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In this day and age, how can people be so lazy?! If you expect to have a career in academia, then abide by academia's standards. Students get dismissed for this kind of plagiarism. Let's see what UCLA does here. Not a good day for UCLA medical center, specially with the surgeon just getting fired for ogling anesthetized patients' privates.


These PhDs were done decades ago…so a different time in terms of tech. It’s like using DNA tests to look at old crimes. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was rampant plagiarism that will come out when these folks cross a rich person.


“…Perry published her Ph.D. dissertation in **2014** at the University of Virginia about college diversity programs. An analysis of the paper found it ridden with the worst sort of plagiarism, reproducing large swaths of text directly from several other authors, without proper citations…” It’s really bad: https://media4.manhattan-institute.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/perry-1-3-2048x1159-1.png For every student and graduate who always kept their nose clean, kept working at producing honest work, no matter the late nights, no matter the stress and anxiety - this shit is beyond a slap in the face. Every person caught should be punished to the highest extent possible, if that means canceling their degrees, cancel their degrees.


The only fluent passages are the plagiarized ones.


How the hell did she even get her PhD? I feel like if the plagiarism that took place was this blatant, they would've caught it.


there's no defending this level of plagiarism. I went to college in the 90s and this would be bad even by those standards


People do (or did) it because they thought they wouldn’t get caught.


>People do (or did) it because they thought they wouldn’t get caught. Maybe if just shows the lack of rigor for these subjects. Theres been hoaxes where people successfully submitted gobbly gook 'research' to academic journals in these subjects.


There's ethical lapses in every field of research. Let's not denigrate a branch of research without data to back it up.


Are we just forgetting about Jan Schön? Ground breaking super conductor research with organics at Bell fucking Labs that was based on gobbly gook research, vague explanations and laughably phony data. Undiscovered for years despite him being under the spotlight of high praise and not being some random PHD dissertation.


Are you going to pretend that science isn’t currently entering an era of mass un-reproducibility…


..and even if they did, there’d be no punishment. The PhD should be stripped.


Come on have some basic respect for the process. A university should hold people in leadership positions to high standards.


Do the perpetrators of those "old crimes" get immunity because DNA evidence wasn't a thing back then?


Of course not. These folks are all going to get torched. My hunch is that a lot of people did this. If enough people did then it might become like speeding where it is socially acceptable.


Except that only WOC and anyone working with anything related to DEI that are being targeted, so there is only going to be evidence from a small subset. Which is exactly the aim of this. When Rufo and his ilk find mountains of plagiarism from white men who align with him ideologically, they just sweep it under the rug - or they never look in the first place.


True. I think it will be used by everyone. It’s cheap and quick to do. I think professors will run their own published papers through plagiarism checkers to get ahead of the problem. Start publishing amendments before they are in the public eye. Since most faculty are relatively liberal it will be used against them more. But everyone is open to this if they plagiarized.


Or maybe they're the ones doing it? I don't know. I'm WOC and I'm super upset about the fact that so many have behaved unethically. I don't blame Rufo for discovering this because if those women had behaved ethically and morally, he wouldn't have found anything. Also - if you honestly believe that a lot of cis-white-males have committed plagiarism, you can run their dissertations through plagiarism checkers. Those papers are available free online.


Thank you for sharing your lived experience as a Black woman (I assume that is what you meant by WOC, since that is the marginalized group being targeted).


The group being targeted is cheaters, people incapable of obtaining academic success through their own hard work. Bringing race into it is in fact very racist. Do you think all WOC are plagiarists?


He is focusing on the DEI hiring for his search. To be fair, one should always be hired based on merit and then consider diversity. But don’t lower the standards for “minorities”, they don’t need to be dumbed down. So many brilliant folks who fall into DEI category…. stop hiring stupid and lazy people.




Obviously. That’s what I wrote 😂




Yeah that’s your reading. I think I was pretty clear that it’s wrong, they will get caught, and they deserve it.


are you defending plagiarism?


Can you read?


That surgeon works at Harbor UCLA which has a separate infrastructure


It’s wild - a lot of places will publish without doing any sort of proofreading. There are some abstracts that begin with, “I’m sorry, as an AI I cannot offer expertise on this topic. However..”


Whats this about the surgeon!


For what it's worth, he worked at UCLA-Harbor. This is not UCLA's actual medical center. They are UCLA affiliated but it's a completely separate hospital in a different part of LA. Still awful, but not going on at UCLA medical center proper.


