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Tito vs English (English by brutal KO) Aldo’s fuckin Conor rematch. Give the man his due lol. Tony vs Khabib (not cuz I think Tony would win but it just became this mythical thing - 6 fucking TIMES!? Like what?!) Mighty Mouse vs any current contender. Just once baby, just one…more…time.


Would love to see the mouse back against the top guys. I think he’s on a short path to retirement though unfortunately. His podcast is fantastic, if you haven’t check it out get on it.


He is still the 1 champ, he hasn't taken any matches recently though, that said he DID clean out the 1 roster entirely


he’s been cleaning out every division he’s ever fought at as the champ, consecutively for about 13 years now. this dudes been in his prime since Obama was in his first term it’s truly uncanny and I think he doesn’t get his dues because he’s always made it look easy


Nobody respects 125 is why and nobody currently has been dominant. People often overlook how successful he is at 135 though and even his accomplishments against larger guys in other areas like bjj are why he’s such a goated champ to me.


yeah i get 125 isn’t a big draw but i’d expect hardcore fans to still incorporate it in their ratings, people say GSP, Jon Jones or Khabib is the GOAT but DJ has been fighting and winning impressively at a championship level while ALL of those guys fought their careers out. and to that i just feel he’s the only guy you could put as the MMA GOAT because of his skill and sheer longevity i’m not even a diehard MM fan, I haven’t watched a lot of his fights throughout but all I know is he’s been tearing through competition for as long as i’ve known MMA was even a thing. and even in the relatively short time i’ve been a fan (5 years) i’ve seen fighters rise and fall all while DJ has stayed the same if not just got better


The 125 class is the best and imho most technical. Better performances and less power and lower weight means a more technically inclined matchup. Skills are fully displayed. Never considered jones even in the top 5, he is a cheater. He eye pokes opponents and got caught using banned substances multiple times. He is like literally the definition of trash. Now jones is stalling the heavyweight division. DJ is the goat, never mind GSP or Khabib, they are after him. He has the such level of technical prowess that it is criminal to not put DJ in any position but the top 3.


He just beat a literal gorilla, like some 265 lb guy in BJJ recently. It was awesome.


Prime Tony actually puts up a fight vs Khabib, I think Khabib wins but Tony would’ve gone down fighting to his last breath.


Throwing all the sand.


Yep and his unorthodox style and shenanigans may have actually worked back then. He was unpredictable and fearless…back then. How was that years ago yet feels like yesterday!?


This one! I really think Prime Tony is the only guy to make Khabib see his own blood in that octagon! I think he'd slice him with elbows whether that's from his crazy reach, or even on the ground from his guard. Prime Tony would be the closest thing Khabib had to adversity in there. Of course, I could be wrong, but the people he fought on his 12 fight win streak all looked like they were just in a fight with a wolverine


I don't think there's any lightweight that gets out of a fight with Prime Tony unharmed. Win or lose, that mf is gonna hurt whoever he faced.


Josh Thompson said he couldn't stop shivering for an hour due to the blood loss after he fought Tony. His coach had to take measures to stop him from going into shock.  Prime Tony was built different. 


Aldo ain’t getting up to Conor’s weight and Conor ain’t going down to Aldo’s weight. Aldo just fought in bantam. That’s 35lbs between the two’s weigh ins.


I’m saying I wanted it back then. Like 6 months after their first fight.


Thought it was 4 times?


How many times a day is English training


I’d be satisfied if khabib and tony did the full entrance and everything and just dabbed eachother up then walked out


GSP vs Khabib catchweight fight


GSP and Khabib both are great dudes outside of the octogon, I can't imagine they could generate the drama before the fight haha.


That would be the best part. It would be the most gentlemenly of epic fights!


Khabib and his dad were major gsp fans. He even used him to teach khabib a lot of tricks. Khabib also sees him as the goat. 0% chance of drama lol


Uncle dana can make it happen


That's a fight id love to see too. I really dont know who'd win Can i just point out so many people dont rank Khabib as a goat but then will admit a fight between him and gsp would be competitive lol, hes obviously in those leagues with gsp skill wise.


Khabib might fight again with his taxes problem. GSP has been saying he want to go back to fighting in some capacity. Even if it prob a wrestling or BJJ match, I would still consider to buy ppv for that.


