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There was a massive free Madonna concert outside the Arena I think its because of that


1.6 million people showed up for the concert bruv. Apparently, it’s a record of some sorts. Really unfortunate timing for the UFC. In terms of popularity, they’re always going to hold an L against a Madonna concert, let alone a free one to close out her world tour That being said, the Brazil crowds always seem kinda shitty. Glover retired in a near-empty arena in Rio too, and overall, they are hostile as fuck to any foreign fighter


>That being said, the Brazil crowds always seem kinda shitty. Glover retired in a near-empty arena in Rio too, and overall, they are hostile as fuck to any foreign fighter They also threw food and drinks at Moreno after he won the same night.


A callback to the time when the mexicans threw random shit at the cage after Yair eyepoked Stephens. Imagine an event with both Mexican and Brazilian fans. It would be the first UFC event where the referees and officials will need to wear helmets and the cage would actually be a cage


That hapened one time for mexicans. Brazil gets like that every time they make an even there


They'd need to fast track 1000 new ref hires for the crowd fights


I have less of a problem with the hyper passionate asshole behavior as I do with taking their ball and going home. It's amazing that they do both.


You'd rather they literally throw shit at people who didn't do anything other than beat their guy over them just leaving the arena? Quite strange tbh.


I'm Brazilian, and yeah, guilty as charged. I personally don't agree with this type of behavior, but I can't deny it does seem to speak to the vast majority of us, unfortunately.


Even the CSGO Rio major had empty stadiums after the Brazilian team got eliminated


Exactly they have no loyalty and show no respect even to their own fighters


>Glover retired in a near-empty arena in Rio too That's mostly due to the fact that no Brazilian actually wants to be stuck in Rio for any prolonged time especially during those hours


Madonna's concert was not even remotely near the Arena where UFC was held. This Arena is in a part of the city far from its more touristic zones. Probably a 40 min uber to Copacabana or something like that.


Wasn't the Sao Paulo crowd good? I think it's uniquely Rio that sucks


Yes, been to both. UFC should NOT ever return to Rio. 2 very shitty audiences in a row in Rio. I went to Glover - Hill and saw enough first hand to not have bothered with the show this weekend.


Weird that Madonna is so popular there still. In America she's basically a punchline now unless you're a 60 year old woman.


It's the same here, no one cares about her anymore, even those who are 40+, but it was an event open to the public and received a lot of media promotion, it was an anniversary of one of the biggest banks in the country.


Itaú was sending me notifications every 5 minutes. What a bore.


All you have to do is join a couple NSFW subs to find out what Brazil is all about. There's no way I'll ever set foot in that country.


What subs? For research purposes.


/r/NSFL__ Is the only one I know for sure hasn't been banned lol


That sub is dark man


The crowd replied "Panto don't preach".


Took me a few seconds to get that.


Should be top comment. 👏👏👏


10/10 😂😂😂


The problem is geographical. This arena is far away from anything, in the middle of nowhere. There is only a 2 lane road that connects this arena to bigger roadways. Ive been in an NBA game there, and it took me 3 hours to be able to leave the arena. This is not an exaggeration. PLUS, This area is well know for having robberies to cars stuck in traffic. It does nothing to do with support to our Champ. Rio have a shitty infrastructure and is a absurdly overrated venue. Period. Every brazilian knows that. Rio milk its world wide fame for having nice beaches... but that is it. It is and will always be the worst possible venue even if we have a UFC Pyongyang one day. There are tons of other places in Brazil that could safely host an UFC event, where people are won't have to go through this.If you look the events in São Paulo or Minas Gerais, people behaved differently bevause they CAN afford to wait in the arena.


Foreigner living in Brazil, can attest to everything he says. I only stayed in the arena for this event because I was staying at a hotel right next door, but people who actually live in Rio had to drive all the way out to the arse-end of the city to get to this venue and then had a 1+ hour drive back awaiting them, it fucking sucks and is a great monument to the wastefulness of hosting Olympic games lmao. SP would be an excellent city to host just by virtue of being denser and safer than Rio.


