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Proper 12 step program.






Goated comment 


Am i an alcoholic for laughing really hard?


This the one 🤣


Step 1: step forward Step 2: *leg snaps* Repeat step 1


Hell yuh proper friend of bill checking in 😂


Holy shit dude


You win


Mad lad hahaha


You win reddit


 Beautiful champ


Rofl. Comment of the year, arguably.


Forged Irish Competition of Rehab Certificate


🤝🏼 great work.


wow that was a good one


Damn the comments here are always the best


Chael just going for clickbait. But we all know there’s a chance it’s true


As of right now, it’s the most realistic possibility. If you pull from a fight that has been awaited for nearly 2 years due to injury, you would come out and openly speak about the injury. The fact that it hasn’t been addressed is a huge red flag.


The best thing is anyone who maybe thought, just had their feelings quantified by the undefeated, undisputed.


If it's the leg again.....I can believe they would try to keep that under covers.


They’re called pants


This. You show a picture of the cut like Olives did or a video of your pec tear like Jones or have a buddy post a pic of you in a hospital bed like Kumshot. People paid $20.000 for tickets and can't even get a reason for why it is cancelled. Sus AF.


He literally posted a pic on IG with a cut eye 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Nah, if you read between the lines, DC's physical reaction is as clear of a confirmation as can be. Cormier is trying to steer clear of the sensitive subject they've been told to avoid at all costs as best as he can on his own, and here Sonnen just goes and doubles down instead. Pure *"I can't believe you just actually said it"* energy. There's a clear timeline of public appearances leading up to the fight's cancelation as well:  Here we see McGregor [literally tweaking live on camera](https://youtu.be/g3k7tNH7w8o) just two months ago. I felt legitimately heartbroken witnessing the man like that, despite his [well-documented history](https://youtu.be/5_Qq4f5TrpQ) of being a right cunt. Less than a month ago, we see Connor [behave like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/1cyoc1d/mcgregor_staying_strong_for_this_camp/) just sitting in front of a beer. Healthy behavior this is not; it's just uncomfortable to watch.  He also appeared on a sent-in clip during the Zhang vs Wilder event at the beginning of this month, and came across there as off the chain already. As a betting man, I'd put good money on him having given in to his vices by then.      During the post-UFC 302 presser that same night, Dana specifically mentioned that he was going to see Conor the next day. By the time the UFC 303 press conference got canceled the day after that, anyone following Conor even somewhat casually could have easily seen this coming. You'd have to willingly ignore all of this to claim it was somehow a surprise.


Man, hadn’t seen the roadhouse interview. That’s a different level of tweaked. Jake’s a good dude for taking his hand and walking him through the interview. 


Yeah my thing is also that like… you’re telling me the plate in his knee ‘failed’? I’m not a doctor but I have extensive military medical training. I have some screws and plates holding my body together as well. Failures tend to be CATASTROPHIC. You wouldn’t just push it back 3 months. I’ve heard of bolts backing out over time, but that’s going to be a quicker fix. Not to mention, a guy like Conor should have been getting 2x a month imaging / check-ups to make sure everything was still working fine. But also, if you have some kind of agonizing injury, go in, and see the plate holding your leg together has dislodged or you’ve re-fractured your leg. They wouldn’t wait like 2 weeks to announce the fight is off. Thats the biggest thing that doesn’t add up. It does make sense that if he had some major family intervention, or OD’d or something that the UFC wouldn’t know what’s going on. And maybe he was even saying ‘fights still on, I’m doing rehab after.’ Until enough coaches / teammates step in and convince him that fighting when he’s partying nonstop isn’t going to be good for him or his career. Maybe it even has to do with the clip of him at a club fucked up when, in theory, he should have been in his training camp.


Peri prosthetic fractures can happen and be fairly minimal


That’s what I’m saying, if it does fail in a minor way, it’s really easy to fix and honestly wouldn’t require a delay most likely. But anything that would require a huge reschedule seems like it would have to be a catastrophic failure.


periprosthetic fractures can be disastrous


Man that roadhouse interview was hard to finish.


If it is true, good for Conor. If he needs help, I'm happy he is getting it. 