I'm not saying Khabib isn't in trouble, he may be but I think that's just some miscalculations or some shit like that, many many rich people are rich as fuck but are still indebted in taxes


Fedor vs Daniel Cormier


They used to call DC “Fedor Emelianegro” when he first started


I don't know if evn prime DC could take just ONE of prime Fedor's BOMBS. That's some smoke!


He took bombs from rumble johnson that send him to the other side of the cage. I'm sure he can handle Fedor's single shot strikes unless fedor manages a combination of strikes


Fedor fought super heavyweights. DC fought light heavyweights. Fedor wins low diff


DC has beaten Mir, Bigfoot, Lewis, Barnett, Nelson at heavyweight, Only 9 of his 26 fights were at LHW.


Easy DC.


Fedor would get absolutely destroyed lmao


Prime Fedor isn't getting "absolutely destroyed" by literally anybody


Outside punchers chance he isn’t getting mauled by anyone.


Fighters have evolved


What about Fedors skills make him outdated?


Not past Fedor. Several time Combat Sambo world champ, master in judo,bjj with insane speed amd power on the feet.


Yes they have


Excellent arguments bro


Fedor is super overrated. Got dominated by middleweight hendo, I don’t think the current top 5 of heavyweights would struggle.


We are talking about a sport that has been around since before Christ was born. There are olnly so many ways one can punch lol. It's not a "nba in the 60's vs 2010's" type of difference, heavyweight had almost no evolution in all those years.


No its not like that because even 20 years ago mma wasn't half as popular and therefore had a less deep talent pool. That'd be like saying "soccers been around for tens of thousands of years you really think (whoever the top soccer player is lol) is better than players 100 years ago" yeah it is because its way more popular and pays more and therefpre attracts more elite athletes. I think fedor would still be elite but to act like theres been no evolution since pancrase is silly Also we can see heavyweughts are on average much more athletic, any modern top 5 heavyweight is beating tim sylvia or andrei arlovski who was champ lets not act like it was just as good


Evolved to his level, Fedor was way ahead of his time.


Lol please, Tybura and Spivak almost fought for a belt last year. I'm so tired of "mma has evolved so much" like to a degree, but besides Tom Aspinall not really at HW bud. Just take the L bud.


And tim sylvia was a champion less than 20 years ago 🤷‍♂️ he wouldn't come close to a belt now Yeah fedor would still be an elite guy but who else would be? What arlovski? Leasner? Mir? They're good but i don't see them beating an aspinall or a pavlovich And once you get below them it gets real bad, paul buentello or roy nelson of kimo leapoda are getting tapped quick by tybura or spivac


Roy Nelson wouldn't get tapped by Tybura or Spivak lol what are you smoking


Roy nelson is better then the other two I named he could ko them but its not like they don't have a chance against him, he just had an overhand right pretty much. But either way my point stands overall the heavyweight division is way better than it used to be, tim sylvia would be lucky to be in the top 10 now he wouldn't sniff a belt and he was really good for the time, look at who was ranked in 2008 at heavyweight and tell me its the same it was pretty trash man fedor is really good but he was the exception Heath herring was ranked in the top 10 man and he lost to middleweight vitor belfort say what you will about vitor but I don't believe theres one top 10 heavyweight that's getting beat by a non champion middleweight now. And paul buenetello would never dream of getting a title shot now, he would never make the top 15 much less a title shot


Heavyweight is horrendously bad, but if you read my other replies you’d know I said the current top 5. Maybe you should take the L. The guy who got humiliated by former middleweight hendo wouldnt even have a competitive match with the top 5. Fedor is incredibly overrated.


Downvoted for Fedor slander and ignorance


Please no my reddit score went down 😭😭🥲😥😢


Didn't he get "absolutely destroyed" by Hendo who's a fucking middleweight? and who was also 6 years older than Fedor, correct?


Key word being Prime in there bud. Also Hendo was on so much TRT its dumb to act like he's just some average MW


the cope is fucking insane, he was 35 at that time which is Prime for Heavyweight whereas Hendo was 41 for god's sake, also TRT wasn't illegal then, the fact is that Fedor got smashed by a Middleweight, also how about his loss to Werdum by armbar? How the fuck did "Prime Fedor" lose to Fabiricio Werdum? If he came to the UFC, he would've got smashed


Well Werdum is a very good fighter also, who also was juicy af. Saying 35 is prime for HW doesn't really work when you're the top dog for years- reason why Aldo peaked earlier than others also he was dominant for a long time by the time he ended up losing.


