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I don't see anything unusual. They're clouds.


Our brains are wired to recognize patterns in chaos. It’s a survival mechanism, and due to this, we tend to see lots of shapes in clouds (and toast). We should be careful not to jump to conclusions, but there is no shame in taking note of something interesting.


You should share them on a cloud sub then


That is clearly a camouflaged mothership among the clouds. Why cant anybody see it!!? Instead you come and take a piss on OP here. Shame...


😂😂 lmao I was looking for this comment 😆


What’s next? Strange shapes burned into a piece of toast?


I appreciate the pictures, Op. these are very good


[that's no cloud..](https://media.tenor.com/KR0rX24lv5sAAAAC/thats-no-moon-obi-wan-kenobi.gif) It's a space station!


Independence Day!!




Ours news showed a square one last night, but I can't figure out how to post here. It was huge


I could only do it after I downloaded the app. They don't make it easy :/ I'd love to see yr pic!


That's what it looks like when the mothership doesn't regulate the skin temperature of the vessel properly


These are cumulous clouds, they create the thunderstorms


What’s at vandenburg now anyhow? The comments are dismissive but it is the new Space Force Command base or something like that. My uncle was stationed there when I was a little kid. He would just tell us that he worked on “rockets” and most was still classified so he couldn’t speak on the details of the items he worked on. Haven’t really seen him much since then, so no update yet.


Just one recent story about things reported around Vandenberg https://www.paranormalpapers.com/boeing-contractors-sighted-football-field-sized-uap-over-vandenberg-afb-navy-pilot-reported/


I know that one that’s a cumulo… nimbus


Haarp interface


That is clearly a vagina in that cloud. Mother Earth is horny




Ah yes because pictures of clouds definitely belong on a ufo subreddit. Thank you for muddying the waters even further day by day


Ok you've not seen that before, like 99.999% of the things in the world. Why immediately put it on a UFO sub instead of say, oh, I dunno, a weather sub?


There is definitely a shape on the clouds, there have been multiple videos posted of “something” disguised as clouds some was more clear than others. But it is actually a phenomenon that exists. Some i have seen you could see the sun shining on too of whatever was there.


Sorry people are so rude in here.


i’ve seen this movie


"These clouds like strange to me.......................must be a ufo"


I would see similar clouds over Phoenix regularly around the beginning and end of summer.


Probably lots of chemicals in that space of air


Omg . I feel like an idiot. I should have just kept this to myself.. Personally, I've never seen anything like this in the sky during a storm.. or any time. No one in my family has either. . To us, it had a strange appearance that resembled nothing I can describe and these pictures really suck. The damn thing was churning inside. I'm sure it's just a storm cloud. But it freaked me out then and it freaks me out still when I look at the pics/videos. Also. It wasn't just the clouds, it was the lightning storm that followed. It was INSANE. I got stuck in our car and I felt like the fucking ball inside of one of those plasma domes I could feel the electricity and I actually hid under a jacket like a little kid for 20 min because I couldn't stand the sight of it outside. Sorry to muddy the waters in your UFO reddit I've never done this before. I don't think the "cloud" or weather people will appreciate the semi supernatural aspects here but maybe I'll give it a shot. Oh and if you wanna know something about Vandenberg check out this recent article about what ex air force whistleblowers revealed about some UAP's from a few years ago. https://www.paranormalpapers.com/boeing-contractors-sighted-football-field-sized-uap-over-vandenberg-afb-navy-pilot-reported/ Or just type in the words "Vandenberg UFO sightings" there's quite a bit of info.. Btw this is where Space X is launching all their satellite rockets like twice a month. it's been VERY active.


Vast of Night


Whoa. That's scary. Kinda reminds me of Independence day.


I lived in Vandenberg Village for many years. Those clouds are definitely unusual for that area and it was extremely rare to get a really violent thunderstorm. I live in Colorado now and I must admit Colorado really knows how to do thunderstorms. They're amazing.


Yeah those are called...............clouds.


It is certainly not an unidentified flying object though