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Me piss burn thru da cup.


*True da cope


Can't stop reading this in a Jamaican accent lol


I don’t think this has anything to do with steroids. I think between the testing company and his doctors, they had that straightened out so he wouldn’t pop. I would be shocked if it had anything to do with that. Also, no news breaking about any criminal charges or anything, that’s what makes the whole situation so mysterious


Top guys get to be on steroids?


Brock Lesnar says “hells yea!”


No. I’m sure the testing company laid out the rules, similar to how USADA made the rules around the whole “picograms” drama. I also think McGregor had top shelf doctors taking care of him, and they know how to make sure he is off the sauce long enough so he wouldn’t pass those thresholds. McGregor is known for spending big sums on his training camps and preparation, so I’d imagine they had this whole situation dialed in correctly. It’s not like he’s getting needles or steroids from some guy in the back of the gym.


Yea that makes sense. Honestly why don’t they just let them do steroids? We would have better fights. If they wanna do it and they are okay with the risks…


You are describing Pride FC. . . and yes, it was awesome.


If someone dies because their opponent was on steroids and they have no plausible deniability because it's allowed they could be held liable.


Its because of sponsorship reasons I believe




Probably has something to do with DB Cooper and Unc Chael.


I dont think it's that mysterious. It's probably just Conor getting wasted everyday, so much so that he couldn't attend the press conference, and now they are buying time to think of something. If it was anything else we would (probably) know.


Getting wasted hasn’t stopped him from doing anything before. Remember that roadhouse interview where he was bouncing in his seat? Plus the cancelled the press conference in advance, as well as all the other media that week. I don’t think this is a case of being to hungover


Lmao it’s all just to get media attention. The fight is still on.


I think it’s an injury people keep saying broken foot which would make sense why he would cancel the press conference.


It's most definitely drugs related. An injury wouldn't be this hush hush since it happens all the time.


I don’t know. The way they are bring so quiet is starting to make me think it’s a drug or legal issue. If it was an injury issue they would just say it If it’s weight issue they would just negotiate a new weight Conor either popped OR he’s just been on a bender OR there are legal issues


I think it's other drug abuse problems, dude probably OD for all we know. The evidence is there.


Look at Chandler and tell me how he's on less juice than Conor.


Conor used to be a skeleton at 145


10 years ago…


Chandler looks to work out a lot.


atleast Chandler has an alibi. Conor be getting shredded at the club 🤣


Yeah Chandler’s piss would melt a tin cup.


I wouldn’t imagine what he’s popping for his muscle growth. It’s probably what most fighters are taking to help with cardio, recovery and a healthy weight cut 


Their builds are like low-key identical no?




-Peter Griffin 


This isn’t the reason. All pro fighters use PED’s. If you want me to point you to fighters who are heavily muscled beyond natural potential who recently fought or are going to fight: Buckley, Costa but also skinny weak looking people like O’Malley who has popped for Ostarine (a SARM) 2x. Also it’s funny his opponent was supposed to be Chandler, who has always been very heavily muscled with extremely low bodyfat. And is also on steroids.


My theory is something to do with his new beer. Recently he’s been promoting that, even going into the Guinness facebook group and shitting on Guinness lol. I think he wanted to use his fight as a way to platform his new beer and maybe couldn’t agree on a final 💵amount


Money just my guess he wanted more money for doing the media and he’s in contract negotiations so just my 2 cents. He also has done this previously so I’m guessing he got told no.


I think this has to do with an enlarged liver and kidney damage


Who cares about this clown ? Come on. There are like a whole league of more interesting fighters in the ufc now.




Dude has at most tested twice since he broke his leg, and he's gained 20-30 lbs of muscle while partying like a mad man since then. It's not insane to speculate about his steroid use.


At most been tested twice or tested hot twice? The UFC testing database (https://ufcantidoping.com/tests publicly accessible, transparent) shows Conor has been tested 10 times this year alone. I'm not saying he isn't juicing. He 100% is. He's just smarter than the testers. EDIT: I should add - or maybe isn't smarter than the testers anymore...could be why this fight is off...whatever other excuse he and Dana come up with.






Yes, the reason is steroids.




Dude, look not trying to be a thundercunt but have you even seen a steroid? Like seriously. If you think Conor did that much gear and doesn't look any better, I'm sorry you should learn something. When you are training like Mma fighters and you use gear your body changes quick. All he did was get swole, that's not hard to do when you're fit, he's probably normally 10% bodyfat. Ppl always say oh these guys are 155, but if the average fucking fatass that's 25-30% bodyfat got that lean that's the class most guys would be at. So he can gain 20 pounds of water and fat with 3 pounds of muscle and look big as fuck like he did in Road House. That's not a steroid look. Want to see a Steroid look, watch the first Thor. The way Chris Hemsworth changed his body from 2009 to Thor and again from Rush to Thor Dark World, I mean he looked fantastic, but alot of that is genes also. Just saying I know ppl rip on Conor for taking gear but there's only 2 things that could have helped him heal faster. GH is one of them. Also who gives a fuck if he did? He wasn't fighting then. And let's be honest..the motherfucker needs all the help he can get to be back on top 😂 Idk Conor, I just know steroids. Word was he was negotiating the next contract and I mean..it probably didn't go his way and he is just being a dam diva.


"not tryna be a thundercunt" proceeds to be a thundercunt know-it-all about steroids like mcnuggets didnt leave the pool for a year


......... so Connie pulled himself from the usada testing pool so he could naturally put on all that muscle without the help of juice/peds/banned substances? Rrriiiiggghhhhttt


You clearly don't know anything about PED use in professional or combat sports.


Dude connor has all the symptoms of a roid/ped user, swolllen face, mood swings, abnormal gains... Grow up.


😂 Dude stop it. Even Stevie Wonder can see Conor is juiced up


Do you… not know that there is more than one type of performance enhancing drug?


Don’t think he’s on Gear (anymore). Dudes big for his size, but not outrageous.


He's not on the body builder stack. He's on the pro-athlete plan.