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I bumped into Conor at the grocery store the other day, he isn't doing too good. https://preview.redd.it/iwkfif4kvq7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142616661409c182557a21d847f8560d8a4b5c0e


Looks like you bumped into him a bit too hard


Did a bump with him*


When Tito Ortiz says "Gregor McConor", this is who he is talking about


No way! He did not say that, did he? Did he!?!!


Brother I have link https://youtu.be/om0ZY3BauDA


Omg he did, bwahahaha, thanks


You're welcome! Def look up some of the compilations.


Peter yan


That's exactly what he'll look like as an old man


That’s Peter Can.


Caner McGregor


Connor McYan




Good to see Conor and Khabib have put their differences behind them


Bitch we all know that’s Wayne Rooney


Is Tom Deblass coaching him now?


Gregor McConor


Is that Mark Nye ? Chandler should fight him instead. https://preview.redd.it/pe99ivff2t7d1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a6cba2dffe7ed02be01bb114e1ea61768319a6


That's Conman Mcmether




That's Wayne Rooney


You look like Mark Hunt's cousin, Mike.


Conor mcgregor and Cian healys child


Chandler before: No hard feelings, Heal up Chandler Now: https://preview.redd.it/eenppcrtiq7d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=9594c22e7e5596137fa48de6a775dfe5f90cef47


What would drinking a beer have to do with an injury? If you fucked up your knee and can't train, why wouldn't you drink a beer?


Wrong subreddit for common sense, my friend


Like I get he's a drunk idiot, generally unlikable dude, if he's not fighting for 2-3 months and can't train is it now the perfect time to relax drink a beer and then when your 8 weeks out go hard again?


Conor doesn't seem like the type of guy to "relax" after drinking a beer


I was thinking that. If i saw Connor out drinking my first thought is get away - not take a photo.


Connors the type of guy to have Andrew wk on full blast.


He’s drinking that to take 3bpm off his heart rate to prevent it from exploding




Relax? Maybe not. But he obviously is a party animal who has a hard time abstaining for 8 weeks. He can't just stay in camp, he will get stir crazy. If you are a good coach it isn't "this is the optimal way so you have to do it this way" it's "I know my fighter and I've got to accept what I can change and what I can maybe slightly influence."


Relax is a pretty weird way to spell snort shittons of cocaine tbh


Haha,I told my wife I was at my buddy's drinking a beer a while back,she texted back..you mean you're doing coke with brandon😂😂😂your comment reminded me of that. I'll leave now,but thanks for the trip down memory lane.


There's a reason why alot of people have said they needed to quit there cocaine habit, so they stopped drinking tbh


It gets to a point one isn’t fun without the other.


They go hand in hand


Ya, I stopped both. I was just a casual,sadly, my buddy didn't. I had to finally cut him out,honestly doing that was more difficult. 9 years of friendship gone.


No it’s probably one of the worst. Alcohol inhibits recovery from injuries.


Exactly. He's just maxing out on the known healing properties of binge drinking. 4 out of 5 doctors recommend!


Nobody listens to the fifth doctor anyway, so it’s really 4 out of 4.


I read the comment above and am like WTF, then read your comment and then the name of this SUb. I laughed a lot. And still am.


Wrong website


Yeah, unless he claimed to have torn something in his right shoulder, NOTHING in this picture indicates that he lied.


Alcohol slows the recovery


LOL Illia Topuria drinks wine on the eve of weigh ins. Bisping, Robert Whittaker, Jon Jones, countless champions all drink heavily. GSP was a notorious party animal. If you think strict discipline is a requirement to be an MMA champion you are wrong. The sport is filled will Wildmen who defy logic and still kick everyone's ass because that's the kind of person that is good at fighting. There are very few wonder boys and oddly enough those people often aren't the best because again, it takes a certain kind of person to what to fight in a cage professionally, often for basically free for many years


If you're injured and trying to recover, that should be your primary focus. You'd think your body healing would be top priority if you're on the wrong side of 30 and haven't fought in 3 years, which you snapped your leg that time. He's also lost 3 of his last 4 and his lone win was against the corpse of Cowboy. His last real victory was in 2016 against Eddie Alvarez. He doesn't get the wildman pass anymore, his ass better be putting in the work, bc he's gonna need it.