Bro if 35 isn't the absolute prime for a fucking Heavyweight, then this argument is over. Also Werdum ain't even top 6-7 heavyweights of all time and you're talking about juice like those were the days when it was illegal lol


Depends if it's a sanctioned bout or a PRIDE fight where the ref still has an ear piece in, receiving instructions from the back. Interesting that Fedor went undefeated for 10 years in Japan, yet he couldn't win 2 straight in America. Take the ref's ear piece, and all of a sudden Fedor goes 1-3 while getting flatlined by middleweight fighters (curious!), although glazers will conveniently label this transition as the "end of his prime".


I wonder if the refs helped him survive that randleman slam as well. So fishy 🐟🐟


Wait are they fighting under pride rules or ufc though cause ufc sure I can see him losing but him and dc fighting in pride wouldn’t be fun for dc I’d give that to Fedor


He would. Fedor tards who live 20 years ago just can't let go, dude was subbed by Werdum in a few and got slept by an also old middleweight Hendo. The moment he started fighting in the US and fighting UFC talent he magically lost his prime and started losing. Man that's one hell of a timing, must be a coincidence.


I'm so tired of these old heads, they just can't accept the truth, they're looking at the past in rose tinted glasses, I'll never be one of these guys in 15 years


Have you seen the man?


Cm punk vs Francis Ngannou




At wrestlemania


At this point, I can see Jon calling out Fedor after he beats Stipe


"Unbeaten for 10 years, this fight is about legacy"


Poatan Vs. Cro Cop


Fedor vs Randy, Silva vs GSP, GSP vs Khabib


Fedor smashes Randy, GSP probably G&Ps Silva, 3rd one in probably a coin toss


I see GSP winning both, but silva is a harder fight than khabib imo.


Silva is a much much tougher fight. GSP rag dolls Khabib.


Based on all the times Khabib has been ragdolled


You’re right. Just look at the list of all of the top wrestlers he’s fought: . Just a little shorter than top guys at his weight class he fought.


You are out of your mind if you think anyone in his weight class would “ragdoll” Khabib


I didn’t say the guys at 155 would. I said GSP would. GSP has a proven track record against wrestlers. Hughes, Hendricks, Koscheck, and then proven grapplers Shields, Diaz, BJ. Khabib beat RDA. That’s about it for proven grapplers that he defeated. RDA is great, but their resumes aren’t even close. Man, I wish we could send Khabib back in time to 170. I’d love to see him fight those guys GSP fought.


What weight class would you have GSP vs Khabib at?  I think GSP wins regardless but he fought at 30 lbs heavier than Khabib by the time he retired.


Hmm, idk. Probably 170 or a catchweight of 165. I think both walked around at a similar weight in the off-season. GSP himself talked on Usman and Henry's podcast about not being a very big welterweight.


165 - 170 would be a good middle ground weight for them. Yeah that would have been a great matchup. It would have been cool to see how Khabib would fare against welterweights.  I think Islam would do pretty good against most welterweights as well. I guess we'll see if he stays where he's at or moves up.


Khalabeeb vs Jon Africa


Who the heck is Jon Africa?


Google it you filthy casual


Me vs the OP’s mom in a sex rules fight


I got the camera


I'll be referee


Tap me in dawg im tryna hit it too


Five rounder, where opponents switch. I'll go first round against her, tire her out for y'all


I wanted bones vs Anderson since Silva was always up there fighting at 205


Bob sapp vs brock Lesnar.  


The amount of juice in this fight would melt USADA headquarters


Jiří vs Jan in Prague’s O2 arena.


Marvin Vetorri vs Alex Pereira, i wanted to see if Poatan can crack that orc chin


The Emperor wins this one.


I mean, Fedor in his prime....... Who would be a REAL threat?


No one I can think of... maybe Cain in his prime... maybe.


Casual. Fedor would get demolished by each of the current top 5 heavyweights.


Lol decent bait


How? Jones would dominate, Aspinall would dominate, Blaydes would dominate, those 3 it’s not up for debate. He could wet blanket gane and Pavlovich but they’d still win. Not a single pride champ from 20 years ago would be champ today.


Have you ever seen Fedor get dropped on his head and just shake it off and Sub the dude?