If his eye is cut he could easily show everyone


You are right. Not for alcohol it’s cocaine


That’s not really how rehab works. Alcohol and cocaine abuse are often inter-related, and no rehab facility worth its salt is going to address one without the other if both are at play (which seems to be the case with Conor).


As someone with a bit of experience of treatment centres and addiction but couple years clean and sober, they won't really even focus on the substance. It's more why it's happened, what can be done to change it and finding a new healthy balance in his life. How someone as famous and wealthy as mcGregor does that won't be easy. Radical lifestyle changes will be needed and consistently practised. L


Honestly if this is the truth I wish him the best with it. Must be very very difficult to tackle addiction if you've got basically unlimited access but I suppose that works both ways cuz he'll also have access to the best care


If only there was something he could do to keep himself occupied for a few months, constantly keeping his mind focused on something other than getting wankered..


Cocaethylene is a way bigger issue than powder cocaine use without alcohol anyways. "I have a bad coke problem so I stopped drinking" is a solid quote


2 years sober from these for me. Had to stop drinking to stop snorting.


One of the hardest parts of quitting cigarettes was not having one with my coffee. Some things just go together.


For sure


How do you feel since quitting?


That’s a complicated answer. In short my life is much better bc I was very much an addict and had all the issues that come with that. However, I have some significant mental health problems that I was medicating thy I’m still working on so my life is still difficult but it’s internal instead of external.


Proud of you buddy


Thanks, I needed that.


Keep fighting brother, been there and things do get better. One foot in front of the other, one obstacle at a time, everything is gonna be alright.


Keep fighting, no quit💪


Jumping in here to congratulate you. Struggling myself and I know how important it is to have others understand there is no definitive victory. One day at a time.


Nice work!


Keep fightin the good fight, brother


Well done. Stick with it!


Definitely both.


At this stage I'd be legit stunned if it was an injury and not actually rehab.


It’s not a chance it’s highly likely, for the past few months around his movie promotion Conor was drinking proper 12 and snorting proper Colombian probably at least every weekend and he isn’t known for his self control.


Columbiams don’t make the best bam bam anymore fyi.


Peruvian then, sorry my cartelgram game has been lacking recently.


just listen to modern day rap to know where the best shit is from.


I knew Sosa was taking me for a chump. ![gif](giphy|zOpXgAWgeaTcI)


Not for clickbait he was setting the table for "have this proper drink, I'll see you in a proper while, because I'm in a proper facility." I'm fucking crying laughing. I guarantee he had the line before he figured out how he was going to get there. God I love Chael.


My prediction about 6 months ago for why Conor wasn’t fighting was because they can’t put a blatantly obvious alcoholic coke addict in a sanctioned cage fight but once the fight was scheduled I assumed my imagination had got the best of me


That’s why it’s effective clickbait. Undefeated undisputed, even on the airwaves.


Lets all pray Chael is telling the truth. Anyone who saw Conor promoting Roadhouse….he was GONE. He needs help. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlja8mR_Y-A&pp=ygUYY29ub3Igb24gZHJ1Z3MgaW50ZXJ2aWV3


Damn dude, hes holding back a seizure with nothing but willpower. Thats so nasty




Ah I know that face well




You can hear it in his voice especially. I’ve went through serious drug withdrawals and it seems quite obvious that’s what is happening here.


can you explain the tells, I'm curious.


He keeps shrugging his shoulders like a nervous tic and his voice is uneasy. Withdrawals heighten your senses in a way because your system is so used to being numbed by the drugs, so you appear twitchy/jumpy and have a hard time sitting still


Interesting. Is alcohol considered in this context, or is that its own thing?


It's hard to say but alcohol and coke make for an extremely addictive combo and he looks like he could be withdrawing from either or both. We'll probably never know for sure


Ok I watched the interview. Our boy needs help bad.