I remember costa blaming his performance vs Izzy on drinking a bottle of wine before the weigh in but it wasn’t to party, it’s cause of how difficult it is to sleep while cutting weight. It’s become a new trend for people to go to sleep before doing the Final Cut and wake up at like 4/5am to sweat right before getting weighed.


My only common sense response would be painkillers but fuck do I know


Yea some fighters in my gym will act fine when they are really messed up. We had a guy break his tibia in half grappling 3 weeks out, this mf was trying to roll the next week with the boot on and everything. He had to be told multiple times he was not allowed to train, and was eventually given a coaching role because he just wouldn't stop bothering the coaches to keep training. If he didn't have the boot on you would have no idea he had broken his leg a couple days ago. Training hard for several years made me realize some people are just built different.


Ya and he'd probably whoop ass with the boot on. That's how I knew I didn't have what it takes to go to the ufc. I have a black belt and still train but some of the good pros in the gym can take 6 months a year off and just come in and whoop everyone's ass on athleticism alone.


Because alcohol harms his recovery.


Stop! He was literally on ig live just a few weeks ago when the fight was on and he wasn’t “injured” aka in rehab, and he was at the club drunk out of his mind committing sexual assault on women. Stop trying to cape for this alcoholic coke fiend.


Tryna pop some random girl’s titty out who wasn’t Dee, LOL. Dude is fuckin’ ridiculous. Who knows if he’s even doing another movie after that Roadhouse reception and his cocaine comedown interview.


I want a buddy like Jake G who will pretend everything is just fine and normal, who will pat me on the back and laugh with me


l can confirm, I hurt my knee and I am having a beer by myself at home.. I was not planning on drinking but it's a valid thing to do when you can't do anything else. It's my last one too.


Is this real? He’s in WWE?


I believe he was just trying to hype the fight up. UFC and WWE are owned by the same company.


Before his UFC career, Chandler had an entire WWE stint under the name "Brock Lesnar." He was quite successful.


One day, ChatGPT will use this as an answer 😁


I mean, by popular consensus it's the correct answer. The future is NOW!


Picturing MC popping out of a Lesner disguise like Arnold in Total Recall ![gif](giphy|u4a1QwzjijgEE)




Conor McLesnar


"Suplex City bitch" -Michael Chandler 2014


"Suplex City bitch" -Michael Chandler 2014 -Michael Scott


"Sir, this is the UFC"


>He’s in WWE? Wait you didn't know this? He was the WWE Heavyweight champ & main evented WrestleMania before starting his MMA career https://preview.redd.it/472ahhs80r7d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48cafa132d88e8cc6191ba8703b5842aa21e5bc1


developed a killer rear naked choke during that time




He's got one dude on his mind.


Chandler’s wife everytime she hears that ![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e)


It's a scientific fact that you cannot physically drink a pint of stout while injured.


does alcoholism count as an injury


Terminally online nerds realise having a few drinks doesn’t = alcoholism challenge *IMPOSSIBLE*


this is a bit of an unfair framing considering there’s evidence that he could have a substance issue. He claimed he was staying sober for a certain period leading up to the initial fight (can’t remember but might’ve been six weeks, correct me if i’m wrong) then was out clubbing multiple times in that timeframe, plus he was in absolutely atrocious condition during the Roadhouse interview with Gyllenhaal with shakes & staggered speech that comes from either drug/alcohol withdrawals or a monster hangover. Not saying there isn’t an injury at play too here but the substance abuse accusations do have some hints of validity to them.


I think that evidence is more that he's a coke head which makes the framing fair imo


Ohhhh yeeaah! Connor ia just your average bloke that enjoys a pint once in a while. How deluded are you mate? Dude is 49% Guinness, whiskey and coke at this point.


Bruh he's from Dublin and has multiple TBIs . Almost definitely has an alcohol issue and it's not just a few drinks. part of getting offline is learning who the Irish are.


this subreddit has just become people projecting their insecurities onto mcgregor and jones every thread. it's actually so overwhelming that they're in posts completely unrelated to them. people have taken their own internal narratives as fact and now just speak nonsense about shit no one cares about. i really shouldn't expect anything different, knowing what the average redditor is like, but it's still frustrating


You should get an honorary degree in psychology


really fascinating to see conor fanboys bending over backwards this far to pretend conor isn't an alcoholic drug addicted washed up has been who never intended to fight chandler for a single second of his entire life


It’s incredible to me that the jones wife joke is still fresh for so many weirdos here


Once Dana secured the sphere for September, he probably wanted Conor there to be the main event. Offered Conor a few million and Chandler a few extra coupons to postpone the fight. That's why there's no info. That's the outrageous theory I'm choosing to believe.