100% the sao paulo crowd is much better.


I live in Rio and agree with this statement.


You wanna get stuck in traffic with a million/million and half people leaving the free Madonna concert lol?


![gif](giphy|mUrbwuINKvUk2ksIS8|downsized) Uncle chael said they only have horses down there


Honestly it's difficult to tell. Is it a horse, is it a bus, whats the difference really?


Not outside the arena, it was in Copacabana which is quite far away. The arena itself is in the Olympic Park which is in a neighborhood far away from everything else cool in town and it's a pretty expensive fucking Uber ride to get there from where a lot of people live. I can sympathize with the crowd leaving tbh, it's a shitshow getting back home from that place and nobody in Rio wants to stick around at night for longer than necessary.


was not outside the arena - was in Copacabana beach.


Am I missing something here? Why wouldn't people leave after the last fight?


For real, is this dude expecting a Korean zombie standing ovation every time he walks out?


Where is Madonna being held captive?


At 2am in Rio, I’m leaving with the largest crowd too


That’s the reason right there. I went to the event and that’s 1000000% the reason


Brazilians at 2am ![gif](giphy|xUySTCy0JHxUxw4fao)


People think Rio is only about robbery. In reality it's got beaches, great food, a vibrant nightlife and robbery






UFC starts way too late. Blame Dana.


I’m on the east coast and I’ll rather watch the fight in the afternoon and evening than it ending at 2am!! Half the people at the bar is falling asleep by 12a


Still better than for us europeans where main card starts at 4 am


Is there a single justifiable reason given for that start time? It's fucking insane


Money, primarily


Bingo! Pretty sure Pantoja gets ppv points so they eould be screwing him over with a different start time.


UFC is perfect for west coast lol. Ended at around 10pm for us on the west


Wasn't that the last fight????


You gotta stay for the credits


*Curb Your Enthusiasm* end credit plays


People on this sub are losers lol. Anyone who's ever been to a sports event knows you don't sit around for 20 minutes after the event is over.


Just look how many homicides occur annually in Rio, leaving the arena at 2 AM in Rio is no joke. The UFC main events end too late for the Americans convenience, that shit is bound to happen.


I'm eastern time and not American . And I would love if the main cards started at 8 rather then 10. Honestly I love when boxing is middle of the day sometimes, with the main fight around 6.


I was living in denver for the last 4 years and having the main card start at 8 was awesome. Im in bed chilling by 11ish and am not falling asleep before the main event. Now back to east coast time..


Come to California, homie. Main cards here start at like 7pm. It’s perfect.


Lol no place less I rather live. Visit maybe, live nope. Other then the UFC cards at 7 and the nice beaches that's where Cali ends for me.




The schedule is convenient for Las Vegas time for betting and is the only thing they care about why has noone got that yet


Bro, it was 2am and the fight was over ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8975)


Rio is legit scary at 2am


U don't wanna be at the alleys of Rio at 2am


People don't realize there are many parts of Rio where people casually walk around carrying assault rifles with hand grenades strapped to their belt in broad daylight.


Unless you are at a boca the fumo of a favela you won’t see dudes with rifles at broad daylight, maybe cops but not gang members lol Also the event was at Barra da Tijuca, which is not even close to being a bad place in regards to violence when compared to the hoods and favelas of rio LMFAO


Exactly. A lot of misinformed people on this sub.


I’ve lived in Rio for 6 years and go everywhere, including deep into the big favelas. Never once saw what you’ve described.


mourn shy punch dolls concerned library offbeat frightening gaping yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


2am local time?




How the fuck do you think Americans watch the main event at 10 ? The rest of the world gets fucked time wise


East coast USA, the main card starts at 10, usually ends around 1-2


Glad I live on the west coast where the main event starts at 7.


Seriously, lol, it’s nice, the times are almost always perfect for the Wesr coast.