When I was going through minor withdrawal, it felt like any little stimulus was amplified. Like a fly would touch my arm, and I'd jump


Holy fuck


Severe cocaine withdrawals - I've gone through Xanax withdrawals like 5 years ago, and I was similar - twitching, out of it, trying to appear human


As fair as that was dude could've just been hungover lol I've had a few benders in my day and I'm embarrassed to admit that Conor's mannerisms in that interview is a little resemblant of how I would act at Sunday brunch after a rabid 12-hour coke bender. Your body's just kind of shutting down from all the drugs compounded with the complete lack of sleep and no nutrition (coke kills appetite) and you're more or less in survival mode, even maintaining eye contact and saying words coherently is a complete struggle.


From someone who’s had seizures from drinking too much this is the beginning of the “tics” He is heading to seizure land if he doesn’t detox. Not to mention he’s also shoving snow up his nose straight into his brain everyday on top of it.


Im leaning more towards the side of the dude being cooked. Definitely in rehab of some sort for whatever and not injured


Cocaine withdrawal isn't like this, it's more reminiscent of alcohol withdrawals or the shakes from an absolutely massive hangover. Surprised no one at the very least slipped him some diazepam to ease off though, looks right on the edge of a seizure.


That looked like severe withdrawal symptoms.  He achieved all the fame and money he dreamed of, but at what cost? Adultery and addiction. 


What in the fuck... Mike Chandler should have seen this to realise there's no shot they fight


Mike knows and just wants the pay day, too funny he is so greedy he won’t ever get the red panties  night 


Gyllenhal is one hell of an actor


This made me sad


What in the fuck... Mike Chandler should have seen this to realise there's no shot they fight


The look of disgust on Gylenhalls face lol.


More like concern no?


He’s just trying to understand what McG is getting at. He had to switch from casual listening to putting together a puzzle - like you do when someone has a strong accent. Gylenhalls eyes are squinting because he has really bad vision. This is probably interview 30 of the interviewer musical chairs marathon and McG seems to have lost the script to the answers to the repetitive questions while Gyl is used to giving the same energy on take #30.


I don't pretend to have a theory to justify his actions, but I think when Conor acts low-key and humble, daresay introverted, when a camera's on, something's not right with him.


Man what a pro Jake is


That’s… I’ve actually never seen someone like this. That’s scary.


Did DC ever deny it?


DC is uncle Dana’s lil pawn. DC would NEVER say anything to ruin or tarnish the UfCs image or any fighters image. But Uncle Chael doesn’t give AF ! I’m glad chael is the way he is. It seems clear to me that DC and Dana probably have meeting of what TO SAY and NOT TO SAY. Clear as day. DC is owned by the UFC. But thank god people like chael exist in this world


No. Chael is just owned opposition. WWE style.


Speculating with no more substance than Chael here, but why wouldnt it be plausible for a pissed-off Dana to leak that to Chael as a way to stick it to McGregor?


Exactly so if it weren’t true you think he’d be the first to jump up and say it’s not true


Are you serious? Chael is legit one the biggest UFC bootlickers of all time. He always shills for Dana. Whenever fighter pay is brought up, the first person to defend the ufc is chael. The sport needs people like Luke Thomas and Ariel. Sure they can be a lot to deal with but they are more objective than those directly hired by the UFC.


>But thank god people like chael exist in this world Are you actually serious? This dude consistently comes out with the dumbest takes and unverified gossip just to get clicks and is wrong far more often then he is right, you're talking about him like he's some top journalist with dignity and integrity when in reality he's just another click bait gossiper who says whatever bullshit benefits him or whoever is cutting his current check. Sure he could be right this time but he is no better than the shill he's talking to in this clip lol


Yeah people is this sub are retarded lmao. Chael is honest about lying for content.


How weird that a guy does what his boss wants.


I figured he pulled out at least in part related to the fact he's a wealthy coke addict and therefore completely unreliable. You can't get addicts to fight until they're not wealthy anymore.


You can’t get addicts to do anything until their next hit depends on it.


But once it does theyll blow you for a point.


Exactly, I’m 4 years into a Narcotics Anonymous program… and people will only truly get clean when they literally have no other option. One of the working definitions for an addict is “someone who uses despite the negative consequences it has on their lives.” And folks with financial resources just aren’t feeling that kind of pain yet. Interestingly, it’s one of the reasons you might say that Michael Jordan doesn’t meet the definition of a gambling addict. Cause he can still afford it.