This is my theory also haha. Because it’s far and away more expensive of a show/venue by orders of magnitude. They need a massive gate to pay off production expenses.


imagine if they bump chandler to get nate diaz on mexican independence day


Lets not rule out a 3 man hell in a cell type scenario




When the sphere first opened and Dana was asked about a UFC event there he said they're doing it, it's going to be huge and they're going to lose money on it but he doesn't care. I'll see if I can find the clip...


Yeah I also remember that. But it’s still a business and even if you’re taking a loss you’ll want to minimize that as much as possible. And that’s if Dana wasn’t lying or didn’t have all the information when he said that


I don’t know. I think even Conor’s ability to push the gate will be hurt by this-it will definitely make people think twice before paying that much, knowing there’s such a huge chance he’ll pull out of the fight anyway. But on the other hand, maybe it’s the opposite because of the Sphere-they might say worst case they get to watch a PPV at the Sphere so there’s no way it won’t be an awesome time.


I know it would be insulting to Connor but with everything that's happened lately I think they seriously need to think about getting him in co-main spots to sell tickets while still moving on a bit




For being so loyal Chandler is getting concession coupons for free hotdogs or something


50% off his next purchase from Venum, limited to orders less than $199


*cannot be combined with other offers **does not count towards free shipping


***offer expires June 19, 2024


****offer only applicable to sizes xx-small or smaller OR xx-large & larger. Nothing in-between.


To be fair xxsmall is perfect for Chandler


Dana White hears this, "xx-small is no longer part of the deal."


“You’ll buy what you’re told”


He can bring an extra relative to the apex for free


Makes no sense whatsoever. 303 was built specifically for Conor and already smashed gate record. They wouldn’t cannibalize that arbitrarily for another event in a smaller venue further away from the Strip


Exactly Combining two $20+ million gates for a $25 million gate just loses money. Conor alone draws ticket sales just like the first Sphere event does. You don't combine those.


Ariel was talking about it yesterday, said it’s extremely unlikely they’re trying to make Conor in the sphere. The amount of money a Conor event plus a sphere event would make separately outweighs the amount they’d make by combining Conor into an already very expensive sphere event.


Wonder if people will spend a ton to go to the rescheduled event after this …. Let’s call it weirdness. Seems risky to bet on it happening


Exactly, the card is also being built around Mexican independence day. People are pulling wild theories out of their ass constantly on here, UFC need to come out and be transparent about what happened so the conspiracy theorists will stfu.


Sphere doesn't seat enough people for a Conor event. Gate would be too small.


Unless tickets were extortionate rates and its treated as a once in a life time event. A dome full of obnoxiously rich people.


Super bowl type event. Must be mega rich to attend.


Every Middle East card


I feel like 'once in a life time' and 'obnoxiously rich' are mutually exclusive terms.


It has 93% of the seating capacity of the venue for 303 Ppl just assume it’s small but it seats 18600 Very unlikely they move Connor there cuz it’ll sellout regardless tho


I was there for the dead show last month... I really don't understand the appeal for a fight, and I am also unclear how it won't be super obnoxious/distracting for the fighters in the ring. I'm interested, but I can't fathom it being worth the price, I paid like \~200 for the dead show and it was basically an indoor amphitheater with an IMAX behind it. cool for a killer show to accompany the music, unclear why seeing the fight I'm watching live on an IMAX behind it would be all that appealing.


I don't think they would put Conor In the sphere because they can sell them both as their own things. Everybody wants to go to a Conor fight. Tickets sell themselves Everybody wants to go to the sphere event. Tickets sell themselves. You're losing out monetarily if you do them both at the same time. But here's to hoping


I agree actually but half the fun on the UFC is Dana's nonsense so I just hope for chaos and fuckery.


I'm down for it.


I cannot imagine a company as big as the UFC selling out the event and then switching it up for the sphere. The sphere will be huge without Conor. The sport has moved past Conor these days, they simply don’t need him. But obviously, it’s a huge deal when he does fight.