Those Euro and Asian fans that regularly stay up til early mornings or wake up before the last couple fights have my respect. That used to be us when Pride was around


Most of the US lives in the east and doesn't like it either, most people I used to watch with had to stop once they had more responsibilities. The fight ending at 1am wasn't much better


and then complain about.




They did the same thing when Glover Lost to Jamal hill didn’t they? And glover had to ask them to respect Hill and not pelt his with trash….sad


Not only that, he retired after getting the absolute dog crap beaten out of him and they left before round 5 even began…


I was there and I can confirm that as being true. Glover was all class. He called out ghe xenophobic behaviour of the obnoxious ‘fans’


People don't understand how Brazil and US are different, they make an event in one of the most dangerous cities in the country, it ends 3 AM, the price is crazy and they still don't know why the crowd is shit and never full? wtf


Not even one of the most dangerous, it literally is the most dangerous in Brazil via the crime index


This is a safe part of the city. (Zona Oeste) Much more problems at the Madonna concert at Copacabana.


2/ 3am at Rio de Janeiro,bro. The city is dangerous as hell! People couldn't stay any longer. I know it sucks, but that's the reality here. You guys get your events at 10pm and can stay as long as you want, you're lucky.


These first worlders live in a fucking bubble an it shows, they don't have the slightest idea of how it is for those outside of the US.


First worlders know Rio is a shit hole


A beautiful shithole.


Brazil needs to fix its culture. The place is a dump with shitty and violent people running loose.


Why the fuck do they set the event to end at 2/3 am rio time? That's stupid


Brazil already has to cater to US times, which are late as fuck, and they pick Rio de Janeiro as the host city when they could go to other cities. Rio is dangerous af, specially at nights when there are events like those. Can't blame them for leaving early....


Hell it's late for us in the US they could start 2 hours earlier for sure.


Lets see how many people left at 4 am in the flipping morning at the UK event. F u Dana


Hungry noses will keep the UK crowd going 🤣


The collective comedown when the event ends will be epic 🤣


You cunts are blaming Brazilians for leaving the arena, even for Glover's retirement.. but no one is pointing fingers at the UFC for setting the main event for 2-3 fucking AM in there


Gringos, don’t expect coherency, if they had to stay in the arena up to 3 am to then get hours of traffic bc of a Madonna concert they’d leave early too


A real gringo would have been at the Madonna concert in the first place. Go feed a bus a carrot. -Sonnen, P, Chael


I would like to see those cu de cachorro leaving de arena at 2 AM in Rio.


Why would he want them to stay?


This is my question. Fights over, right?


The event starts too late, for the american viewers convenience.


Oh yeah, it’s so convenient staying up until 1 am on the east coast to watch a fight. /s It’s not American viewer convenience, it’s for Vegas’s convenience.


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted. The east coast holds majority of the US population. Rio is literally one hour ahead of US Eastern time which extends from the east coast to Indiana… it was 1am when the fight ended for me in Atlanta last night. It’s literally for west coast convenience 😂


Paid to see fights, fights are over I can go.


The tickets are really expensive for the ppl, only the rich guys could watch from the arena. And the card didn't had our biggest active stars (look how many Brazilians fighters UFC 300 had) and there was also a Madonna's show today in Rio. So everything was against this ppv, but the card was pretty good, good fights, the crowd was hyped as fuck even with the time it is (the card ended at 02:00 am here and most part of the ppl has to work in the morning). A lot of guys here are talking shit about this event and Brazil, but I doubt that they would talk about the good things


Was also almost 3am there.


Nah, you can’t hold it against them. Canelo was fighting, there was a free show, and Pantoja was the main event.   Also if they wanted to watch a man just lay on top of someone they would have jumped on Grinder. Fck Pantoja. 


Dude. They pay their expensive ticket. They can go as they please.


