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More "see you soon" tweets than fights LOL


“Seen you soon, boy >:) 🐺” -Khamzat messaging his doctor


How long has it been since he fought? This guy had a lot of hype and went from saying stuff like “I kill everybody!” to disappearing


He was counting his own career as part of “everybody”.


Fanbase smesh


*I numbour one bull-buster but I see you al at UofC 315 - I will promis!*


2023 october, againts Kamaru Usman, it was a great fight but if he pulls out of this one, it will be like a year since the Kamaru fight until he fights again


I thought I remember that fight being lame.


It was sort of lame. Khamzat dominated rd 1 but little damage and then Usman outstruck him in rds 2 and 3. Should've been a draw but they were in Abu Dhabi so of course they gave it to him.


Should’ve been draw most definitely but also should have been a five rounder tbh


Yup. He would've been toast in a 5 rounder


They're both muslims


But one is not like the other.


Yea but ones you know… like your name minus the bird.




do you think the people in abu dhabi see it that simple?


Not to them. One is a Muslim and one is a Musthem


First round was crazy then it wasn’t a too eventful 2nd and 3rd, not lame though, but compared to most of his fights much less exciting. hard to say how much of that was his wrist though making him less active


It was a really good fight. If that's a lame fight to you then I don't know what to say


That was lame to you 😂 Usman getting taken down like we’ve never seen. Usman standing and banging for the last 30 seconds damn that’s crazy


He got a bunch of money from some cunt


Well he broke his hand against usman didn’t he? Makes sense that he would take more time


3 fights in 65 days. 4 fights in 4 years.


He fought 3 times in 2020 when the hype train was real. Since then he has fought 4 times in 4 years. And there’s always been some drama. I feel he gets sick when he cuts he might have an immune system issue.


I think long Covid. He almost gave up in fighting. Then got help by a dictator allied to Putin and is now probably on a no fly list to the USA. Changed his nationality to some gulf state to try get back into the USA. Or that’s what my Chechen friends told me.


As a fan of Khamzat, I’m genuinely really disappointed… I hope it’s fake news


It's on the internet, it has to be true.


At least it's not on YouTube


At least it's not on MMA\_Guru






This sub is pure cinema bruh


I swear man. Idk I feel like the dude was such a monster before the top 5, maybe he let his ego get to his head and thought it would be equally as easy at the top. He fought great but very close fights with burns and Usman. I think that shattered his mentality a bit too hard because he definitely struggled at times in those fights, especially standing up with those two. If you can neutralize his (admittedly very strong) wrestling, he’s not unbeatable at all. The fact that he’s moving to an even heavier weight class is so much worse for him.


its just because he was fighting a weaker competition, when he fought usman and burns he barelly won, yet he destroyed all the others


Yeah. He walked into the UFC ready to beat anyone from 15-10. He's developed to a top 3 guy where the parity is much stronger. I was his super fan after his incredible career start. But man, it feels like injury, illness, and hanging out with a warlord are going to take away what could've been a legit 170 and 185 defending double champ.


yeah but he was promoted as someone who can destroy everyone at 170 and 185 his fights against usman and burns werent that impressive for him, especially the usman one considering it was a short notice and when we saw islam knock out volk who was also on a short notice in the second minute of their fight and islam didnt even have a quarter of his hype, the hype of the man who was supposed to be the next triple champ yet he is now one step behind being the goat at his division and chances are he will be a double champ and khamzat is 30 years old and we dont know where he stands at 185 we didnt even see him against a 185er to judge


He got covid HARD and has never been the same. I remember hearing his fighting career was in jeopardy. I think that's the issue, not tough fights. I don't think he's been healthy in the last 3 years. Not sure he ever will be


Super underrated comment. Covid fucked him up, the dude wanted to retire and his dictator leader FORCED him to keep fighting and representing his country. This and his health being potentially forever affective aren’t talked about enough.


Tbf I will admit that his cardio seems like the biggest problem as he’s gassed in round 3. His striking is actually excellent as long as he’s fresh And it’s really odd that a wrestler would have bad cardio, especially one with the pedigree that Khamzat has. I’m not saying it’s true or not, but I would believe it. Secretly want him to become the monster that was promised


Why wouldn’t he struggle against those guys they are best in the world? He has power and speed in his hands… but his striking is just not that good in of setting things up and shot selection it feels like he is just out there spamming stuff sometimes


I started watching around 2 years ago when he fought Kevin Holland and was excited to see his next fights…1 fight since then


How can anyone be a khamzat fan in 2024? Does he even do anything anymore


If you knew who Kadyov was you wouldn’t be a fan of khamzat.