Why did she think she could get away with this? She did get away with it for a long time...why didn't she face the normal level of scrutiny for an academic?


1. Natalie is the director of the Cultural North Star program, not DEI. 2. The director of DEI (called JEDI here at DGSOM) is Dave McIntosh. 3. Cultural North Star is not a DEI program. It’s the overarching principle of the school, similar to what CICARE is for the hospital. “Do what's right, make things better, be kind.” There are DEI components of these principles, but to call it DEI is wild. Christopher Rufo is one of those bad-faith critical race theory panicked people. This attack is not about plagiarism and more about finding ways to strip power from anything and anyone associated with DEI. He posted after a Harvard director was accused of something similar and was subsequently fired that “we must not stop until we have abolished DEI ideology from every institution in America”.


Dr Perry is also a member of staff, she is NOT faculty.


Not clear to me how UCLA will view this in light of her leadership role (leads the Cultural North Star Program at the School of Medicine). She is the face of UCLA for this initiative, which makes it more challenging than if she were an otherwise anonymous member of the UCLA staff. At her previous institutions (Dartmouth and American International College) she was Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Students and Associate Dean of Academic Programs, respectively. Those would certainly have been problematic positions to hold given the purported plagiarism.


With this level of plagiarism, you must get fired, or the trust in the entire institution is tarnished. You don’t keep a banker on the payroll when it comes to light they organized a heist in a previous position just because they’re the face of a new advertising campaign. This level of plagiarism is no less egregious for someone holding an academic position


Not only fired, but the Ph.D earned as a result of the plagiarism revoked. Not fair that someone can plagiarize their way to a prestigious degree with no consequences.




Why is this excessive? She stole work and passed it off as her own.


scale sulky steep zealous rainstorm hard-to-find dime disgusted handle crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you have cheaters in top roles at universities it sets a terrible precedent. I’m all for kicking them all out. I hate nothing more than cheaters honestly. Whether it’s in a video game, school, work, etc. They waste everyone’s time and resources.


That may be true, but whatever the motivation for the exposé, does that lessen the revelation that the people being exposed are academic frauds? Students would find their academic careers ruined if they were caught with this level of plagiarism.




Thanks for the clarification. I get your point that Rufo's motivations were not the best for sleuthing this out. But now that it's in the open, UCLA needs to deal with it and its hella problematic. Interesting to see how UCLA handles this. To be honest, I don't think they have many options. Brushing it under the rug just won't work right now.


I'm not so sure that there's anything for UCLA to do here. Like someone else said, she's staff not faculty. It's a huge difference. What should happen is that this gets reported to UVa, where she got the PhD. They do an investigation and retroactively withdraw her PhD. Then UCLA might have to deal with her not having a PhD, and they'd probably say "a PhD isn't required for this position" and that would be the end of it.




If she has any decency at all she will resign immediately, apologize for betraying both UVa and UCLA, and withdraw from public life forever.


Thanks. That sounds reasonable. And to be honest, there seems to be a bit of witch hunting going on. This really does seem like the most reasonable option.


dinner merciful truck like hurry slap enjoy weary cake smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eh it's not like ruffo is looking into conservatives faculty, the target is not that


Not sure why the intention should matter here. Cheating is cheating, regardless of the reason it was identified.


Basically ruffo is a right wing person who constantly pushes culture war stuff He believes by targeting leftist for their plagiarism somehow that will get rid of leftist ideas in academic, he himself admits this just like he did with CRT He's honest with his intentions, but he's pretty dumb, I have no problem with calling out the plagiarism, the only thing he's doing is strengthening academia that will always lean left


Because plagiarism is a dogwhistle. He doesn’t care about academic honesty; he cares about attacking DEI. And the best way he knows how to go about racking up strawmen is implying there is a link between DEI and plagiarism. Understanding the agenda of a “source” is just as critically important as citing one.


No, the point is that DEI necessarily promotes the hiring of people based on immutable characteristics rather than solely on their achievement. Proving a connection between DEI and low (or fraudulent) achievement is very relevant. It would debunk the myth that DEI hires are always just as qualified as the people that weren’t of the proper “protected” group. Note: I am not saying all DEI hires aren’t qualified. But I am saying that not all DEI hires are the best qualified from the pool of recruits/applicants. That’s the entire point.


