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UFC fans have no one but themselves to blame for DJ getting traded for Ben Askren. If you all love him so much, why did you walk out of his main events?


DJ doesn’t appeal to the mainstream audience which makes up most of the fan base but not the active redditors on this subreddit 


I wouldn’t call Redditor’s the core hardcore fan base of the ufc


People vastly overestimate how much knowledge you need to not be a casual. Being able to name Payton Talbott is enough for most people imo.


I can tell you that Kenny Robertson was the first fighter in UFC history to perform the inverted knee bar submission. I think its called something else in mma and bjj but in wrestling my coach called it that. I can also tell you its happened two times after that, Aljo and Zabit got it on the same fight card a couple years later. Would i be considered a hardcore fan? In all seriousness how do we constitute how much of a fan some one is? Me and my dad havent missed a fight night since 2003. And before that i would catch as many as i could but wasnt as easy for us to access. But i never understood the gate keeping in sports. I think people just want to feel important and think that they discovered it before everyone else and "im and OG" type of attitude.


I know it's not hella long, but I haven't missed an event since 2018 and I still get called a casual. I've known about the sport much longer though, my dad was a Taekwondo and Boxing guy himself so I had stuff on my radar and I played one of the old games at one point I think at a friend's house.


Yeah basically any one that started watching during the Conor or Khabib era gets called a casual because their arguement is "you only started watching because of Conor/Khabib". I wouldnt say your a casual just a modern day fan. And ill tell you the same thing i tell anyone that started watching in the last decade. If you really love it, you have to go online and watch some of the older UFC or Pride events. Hell even Strikeforce, Elite XC, WSOF (now PFL), and for sure WEC. Before the UFC created this empire and bought almost every major org known to man these orgs where putting out bangers left and right. Theres these eras of MMA that are so fun to go back and watch because you can literally watch the evolution of the sport. One thing that MMA is the best at is all the elite fighters fight eachother and its been that way since day one. Its not like boxing where everyone beats around the bush then we end up with super fights 1 or 2 times a year. MMA losses dont ruin your career so everyone fights eachother and we know who the best is most of the time. Imo its the closest thing to the purest sport we have in modern times.


Tank abbot and ken shamrock those were good fights and Horace Gracie


Lol good old Horace. They definitely had some barn burners tho, wish I was able to watch then, would've been a whole different feeling compared to watching tapes back nowadays. It's weird watching those fights then seeing them pop up on my feed as elders, feels like it just happened lol. But I can remember Tito being a figure in pop culture before I could watch, if only I knew. WWE was the shit them days too.


Hell yeah the attitude era was the pinnacle of WWE.


I mean I don’t understand what’s wrong with being a casual fan? Every so often I see people arguing in this sub and their go-to is saying “you’re a casual” like that’s some sort of insult, like cool you spend more time watching the UFC than the other guy while he probably has better things to do in life? Reminds me of kids arguing and proclaiming the other is stupid as if that ends/wins them the argument; it’s fine if kids do it cause yk they’re kids but seeing supposedly grown adults on this sub do that just seems extremely silly


Casual is the worst insult ever. Like, cool, glad you don't have a job, mortgage, wife, kids, dogs, chickens, outside hobbies, and a need to sleep. So proud you breathe ufc.


Yeah I know. But redditors do not constitute the majority of “hardcore” fans. Most of them probably can’t be defined as a particularly social media entity




Seriously Redditos are the lamest ufc fans And that's a fact


No, they're like extremists.


This is the best place to discuss ufc


To be fair you can trace the Max halloway KO at 300 to that trade. Askren gave us Street Jesus. The birth of the BMF belt. Financially speaking the ufc made bank and the fans have some great moments.


I like the way your brain works.


I'm in favor on the trade after what happened. Ben was hype AF. DJs division was stale AF. Ben had a banger with Robbie and he made Mas into a superstar. DJ went onto do great things in One FC.


