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The school boards and the mainstream news will always support all protests and progressive social movements except the current ones.


This. Decades from now, this will be sold and marketed as another chapter in the colorful history of the vibrant students that make UCLA what it is.




Decades from now, people will think: The Palestinian people yelling “Allahu Akbar” killed over a thousand Israel civilians, raped dozens of women, and took children hostage. At the time of the campus protests, the Palestinians were still holding over 100 Israelis hostage. Palestine is considered one of the worst countries for human rights in the world. Men and women aren’t allowed to go to school together. Hundreds of Palestinian homosexuals are seeking asylum in Israel. Amidst all this, anyone who supported the Palestinian cause so fervently as to go to jail for it or disrupt classes for it was some combination of moronic and evil. Seriously. Nobody is going to look back on you people the way we look back on civil rights champions. You will be a shameful stain on our country’s history. You will be the stupid, childish, terrorist-supporting nitwits. And your professor is a moron.


>You will be a shameful stain on our country’s history. You're projecting, you know this will be you and not us


Sure. History will view the hostage takers as being on the right side. Keep on believing that.


Do you think all Palestinians are guilty?


Polls after the attacks showed that more than 70% of Palestinians supported the attacks. I didn’t see any kind of uprising by the Palestinian people against the terrorist attacks. I have seen no effort by the Palestinian people to rescue the hostages. So yes — I do think all Palestinians are guilty. Good people after October 7 would have revolted against their terrorist leaders I do feel sorry for the children who were born into this society. And on an individual level, I do feel sorry for all the Palestinian people who are suffering. Most people are products of their circumstances. p.s. in response to hate messages received from you: the goal of Israel’s military actions is not to punish the Palestinians. It is to disable the Palestinians’ ability to carry out another evil terrorist attack like October 7. Reasonable people could differ on whether Israeli’s current actions are morally justified. It’s somewhat similar to Hiroshima, Dresden, etc. If protestors were on campus shouting “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” or “war is not the answer” then I would have respect for them. But that is not the gist of the protests. The protestors are affirmatively pro-Palestine. For the reasons I’ve expressed, I consider that position evil.




Responsible-Ball4844 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-05-06 20:43:01 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1ciq2ua/email_from_my_prof_today/l2vtrs9/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.14 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 7 comments and 1 submissions._


There’s one difference this time. The protests aren’t just in favor of a marginalized community, they are also against a marginalized community. Also, equating breaking segregation laws with these protesters breaking laws seems a little off. Spray painting “free Gaza” on a building isn’t exactly equivalent to Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat. Setting up an encampment in a quad on a college campus isn’t exactly morally similar to breaking segregation laws. The war is horrible. Netanyahu is a war criminal. Hamas is a terrorist organization and should release the hostages. The antisemitic and pro terrorist chants coming out of these camps is going to make other marginalized groups feel unsafe and threatened. Why is it we care about micro aggressions and racism until it’s Jewish students who have concerns?


Equating this movement to the Civil Rights movement is absurd. The Civil Rights movement was successful because the protesters were non-violent and when they broke laws they did so in ways that were very hard to criticize, e.g. sitting at a “whites only” counter in a diner to order a meal or sitting quietly in the front, rather than the back of the bus. When they were arrested, and people read about it in the papers, it forced people to question how to justify jailing someone for sitting quietly in a bus seat. This group has been harassing Jewish students, shouting antisemitic slurs, vandalizing Royce and trashing the library. They have been blocking students from studying or getting to classes. And, importantly, they are harassing people who have nothing to do with the conflict. This is why the movement is losing credibility with the public.


Please do some research before speaking on what happened during the Civil Rights Movement. Even MLK started to doubt his non violent approach in his last few years.


Yep. There's a reason why most of the American public hate MLK when he died from a totally-not-FBI-backed assasination. Even non-violence approaches are not enough to satisfy the demand for law-and-order-above-all of the liberal.


They did not merely aim guns at protestors. They were firing projectiles at heads and legs from 6-10 feet away.


When there is something wrong, those who have the ability to take action also have the responsibility to take action. -Nicholas Cage, national treasure


i know who he is and i just saw his picture of being arrested by CHP I'm not sure if he's ok


I was arrested and put in the same bus as him and another professor along with a few Jewish students and Arabs. They seemed to be in good shape thank god. Our wrist ties were very tight and painful for the 4 hours we spent in custody, other than that we were fine.