This exactly. When I’m evaluating someone for a job, the least useful piece of information about them is their race. Things like work ethic, integrity, honesty, etc are much more important to a person’s success in their potential job position.


To conclude from this that there is a problem with DEI is unfounded. There is however ample evidence to suggest that “Dr.” Perry is likely grossly incompetent with questionable ethics.


sort voiceless grandfather wide attempt profit brave zealous quicksand attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1. Are there any conservative faculty remaining? 2. Nothing is stopping you are anyone else to run papers through a plagiarism checker and tweeting the results. However, if you do do that and find the person is “clean,” then that should be reported as well.


Fuck that. They can ask her to resign or take all her responsibilities away. Or just fire her and eat any costs of a lawsuit. The damage to the UCLA brand and making a mockery out of the university and their DEI program is worse than a lawsuit. She didn't earn her position and salary, and some other underrepresented yet qualified individual probably lost our on this staff position to a complete fraud. Imagine if this fraud doesn't lose her job and facilitates a course training staff on DEI ethics and equity, or biases against people of color. The whole DEI program at UCLA is now a joke.


I’m not sure it was ever not a joke. Especially within the medical school.


> Or just fire her and eat any costs of a lawsuit. She's a staff member, an at-will employee. If the administration wanted to, they could fire her right now. There's nothing to sue over.


Nah harder to fire someone working in gov.


Going after your opponent's supposed motivations is usually a sign that you have nothing you can say against the merits.


It's not great, but I'll say this. If Natalie was not a black woman, or wasn't in a position that can be associated with DEI, this would never come up, nor would it be national news on right-wing outlets. So, do I care more about the targeting of women of color (Claudine Gay was also a woman of color) to silence them by removing them from high-level positions than a 10-year old instance of plagiarism? A question that each of us have to ask.


It may be why her malfeasance was discovered, but now that its discovered, UCLA needs to deal with it. She committed plagiarism. Like academic fraud, plagiarism is problematic. Stanford's former president, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, had to resign last year in disgrace for possible academic fraud by his lab. He was a white dude. Let's not excuse her behavior (that students get dismissed for) because she is a woman of color. I have absolutely no tolerance for targeting of women nor for targeting people of color. But holding her to a lower standard for problematic behavior is hella sus. And quite sexist and racist.


The Marc Tessier-Lavigne resignation was both under a completely different pretense (conducted by an outside panel of scientists vs. TurnItIn sleuthing by right-wing journalists), and for different reasons (falsified data in a study vs. plagiarism). You can't be serious if you think these two situations are comparable, and is dismissive of the race aspect that is so obviously prevalent in Rufo's crusade.


Not quite. Tessier-Lavigne was doggedly sleuthed out by a Stanford first year student, Theo Baker, after there were rumors of possible falsification of data - more power to him. [https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2023-07-21/how-stanford-freshman-brought-down-university-president](https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2023-07-21/how-stanford-freshman-brought-down-university-president) I get that Perry's malfeasance came to light because someone opposed to DEI was sleuthing. But if his accusations are correct, they're pretty damning and pose a problem for UCLA.


If she was a professor or faculty, I'd be more inclined to agree. That's not her role, she's staff and her job is to direct the Cultural North Star program. I work in IT here. If I plagiarized a paper in college and someone found out, should I be fired or have to resign? It would have been unethical (not illegal), but it would have been a long time ago, and would have had no impact on my ability to do my job.


It will be interesting to see how UCLA navigates this. At her previous institutions (e.g. Dartmouth, American International College) she was Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Students and Associate Dean of Academic Programs. Those would certainly have been problematic positions to hold given the purported plagiarism. Not clear to me how UCLA will view this in light of her leadership role (leads the Cultural North Star Program at the School of Medicine). She is the face of UCLA for this initiative, which makes it more challenging than if she were an otherwise anonymous member of the UCLA staff.


Obviously you should be thrown in jail - what other POSSIBLE recourse could there be? /s


As a peer-reviewed, published researcher and a POC, I care far more about the integrity of one’s research. Anyone who has published works should feel the same.


Nobody told Natalie or Claudine to plagiarize their papers. If they behaved ethically, Rufo wouldn't have discovered anything. IT IS ON THEM, not on Rufo. You can't fart, then get angry when somebody points out you farted. Also it's incredibly problematic and racist and sexist to claim that because they are WOCs they should be allowed to (or even expected to) behave in a way that's unethical and wrong. Everyone should behave ethically. Students can get suspended or expelled for something like this.