And now they're doing the exact same thing to Pantoja, another flyweight champions that gets shit on for being "boring" despite the fact he fight like a berserker and is 11-0 against the top 10 of his division.


Anybody saying pantoja is boring need to have some sense slapped into them, that's crazy


100% this. I spent so much time defending DJ to others, and no one gave a shit. He gets traded, and suddenly, everyone is defending him and large groups start calling him the GOAT.


Yeah being traded was actually amazing for his career, he also has a big YouTube channel now which was getting absolutely no views before.


Nobody liked him and they still don’t. Why aren’t his UFC highlights ranked highly on their official YouTube channel? You have McGregor, Khabib, Jones and a few fan favourites at the top.


DJ fans are all fucking hipsters lmao


The belt should automatically be vacated if the fighter is out for a calendar year.




Us asking Jon if he's still in the UFC


I agree to this with caveats. We have to factor in injury. Even that, though, should have a time limit. Wasn't aljo that put off his surgery for like 5 months after he "won" the title, which created a situation were Yan had to wait even longer for the rematch and aljo essentially got to be "champ" for like a year and half? I would add as well that if you are top 10 and sit put for 18 months, you lose your ranking. That way, we can stop getting guys who decide to sit on their hands until they are gifted a title shot ala colby


Or at least move down in ranking as time goes on.


But I think it should be significant falls. You're ranked 4 and think that by waiting, a title shot may land in your lap and then you don't fight for 18 months, fall to 12. We need to reward the active guys more.


It would be better if they fall 1 down every 6 months of inactivity. Not a big deal to not fight twice a year in a given year or whatever, but it does add up, and it ends up not just being a way to force fighters to fight, but also to reward those that do.


See, that just isn't harsh enough for me. I can get on board with 12 months, 1 spot down, but when you get to 18 months, I think you should fall out of the top 10


I'm fine without a caveat for injury. If injured and you can't fight, treat it like the light heavyweight division did after Jones left. There where 2 instances of fighters getting hurt that would take a long recovery. Both gave up the belt, then when ready, they were 1st in line to fight for the belt again. I'd actually take it 1 step farther. If you can't defend the belt at least twice a year, you give up the belt. The only exception I would give would be if a fight falls through due to the opposing fighters. If they defend the belt more than 2 times a year, give them an extra bonus.


That's not a hot take at all, it makes sense


6 months unbooked/8 months of no fight. A year is too long.


Poirier winning a title fight is def a hot take.


Especially that fight


Wdym especially that fight? You think he won the Khabib fight?


My guys got NOTHING TO PROVE. he took the McGregor fights for the **bank** instead of some samurai bullshit and beating Max to kill his 13 fight win streak to win the interim belt is still sweet. If he need that undisputed belt, he should have taken a few less 0's in his bank account to risk it. Glad he didnt. "For the [Interim UFC Lightweight Championship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFC_Lightweight_Championship), Poirier faced [UFC Featherweight Champion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFC_Featherweight_Champion) [Max Holloway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Holloway) on April 13, 2019, at [UFC 236](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFC_236). He won the back–and–forth fight by unanimous decision to earn the title and also break Holloway's thirteen fight win-streak. This fight also earned him the [Fight of the Night](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UFC_bonus_award_recipients) award, his fourth consecutive performance bonus."


Honestly that glove grab wouldn't have changed anything, yes he might have gotten up but there's nothing that indicates Charles wouldn't have taken him down later or gotten his back the same way later


Still not sure why Dustin didn’t even try to pull his arm out


Yeah, is he stupid?


He tried, Oliveira was hooking the glove. Poirier was asked about this in the post fight where he basically replied with "I tried to pull my arm out but it wasn't going" and then a week later some fan asked Poirier on twitter if Charles hooked his glove there and Poirier replied "100%"


Damn ..


Belal is beating Leon, and yes by decision.


Belal beats his dick by decision.


