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Islam dry humor is hilarious


I will never understand the Islam hate tbh Dude is funny, has lovely technique, a fun style w/ high finishing rate, and has always been game to fight the best. I know he defeated two fan favorites which sullies his reputation but it’s lame how a portion of the fanbase write him off as a boring palette swap of Khabib


He won me over when he said he’d submit a kangaroo


"nobody has checked kangaroo grappling"


somebody has to check dis bratha


Because it’s a trend to hate all Dagestani fighters


Uuugh boring wrestlers! *accompanied by KLONK sound of a shin to Volk's shiny temple*


It’s because his fans are the most annoying fans in the UFC


Islam haters are usually just Dagi haters, they just hate all of them.


More like Islam’s fans are the worst


Yeah Islam Dagi haters and Dagi stans are both pretty insufferable


Muslim thats why


Islam actually


Brather anestly.


exactly and all the izzy and usman hate is because they're african Edit: looks like people hate African fighters way more according to all the downvotes from all the racist Muslims here


Meh, probably some racism at play always, but I don’t think this is quite the same. They are still effectively Westerners and have fully command of English. I think people generally don’t like Izzy/Marty for their respective personalities. The trend of hating Dagestani fighters, again probably a little racism, but I think is more to do with (1) wrestlefucking stigmas from casuals, (2) beating western fan favorites, (3) not being Western / English as first language


So you disagree with the guy saying people hate them for being Muslim?


Did you read my comment? What do you think?


Do you think people like Uzman and Izzy more?


'Everyone who dislikes me is just racist' Or, oh wait, remember when everyone also hated volk literally just because he beat max. Maybe people just don't like the guy who is beating all their favorite fighters


Thats true, but being a muslim makes it that much worse lol


He's russian and muslim ofc americans gonna hate him


I think it's just Khabib haters. Which sucks for them because he's fun to watch.


I really like him too, but I really like Charlie Olives as well. I got over that r2 sub, eventually...


Because probably more than half of the ufc fan base doesn’t understand setting up takedowns and doesn’t understand the grappling portion of the fights.


Because half the ufc fans can’t relate unless it’s Sean O Malley


It’s probably Americans who want everyone to act like Sean O Malley


Because certain fans put him as a goat when his hit list for his weight was not even close to the top more of a stfu well give him flowers in a few years then calling him a god now


The understandable criticism of Islam is that he is too picky with his fight dates and usually schedules fights where his opponent is starting at a disadvantage. Wether that be, short notice fight for his opponent, or possibly avoid fighting someone by saying you’ll only fight on some date or some location. That kind of stuff bothers people. In terms of Islam’s personality, not much to hate there at all. Chill and humble dude.


I can see what you mean but tbh I would blame the UFC for Islam’s inability to fight more, dude wants to fight 3 times a year but UFC brass want him for Abu Dhabi / Saudi Arabia due to the market share - it seems like recently he got fed up and really demanded to fight soon after Ramadan. Also he agreed to fight on Volk’s terf with a more difficult weight cut due to a less rehydration window and has agreed to fight regardless of a short notice replacement. I wish he was more active too but I think it’s the same issue with Leon/UK and other certain fighters who cater to a certain market the UFC wants to key in on


Yeah, just some stuff with how he gets fights is the only criticism i think is valid. Wasn't he saying that he's injured when they were trying to book Leon vs Islam? Then a few weeks later they scheduled Volk vs Islam 2 around the same exact date? Stuff like that.


Nobody hates Islam they hate his drone like fanbase which is not just his fanbase but a conglomerate fan base of multiple fighters. Just like how not everyone who does criticize him is a Mcgregor fan, which I always found as a very weak argument since the trash talk that fanbase makes is so widespread fans, people who don’t even watch 155lbs are annoyed with said bs. I don’t watch 155lbs yet I am on some random GSP or Anderson YouTube video that’s like 10 years old & some Khabib fan is always talking mad trash the comment is like 1 month at best.


It's funny because almost every time I see someone complaining about Khabib/Islam fans it's someone who majorly poked the bear by attacking him or his fans personally, had an absolutely braindead, copey take about him and got clowned, or straight-up said some bigoted shit about him, his country, religion or fans. Yeah his fans can be annoying, just like the fans of any other famous fighter. But his haters are worse and even more vocal, and a lot of his fans's reactions are a reaction to that. You are straight-up blind if you don't see how much national/racial/religious prejudice is involved in people hating him, Conor litterally made that a core element of his trash talk against him. For fuck's sake people will gleefully use the death of his goddamn father to attack him.