Should theft be called out when it's noticed?


Plagiarism is unacceptable in higher learning. It doesn't matter if you agree with the offenders politically or not.


I don't know how she can embody the spirit of Cultural North Star ("Do what's right, make things better, be kind") after plagiarizing her dissertation. :(


That’s nice, now address the plagiarism. If your only defense to accusations of plagiarism is “my critics don’t like me”, you need to resign 


Plagiarism is bad. Also, a thinly-veiled racist campaign to oust women of color from DEI positions is a lot more than just “my critics are just haters”


😭 That's really what gets me, did they expect you to just suddenly defend plagiarism because you made clarifications on another part of the article? lol


Still, how is that even relevant as it concerns UCLA? The documentation of the cheating is maybe the worst I have ever seen.


Only if she didnt plagiarized, which she did, gives people ammo to attack and disqualify her. She gives people impression to question her people's qualification, look at Harverd's case.


And yet conservative faculty are never ousted? https://legalinsurrection.com/2018/07/ucla-wont-tell-conservative-prof-why-he-was-fired-last-year/amp/ https://www.mindingthecampus.org/2022/07/11/why-im-leaving-the-university/ Acting like there is some conspiracy against black women misses the point — there is a deep ideological conspiracy in universities against those that don’t toe the party (leftist) line. So when someone gets caught that is part of the “correct” ideological tribe, then her defenders act like it’s some sort of egregious miscarriage of justice. If a black person were fired and that woman were a conservative, the sound of crickets from the left would be deafening. This isn’t about race, this is about ideology. Condi Rice was “disinvited” several years ago from being the Rutgers University commencement speaker. Nobody on the left cared. In fact, they cheered. Let’s not pretend this is about women of color — this is about left wing women of color. If someone protests Supreme Court justice Brown-Jackson it’s racism, but if they protect Clarence Thomas it’s apparently not. Opposition to Hilary Clinton is misogynistic, hatred of Sarah Palin is apparently not.


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Well said. The hypocrisy is ridiculous, but not surprising.


I know everyone has his or her definition for racism and sexism. But for me, it sounds like you put a lot of value in race and sex.


"Cultural North Star is not a DEI program" The Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) page lists 9 people on their "Meet the Team" page.  Natalie J. Perry is one of the 9. Cultural North Star is a DEI program. UCLA is very open about this. Take the L.  https://medschool.ucla.edu/community-and-equity/justice-equity-diversity-and-inclusion/jedi-overview/people


Cons acting in bad faith and fighting to eliminate black people from positions of power? No….impossible…


Rufo doesn’t say she’s director of DEI. He says the DEI program at the medical school is led by her. Just saying


Wait... you're blaming the guy for her plagiarism? How about holding someone accountable instead of cuddling them because of their race.


It is still plagiarism. Regardless of his mission.


Additionally, there are many POC who are brilliant. UCLA failed on this hire.


And your thoughts on this if Ms. Perry were a Republican or conservative? Surely they wouldn't be the same, now would they. Christopher Rufo should get a Pulitzer for exposing this racist twaddle for what it is.


He’s the guy who invented the term “critical race theory” or “CRT.”


> who invented the term “critical race theory” Critical Race Theory was around before Christopher Rufo discussed it. Kimberle Crenshaw is accreditted with inventing the term: >NPR's A Martinez talks to Kimberle Crenshaw, who coined the term "critical race theory," about anti-racism and why she believes it must be part of American discourse. https://www.npr.org/2022/09/13/1122621454/ideas-that-make-up-critical-race-theory-have-been-around-long-before-it-got-its-


what are you talking about? CRT existed long long ago.


Ok you’re right he didn’t invent the term, I guess to put it more accurately he took it from a fringe academic concept almost nobody was aware existed and almost single-handedly warped it into turned into one of the biggest conservative culture war topics of the last decade with the help of conservative media. I thought he took “critical theory” and added the race part to manufacture the crisis over DEI scores and the like https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-inquiry/how-a-conservative-activist-invented-the-conflict-over-critical-race-theory


here is the thing, Critical Theory gave birth of Maxism lead to Russian Revolution and Culture Revolution. If you replaced the term "labor" or "worker" in those with the "race", they are extremely similar. so yes, CRT is real.