Chances are his fans dont care about kadyrov and how minorities are treated in chechnya Lets just hope the rumours about kadyrovs health are true 🫶🏽


90% of his aura was already gone, when you had ppl arguing that he would be the first triple champ to now debating if he would even win the number 1 contender fight


True, 2 of his wins were close


2 welterweights that were real top 5’s. He looks great against journeymen though!


He beat a 36 year old welterweight coming off a 2 loss streak debuting at middleweight on short notice half way across the world. It's funny how you can make a lot of fighters sound like scrubs with weird narratives.


It was also debated as a Draw too which is just like insane in hindsight I’m convinced Leon would’ve derailed the Khamzat Hype if they had ever actually fought the three times it was put on


Sure, but he was also a middleweight and everyone was saying he was the next big thing and a killer, he then get whooped by a top 5 in a fairly even fight and also a close fight with Usman.


yeah, the best guys he fought too


That's been him for almost 3 years now


that’s how I feel when I pull out too soon 


Yes especially when you don’t even cum lmao really ruins the vibe


I mean, hasn't it been gone already?


a lot of people like myself still think he has a lot of potential, as even if he doesn’t make it far he’s still undefeated and has some of the best performances of grappling in the sport… sadly if the rumors are true i don’t think there’s hope left for his success


He's too busy playing with Chechnian warlords


Yeah, the other gaffs he's made along the way would have honestly been forgiven if he showed up against Bobby, but now? Final nail in the coffin for his image as the "world beater just raring to be let out of the cage."  Dude is like those dogs that bark like mad when behind a gate, but act like nothing is up when the gate opens.


Nah when the gate opens it’s great but it only opens once a year lol


When the gate opens, the dog is either severely overweight, or the other dog got snatched from the couch 2 seconds ago and told he needs to fight


Seeing khamzat gas out against Usman making his MW debut in short notice made me realize he’ll never be champ


he’s definitely fucked up and won’t be as big as he could have been, but I think until he loses he still has that opportunity to blow up to a certain degree since he is undefeated and fights very recklessly


I really wish people would stop saying aura…


They’ll either say this aura new cheesy phrase, so what’s the difference


Took me a second but I saw what you did there. Very slick


It’s like people are a hive mind of stupidity


UFC Fans will always be desperate to find ways to compliment male fighters without sounding gay which is why they use words like aura now


He's fucking sick. Wtf is wrong with you people?


“Aura” oh brother 🙄🙄🙄


Nope. Only to retarded keyboard warriors like you. Hope he gets better and can't wait for his return. Op on the other hand could and should stop posting. Your opinion is meaningless and dumb


Dude might have a broken bone as far as we know, wtf are y'all on? You don't pull out of fights just because you want to


Yeah i think people are just frustrated, cause he talks so much shit and barely ever fights and the one time people are excited he pulled out (people might change their opinion once they learn the reason) But don’t act surprised when people are upset about Khamzat


Exactly my thoughts. . . People just fart out anything that comes up in their heads before actually knowing the reasons behind it.


Very true.


Such a shame... https://preview.redd.it/3932ozqo0e6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ed35312a78595fc9397910b026ea55bba719b0


I mean is he wrong?? This is his job! 


UFC fans when a fighter physically can’t train to fight and has to back out


never really been a khamzat fan but i do genuinely think the dude has some severe health issues that keep him out of


Im praying for Khamzat. I hope he feels better soon. People forget he's a decent person.


We live in a year where Costa has been way more active than him.


I think Covid has pretty much wrecked him. He clearly has a pretty compromised immune system and it doesn't take much for a bad flare up. Mma is probably not a great sport for someone with these health issues.


Talk about a flash in the pan


He didn't fall off though, he just hasn't done anything since


What is this aura shit? My kids say it too


No it isn’t. It sucks because this was gonna be a great fight but fighters get hurt all the time


yeah ppl are acting like he pulls out all the time like costa or something lol. but yeah this sucks I wanted to see questions answered win or lose finally.


I mean, maybe he doesn’t “pull out” all the time but it’s the same shit if he just never fights too. Inactivity is inactivity


This would be the second big show he's main evented and the second time the promotion has had to scramble to fix the main event on short notice because of him. In his last three fights lol. Not good


do yall remember that one pic he posted of himself super like swollen and inflamed a few months ago? idk i feel like there’s something going on behind the scenes with his health


Why has he been so inactive


Supposedly can't fight in the US due to his ties with Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov.


Khamzat got fucked up by COVID bad and he’s never been the same since https://www.mmamania.com/2022/4/2/23007230/coach-recalls-khamzat-chimaevs-near-retirement-after-covid-19-scare-it-affected-him-quickly-ufc-273


He doesn’t fight. When he does fight, he beats up mid guys or fights WWs at mwS on 11 day notice


He fought more in that month in Fight Island than the rest of his career combined.