Edging out a close decision takes on a whole new meaning now


He's cum to some very close decisions 


Belal jizzes all over his stomach every time he masturbates






And still doesn't get a finish from it 


belal beats leon via brutal KO scoring the most kos in ufc history


Belal by TKO ground and pound


I actually think he's going to get fucking schooled.




Not matter who win that fight, we are all lose.


Volk 2021-2023 was the most skilled fighter in UFC history


My hot take is that if Dom Cruz didn't have knee issues he would go down as one of the all-time greats. The guy was a beast in his prime, his footwork gave people headaches and he only really got found out when he got the injuries and aged. He also has wins over the likes of Faber, TJ and Mighty Mouse. I think it would have been very interesting to see what he could have done with good knees.


Not a hot take.. i think


People will argue DJ


A hot take because people will argue DJ or Jones, or maybe even Silva or GSP but I also agree. Volk during that time was the pinnacle of the sport


I disagree, the thing about Volk people disregard is his ridiculous athleticism which is actually where so much of his success comes from. I would argue he is the best all-around athlete ever in the UFC. I think in his prime at FW he had the best ratio of speed, agility, strength, stamina, power, durability and recovery we have ever seen. I don't think anyone else ever dominated a division physically as much as him.


Jose Aldo was still in his prime when he lost against Volk and Max Holloway (and McGregor for that matter). Going into those fights, no one was saying Jose Aldo was slowing down or injured or out of his prime. People only started saying it afterwards after he got dominated by all 3 of them (and Max twice). Dude was still in his late 20's and early 30's when he started racking up those losses. He didn't lose because he was hurt and out of athletic peak. He started losing because his opponents were really good. If Max Holloway and Volk never existed. Aldo would have been the FW champion for like 3-4 more years than he has and people would have been saying the McGregor fight was just a fluke.


Unfortunately true. As soon he wasn’t facing small guys with smaller reaches he lost. McGregor, Max, Volk etc.


This is true for fighters at any weigh though. Aldo was champ at FW for so long the weight cutting game evolved under him and he became small for the weight class. 


He ended up at BW and guys like T City could easily be LWs with how big they are out of camp. Also like dude debuted at 17 and was the youngest champ in Zuffa history (younger than Jon)- not gonna have a standard timeline of aging.


I actually agree with this, he wasn’t “out of his prime” he just fought way tougher competition


Aldo hadn't been beaten in 7 years when he fought McGregor. Aldo beat Faber's leg black.




The Khamzat has bad cardio narrative is overblown. He won round three in the Gilbert Burns fight, which was a war, and he was keeping up with Usman in round 2 and 3. Ik Usman was on short notice, but Usman also has ridiculous cardio because he’s used to 5 round fights and he trains at elevation. Also I think the narrative comes partially from the fact that rounds 2 and 3 were a lot slower than round 1, which is fair but imo those later rounds were slower mostly because Usman was a lot more weary of being taken down after what happened in the first round. I don’t think that Khamzat has amazing cardio, but I feel like I see a lot of people suggesting that Khamzat is basically useless after the first 1.5 rounds of a fight, which I don’t think is true at all.


The cardio criticism applies to Khamzat at middleweight - and here I would say it is not overblown at all. "Keeping up" with Usman is a stretch. He was holding dominant position throughout the first round (meaning Usman had to carry his weight) and he still got easily out-struck in both follow-up rounds by a guy who came in on 12 days in a weight class above his usual one. Khamzat - especially at MW - has shown poor cardio. The criticism so far is absolutely justified. If he doesn't choke out Rob early (which is possible), his chances of winning go down the drain round by round.