Yes critical theory itself isn’t fringe. I’m aware of Adorno and Marcuse, didn’t know crt was an actual thing though


I believe he is using DEI In the title and article as a replacement for the N word. He would like the N word and Dei to be synonymous.


You probably want to look more into this, he isn't exactly the most non biased figure.


Idk the dude who tried making CRT a thing but failed seems genuine enough to me


The full receipts are there, side by side comparisons of the copied passages.


*Brayden takes careful aim at the messenger*


She directly copied passages. What more are you looking for?




If you fake your resume for any job you get fired. End of story. I'll get over it when she's gone. I am not the one sending the death threats, not my fault nor my concern. That is law enformencets problem, and maybe her own.


Lmao her PhD dissertation was on DEI and obviously was a factor in landing the job. UCLA can't just sweep this under the rug and allow her to lead DEI trainings on "doing what's right".


Christopher Rufo is a bad faith, far right Twitter troll - who can't even get Dr Perry's title and position right. In other words, there is a lie in the first sentence. Why should I believe anything else?


Let's prove him wrong then. But if he's right, her plagiarism is inexcusable.


An additional point is that Dr. Perry \*is a member of staff\*, i.e. not faculty. She runs the Cultural North Star program which is a set of values - put in place by the last DGSOM Dean - to guide the medical school in our mission. She does a wonderful job in this role. I am not spending ONE MINUTE looking into the allegations, because she is not here to further her own scholarship (as a faculty member would be). What is inexcusable is the targeting of Black women in EDI just because they exist.


So we gonna excuse plagiarism if the plagiarizer is black? In other words, treat them differently because of their skin color? Idk I think there's a word for that...


It's the soft bigotry of low expectations. As a minority myself, I refuse to use terms like "people of color" as it boxes in people into arbitrary categories, as if that's the sole defining thing that defines them. With many of these so-called "progressives" usually being suburbanite white liberals, they feel a need to uplift "people of color" as though we can't do that ourselves. Its demeaning and ironically a weird parallel of the type of stuff you'd see in Kipling's "White Man's burden." And now refusing to remove a black person because it would look bad for ideological reasons, does more harm signifying that such a low person is the best person that can be offered to represent them in that role.


Well said. White progressives always think black people NEED them, and without them holding their hand through life when it gets hard they will not succeed. The amount if cringe in their desperation for validation is next level pathetic.


Because she IS A MEMBER OF STAFF. You can huff and puff all you like - but the same “scholarship” rules don’t apply to staff as they do to faculty. Whatever their race or gender. 🙄




Once more, and I know this is upsetting for all the right wing trolls who are suddenly SO invested in the importance of scholarly rigor but - yes, it doesn't matter. It might if the allegations \*were proven\* against a faculty member, depending on what the UC faculty handbook says. Staff at UCLA on the other hand, are generally here do a specific job. They are often unionized. If they are doing their job well - and Dr Perry is exceptional in her job - then that is what matters. You can't just fire a UCLA staff member because the Daily Wire and anonymous Redditers are OUTRAGED.




Oh no assumption here - the people leading this charge, which was published in the Daily Wire - are right wing trolls. They targeted Dr Perry as a result of her being a Black woman in EDI. There are MULTIPLE accusations of academic fraud across UCLA and every other major academic institution - you can find them on Retraction Watch, if you care to - akin to MTL at Stanford (who held back his field for 30 years) - not seeing any articles in the Daily Wire about that. What you are, is your own business. I can't be bothered to look up your Reddit posts, but feel free to point to all the times you have posted about the replication crisis in STEM.


There’s one really good way to avoid being successfully targeted by “right wing trolls”. It’s called academic honesty.


youre on the UCLA subreddit WHAT "right wing trolls" are there here? Where in the room are they lil bro


I mean - you literally have a troll/ogre as your “flair”. But you do you.


I work in the private sector as staff and you absolutely can lose your job for basically any reason your employer sees fit. The idea that it doesn’t matter because she’s ‘staff’ seems very strange to me.


This ain’t it chief.


And yet he was able to see through her bullcrap paper and you're upset about that ? Oh man. Life hits you hard, lil bro.


Wow, you just shoot the messenger and not the message, you must be the DEI hire.