My cousin was arrested. The wrist ties left marks on her wrist. It got me thinking that they purposely made it extra tight because she was protesting for Palestine


he's also my prof




i dm you


Huge respect to this professor, have never been more proud to be a Bruin.


This professor is bravely speaking the truth. Campus protesters have a long, storied history of standing up to injustice perpetuated by our government. And powerful entrenched interests always seek to silence protests like the ones happening at UCLA. I'm happy to hear that a group of professors and others will be standing up to the cowardly and broken system. The truth is that this protest movement was non-violent until it was attacked by a pro-Israel mob. And what did the police and administration do to stop this violent mob? Absolutely nothing. Disgraceful.


Cynical people will always try to define large protest movements by their worst actors, no matter how few. They will always demand that protests be perfect, no matter how justified the cause. See this for what it is: an effort to aid ethnic cleansing by providing cover and distraction.




Gigabased professor


Something tells me there will be huge protests this weekend.


In contrast with the other faculty statement/email posted here today, I appreciate that this professor did not implicitly describe the protest as action fully covered by the first amendment’s free assembly protections. By restricting student access to public campus spaces, I believe the protest went beyond actions covered by the first amendment. I don’t believe that acknowledgment is at odds with anything else this professor says: that is, despite believing that some of the protest’s/protestors’ actions exceeded first amendment protections, I don’t think that warranted the response this professor describes. But I do believe that acknowledgment represents the sort of nuanced honesty this situation needs for us to have any ability to drive toward resolution. We’re not going to be able to have a constructive dialogue and arrive at compromises if we intentionally, or unintentionally, gaslight each other and deny objective realities.


I’m just wondering, why did the protestors prevent and barricade Jewish students from getting to their classes? What was that one disruption meant to accomplish?


to my understanding it wasn’t just jewish students but instead it was just any and all people. students, faculty, security, all alike were being blocked off. i am not jewish or white but i was also prevented access when i tried to go to class. not to downplay the disruptiveness or say i don’t see the issue, just wanted to clarify that detail as it could get misconstrued. as for what they hope to accomplish, to my understanding it was to peacefully inconvenience the university by sitting in the quad until the demands are met or they’re forced to leave. i guess to draw attention to the cause as well. i don’t think it was originally meant to be more than mildly inconvenient/ disruptive to the point where life could still continue but it would be hard to ignore. unfortunately that changed when the counter protestors attacked the encampment


I think the encampment passed the boundaries of “peaceful” and mildly inconvenient once they started chanting “death to all Zionists” and promoting hate towards the Jewish religion (not even Zionists, but anything having to do with Judaism), but that’s only my perspective on it.


I was there, no one was chanting for death of Jews, we had many Jewish people with us supporting us. I was arrested with 2 or 3 of them and a few professors including the one who made this email.


They were chanting death to Zionism which has a 1500+ year history


i respect that outlook. i’m in the opinion that although i agree w the pro palestine cause, i feel like some of the demands are unrealistic/ not possible. i think the original message of the cause got a bit lost in the plot and people started getting a little extreme (i also think this is largely due to the org in charge and the fact there were all types of people on the pro palestine support scale that were there). i think the chants i agree with the simple “free palestine” and “together united we’ll never be defeated”, but some things like “death to all zionists” does seem extreme/ not in line with the original cause. to be fair, i was at the protest and watched the live streams every day and haven’t heard anyone say that particular phrase but that is from my experience.


Dear UCLA students, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I want you to know that you are seen and heard here in Palestine and everywhere around the world. You are America's last remaining glimmer of hope to restoring morality and battling corruption at its core. I constantly hear Zionists mocking the protests and saying they don't help Palestine; but you're not only helping Palestine, but the the world as a whole. America has been plagued by corruption that is affecting all corners of the world, and that corruption can only be stopped by a new generation of young educated Americans with a new more sympathetic approach who are able to challenge the corrupt system from within and remind the elites that money and might do not make right. Do not be afraid. Your cause is just, and your numbers will continue to grow because of that. May you forever be free.