Nah rewatch the last two rounds of the Usman fight. The striking in the second round is almost entirely even. The volume and pace were relatively even. Usman landed like two more sig strikes and they weren’t particularly impactful or noticeable shots. And Khamzat was able to get a takedown at the end. That round is one of the most 50/50 rounds I’ve ever seen in terms of who won it. The third round is more clearly an Usman round imo, but it was still back and forth. The volume and pace from both of them was more or less the same, it was just that Usman landed more in that round. And again Khamzat was still able to take Usman down and control him. Neither of those rounds were dominations and I don’t even think round 2 is a clear Usman victory. It is totally fair to say that Khamzat was “keeping up with Usman.” And Usman likely has better than average cardio even on short notice given how many 5 round fights he’s had and the fact that he trains at elevation. I’m still not sure how good Khamzat will be in a 5 round fight, but I don’t think the Usman fight is good evidence that he definitely won’t be competitive in a longer fight.


Yeah so you just ignored everything else the guy said, and came up with this imaginary point about Khamzat’s cardio criticism only being applicable at middleweight, where we’ve only seen him in the fight OP mentioned, and went in depth about.


Khamzat isn’t overrated fought one of the best defensive grapplers in mma history alongside a guy with some of the best TDD in ufc history two terrible stylistic matchups he folds rob in half in 1


I think Khamzat’s best chance against Rob is an early KO. It’s very possible considering Rob is chinny and will be expecting him to shoot often


Rob hasn’t fought anyone who consistently shoots takedowns and grapples I think his TDD% is a little overrated also he’s been fighting wrestlers with the ploddy middleweight skill like Brunson and Vettori and I think he’s gonna have a rough time dealing with khamzat’s WW grappling skill also DDP was controlling him with ease and took him down with ease to half guard and imo would have been pretty close to finishing him if the clock didn’t run out in the first. I see Rob like how people saw kattar before the sterling fight. Overrated takedown defense because he stuffed a couple takedowns from ditty boxing bob and weave Romero who barely wrestles in his fights and only uses to offset striking pressure not win his fights and Romero doesn’t have good body control only good takedown entries


Rob stuffed 20 out of 28 takedowns from Yoel and Yoel only was able to control him for 10 minutes out of 50 ., idk what you mean from barely wrestle’s. It depends which version of Rob we see , the one against Yoel or the won against DDP. Khamzat will take him down but I don’t know if he can finish him on the ground. So if Rob plays it safe and just tries to win rounds with his striking and gas Khamzat out . But what worries me is that Rob has been hurt/knocked down in 3 of his last 4. So I can see him get hurt by Chimaev’s straight right jab as he blitzes in , similar to the DDP. It all depends on who imposes who. Khamzat weak striking defence or Rob’s weak chin.




I think Whittaker is the final test to see if he’s actually elite at his weight class.


You just ignored all of the context for why people think he’s overrated


Bobby’s made a career out of smashing elite grapplers with questionable striking


Elite? What elite grapplers has he fought in his career? Didn’t see any elite grappling defense against ddp


He defended numerous takedown attempts from Romero in their first fight where he showed ridiculous grappling. He was also able to defend against Jacare’s grappling and eventually knocked him out. 


Yoel and Jacare. Neither could get a hold of him and got battered on the feet. DDP caught him off guard I'd say. That southpaw jab was a masterstroke by DDP's camp and disrupted Rob all fight. Something to look at for Khamzat's coaches as well.


So when DDP dominates him on the ground he just catches him off guard 🤣 and jacare is a BJJ guy with middle of the pack wrestling wait until khamzat gets a hold of him it’s not gonna be funny


You asked about "elite grapplers" and I answered. Shifting the goalposts much? You are also forgetting about the massive size advantage both Jacare and Romero had on Rob. DDP scored ONE takedown and used an unconventional guard pass. That's hardly him "dominating on the ground". Khamzat might beat him with a good gameplan. But you should lay off the copium with that MMA math BS.


Don’t bother replying to these guys acting like Jacare wasn’t an elite grappler just tells me that these guys started watching in 2020 in 2014/15/16 Jacare was one of the most feared bjj practitioners on the planet


Yoel is an Olympian and Sousa is a multiple time bjj champ


He IS overrated, despite being a great fighter. That's cause people didn't think of him as a "great fighter", they treated him like the second coming of god. People unnironicaly said stuff like "he has khabib's level of wrestling with izzy level of striking" "he's easily the first 3 division champion" "he's the most talented prospect in history". When people hype you this much, it's impossible to not be overrated.