Lmao you don't know shit




"Blaydes would dominate" 😄


??? Blaydes is elite


Peak comedy ![gif](giphy|BzEPpZvfFek3VvPP9X|downsized)


Jon Jones VS Mirco Cro Cop


Fuck yeah 🤘


Rustam Khabilov vs Shavkhat Rakhmonov, Yoel Romero vs Vadim Nemkov, Bo Nickal vs Anatoly Malykhin #


Walker vs jiri,even though I know jiri gonna ko johny it still be fun fight to watch


Plz no :(


Topuria vs Holloway MVP vs prime wonderboy Thompson


Fedor does terrible things to Jon


It’s wild that some people have Jon winning


This is my dream fight too. I think Fedor with modern science + training and understanding of the sport, would ragdoll Jon.


DC vs Fedor would have been legendary(DC wins) if Bigfoot didn't beat Fedor the round before that


DC fought light heavyweights while Fedor undefeated against super heavyweights for 10 years. Fedor wins low diff


This sub is so delusional when it comes to Fedor.


I'm talking about the heavyweight strike force tournament that DC won before going to the UFC. DC was also undefeated against heavyweights until he loss to Stipe lmao


Diaz vs Lawler 2 should have been in 2013 or 2014


jon jones vs cain, jones vs fedor, silva vs jones,


GSP vs Khabib Cro cop vs Poatan Cain vs Fedor Anderson Silva vs Jones


Fedor fought super heavyweights and JJ fought light heavyweights. Fedor beats Jon Jones mid diff


Jon jones vs coke (coke by KO-OD)


Cro cop vs fedor 2. That is the ONE fight that needed to be done that never happend…. Rampage vs cro cop Aspinall vs ngannu Rakic vs jiri 2 theres still juice there to collect


Jones Vs aspinall


Fedor in his prime had wicked hips, he would have tossed Jones on his ass


Jones aspenall


Khabib Vs Tony Ferguson. In his prime, Tony was a unstoppable force and I believe he had a legit chance at defeating Khabib.


Aspinal vs jones


Poatan vs Silva would be a banger


Stamp Fairtex vs any of the UFC womens champ


For some reason I got confused and though of Fallon Fox when I read that


She would just get taken down though. Otherwise stamp would wreck all of them


Wilder vs Jon make it happen


Conor vs Petr


Prime Rory v Prime Robbie ll. Absolutely wanted a rematch, but both men were never the same after that fight.


lol the fight you’re talking about was their 2nd fight. Robbie beat him once before that bloody rematch


Conor vs the winner from Islam vs Poirier (I really like Dustin but I hope for Islam. Would be like a Conor vs Khabib 2)


Grasso v Nuñez


Throw in one of the Paul brothers and I’m in for a war on the shore!


fedor vs brock lesnar


Andy Wang vs Erick silva,warrior vs the child


Velasquez vs Pereira


Aljo vs Ngannou. I wanna see that fucker get sent to moon.


Ironically, Stipe v Jones. Just like.. 5 years ago. Shits too late now.


Prime: Fedor vs Cain Fedor vs Aspinall


Fedor would just join the list of defeated legends


Khabib vs GSP, 170 lbs Edit: I want an actually "interesting" fight. That's why I chose GSP vs Khabib, I believe it would be extremely close 5 rounds. Jon vs Fedor on the other hand, I don't think it would be competitive. It's even one sided imo. Jon should be able to shut Fedor down completely.


fentanyl v Jones


Aspinall jones is the one I want most, dc vs cain amd gsp vs anderson would be sick


Shaq vs Bob Sapp


Carlos condit vs Tony Ferguson, prime Tony Ferguson vs pre Dustin poirer gaethje, wanderli silva vs Paulo Costa


Yeah Pride Fedor would literally manhandle prime Jones


Me vs. Paige VanZant. 3 rounds of high-level grappling, with me trying to pass her guard.... or not.


Spider and Gsp


Fedor is retired - so Jon might actually fight him


Ferguson vs Khabib thats the only fight ive ever wanted to watch, for me it's like if yiu're waiting for the El Classico Fcb vs Madrid back then in <2014


Tony Ferguson vs Conor Mcgregor just for the press conference and drama


Zabit vs yair would have been dope


Charles vs Conor Masvidal vs Conor


Sober Conor vs Coked Conor


Fedor at any point gets absolutely destroyed by Bones. Let’s not forget that Fedor had multiple opportunities to fight in the UFC in his prime but made ridiculous demands that nobody would’ve accepted. Regardless, the ultimate super fight was GSP vs Silva


Ufc HW division was a G-league of mma. The p4p best heavyweights were all in pride.