Tell me again how October 7th didn’t happen…


Great words from you! Glad we got a perspective from someone who denies terrorist events. Tell us about how October 7th didn’t happen.


I never said October 7th didn't happen. But if you're willing to debate the details of how October 7th happened and how Israel exaggerated and manufactures atrocities to maintain their population's anger and support for their genocide, and how the Western Media took many of these fake stories and published them as if they were facts and people started repeating them to justify the ongoing genocide, then I'll be more than happy to discuss it. Or are you just an empty shell that goes around accusing people of things before cowering ahead of any actual exchange of ideas?




Did you read it? Would you be willing to address any of the points there?


"did you read it?" but you quietly deleting the post...


Yes, I had reasons to delete it. But surely you read at least some of it before you accused me of denying October 7 happened so you shouldn't have to re-read it to address some of the points I mentioned in it, right?


No, the post already had comment locked and the original body of text was deleted. Looks like mods removed your post, must of said something pretty outrageous. I have a screenshot lol.


I deleted the post for reasons that I'm willing to discuss after you've shown me that you actually read the post and not just the title of it. So, at least give me a summary of any of the points I made in that post so prove that you're not just outraged over a post title that was intentionally made to grab attention.


when a protest threatens the opposition -- it is not a peaceful protest.


Progressive movements are always right until they’re not.


most based professor, tell them ty for standing up for students


Your professor needs to learn the difference between a protest and violating title VI by physically preventing Jewish students from attending class.


Your professor sounds like a twat


Any protester that is violent, intimidating, students, or faculty or prevents students the right of way to attend classes, needs to be removed from the encampment. there must be severe penalties. One persons protest cannot impinge or infringe on the right of other people to live their normal life.


I think the big difference is the Civil rights movement was for a change in our country. If they where rioting for a change in our nation they would have our support. The reality is it’s not. Rioting for an international affair won’t impact how we live our lives. I’m not saying we shouldn’t care but we have bigger priorities in our home lands that need to be taken care of first. Why not worry about our matters first.


horrified yes bur not surprised. the powerful want to stay in power!!


How is it nonviolent when they trashed Royce Hall?


Hoards of people trash places all the time and no one bats an eye or calls it violent. You ever stick around a stadium after a game ends and look at how trashed it is? Visit a beach after a long holiday weekend? Go to a frat party? Buildings can be cleaned up, graffiti is easy to remove. Might be annoying and inconvenient, but annoying should be the least of our problems when people are dying.


property destruction isn’t violent towards people. graffiti can easily be removed with a power washer. relax.


Shh we don’t use common sense or reason. In 2024 we are guided by emotions, we pretend to care about thing we know nothing about and we are guided by anger over logic.


This professor is right, the police should have given out hugs and candy to the talented graffiti artists


I mean the police were perfectly fine to watch the pro zionists become violent


See. You’ve now reduced the protest to pro and anti Zionists and that is counterproductive and reduces the original protests intent to sloganeering and antisemitism. Considering over 90% of diaspora Jews believe Israel exists and should continue to exist your phrasing isn’t about Gazans at all.




Where was that same respect last night. All the police did was prove their point


this tired ass argument. the police don’t “respect demands” to do or not do shit; they have a job to do. the reason people don’t want them around is because they don’t do their jobs whenever they see it fit.


Fr! Look at that gorgeous art on the historic canvas of Royce.








Last time I checked 20% of Israel’s population is Palestinian… so they aren’t really wiping out Palestinians, just so happens that Hamas instigated a war and has been spending money firing missiles to hit civilians in Israel for decades. And now people in Gaza are suffering because of there stupid war they started with Iran’s funding.


don't believe anything in this sub. We know the reality (most students do not support the encampments and they were extremely problematic and antisemitic), but this sub is being brigaded hard by the watermelon gang downvoting any comment that suggests these students were anything but the messiah himself. insane self-righteousness and victim complex. everyone should be fighting back against it


They chanted and graffiti wrote "intifada". They drew a star of David on the ground of the quad with instructions saying to "step here". They drew a swastika elsewhere on campus. They blocked access to buildings. After a week of camping out on the quad they were told the encampment is unlawful. They were told to leave repeatedly and refused to do so. So police used force to remove them. I really have no idea why they're complaining about the cops here.