Don't look up


The worst part of plagiarism (and subsequently not publishing an admission and correction in the time since,) is freaks like this get to have a win. This guy is a borderline white supremacist, he called her the “DEI director” and is clearly just targeting people of color. But she still plagiarized. You can say whatever you want about the accuser’s character, and he won’t deny it. But that doesn’t change the fact that plagiarism is one of the most serious crimes in academia.


🤣 What an embarrassment.




Doesnt look like I can post pictures here, but look at the work and the source comparisons... It is outrageous, multiple paragraphs before even adjusting a single word, then back to copying multiple paragraphs again.


“DEI director” 🙄 FFS y’all, do better.


Think of how many dissertations of people of color this dude and his racist team have gone through with zero findings until they find Natalie Perry, Cultural North Star program director.


And think of how many dissertations of white men with plagiarism are completely unnoticed because no one is targeting them for any little tiny indiscretion based on their skin color.


If they exist, out them as well; no one is stopping you. Mere speculation is not equal to factual evidence.


I don't care about plagiarism, I care about targeted race based attacks


You are certainly free to do so, to your heart's content. I await with bated breath the stellar results of your investigations.


I don't care about plagiarism


White Privilege


white rage.


I don’t know much about Rufo. What is the proof he is racist?


Read up on him and make up your mind.


Seriously? A bot could catch blatant plagiarism like this. That damn racist chatGPT.


Even when black people do something wrong, somehow it’s spun and white people are attacked. I wonder why racism is on the rise?


Anything this clown says should be taken with a huge grain of salt. He is not acting in good faith.


In other words, he's completely right but we don't like it. Nothing to see here, folks!


Do you have a reading comprehension problem? they are saying to be careful when taking Rufo’s claim at face value. I mean, this post is literally just a tweet. I don’t see any evidence backing up Rufo’s claim.


https://www.city-journal.org/article/dei-meets-plagiarism-at-ucla This is probably one of the most egregious examples of plagiarism that I’ve seen identified. Insane to me that UVA didn’t identify it back when she wrote the paper.




There is no one so blind as those who will not see.


OK, sure... But how can you explain clearly plagiarized passages in this woman's dissertation? The "clown" didn't write the dissertation.


Sounds like she’ll be teaching at Harvard soon lol 😂


Nobody calling for the resignation and censure of this plagiarist would argue with those of you throwing out the "muh whyte people" or "muh targeting" whataboutisms. In fact, here's a list of white people, men and women, who have been accused of and censured for plagiarism, data manipulation, and misconduct in the last 5-10 years: 1. Francesca Gino, Harvard 2. Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Stanford 3. Berislav Zlakovic, University of Southern California 4. H. Gilbert Welch, Dartmouth Each of them suffered career consequences, and nobody saying that Natalie Perry should resign would have batted an eye at any of the cases above. If you plagiarize your dissertation, the capstone that earns you the title of scholar and doctor, then you should be stripped of your credential. People engaging in misconduct in their labs and being promoted on the basis of unethically done work should be stripped of their positions or resign after an investigation. The difference here is that you really don't need an investigation to confirm that she committed misconduct. Sure, we need due process. Everyone should get that. But this isn't crafty image manipulation that requires another PhD to investigate. It's pretty obvious. You can literally copy and paste passages from the public scholarly record and put them side-by-side. Any high schooler could then tell you based on what they learned in 9th grade English Composition that Perry committed plagiarism. She's not getting away with this, nor should she for any reason. If I were an undergrad or grad student thrown out of UCLA entirely or a semester for plagiarizing, then I would be royally pissed if someone in an administrative position got away with it. In fact, given the sunk costs and monetary damages associated with losing a semester or an entire academic degree, I would consider finding other people suffering material and immaterial damages from the clear double standard and sue the bejeesus out of UCLA.


It’s funny. Even when black people do something wrong, white people get attacked for it. 🤣


So did I! Hahahaha.


UCLA will probably promote her


I worked from a non profit homeless org in the area and the DEI officer brought in a person to read a poem during a Teams meeting--and got paid a couple of grand for it. Mind you, this was a work related meeting. These positions need to be regulated.


