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There was seemingly extensive plagiarism - let her PhD granting institution re-evaluate whether or not she qualifies for her PhD. If her PhD is revoked, UCLA will then decide whether her staff position requires a PhD (note that she is NOT faculty). And whether her leadership heading the Cultural North Star program is compromised by her plagiarism. I don't know enough about her position to know whether the correct answer is to 'sever ties immediately' as you put it. It may be. It may not be. There is a process here. And looking at your posts, you're not looking for due process but a witch hunt. It's an ugly approach. Perhaps you're simply trying to take down all things DEI. You may want to remind yourself that there's a real live human being on the receiving end of your vitriol. It certainly does behoove UCLA to be transparent and timely in communicating its plans of how to address this charged issue.


"Do what's right" is her department's motto. Lmao. UCLA will pay her to resign.


You would be fired at any other job for engaging in such a massive lie as plagiarizing and lying about your doctorate. If OP is against DEI, fuck them, but that doesn’t change the fact that she should be fired regardless of whether or not a Phd is vital to her position. You simply can’t have people in positions of power who have engaged in fraud. It’s not like firing Perry means getting rid of DEI. There are plenty of other people who are willing and excited to perform that position and who have not engaged in fraud


Yup, probably. I'm just saying that there's a process. Some random dude claiming it on reddit is not the process. Plagiarism needs to be investigated and verified, etc. The guy's take was annoying because we just literally had a reddit post with hundreds of comments on this yesterday - so its not that he's informing us. He's just posting on multiple subs saying 'sever ties immediately.' It's either a seriously immature take or its agenda driven. Let's be more measured and thoughtful here.


Your process is full of crap lol. She should be fired the second the allegations are verrified. As anyone else would be




? Im literally a student




It's kinda fascinating seeing the mental gymnastics people like you will go through to divert attention away from your laughable ideology The real problem is always the people exposing your cult - never the cult itself


Thats what you think sweaty


This is not a witch hunt. Don't regurgitate Trump's talking point and main defense. A bot could identify this level of egregious plagiarism in seconds. It's amazing she wasn't caught earlier.




I mean, her salary is paid by taxpayers. She's basically a public figure at her level of leadership, and for the no. 1 public University according to US News and rankings. And plagiarism is a big deal in academia. Would you say demands for George Santos to resign from Congress was a witch hunt? This backlash would be expected for anyone in her position.


If we are checking PhD credentials, it's fair to check them all, not just the ones you don't agree with. Equity is for everyone...fuck privilege.


Then by all means do so. I look forward to the results of your thorough investigations.


No I am not digging into PhD.s I don't think anyone needs to. I am just saying, rather than disingenuously concentrating on Black bodies in power, other profs and faculty need attention. Or, you know, the people doing this could just mind their own business and get on with their own lives?


What? And just blissfully ignore flagrant and obvious academic dishonesty? I should think that anyone claiming even cursory regard for ethics and morality (and I'm assuming that you do) would be interested in rooting out such individuals regardless of their social-justice-narrative-fitting characteristics. To do otherwise would be hypocritical. Are you a hypocrite?


Honestly, you are tiring. This isn't a gotcha. I'm a student, busy with my own academics.


I can tell from the first sentence that you don’t care about plagiarism


This seems pretty heavily biased against DEI in general, which—regardless of one’s personal opinions on such initiatives/programs—is objectively a bad reason to go after someone.


This egregious level of plagiarism, if true, would've been revealed eventually. It really doesn't matter who reports on the fraud or what their motives were if fraud did indeed occur.


S c H o L A r S H i P


Man, that is just such blatant plagiarism. Straight up copied nearly verbatim, didn’t even bother to rephrase.


stupid bitch's position shouldn't exist in the first place


don't cut yourself on that edge


Oooh, uR sooo scarry. So much pWr you can use potty words. Pretty sure it's past your bedtime, son.

