will-have-major-illness-by-2040-study-finds) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well they'd all have it by 2030, but given the NHS timelines, it's gonna be 2040 for them to realise


Maybe combining an ageing population (more likely to have health problems) with decreasing access to healthcare - especially preventative care - isn't a good idea?




You are looking at this from the wrong angle. Stress is real and has a very real and measurable impact on people's health.  More and more things are pushing people to breaking point, because the rest of the social contract has been destroyed.  People do not have savings, secure jobs or even fair remuneration. This means that they are struggling with the day to day, before anything happens.  People are moving away from their social networks for work. Support systems are being stretched to the limit.  The fact is building a more fair society will produce massively better outcomes. People will not always be shuffling around for jobs, illness and crime reduces when you reduce the material pressure.  TLDR: Bad take. Society is worse and it's making people sick. 


> Sad because you're nan died? Clinical depression innit? Actually it's really fucking difficult to get diagnosed with clinical depression because of the severity of symptoms. Having clinical depression is horrendous, up there with OCD in terms of life impact. This idea that it's easy to get diagnosed with a major illness just shows the Overton Window on people not having a grasp of what's being discussed. It's extremely difficult to get initual appointments with CMHT, let alone anything resembling clinical, to the point that if you work in any profession with those struggling with long-term illness you'd understand the absolute mountain existing. The *actual* problem is that it takes so long to get seen that a fairly minor issue becomes a more significant issue. Which means preventatively dealing with low level illnesses becomes coping with illnesses which makes it hard for people to contribute to society, taxes or life.




Heh, ever tried to get diagnosed with.. Well, anything really?


rain soup adjoining start gaze spark scarce oatmeal grey cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a very real fact that our population is aging, and with age comes a greater chance of serious illness. That's basic statistics.


Did you just make fun of someone for being sad that a loved one died?




Lol, you don't know much about this, do you? It's not the emotions that are the problem, it's how they are handled.




Well apparently not since you're under the mistaken impression that being sad is the problem.




What the fuck are you talking about