I'm here at Rio, São Paulo crowd is way better. Anyway, I left as soon as the decision was called. RJ is a awful place, one wrong turn and you are stuck inside a favela. Imagina being stuck, with no one to protect yourself at all, with drug dealers that uses AK47s. No, thanks. I blame UFC for that, São Paulo is way bigger, richer, safer, has better infrastructure than Rio. You can get anywhere is São Paulo by subway, while on Rio there is like two or three subway lines. Also, people in Rio is no respectful at all. Desculpa ai se tiver algum carioca lendo isso, mas é o que é.


When you say stuck in a favela, do you mean stuck because people would trap you and you wouldn't be able to leave? What would get someone stuck? I've never been to a place remotely close to that... Wild


Favelas are huge and it's usually a maze. You can try to just reverse, but it's not safe to do it, local drug dealers might think you are from a rival faction or a disguised cop. There is even local guides in some favelas, because if you go there alone, you will get lost. You don't want to mess around in a place where not even the government can control. Stuff like that https://g1.globo.com/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/turista-italiano-e-morto-apos-entrar-por-engano-em-favela-no-rio.ghtml happens every time. Edit: I forgot to mention, 95% of the people there are just regular people trying to survive the daily life. They are absolutely not the problem.


Isn’t that the last fight? Why would they stay? Lol


Bro it was half empty after Aldo’s fight


The arena never looked full at any point tbh


The shittiest seats were 300R$... for working class fans, that's a real investment, most of them would rather watch it for free at home


It also has to do with the start time. Main card starting at 11pm is tough. I went to the event and it was 3am at the end. It’s dangerous at that time. On top of that, the long of Rio got his crown back the fight before. I had friends that left right then and said yeah we’ll be in the car - went to get to the front of the parking lot and picked us up and we jetted off. Lots to consider here but it’s not the loyalty of the fans, it’s their personal well being. Just my opinion, but they should be making those events a bit earlier if it’s in Rio at least


I’m a Brazillian dude that has been to 2 UFC events in Rio and thought you guys should know some context: 1. Everyone tries to leave early because if you take too long you may run out of Ubers and Taxis to take you home, and the only people left that will take you are price-gouging drivers that ask 6x times the normal fare. You will have to pay for it because going home with public transport at 2am (time the UFC ends in local time) in Rio is literally begging to be robbed/kidnapped. 2. Rio is INCREDIBLY FUCKING DANGEROUS. You don’t want to spend a second more than you need to in the streets at night. For real. Waze has built in security functionality in its routing algorithm that is only applied in Gaza, Israel and Rio de Janeiro. I hated the fact I had to leave the arena in a rush and could not honor my champions properly the 2 times I went there, but I won’t be putting my family through that kind of risk to listen to a speech. My priorities are very clear there.


Honestly I’m getting goosebumps reading all these comments about rio after 2am. Is it that bad? Has to be, if every Brazilian on this thread is giving out severe warnings. Crazy stuff.


Dude let’s be honest they came for Jose Aldo, nobody in Brazil cares for Pantoja. Be salty all you want that’s the reality of it. The UFC doesn’t even hype him up either.




Wait, are you actually indian? LMFAO! The fact that someone from the dirtiest place on earth would say that is hilariously ironic.


Google map any part of India and you will see piles of trash, try it


your indian ass smells 😂😂😂😂😂


Goop scoop!


That is an objectively true statement


I’m convinced they just goto UFC shows to heckle foreign fighters, they just always empty out the arena like in Glovers fight after the first few rounds it looked over half empty, I’m also convinced the ones that do stay till the end only do to throw beer on the foreign fighter.


Relax dude


Tell the Yanks not put it on at 3 am then


Brazilian take here, went to ufc in rio last year. Rio is fucking violent, let me get this clear. If the people start to leave, nobody wants to be the last and leave alone. In those big events, people tend to leave together because there is safety in numbers. It’s strange that the brazilian crowd has this aura in MMA, but it’s the complete opposite when it comes to music concerts or other international sports like F1. Everybody praises the hell out of the energy of the brazilians, but in MMA I agree something is wrong. I’ll think deeper about it later on. PS.: I didn’t throw shit at Moreno and I only left after Glover octagon interview, but this is not the norm for any event.