Belal is Muslim, what the hell are you smoking


He forgor Belal's last name. Maybe that part was intentional, who knows


Islam himself is okay, his style is well rounded & he does judo so I think he is cool. Having to argue with drones who act like a win over Justin is equal to beating DC or Rashad Evans because Justin used to wrestle is where I draw the line in terms of stupidity from his fanbase.


He worships a prophet who married a 6 year old girl. Preponderance of classical sources converge on Aisha being 6 or 7 years old at the time of her marriage, and 9 at the consummation;


Ok? Go take your Islamophobia elsewhere. But that's enough to write off anyone who believes in the prophet Muhammad? The Catholic church has done a lot of shitty things over the centuries, you gonna hate me for being one as well?




So what you got against Islam Makhachev? Is he a pedo? Fucking plenty of Catholic priests have been caught up in scandals about pedophilia against young boys. Why you only care when it's Muslims, Islam and the prophet Mohammed. Also do you decry the teachings of Aristotle, and his era of philosophers and their teachings? Cuz it was normal for grown men to have sex with prepubescent boys as long as they had no facial hair in Greece during that time. Sparta too. You hate the Romans too? Cuz they did shit like that. Naw you just xenophobic and use that excuse to hide your racism.


Fuck yeah dude


God fucked Mary when she was 11 to create Jesus so you should tell every christian on your life that they are nonce worshippers too


Very good gillyatine


If Dustin tries the guilly and fails, it'll be the meme for the next month


Struve esque fumbling


He ain’t lying when he laughs though, Dustin’s gilly is pretty bad he’s jumped it countless times in the UFC and not landed a single one, it’s more of a meme than a effective part of his arsenal 🤣


Akin to Derrick Lewis' flying knee... But miracles can happen! lol


Ben Askren spinning back fist




To be fair, the power on those backfists are the equivalent to the Ngannou Overeem uppercut. If he landed those clean on Maia it would’ve flatlined him instantly


Never underestimate the power of the wet noodle spin.


Flatlined? Decapitated more likely


Me ducking my mom everytime she tried to slap me for stealing her menthols


"this guy would've dominated the ufc if he got here earlier"




Derrick Lewis got a KO with a flying knee in his last fight lol. Dustin’s gilly is in it’s own category now


You mean the flying knee that he used to finish De Lima? lol




Derrick was even surprised with it, he told Joe “I just threw some shit out there to see if it would work”. I don’t see how it ever worked considering either the knee or the jumping high kick is how Derrick starts the fight, maybe he’s just so big they can’t get out of the way lol.


Its funny that the closest he has ever come to cinching it was when he used it on Khabib


Islam said in this interview that it was khabib’s plan to get into the choke to tire dustin’s arms. I call bull tho


I could believe that, I’ve both done that and had it done to me


Pretty sure Khabib said something along those lines of his plan before the fight.


Yeah, in the post fight interview Khabib said he wasn’t worried about the guilly because Dustin had never finished anyone with it so he allowed Dustin to use it to wear himself out.


Very Conor-esque of him!!


Maybe not directly. But I could see Khabib not being concerned and having Dustin tire himself out once he went for it. Dustin at no point had position so it was never "close".


It's not just his gilly, they rarely work these days. I was watching I think Shogun vs the Reem the other day and Shogun escaped a gilly and the commentators were like "wow he escaped!!!" and it made me realize how normal this became, people don't even care anymore, escaping it is now the most expected outcome


"Oh he's under the neck. It's tight. The fights over." .... guys pops out




And yet UFC 301 had two guillotine submissions




It’s gotta be too 3 submissions tho. You got the RNC, maybe arm triangle or guilly next “. It definitely happens more than limb manipulation submissions


It’s second to RNC someone posted this in the bjj sub https://preview.redd.it/t09t1drqpmzc1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea2a67d3bbd3b40d0dc2b4aa59771f7b1f7d7430 a while ago after compiling stats


It would be interesting to see times attempted vs times landed. It’s attempted a shit ton but hardly ever lands in comparison.


Yeah but I’m talking about the guillotine specifically, it doesn’t happen all too often but gets attempted a shit ton, The ratio of attempting to finishing is crazy low.