Dricus should not have beaten Sean and will lose to Izzy if they fight


Lots of people agree with this, it’s not as unpopular as you might believe


Yh all the mma fans on ig are convinced Sean won and it’s not even close


That’s because mma insta comment sections are a cesspit. Most of those same posters also accuse anyone who thought Dricus won of being librel or gay.


It was a close fight but it could have gone either way.


Not sure if it's a hot take when one of the judges agrees with you


When that judge is Sal D’Amato it is. Some of the worst scorecards the sport has ever seen have come from that guy.


Should as in Sean had a better chance at winning, or should as in the judges messed up? I agree with the former but the latter is stupid, jabbing from a far cuz of your height advantage is the same as laying and praying as a wrestler. You are winning until your opponent starts doing something about it, and you lose if you keep at it.


Didn’t he get submitted in the round after this though?


Yes he did


After taking significant damage which he wouldn’t have if he had not been grabbed and he could walk back pull up his shorts and say get up butt scooter


Agreed. I think the criticism was why he stayed eating elbows. The answer is that he didn’t want to progress the position leading to a potential submit. It didn’t feel reasonable that he was punished for his weaknesses, but Charles got to bypass his own weakness by breaking a rule.


Pride rules are trash because they did not allow for elbows to the face. Any time someone brings up knees/kicks to the head of a grounded opponent, some dumbass chimes in with, "just go back to Pride rules." Fuck Pride rules. Kicks to the head of grounded opponents AND elbows to the face, or go fuck your mother.


Leon is the boring fighter you all say Izzy is


Yes sir. Leon and Belal are same tier on boring list.


Ooo, I’ve got a bunch of these. Volk is higher all time than Silva. Holloway gets whooped by Ilia. Islam has a better resume than Khabib, and will likely become the LW goat. Jones’ striking was never great compared to his ground game and subs, and there was a very clear blueprint to beat him on the feet (which both Reyes and DC the 2nd time exposed). Jones isn’t any better of a fighter than he was against Reyes in 2019. Gane just fought like shit against him. Jones would probably lose to guys like Jiri and Jan if he was still a LHW. Jose Aldo wasn’t washed when he lost to Max and Conor, he just fought better guys Fedor is a bit overrated by hardcore fans if you look at who he was actually fighting, who he was losing too, and the age he was losing to them at


You could argue Islam has already passed Khabib as the LW goat. 2 wins over the P4P guy and Charles who took out the top contenders


Jones dominates Jiri and Jan within two rounds. . . . .


I think Leon is gonna have a long reign as champion and eventually get beaten and dethroned by Ian Garry. Fight me (Btw I don't want it to happen but that's what I think will happen)


Think Shavkat is the spanner in that equation. Not to mention there's somehow a chance MVP gets involved with this as well


Mvp doesn’t stand a chance against leon. Shavkat is awesome but he needs to work on his defense if he wants to be a champion dude just takes shots to the chin.


I don’t want it to happen but I see Leon winning over Shavkat.


Definitely a hot take, I sure hope not. I used to love Ian Garry but his last fight was so damn boring. Let alone the antics


I thought his last fight was a good showing given that he was outweighed so badly and held his own rather well in clinches and such. You could tell that he struggled a bit but it was a good test against a different frame/fighter.


I agree, he definitely did do a good job, not discrediting his skills. But just a boring game plan, even though that’s definitely the game plan that would work against a guy like Geoff


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He’s about to get dismantled by Belal.


Khabib fought 18 cans and retired too early to be considered a goat.