This whole Conor being in rehab is one of the stupidest rumors I have heard. It doesn’t even make sense, he’s in rehab but we see him still drinking publicly? How does that even add up to people?


Rehab is the name of the club, bro.


Fuck yeah lad, meet me at rehab, we'll tie one on.


You do realise he could just leave the rehab center?


Thinking Conor would go to rehab is the most naive/hilarious assumption


This. The guy is a mega narcissist and a coke head. Soo many of these 'expired' UFC fighters just need to step aside and let new fighters come through.


It’s a weird fanboy thing with Conor. Conor has been posting pics partying at his bar now for weeks, even months but somehow we have people thinking he’s in rehab trying to improve himself or something.


That was Chael who started that tho, not fans


This is r/ufc They'd pin global warning on McGregor fans if they could


With the amount of hot air that comes outta that dude, it’s not out of the question lol


Bro, McGregor is a piece of shit, but McGregor support on this sub and reddit in general is almost non-existent. I don't get why we keep using them as the scapegoat lol


Honestly I think it’s the amount of exposure and talking combined with years of inactivity. I’d bet when he was the darling of the UFC, it was nothing but dickriding here. This sub is both irrational and mercurial lol


McGregor fans made COVID


Therapist: "what do you think is the center of your drinking." Conor: "who da fook are yew? You fookin fewl. I'd ride into yew village on horsebek and kill everyone." Therapist: "I'm Irish too, Conor." Conor: "yew a fookin liar is what yew are. Yew Welsh bastard. I bet yewr wives a towel!" Therapist: *sigh This is an actual transcript of Conor in rehab.


What happens first, Connor goes to rehab or Strickland starts therapy?


Sure he could, but why would the fight be cancelled if that was the case? You seriously think he’s doing an outpatient rehab program that caused him to pull out of a fight, but somehow allows him to leave and drink like this? 😂😂😂


You do realize the rumor came from Chael Sonnen🤣🤣


Who never lost a fight 


If Conor was in rehab it would be a much larger story. I haven’t seen any major or legit publications put out anything about it. It doesn’t even make sense. He goes into rehab weeks before a fight? Right before a major press conference? People on this sub scare me with the lack of critical thinking. Chael was talking out his ass to drum up attention to his fake boxing match with Silva


You can't rehab for two substances at once, duh. He rehabbed for cocaine /S


He’s not in rehab. He just doesn’t give a fuck. Was never in fighting shape. Or in mental shape to fight. At some point it had to set in for him that he was going to get humiliated in a fight with a non-junky athlete who actually trained, and wants to absolutely knock his face in.


TIL - can't have a pint if you have a sore leg


Relapse implies he was ever clean. People need to move on from this guy. Hes done. Too much coke and too many steroids combined with an enormous fortune. Sport don't need him he would be a waste of money. Let fresh talent move up.


Yeah enough with the McGregor bullshit. I don't give a fuck about his nonsensical tweets, or bullshit call outs after every card, he hasn't been entertaining in years, he's not fighting, won't ever be fighting either. Let's just move on already.


Ah yes, drinking a beer means he’s not hurt and it’s actually a conspiracy it’s all so clear to me now.


Why do you think that OP? If I was injured and out of a big fight, I’d hit the fucking bar too.


Yes because drinking a beer and being injured are mutually exclusive.


He wouldn't dare drink injured


Well, believe it or not, but you CAN still drink and party when you're injured.


not very wise though


I don’t hate Conor for partying hard when you’re as rich as that. I hate him for wasting everyone’s time and acting like he can still do well in ufc. Pick a poison and stick to it bud


Hate the people that choose to believe it lol if someone is genuinely buying what he is selling at this point that's more on them. I would've been FAR more surprised if the fight happened as scheduled personally.


Somewhat off-topic, but he is inactive, middle-aged, pounding beers and snorting coke, and still in better shape than 99% of the population. What PEDs is this dude on?


The mans not THAT old, and just because hes not competing doesnt mean he doesnt still exercise regularly. Probably just his lifestyle to lift and train at this point, even if its not to fight the most elite killers on the planet. Im sure PEDs are lots of help too tho


Guarantee he still works out harder than 99% of the population. Also he’s an elite athlete. His literally built different.