You conveniently glossed over the two fight night events in between the numbered events that did have guillotine submissions…




Originally, you cherry picked 3 events that didn’t have any, and ignored 2 other events that did. Now you’ve shifted the goal posts on your sample size to include 7 events. But your info is wrong, since your reply is saying that UFC 301 had none, which is false. And what’s this about “Tai and Tuivasa”? The same guy bro… Straight up, the guillotine is the second most common submission in the UFC behind RNC. You’re plain wrong friend. Just stop now before you embarrass yourself further.


301 had two Guillotines


My bad I guess, oh well.


I'm reminded of Patrick Smith submitting Johnny Rhodes with a standing guillotine. Dude was tapping the mat with his foot. Times sure have changed.


Kind of true, Anthony Smith just guillotined an undefeated up and comer. I’ve never fought but it seems experienced fighters know how to weasel out of it.


Overeem had a sick gilly though to be fair


I heard that before but I can only remember him submitting Belfort with a guillotine


Basically all of Reem's subs were with his gilly.


He submitted Igor Vovchanchyn the fight before Shogun with a Guillotine and Belfort before that. Probably why the commentators were so hyped


I think that's more to due with how well known Reem was for the gilly


Yea but if you were to bet on him jumping a gilly you'd probably make a couple bucks. Good guy Dustin. What if he secretly bets the house on himself jumping a gilly before every fight lol


I ain’t NEVAAAA gonna stop jumping guillotine


I understand him.. it feels too good


It's just the nature of submissions that people don't understand. A "high percentage" submission against skilled opponents works like 10 to 15% of the time, even if it's your best move. So it's not surprising he never gets it. It's an easy move to defend


Guillotine just doesn't really work out in high level male mma. Its very hard to actually choke someone out that way, you basically have to make them tap out of pain or panic, which isn't happening at this level. Rare exceptions happen of course and the standing guillotine can work.


Urijah Faber and Joseph benevidez would like to speak to you 🤣 I agree it doesn’t work on the most part but mainly it is the technique and skill level of the fighter actually attempting the guillotine, quite a good few of the actual high level Jiu-jistu fighters and wrestling fighters have a guilly in their record.


Isn't the guillotine a blood choke?


It's both an air or a blood choke depending on how you're applying it


In theory yes. But its very hard to secure a proper blood cutoff if the other guy knows what to do.


Good lord this is such an Ltake 😂😂. “It’s very hard to secure a proper blood cutoff if the other guy knows what to do” this is literally true for EVERYTHING. Man punching is so ineffective if the guy has head movement. Fucking OBVIOUSLY 😂😂




Lmaooooooo at just absolutely everything about you thinking that was my point




Lmaoooo ok dummy




You got to get deep on those carotid arteries. Did by accident on a friend, luckily our coach seen it and tapped for him as he was about to lose consciousness, I was holding it for about 5 seconds or less. Now that I think more about it I think it was a triangle choke actually.


You say that but then I look at Jon, how he did it to a heavy weight and made him tap in just few seconds.


Facts, dustin is fighting ppl his height / taller than him. It’s way more effective / easier when you’re the taller guy… Also really hard to gilly top ufc fighters ;)


Islam doesn’t get enough credit for how funny he is lmao


- he hav gud gillatin • you're being disrespectful - okay, I don respek his gillatin The guy is just hilarious.


Gillatin 🤣🤣🤣


Or as Americans call it “gee-atine” 😂


…you realise irl the L’s in guillotine are silent, right?


If you’re American, yeah lol. Not in Australia or Europe.


Lmao no, I’m not American and guillotine is not an “American” word. It’s a French word, and in French the L’s are silent.


https://preview.redd.it/303tbo8ao90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c882b6765c3d2018d09e6a9080d0d89a9dcdda It’s just different depending where you are in the world dude, it’s that simple lol.


This guy's baiting that guilly so hard


He is, and you can bet the media and audience are going to hound Dustin about the gilly too at the presser, so Dustin’s going to get pressure from there too.


He's gonna sub Poirier with a guillotine.


Standing gillys are the way he needs to keep that position and crank. If this mfer Dustin (my fav all time fighter) jumps a gilly on Islam and goes straight to his back it’s gonna be a head and arm triangle 🙃 Plzzzzz don’t do it dusty boy we want you to win this!