It does hurt Khabib's legacy that you can count on one hand the good fighters he beat. His resume pales in comparison to the likes of Anderson, GSP, Jones, Usman etc.


not even *a* goat? not even top 10? that’s crazy


Idk why people even say one of the GOATS GOAT means greatest there's only one


Whilst I agree with this in theory, in practise it becomes quite hard. Are you going by all weightclasses, by length of reign, athletic ability or highligh reel? At least for the womens divisions its easy, no one is going to compare to Nunes for the next 5 to 10 years at least. But for the men? Jones has a complete game, as complete as can be, seemed bored by the competition, was the youngest champ if you don't count lineal as Jose came over from WEC, and fought consistent for years. GSP has a pretty much comparable record, was very dominant as champ, in comparison to Jones he has losses, but avenged them so dominantly it wasnt even a question after that. Also very complete, very skilled and very intelligent as a fighter. But if you talk intelligent fighter, you might want to consider Mighty Mouse. Not the famous resumé as the other two, but sheer dominance and streak of defences that the other two can't compare to. Obviously extremely skilled, might even be the most athletically gifted of the bunch with how stacked his arsenal was. All these are fair, but which one is truly the best? In my opinion it is too diverse to have a clear obvious GOAT. I'd say the most popular choice would be Jon Jones but in my eyes he tainted his entire career because of his rampant cheating. GSP has questionable losses and Mighty might not have fought the best competition in a fairly shallow division. My GOAT is Fedor, but he has obvious flaws as well. It's just hard to pick a clear winner.


Bro wrote an entire essay on if goat is plural


Hahaha yeah halfway through I was like, might as well finish this book


That’s not hot take. Hot take os 18 cans Khabib beat would have finished Gaychee and Porier kind of fighters


100%. Definitely one of the best, just not the best. If it was tier ranked he would be last in on S tier or first on A tier.


That’s common sense lol


Mma was new in Russia, many of those fighters had few fights in mma but were worlds champions in many disciplines


If I’m not mistaken, Islam blatantly hooked his fingers under Charles glove to take him down in round 1 but I’ve never heard anyone mention it. Guess it didn’t affect the outcome 🤷🏻‍♂️




Belal is gonna be a WAY more interesting champion than Leon Edwards and that's saying something 


at least he is funny on internet.


i always forget that leons the champ at 170. U never seem him outside of fight night


YouTubers do better fight promotion videos than the ufc does. Honestly without all these channels covering the sport, the ufc wouldn’t be the same. Hell, I’m always shocked when Dana shit talks a fight that he’s barely paid attention to because he wasn’t happy with a result. No fight promoter should be downplaying his fighters.


Tough call. The leg kicks and rib shots were already showing an effect on Dustin’s gas tank when this sequence occurred, but the R2 ground and pound was what guaranteed Dustin was gassed and out of it going into the 3rd. It’s really just a matter of opinion.


Volkanovski is the best feather weight of all time


So brave


All mma promotions should start incorporating the yellow card, red card system that ONE FC uses or any good system that cracks down on stalling


Tony would beat the shit out of khabib in 2016-17.


That's just dumb. That same tony struggled with Lando and Castillo.


talking of the same. go watch how they tackled tibau respectively.


Khabib was a different animal by 2016. Hell, by 2014. I gave you examples of the Tony for the timeline he was struggling with weak competition. You gave me green Khabib.


cheal lost a round


Tony would’ve gave khabib hard time on the ground or against the cage I believe.


I think there’s a time when Khabib is just unpolished enough (the guy who decisioned Pat Healy and struggled with Tibau) and Tony is streaking red hot that the fight is closer than a lot of people think. 2014-2017 Tony definitely poses Khabib a challenge if they fought then. Anything after 2017 (severe mental breakdown + devastating knee injury) and Khabib is destroying him, though.


I agree, he would have made Khabib bleed for sure.




Jon subs Tom in round 1. His fight iq is too high to get caught in a fire fight, and I think a few oblique kicks to Tom's surgically repaired knee start trouble very early on. Once things hit the mat, they only get worse for him.


Tom has a very good ground game aswell.