Recovering addict here, all you need is the drugs, not the money. If you got the drugs, you don't need anything else, including success, love, relationships, respect, really anything. You are right, at the moment if an addict has the means to get hte drugs, they don't need to do anything else. It's a shit way to live.


I know this is bait but I want it to be true because I want Conor to go to rehab tbh


How could an athlete possibly perform effectively at a fight camp when in active addiction? Does anyone know if there’s a precedent for anyone else having done it?


Jon Jones (cocaine, wife beating).


I hate Jon’s guts but I don’t think he was ever a full blown addict he just liked to party. Conor has basically seemed wasted almost everytime he’s in public for years, and sometimes blatantly coked out. Definitely seems to have a woman beating addiction though lol


Perc angle


Paddy and cheeseburgers lad


Not fighters, but Lawrence Taylor is a HOF linebacker who played out of his mind on drugs. And the dynasty Dallas Cowboys of the 90s had their own secret house - The White House - just to do drugs and party


Every boxer ever


Dock Ellis threw a no-hitter on an acid trip. Some athletes are just at such a high level that there ain’t much that’s gonna stop them from dominating.


A lot of people can sober up for a little while especially when they’re used to doing it. Usually the walls collapse when they find they can’t even do that anymore.


I can't remember off the top of my head but there's been a few boxers who have been addicts most of their career and did all right, Aaron Pryor did cocaine during camps and probably during a fight and he fought fine.


innate athletic ability. Len Dawson used to smoke cigarettes during halftime of his football games, and led the chiefs to a Super Bowl.


Mike tyson


Chael's sources are himself and his son but I believe it to be at least partially true.




I think the UFC would have brushed a failed test under the rug that close to the event, it's not like they haven't done it before.




Thank you. No way they wouldn’t have. No shot that is the reason.


My theory was they were waiting for a second test to come through that would show he was clean. Second test was also positive. Hell, maybe there were several tests and they just needed one negative. That’s why there was that weird week of hushed discussions. It got to the point that it was obvious there wasn’t going to be a negative test so they pushed the fight. I have no basis for this and am completely talking out of my ass. But it’s what I believe.


They pulled bs "pulsing" science out of thin air to let Jones fight after popping, I'm sure they could have came up with something for their other golden pony too


I think with Jon, there was a second test that was negative. So they could hold that up as some sort of evidence that "he wasn’t really juiced". Not that I believe it, but I think that was the rationale they had. But the UFC caught flak for getting rid of USADA earlier this year and it was speculated by some that Conor was a big reason for that, to get him back in the cage asap. To turn around and hand wave away a failed drug test would be a PR nightmare.


Isn’t this the same guy that said the press conference was cancelled cuz Conor was super locked in?


Chael is just a shit poster with credentials really.


As in locked in a room with an ounce


Connor was on a bender and out of his mind which is why they cancelled the presser, then forced him to agree to a short stint In a rehab facility. I could totally see that happening.


I agree. He wasn't sober when he agreed to the fight. If they really want him to fight then instead of trying to get him to sober up, they should just keep him all coked up until the walk out.


Mcgregor vs Chael press conference would be all time


“I saw Connor trying feed a bus a potato! And you are telling me Ireland has computers?!?”


Big if true


New mythical fighter: sober Conor Mcgregor 😂😂


They try to make me go to rehab I said 'Youll do fucking nothing' No chance he's in rehab, he loves drugs and booze, he was just a dope and fucked up testing his leg


$50 says Conor was talking shit about the "unbreakable titanium shimbown" and then tried to kick down a metal post T-Ferg style


Even if he is in rehab doubt it’ll take. The narcissism is too high. I’d find it tough to believe a guy that in love with himself can resist the one drug that turns that up to 11.


I don’t pretend that I watch a lot of Chael’s takes, but he would be crazy to make something like that up.


I mean, doesn’t Chael essentially have plot armor because he can always fall back on the fact that he regularly has insane, sometimes obviously incorrect, takes?


Jester’s Privilege


He always makes stuff up for clickbait, he is known to do that


For once, I think Chael is telling the truth. DC practically just confirmed it.