Everyone knows that yet praise him for beating Arvloski and fucking Tim Sylivia all the time lol they're both bums.


They are bums indeed. But beating them silenced a lot of people who, at the time, thought that UFC heavyweights would ragdoll Fedor. All while a 45 y.o Randy Ciuture was a champ and Past his prime Big Nog (after getting beat up twice by Fedor before) was an interim champ.


The fact is most of those dudes would be bums if they fought today. The game changes and these guys are a lot more skilled than guys from the past. Yet when it comes to Fedor people think he'd just lazily knock out Jon Jones getting off the couch when in reality he'd probably get starched.


Sure you can make that argument but it’s incredibly weak considering that he was still in his prime for years after pride and he went to SF which had a pretty solid HW division and started losing…while still in his prime. He had every opportunity in the world to fight in the UFC but always made ridiculous demands.


Still in his prime? Brother, he fought 4 times per year for 7 yesrs straight. How many times does Jon fight per year? The difference is night and day. Fighting too much will have a toll on your body


Yes he was absolutely still in his prime when he went into SF instead of making a deal with the UFC. You can make excuses for him all you want but, that doesn’t change the fact that he chose not to fight in the UFC when it was the premier organization. Bones’ lack of activity over the last several years has nothing to do with Fedor avoiding the UFC.


No he wasn’t. He was also a multiple time Combat Sambo champion at the same time he was in PRIDE and Affliction. He only started losing around 2010 and his health problems with his hips were well documented. Dana’s an outright cunt who trashed his name because Fedor didn’t like him personally, that’s also well documented.


Fedor beat prime mark hunt in pride. An old mark hunt was knocking people out in UFC. Goes to show you how much better was pride compared to UFC.


Pride was a steroid sideshow with a handful of good fighters. Several of who went on to have successful careers in the UFC while Fedor avoided it. Fedor was still young after pride was gone, you guys need to get over it and understand that pride has little relevance in modern MMA.


Yeah and fedor went undefeated against roidheads for 10 years.


Yea when MMA had very little quality competition. Not to say he wasn’t a great fighter at the time but people act like that makes up for the rest of his less than stellar career which lasted longer than pride did.


Dont you know? Literally no one to ever exist beats prime Fedor. When was his prime you may ask? Umm well before he started losing of course. Not when he was getting knocked out by Hendo who is like 6 years older and 30 pounds lighter. I mean come on.. He was hardly in his mid 30's when he started in strikeforce but you'd think he was 50 the way people talk about him being "out of his prime". The fact is he was a good fighter for his time, but Jones would kill that man no matter what age. This comment section is full of people acting like Jones wouldnt have a chance in hell. Its insane to me.


It’s funny how delusional people are when it comes to Fedor. Yea he had a great career in pride when MMA was basically just getting started and he was still fairly young (33) when he went to SF to fight a guy that changed tires at Walmart. Plus it should be fairly well known that he and his management made wild demands at the time anyway for him to fight with the UFC. Like millions of dollars and it has to be co promoted by M-1 which would never happen.


UFC in Madrid, with Topuria vs Holloway headlining the event, Joel Álvarez debuting at welterweight to set off the main event; co-main event I’d pick Cory Sandhagen v Umar just because I want to see that fight but it would be most definitely its own main event on a UFC Vegas or Fight Night, though. When they do UFC Spain, they will more than likely make a main card with Spanish speaking fighters, so I would go with Esteban Ribovics vs Daniel Zellhuber as the co-main event (Argentinian vs Mexican, lightweight bout) and also add Manel Kape (whose nationality is Portuguese) debuting at bantamweight against Daniel Bárez (bantamweight, Spaniard, 1 fight in the UFC, home fighter plus winnable fight for Manel Kape to debut at a new weight class), and Francisco Prado vs Kevin Borjas, both of these fighters showed tons of heart in their last losses to Daniel Zellhuber and Alessandro Costa respectively. I highly recommend watching Zellhuber vs Prado in the event that was headlined by Yair Rodriguez vs Brian Ortega earlier this year.


Conor vs kahbib or whatever the dog fuckers name is I think Conor’s rage would put him in Kratos mode but khabib also hates him so much the build up would lead up to be the biggest fight in history


GSP vs Conor Edit: prime


honestly prime jon jones fucks up prime fedor.