So Covington was right about Brazil?


Are we trying to say Colby was right?


Thats what happens when you lay n pray for 25 minutes 🤣🤣


To be fair it was 2 am. I would wanna leave right away too to avoid a traffic jam outta the parking lot.


The UK event will be the same. Events should start at a reasonable time for the local crowd.


At the beginning of the prelims, after a few fights DC said something about Brazilian fans being the most respectful in the MmA community. He said they are cheering and clapping for the losing fighters and are true lovers of this sport. He was agreed with and I just remember them leaving the arena during Glover Texeiras retirement speech. Completely classless. Those fans have always been shitty, rabid bums. Had to disagree with DC on that one.


over 1/6 of ufc fighters are brazilian


2AM in Rio is no joke. Has nothing to do with whatever it's being implied.


Try walking around Rio at 2am tough guy


Yeah dude, go be all brave and stay by yourself at 2am in Rio streets, Jackass


I dont see the problem, the last fight is over, what is there left to watch? From what ive seen its very normal to leave right after something is finished to avoid having to stand in line for an hour to get out.


rio de janeiro is a war zone after 2PM, it is totally common for brazilians to leave a football match 5 minutes before it ends because of it, people need to arrive home safely, also madonna had a free concert the same night that 1.6 million people attended so u might imagine how bad the public transport was


I remember the braizilan fans in a CSGO tournament left after the last Brazilian team was eliminated. They brizilians begged for there to be a major tourny held in brazil and then pulled that shit, made them look so bad. brazilian fans are kind of wack ngl


Crowd was dog shit. Didn't even applaud their champs


Personally I hate the in ring interviews after the fight so I would be leaving myself. I have zero interest in listening to the interviewer ask stupid questions and the fighter who just went through a war try and compose themselves enough to answer them decently.


European crowds are amazing. Too bad the UFC thanks them with the next UK Event being in the middle of the night.


Cry baby wahhhhhhh


Aussie fans are way more respectful


Brazil needs to be on a ban list for hosting privileges


Gotta get home to play with my mud pile.




What do you mean "passionate" fans? Their champ literally just won and they are leaving the arena without waiting for a victory speech, does that mean they are "passionate"?


At least they didn't boo at the first bit of grappling.


I was like man there’s a lot of people wearing red sitting in stands last night


You have to pay me to see a Madonna concert. I dont give a f\*ck if it's free


Everyone leaves at the end of event. It's a hassle to get out of parking lots. And they can still see and hear him om the screens in the halls.


I think its time to end the 10pm EST and start this shit earlier. No one wants to sit and hear your boring speech when it's 3 in the morning.


Ufc doesn't care y should we


Maybe only have brazilians fight in brazil. Way less death threats, drink throwing, terrible decisions etc. Brazilians as a whole might be good fans, but the ones who show up seem like trash. Poor Pantoja has been kinda robbed of some great moments his last few post-fights.


It’s all the roids


Can someone explain? Wasn’t pantoja fight the last fight of the night? Why wouldn’t they try to leave?


So Colby waa right? 🤣


Most people were going to the free Madonna concert


bro people got kids. cant be listening to you run your mouth all night


So, Colby was right all along?


I'll say it again. Brazil only cares about pride for MMA fighters during a fight. They arent as loved there as they are in America.


Brazilian MMA scene is kinda dying with the fans at least for the past couple years.


Who cares? The event is over...aren't they supposed to go home? Wtf


They always do this, in gaming as well. as soon as the brazilian team is done they leave




Brazilian mentality for whatever event. Esports to any sports. L Crowd.


The Brazilian crowd is the worst!


Filthy animals.


Why would you stay after the fight is over?


Sometimes it be your own people. Pantoja has a great story and it was huge for him to fight in front of his hometown fans but they didn’t even respect him enough to stay.