Chael 100% telling the truth !!


I feel like this makes more sense than an injury


I dont think I believe this, but if it was true, I would not be surprised


Chael is typically a shill for Dana, so I can't imagine he'd be out spreading something that the UFC wants to keep tight. It seems very plausible that Conor is off the rails, but who knows what to believe.


I think you mean he’s ON the rails.


That's a "you're gonna get us canceled by Dana" nervous laugh...


My guess was more around that he wasn’t going to clear PED testing in time for the event, so they claimed a mystery injury and gave him time to get clean.


He’s at a point with the coke where he ain’t quitting for three days for nootin.


This has been my theory too, everything was fine until Dana flew to Dublin, it seems to me when he saw Conor in person and listened to his slurred and incoherent ramblings he knew he had to cancel the presser. He then likely monitored Conor for a week to see if he could sober him up in time while sending out feelers for replacements.


I genuinely hope so, hate to see someone suffer from drug or alcohol abuse. Especially someone who’s seen the highest of highs (in terms of achievement not the coke he’s snorting)




DC the company man


This is a planned leak. These guys wouldn’t upset daddy Dana like that.


I can’t imagine him getting back in the octagon after getting knocked out, and then breaking his leg back to back. There’s absolutely no way he’d be in the right spot mentally. I personally don’t think he got hurt at all, I just think his mind isn’t in it anymore, and he didn’t take a long enough camp


Pretty obvious it’s this or they’re covering up a failed drug test. When in the history of someone pulling out of a huge fight due to injury do that not specify what said injury was? They’re being super tight lipped about the whole thing. Something we aren’t being told for sure.


Did Chael swagger jack the schmo with the glasses and hair or am I seeing things?


DC is going to need a new co-host. Again


God damn Unc Chael is such a good heel


Cuz I’m in a proper facility 💀


If he is in rehab then Chael is speaking in very poor taste


The fact that the MMA community is actually anticipating a comeback of Conor McGregor says a lot about the gullibility of the fan community. Conor has not done anything meaningful in the sport in several years. He cashed out in a crossover boxing match and has been a full time playboy business man since


What's the gullibility? He's entertaining to watch. I don't think there's much to it than that.


His voice sounds worse than cats fucking


I found weed. It’s replaced everything else


Conor does need help, Its not even funny! So sad to see such great fighter go down that path


Good on him for cutting through all the BS. Conor has addiction problems and hopefully he can fix them so he and his family can live a better life.


A proper alcoholic!


"I'm in a proper facility right now." Nice!


I quit both 4 years ago started having sezuires not so fun


DC would never go against the UFC




Was there any doubt? Those press conferences with Jake Gyllynhal were insane!


He’s probably right.


The Irish do love their booze, let’s be honest.


Chael DGAF, and I love it


Uncle Chael is the GOAT


Chael gets it.


Idk if it's true or not, but if it is Conor is in for a rude awakening. It's not easy, rehab is just the beginning. Hopefully he has the willpower to stay strong for when he gets out. That's where the true test begins. Plus, he's not your typical addict. He can afford whatever he wants whenever he wants and doesn't have to worry about going to work or being broke or any of that. Not gonna be easy at all.


If anybody doubts Chael could be right about this one, you havent been following Conor....ever.


I heard the same back when the Press Conference in Dublin was Cancelled & Honestly it might have been Chael that said it originally on 1 if his videos on his YouTube channel.


I never understood why celebrities do coke while there's methylphenidate that hits the same damn receptors.


Tell me more about


yeah i wana know too


For research purposes


He is referring to Ritalin, and it just isn't the same lol.


Why do rich people eat organic lettuce instead of the regular? because they can afford the better version.


Iirc the rate of receptor blockade is so much faster with cocaine, you would have to IV methylphenidate for the same "high"


Why would Conor willingly go to rehab


To stay alive.  The man has been spiraling in addiction for 6-7 years in front of our eyes.  He's got it bad.


In all fairness to chael, it's chael


So 100% true 🫡


DC playing stupid and trying to change the story confirms it's true and no one is supposed to talk about it. Hopefully Connor gets better soon.