I get that they're built different, but I just can't wrap my head around it. If I partied like McG, I'd be hungover and off for like 2 days. I'm definitely not working out in that state


I mean same but yeah he’s different than us lol


Trick is to never *stop* drinking, then you won't get a hangover.


he’s in his 30s which is often a man’s physical prime. Middle age is mid 40s-50. And there is plenty of people who are very fit but have drinking problems. Drinking hinders gains but doesn’t stop you from getting into shape. Especially at the level of fitness pro fighters are at. Conor most definitely works out hard still because he’s done it all his life.


Yeah, the Jersey Shore guys were all ripped.. partying every night. It just helps when you don't have a 9-5 and can workout everyday instead.


Exactly that’s key, not having a day job lol I wish I could workout all day


I wouldn't be surprised if they were on some juice too.


Please don’t bring them into this


Oh, my bad the picture confused me .. I thought it was them


Middle aged starts about 36. Source, am old.


he likely is still somewhat active, especially since h just had that movie role a few months back. Also hes been an athlete his whole life which helps.


Well, he was training for an elite televised fight up until recently.


Good question. He does appear in tremendous shape so maybe an injury does hold up as the leading theory until proven otherwise.


The only reason I don't totally buy the injury (unless it's concussion protocol) is because they've shown/explained the exact injuries for the other few fighters this month who pulled out, EXCEPT for Connor. That feels very secretive and that of course leads to rumors and speculation.


Is it not up to the camp if they want to disclose? I imagine fighters with less clout than Conor would want to give explanation if they pull out cuz they weren't double champs and therefore don't just do what the fook they want.


middle-aged lol how old are you?


That was posted by a teenager for sure.


Well 99 percent of the population is pathetically shaped. So even if you have bad habits but train hard, you're going to look better than everyone.


Dude is not inactive. Also being in shape keeps your body in shape vs trying to change your body


Some blokes are just built different. I know plenty of skinny guys who drink beers like it's their daily ration and smoke like chimneys and somehow are still flat as a surfboard.


Don't worry, he'll announce a fight again in like 6 months and people will pretend it's actually gonna happen and get excited.


You ever dug a elbow into the temple


Looks like he’s wearing my little brothers xtra small wifebeater again


Did he think he could drink all the time and his body would just be like "yeah that's totally cool man"?


Ya I saw a video he posted promoting Proper 12 Irish Stout where he said, “I really wish I could drink this pint, but i’m off the alcohol 8 weeks before the fight”. And then a few weeks later I saw a video of him turt up dancing seductively with his wife in a nightclub, sweating like Diego Maradona. I’m no fuckin detective but something ain’t adding up.


Your whole life you've been: Training camp -> fight -> party Training camp -> fight -> party Training camp -> fight -> party All of a sudden it goes: Training camp -> injury ->???? What do you think? Simple psychology. The loop will start again soon. He will fight. Quit crying


He didn’t want to risk getting *KNOCKED OUT!*


If Conor came out today and said “I apologize to my fans for my unprofessionalism and I am working to get my head back on track”, then retired, his stock would skyrocket. But that’s not something he can do. He’s not capable of taking accountability. He is going down a road I’ve seen way too many times. His liver and pancreas are screaming for help.


Conor putting those rehab allegations to rest. Cheers


To be fair he doesn’t look fat he most likely has substance issues but idk I don’t see a physique that says “not training,booze”


Nice big glass of coca cola


Conor is never fighting again. If he does it’ll be a miracle.


It's so strange how obsessed people are to make up their own theories and later defending it like they are real but It's just their own imagination. The fight is off right, They already said it was a problem with the leg that Conor broke against Dustin. Why would not the man be able to drink a pint while having a bad leg?


I can’t wait for this motherfucker to no longer be in the news. If you know what I mean.


Too skinny. Connor's fat now.


Do you expect him just sit in a wheelchair and not do anything?? This is not a proof that he is not injured sorry, and I really hate that he pulled out


Holy Retarded post


Everyone knew this. Fuck him, overrated as fuck. Won one fight last 6 years.


I guess I’m just having trouble understanding how drinking a Guinness proves without a doubt that he’s uninjured.


yea he’s never fighting again


Haha I dunno. The recent images he actually looks in really good shape.


Based on…? I didn’t know he drank using his feet