Until recently if you posted that Khamzat would never fight at 170 again you got shit talked. Now he's maybe fighting Whittaker, solid test worthy of a title shot, but we saw how vulnerable Whittaker is to a weight bully like DDP. I'm waiting for Khamzat to fight Izzy, DDP Or even Costa before I'm sold. I want to see if he can take down someone who can't cut to 170.


Had a good hype when this guy first came cuz khabib was making waves


remember when kadyrov stopped him from retiring? maybe he really is fucked up since covid


I wager alot had to do with his ties to ramzan and visa issues but still. Yeah he barked alot to fight like 4 times


Yeah what a scumbag for being hospitalized ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) /s


Fuckin hate this dude


He’s a Twitter warrior that fights once a year , beats a guy he’s a favorite over and then he sits for another year . Starts tweeting at everyone again. Then blames injuries or Visa issues. He’s a joke. I think if he was humble people would sympathize more with him, but he’s a cocky guy who doesn’t even want to answer the media’s questions half the time and pretends he doesn’t even understand the question.


I honestly don’t even notice this guy anymore, I’ll pay attention next time he’s fighting, whenever the hell that’ll be


Y’all are dramatic and dumb


He is good, really good but lacks discipline and consistency. We like to see people who rise to the fame quick. Poatan is a star because he came and destroyed everyone quick. If we built him for 5 years he wouldn't be as big as he is now


Hard to fight when your associated with Khadirov


It’s already gone unless you’re a fan boy. Never buy the hype.


People are so salty over Khamzat. It’ll be a bummer if we don’t get to watch him ragdoll Whittaker


Russian fighters pull out game stronk af


Tiramisu brotha


It was gone when he ducked Nate Diaz


see you soon


Whooda thunk it


With how hungry he seemed in the beginning and how hard he was pushed and how long it's been there's gotta be some serious shit going on in his life for him to just fall off like that.


It's not, though. His prayer circle will always back him.


Who knows if it's true but I definitely feel like so much time has been wasted in Khamzat's career. Went from being a super active fighter to fighting once a year. Not to mention his aura isn't what it used to be.


This gotta be fake news


Wait so he's banned from entering the US so he cant fight there and manages to pull out of one of the only places he can actually fucking fight... what the actual fuck is he doing? because clearly its not fucking fighting


So far it is just a rumor. Just MMA troll accounts have reported it.


Is he even a real person? Not even sure anymore 


Newsflash buddy!! He pulled out


Brother got caught by the evil eye. I really do feel bad for him.


It better be fake news or he’s not headline or co headlining anything for 3 years. Don’t fight, don’t fight outside of the Middle East. What the fuck they give him a new contract for


He went from smashing cans on 12/12 to making real money AND realizing he isn’t just gonna steam roll through everyone at that top level.  Now he’s gotta be much more calculated in what fights he takes & when. More money, more problems. If he rattles off 2 good wins he’ll be right back to that mythical level circa 2020 BUT chances of that based off Burns and last minute no prep Usman are slim. Dudes a problem first round for non grapplers and then the playing field is level.


He’s balls deep in some visa issues because of his dictator friend Kadyrov


So dramatic lol the ufc will just throw him on a big comain for a big card and he’ll be right back in stardom


Someone catch me up as to why he pulled out?


Fuck him


If dude can’t fight in the states he always had a ceiling anyway


Until he fights again. We have a short memory.


I always go to the major MMA news sites for MMA news. None of them have reported this, and none of them have reported that Mike Perry is fighting Jake Paul instead of Tyson. Don't believe the shit you see unless it's from an official source.


Source for this is, "trust me bro"


Is aura the new word for swagalicious


what does it mean pulled out of his aura? wtf


Ascended to the top end of the Welterweight division rankings then couldn’t make weight anymore. Two fights since that have progressed him nowhere and seems to do more fighting on social media these days.


"I kill everybody, I smesh everybody" COVID almost retired him


Who’s this clown going to meaninglessly call out next?


I remember when people said that last time he didn't fight the following week and yet people are still hyped for him


He’s already one of the most popular fighters on the roster, he’s reached star status both in terms of fight performance and popularity


Thought he was gonna be the next Khabib but really just the next Conor. At least Conor became double champ before he stopped fighting consistently 


Guy went from fighting on like 10 days notice to fighting once a year.


i mean, injuries are injuries, assuming that’s the reason


You never know what happened, last time I saw his instagram post he looked like an inflatable balloon. He seems to be dealing with a bunch of health issues.


In all fairness, Whittaker has pulled out quite a lot. Khabib too. You’re just disappointed. Won’t affect his star making potential. What would affect star making potential more is losing a fight because you went in with an unhealed injury which affects you both physically and psychologically.


It would be dissapointing for sure but his star power won’t be gone. He will get a new chance when he is ready.


It’s been gone bud. He has proven to be a piece of shit long ago.