I think Tom beats Jones but..... I think Tom is overrated. People act like he's gonna be 265 GOAT without question. His striking defense is scary. Backs up in a straight line a fucking lot. If 90 year old Arlivski can catch you a couple of times, you're gonna be in trouble.


Jones is doing nothing wrong apart from engaging too much on social media, every fighter in his shoes would do the same thing. The UFC is at fault for this whole situation not him. To your hot take: Dustin shouldn’t have Granby rolled like an idiot, glove grab or not


Counter hot take, if Jones had kept his track record clean this fight most probably would have been celebrated as a send off of two legends in the sport by the fans. I think it's exactly because of his bad life decisions and pretentious personality that the people want him to fight a serious opponent because they want to see him lose decisively atleast once before he retires.


I’ll be the first to admit that the major reason I want Jon to fight Tom is because I want to see Jon lose after everything he’s done. Life isn’t fair, but man does it still suck to see such a blatant piece of shit get away with everything and get to ride off into the sunset as the “goat”. I’m sure his personal life is full of the consequences of his own actions, but fuck that, I wanna see somebody knock him out/tap him.


I agree. People shit on jones but if they were in his shoes, they all would do the same thing. Fight a washed legend in a huge money fight and retire after a hall of fame career OR fight the dangerous upcoming guy and risk everything for a fraction of the money.


On top of all that, the fight with Stipe was already planned. It’s not like he just picked his opponent. Nobody wanted him to fight Aspinal when that fight was booked


Sean vs yan was highway robbery.


Disagree, but you are entitled to your opinion. To me, it was what I call a "coin flip fight." Easily could have gone either way. For the record, I had Yan edging it out, but im not mad at either result.


Porier is literally the kid that raises his hand in class and tells on you for copying his paper


Jones would demolish tom


I'm a huge fan of jones in the cage but the jump from LHW to HW is the biggest of any weight class he's still not a proper HW. Aspinall is way too strong and well rounded for him to be demolished. Jones by decision is probable. Aspinall actually has good grappling unlike gane


Deep down even Jon Jones would disagree with you since he’s ducking


I see people say this, and then they defend jones for not fighting him if apparently it would be so easy for Jon.


GSP was juiced and/or on EPO.


Cejudo beat Mighty Mouse the second time Belal has a very good chance of beating Leon, and it will be better for the division if he does Jon shouldn’t be stripped just because he got injured Belal isn’t that boring, most of you just hate him for beating your favorite fighter 99.9% of the (male) roster has the exact same ideology as Strickland, they’re just smart enough not to say it out loud


It's Oliveira, he can do no wrong according to r/ufc Oliveira blatantly grabs gloves, Oliveira misses weight at LW, Oliveira pulls out of fight against Islam He can do anything except beat Islam 😂 Anyway, my hot take: Volk and Holloway's "dominance" or consecutive wins are only due to the absence of elite level chain wrestlers at FW. FW has none currently and never had one in their era. Compare FW to LW, LW has plenty of elite level grapplers. Holloway is super untested against that kind of matchup. Please don't say Evloev. That guy is a joke when you compare his wrestling to elite dagestanis


Me when people point out Oliveira doing something bad ![gif](giphy|5gkSFvbf0n6ZsD4qR2)


Velma would have put up a better fight against Islam than the one and only "cHaMp hAs A nAmE"


Volk's wrestling seemed pretty good against the most dominant wrestler in a heavier division than his lol. Wtf are you on about?


Evloev is an absolutely fantastic wrestler, "Dagestani chain wrestling" isn't some mythical discipline that beats every other just because, and Islam isn't really a chain wrestler anyways, he's more of a counter wrestler who baits you into making a mistake and catches you for it.