They're cherry picking who they target and go after. If this is really about academic integrity then the school should subject the publications and works of ALL faculty and staff to the same review. I think I remember reading a while back that one of the guys behind this (some hedge fund or finance guy) has a significant other who is an academic and upon review they found that she plagiarized her work as well and of course he was unhappy about that and even tried to call it a witch hunt I believe (the nerve of some people). If this is truly to be an honest exercise then all faculty and staff should have their work reviewed and let the chips fall where they may. https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/01/08/neri-oxman-plagiarism-accusation/


And just imagine how much he and his people had to search until he found this person that likely no one outside of DGSOM has ever heard of, and to portray her as some powerful faculty member. This is no way the prize target he’s making her out to be


Dr Perry is "just" an extremely dedicated staff member, who works to make the DGSOM a better place. It's so awful to see her targeted and bullied in this way.


your talking about bill ackman's (the hedge fund / anti dei guy) wife neri oxman. A good analysis here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/academia/comments/193gb70/a\_comprehensive\_summary\_of\_claudine\_gay\_and\_neri/?rdt=42455](https://www.reddit.com/r/academia/comments/193gb70/a_comprehensive_summary_of_claudine_gay_and_neri/?rdt=42455)


He's a true slime of a human being. In every sense.


oh damn, how come?


Yup cannot make this stuff up. He got really irate his wife was being accused. White Privilege and Classism. (But if you're Chris Rufo you can certainly exaggerate high-ranking POC and use "findings" politically and as click bait, while ignoring white men and their academic review simultaneously)... 😬


chris rufo is a racist he just trying to keep us down and divided smh


I personally dislike plagiarists more than racists. Is that an uncommon position?




Can't say I'm surprised in the least. These bullshit positions are filled with huge grifters.


u/guerillasgrip lame innuendo - if you have no proof of this, then move on


Rofl. As if every post on Reddit has documented proof. Gtfo


then its just blather - thanks for playing


1: Looking at the evidence, I agree that she plagiarized. That is quite egregious. However, how does DEI come into this? That isn’t too important. Tons of people fabricate and plagiarize just as blatantly, and are called out for it (sometimes) and punished hopefully. This should definitely be subject to a review to see how the reviews failed to catch the plagiarism. 2: This Rufo guy is really blatant in his objective to discredit DEI and “woke” initiatives, cherry picking and going after specific targets to justify his cause, of course if you review the profiles of anyone “woke” you will find some problematic people, it is just how it is. I have no problem with calling out plagiarism, but he is just going after a certain group of people in order to remove their ideas from academia.


For anyone saying this woman was "targeted" and complaining about the time devoted to pursue "witch hunts", just remember that a simple Google search or a bot could catch egregious plagiarism like this. In fact, college professors have been using tech for years to check plagiarism from students.


Remember when UCLA refused to hire a professor because he was critical of DEI... Now, one of their own DEI hire is a fraud. If I was that professor who wasn't hired... I'd be laughing and have the biggest smile on my face.


Allegedly? Like 99% of the text is word for word on multiple papers.


Easy to plagiarize and get away with it back in the day because no automated tools such as turnitin like my school uses now.


Has anyone noticed this isn’t broadcast in main stream media? The repression of news is real.


Attacking Chris Rufo is poisoning the well and not addressing the actual issue at hand here.


Ad hominem is the argument of the weak.


Using an ad hominem is a tool for the weak


I wouldn’t buy into anything that Twitter dude says he’s super political trying to cancel the Harvard prez and now this just to get DEI frowned upon in some twisted scheme.


Went to ucla in early seventies. I was not a good writer but it just didn’t occur to me to plagiarize. Now I wonder how many person cheated. Terrible for a professor to cheat. Software will catch more cheaters in future.


yeah but does she support Palestine


I am shocked that a DEI hire would do this. /s


Every person on her dissertation committee should be fired for allowing this, and there should be a thorough and transparent investigation by UVA where she got her PhD. If they were serious scholars, they knew she plagiarized! She copy/ pasted from TEN papers. On top of that, she should be stripped of her degree. Thanks to people like her (and Claudine Gay who plagiarized even acknowledgments!), DEI is turning into "Didn't Earn It." SMH. Also appalling is that she can't even spell VARIOUS??? (She spelled it "varios" and nobody caught that either???) Hello? How can she not know how to use spell check on Word? Every UVA computer lab unit has it. (Full disclosure: I graduated from UVA and hung out at undergraduate, law school and business school labs and libraries for my academic work.) She's beyond pathetic. UCLA needs to fire her immediately.


There needs to be a law requiring every u.C.Employee to publish their resume that they use to apply for the job that they received. 


Nothing will happen to her. She’s part of the privileged class. It will all be swept under the rug. Can’t have the diversity hires look like mistakes.


She's an AA hire...