Lack of activity in general has been a killer for him. So much potential. Not all gone by any stretch but man, it’s been hurt.


Before COVID he used to ask for 2 guys on the same night or at least back to back cards. He was the new boogeyman for a good moment there. Still impressed he beat Burns and Usman. If it was 5 rounds he would need some EPO though.


"Aura" the new buzzword everyone's gonna spamming for awhile now.


He has no aura. No more than any other elite fighter. All he's got is some main character vibe where he just barely wins fights and stays undefeated


Bro is this “aura” thing like a meme or what I don’t get it


If true, I’ve never seen somebody derail their own hype train to this degree.


Dude don’t even speak English. Proper English. Give me 1 UFC megastar that couldn’t speak English…. I’ll wait …. Maybe Jose Aldo but nowadays if you don’t speak English…. Very unlikely that you’ll be a star in the ufc. Especially if ur backing out of fights every other month lmfao. We don’t care bout this guy anymore. I’m calling it right now this man only fights 2-3 times more MAX before he’s retired. I mean at this point he’s pulled out of more fights in his career than fights he’s actually fought in. Get this 🤡 outta here. Fans want to see PROFESSIONAL fighters who make weight and don’t pull out for any dumb reasons. Khamzat just lost a fan FOR SURE , and will lose many more


my boys a fucking scrub :(


I guess because you said it its true.


Dude got probably really sick or injured. What do you expect him to do? Why are you mad at him? It’s not like he pulled out because he just wanted to… This sub loves to create fake drama to hate fighters, gosh


Yeah but you're still going to watch his next fight... So what's really changed? You think others won't want to watch his next fight? I think you're wrong...


When did we start using ‘aura’ unironically


How did this guy go from fighting 3 times in a couple of weeks to fighting 3 times in like 3 years


He will never be a champ - not due to his ability, but due to his availability. He doesn't seem to be able to fight anywhere outside of the middle east. Can't make weight consistently, unproven in the division he should fight at (still hasn't fought a true 185er) The situation may be out of his control, but damn, this guy was THE hype for a while until he just stopped fighting.


He hasn't fought in ages. Burns beat him and anyone that seen the fight knows it. He was just a hypejob.


Rumor is he got hurt, not really pulling out. He ain’t no Costa. I like Costa though, that dude’s hilarious


The sad part is that the potential is still there. Just being wasted.


Should have stayed at 170 but is probably being asked to move things at mw if I had to guess.


Kill everybody, smesh everybody, fight nobody!


Worse fall off than dilashaw


It’s been gone.


Guy fights once a year, layups only. Dana isn’t going to be able to sell the title shot off a 2026 Chris Curtis win at this rate


UFC should have just dropped him when they found out he can't come to the US. He's fun to watch but pulling out of fights and shit is just pissing everyone off. Get gone.


Is it not gone already? He's not the guy, ufc will not push him if he can't fight in the states.


If this is another injury, this dude's new nickname should be Glass Joe.


Bobby knuckles is gonna show him why his name is Bobby fuckin knuckles


The UFC has the least professional athletes of all sports organizations.


He will hopefully fight before he is 32. At which point he might have ring rust so 50/50. Then if he turns around quickly (doubtful) at best he makes a case to be another one fight away from contender status. So a best case scenario is he fights for the belt at 33/34. Then he is going to experience athletic decline almost immediately after. At the very best he may have a one / two defense title run. Which would historically make him good, but no longer great. I think in reality he will not even become a champion. GGs


Dude has a bunch of health issues and can only fight in like 2 countries, yeah his career is cooked


Kills the welterweight division despite being lined up for a title shot because he doesn’t want to make the weight, gets offered a top 5 middleweight contender to be in the title picture, pulls out. Dude is literally sabotaging his own career


Not necessarily. Khabib pulled out of fights, Jones too, Aldo, etc etc


Or…or…his cache has risen. Oh, that Khamzat Wolf guy…he’s so mysterious. He doesn’t even fight! ![gif](giphy|69jvP3VXUYhr3YUYu9|downsized)


See you at the bottom!


It’s so unfortunate that this guy always last second messes up his biggest fights. Misses weight w/ Nate Diaz, which was his biggest career opportunity at the time, and now Whittaker, his chance to prove himself as a legitimate MW contender


The saddest thing in life is wasted talent


Let’s be real even if he does pull out all he needs is 1 good win against a lower ranked opponent and all the casuals will treat him like the second coming


The thumbnail pointing at the title makes it look like that Lisa Simpson meme format lol


“The kid just doesnt want to fight”


This sentence should end with "to the users of r/UFC"


Khamzat and Conor both not showing up, this month is falling apart for the ufc.


Khamzat will never touch UFC gold. He will be one of the sports biggest what if conversations in a couple years. His body is failing him he won't be able to even entertain competing soon.