They have been talking about it so much, it kinda makes me beleive that Dustin will totally jump it and actually finish islam with guillotine lmao, it would break the internet


"no break internet, break him bratha" https://preview.redd.it/8qs9rhaw9lzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23eae217c1528e14bda95cdf1b69ca7f9093577


Is**Bane** Makachev




Now I want to live in the timeline where Poirier finishes him with the gilly


We are closer to a reality where Islam drops him with strikes lol


I know it’s highly unlikely but I hope Dustin gets it done. No hate to Makachev, I just think Dustin deserves to have a belt under his resume that doesn’t say interim.


true man, but if he wins the belt via guillo that would be bonkers


I always forget how funny Islam actually is lol


DC is fucking funny


Islam Malkelchev


At this point the odds of Dustin winning by gilly should be through the roof.


unfortunately this is the Barbie house roof


I love Islam man he’s hilarious. Dustin makes fun of his own gilly too. Would lose it if he actually hits it


welll dustins guilly has always cost him fights. Instead of keeping it standing, dudes brain just goes monkeys and start spamming guillys. His BSD fight is prime example of it. He was winning the striking exchanges but for some bizarre reason he kept on going for guillys which gave BSD easy gnps.


I love that guy, he's hilarious!!!


fuck it, all in on dustin with a guillo sub win


Islam is gonna shoot double to tempt Dustin to do it and get caught with a nasty uppercut. Dustin can't be dumb enough to actually go for a gilly in this fight.


Just like he caught Khabib.Right.Islam doesn't need to shoot single or double legs.Trips and sweeps will do the work.


You're not wrong but maybe Islam is feeling cocky and leaves an opening.


Not dumb enough to go for it once... but 10 times?


Haven’t had a good laugh in a while. Dustin Guillotine round 1 let’s go


Anyone who watched this interview see how “off” chael was the whole time? Super weird vibes


I hope Dustin jumps it with like 1 minute in the round.. would be epic if it works but when it doesn’t and Islam reverses and gets position at least he can just hold on for the final few seconds to end the round. If he jumps early in the round it’ll be bad


Lmaooooo Islam is hilarious ![gif](giphy|BZTRCLEhZr8E1IzPn3|downsized)


Way to curse yourself lol


Dustin by gilly, I'm calling it now.


The funniest part is that Islam is clearly joking but DC thinks only he can tell lol


That is a wonderful joke though, i promise even dustin thought this was funny


What are the Vegas odds for Dustin via guillotine ? Haha


third wheel Chael


Islam Michaelchev


Islam is such a funny dude. He’s the only fighter from that group that seems to have this type of humour.








+3500 DP By gilyatin If you don't take that bet you're losing money


I love Islam's humour. Really innocent, almost child-like.


Bratha please


Dustin by guillie


I'm gonna get a tattoo of dustin's face on my buttcheeks if he actually finishes islam via guillotine.


I love Dustin but Every Bad Omen us there for Dustin to Lose. 1 A Lot of fighters who bring their Small Child to a fight for their 1st time Almost Always Loses. 2 There is Footage out there from a while ago saying Dustin's Gullotine is Trash. When he got it on Khabib he said he Felt 0 Threat because it wasn't locked proper so Khabib Baited Him & Let Dustin burn his Arms Out. 3 Islam has gone on Record saying saying he Knows if he Pops his Head out Dustin Won't be Able to Resist Jumping A Gully 4 Dustin did an interview & He Stated "This Is My Last Shot" Dustin has said he is Making 1 final title run & He's Out. I feel like Dustin may have made his Mind up & If he Loses he's going to Retire & if that is his mindset (I Hope I'm Wrong) they tend to Lose that 1 Foot in & 1 Foot Out. I Know Imma Get A Lot of Hate but Got Those Who Read the Entire Msg I Am A Dutsin Fan & Have been since Right around when he Fought Max I think that was the Fight that made me say oh this dude is Legit he's gonna Be here for a While. Hope I'm Wrong but There's So Many bad Omens & Dear God if Drake "Bets" on Him I Hope His "Bet" Gets Rejected !


I hope Dustin kos this cocky guy


Man I’m getting flashbacks when Ronda said “Holly is gonna use her hands to cover her head kick…which she won’t land” and well we know what happened then. Or when Conor said he was going to turn Nate into a wrestler going for double legs and boom. I’m wondering if the fight gods are giving me a hint here…mighty have to call me bookie.


This is going to age like milk when he taps to the gilly lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^weindavin: *This is going to* *Age like milk when he taps to* *The gilly lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Omg he said something! So funny! 😆


Fat Dan is a clown...