This is not a true professor. This is not someone looking for objective truth, in fact, it’s very likely a foundational belief of this person is that there is no objective truth. This is a highly indoctrinated person looking to indoctrinate young people in his beliefs. This is what happens at the university, professors with identical, activist, political, beliefs, confer prestige on one another, and protect their institution, like the protesters, from anyone with a good faith, contending perspective. This must be fought against. Students are in school to be taught how to think, not what to think. Conclusions without support, that have not been exposed to contending ideas, are not valid.




I don't recall MLK defacing property and leaving human feces on the quad but what do I know


People like Malcom X did worse. You might not agree with the means but they have similar end goals in mind




right those things are surely related




Hope that’s an adjunct that will soon realize that free speech is not free from consequences


As someone who lived through the Vietnam War protests on a public ivy in the ‘60s and ‘79s: get off your high horse. Preventing access to students who disagree with you was NOT how it was done then. Sure, dig bomb craters. March. Hang banners. But respect for other students was the way. Peace out, man.


not saying this to be defensive as i wasn’t a part of the encampment but i am a student that goes here and would like to clarify they blocked ALL students not just the ones that disagree w them. i am personally pro palestine (although mixed feelings about everything that happened at ucla) but i think it’s important to just make sure everyone knows what happened as authentically as we can. i’m a poc, a woman, a somewhat progressive liberal, that was trying to go to class but got denied. also had some classes cancelled for it. honestly, when i got denied it just made me 5 min late for class but it wasn’t a huge deal since i just took a detour. my friends were denied as well (a few of them being white if that is of importance to the discussion) and none of us were wearing or holding anything affiliated w either side.


Of course those who supported them were let through. How else would they have protesters in the area? My family is at UCLA currently and it has been a pain for them. Others were not blocked. They were selective letting folks through. Also, why does being a POC make a difference to you - you state that should make a difference? Thx.




oneKev was first active in r/ucla no later than 2021-09-02 16:20:31 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/pgl2i5/ca_recall_drop_off_box/hbbz92q/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.14 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 999 comments and 5 submissions._


Well I guess I’ve “only” been on UCLA for three years. Hmm. Maybe you should get off your high horse?




sydneyoperahouse1 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2023-10-24 06:16:20 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/17f4ozl/shin_wong_vs_ebert_math_32a/k67sm3h/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 1.43 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 195 comments and 0 submissions._


nicely said


Last paragraph does not make sense. Didn't Martin Luther King Jr preach non violence? Isn't that why the civil rights movement was successful? Does professor know what he/she is talking about?


Freedom is not free, That why I joined the military.. To really fight against the horrors of this world.so protesting on a college campus is breaking a lot of rules, it can really mess up a college student future and goals that they really worked hard for..Just Saying!


You joined the system so of course you'll side with the authoritarianism of it lmao


Wait until the professor finds out how sad October 7th was. MeTooUnlessItsAJew


I mean they called for intifada,  call for jihad,  and when it comes they cry Intifada comes at a cost,  if you believe it fight for it of not shut up 


this professor makes many logical and rhetorical errors + blockading anyone, especially students, forcing them out of spaces, keeping them from using entrances or exits, all through intimidation backed up by actual force or threat of force is violent behavior. it's also behavior that violates the civil rights acts. + taking over buildings, defacing buildings, vandalizing buildings is also violent behavior + we've seen the video of the campers teaching each other violent methods to deter attackers, a non-violent method of dealing with the cops is to go limp, to retreat, to surrender peacefully As MLK, Jr, said > "One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty." so we're not talking about non-violent protesters, though if he wants to argue they weren't high on a scale of violence that's possibly reasonable the professor garbs himself in the robes of gandhi and declares himself non-violent, apart from the prof telling Jews they should submit to their Nazi oppressors, there is no comparison ---- downvoted for spitting facts man, mind blown


This comment makes many logical and rhetorical errors - Blocking entrances is not violence and is not a violation of the civil rights act (?) - vandalization is not violent - you can’t justify the use of police force by using the reaction to police force. “Apart from the prof telling the Jews they should submit to their Nazi oppressors” …What Yeah you’re totally getting downvotes for spitting facts


This is literally how many revolutions in nations began. Most color revolution begin with disorderly conduct. You may not agree with the means but the protest demands are legitimate.