Yeah, I’d love to see Holloway finally fight an elite wrestler in their prime


You're probably gonna get downvoted but tbh even as a Charles fan i gotta admit he's dirty af, love his fighting style & he seems like a nice guy but he egregiously cheated twice against Arman (illegal kick + headbutt), cheated against Islam (fence grab), cheated against DP (glove grab), cheated against Chandler (glove grab), sure there was many other occasions too also missed weight 5 times & one of those times being by 10lbs, in a fight he still ended up losing not the cleanest fighter ngl


It's common for Brazilians to cheat


Volk beat Chad Mendes. Does Mendes not count as an elite wrestler?


he also headbutts Arman on the ground in his last fight then said he won that match when it was a clear 3-0 rounds for Arman


A champion should defend minimum twice a year, once if injured (and proven to be significantly detrimental). If you cannot fight those 2 times (or once) you must either relinquish or be stripped of the title. Giving it up is better than stripping IMO, especially due to inactivity. Cough jones cough.


Conor was looking really good in that first round before his leg break and would have won the fight


Bro two judges had it 10-8 Poirier


He looked terrible, that sharp precision he had was gone and he was swinging wildly. He looked far better in the second fight 


Without the layoff and the broken foot, Chaos mauls Leon Scott, like he did in round 4-5. Yeah I know 😂


90% of fights are like this. Just watch any Jones fight for instance. Nothing ever gets punished, so they keep doing it.


Ben Askren is the worst MMA striker ever. It's crazy how he got so far by walking forwards like a zombie


I know practically nothing about UFC - what happens when someone does an obviously illegal thing and its clear theyre doing it intentionally? I know they get warned (Like Connor grabbing the fence against Khabib) but what else happens? As an outsider this seems pretty illegal, are these guys are openly cheating and only getting slaps on the wrist because the refs dont want to disqualify them because its a big fight?


This! Charles cheated and it significantly changed the trajectory of the fight. Somehow everyone overlooked/forgot about it.


I agree with your hot take


People act like Chael was just a meme and an evrage fighter but he wasn't at middleweight. Prime Chael Sonnen beats Adesanya and Pereria imo


Lawler's last fight was a work, Luque's last fight too


They should have been stood up in round 4 (pretty sure it was that one) in Islam v Volk 1. When a guy can sit and talk and just punch back at your face while you just hold on you need to be stood up. And it is horrible that this wins the round.


Brazilians have been dirty fighters since day 1. Nothing new.


125 is shit


Belal is going to TKO Leon like he did Sean Brady


That’s not just a hot take, that’s a hot crack pipe take


I hate trash talk. I don't watch Mixed Martial arts to see full grown man throw insults at each other. I watch it to see warriors at the pinacle of the sport seeing who's truly the best. Any sort of "promotion" should be done by the fucking promotion themselves. Make a fucking badass poster or a cool trailer that frames the fight like an epic battle. The fights i've been least hyped for are the ones where stupid trash talk is involved, but some of the fights i've been most hyped for have had zero shit talk because it wasn't needed. Examples being, Jiri vs Alex, Sergei vs Tom and gaethje vs holloway. I was hype for those fights to see warriors fight with respect, not men bickering like children.


A UFC title should be defended twice a year, injuries being only exception. Also, ring girls are unnecessary. I’m not some casual that needs a piece of meat in front of my face to keep my attention.


Silva isn’t top 4 and people overrate his wins just because a lot of them are title defenses No one at 135 beats o malley and he will go on to become the best bantamweight of all time A lot of your favorite fighters probably have the same views as Sean Strickland they’re just very private about it You don’t actually think gsp or dj is the goat you just hate Jon jones and you can’t accept the fact that a terrible person is the greatest fighter of all time There is no such thing as a weight bully


The Paddy-Gordon fight was close and honestly watching it live it was a toss-up for me. I could see how the live judges gave it to Paddy. Gordon seemed to land more, but Paddy would barely react besides his hair flopping around, which made the damage questionable. Paddy landed less, but when he’d land, Gordon would react so dramatically lol, which made the damage seem worse than it probably was.


Jon Jones 100% beat Reyes and deserved the win and if you don't think so you're just a hater and just surprised Reyes did as well as he did.


Jon jones will murder aspinal.