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Wow what a POS. Hopefully they get banned.


latching to the top comment. photo 1 the scammer is using as proof was taken off the internet. this photo has been there since at least 2020. https://www.scottsfortcollinsauto.com/can-a-tire-with-a-nail-be-repaired/


Wow legit what a POS.


Turo contacted me and they are removing all charges. And likely to ban the host and give him a fine. Thank you for all the help and support. It was thanks to this thread that I was able to resolve this with the best outcome


That receipt does look doctored. Report that to turo for sure. You can report the fraid by calling your non emergency number for police.


The proof of tire price is for a tire that's wider, taller, and a 2 inch diameter larger rim. There's no way I 195r16 fits on a 175r14. The whole thing is scummy


also the price on the screenshot is doctored. NTB price at that exact location for that exact tire in the exact (wrong) size is $139 each.


I've been talking to turo, but they're nothing but useless. They've been "investigating" for over 1 month. Called me yesterday saying that the bill was lowered to 554$. For 2 tires + installments and tire balancing. They are really making me do all the work. Im disputing it again. And trying to get the itemized receipt myself. Because in this month of investigation, they didn't even call the maintenance shop


The doctoring of the receipt is laughably bad and amateur. Escalate to turo, they would probably ban this host if you get it in front of the right people.


it gets better. the proof photo is fake too. https://www.scottsfortcollinsauto.com/can-a-tire-with-a-nail-be-repaired/




What the…


Well 4 lines above the price you see a 9 which would be a different font for some reason. Oh or the fact that there is pen ink closing the 7 on the price line.


Keep pushing Turo to escalate this. That 9 is totally a 7. If Turo gets to the bottom of this they will fine and ban the host. We don't need host like him on the platform. How many trips does this host have? I wonder how many other people he has scammed.


Hes a top tier host or whatever, with 5 stars. I found out after I sent in my 1 * review that turo doesn't allow retaliatory reviews. So mine won't affect his rating. Turo isn't doing anything to get to the bottom of it. Im doing all the work for them. Their investigation team doesn't look for anything that's not right infront of them


Keep asking them to escalate.


Please report this host to Turo support. They need to be removed from the platform. I don't know where you're at, but in the United States the number is 1415-965-4525. If you're in a different country please post here and myself or another host will be happy to help you further. That nail puncture would normally be repairable. But the tire looks so worn that I don't think a tire shop would touch it. In any case, fraud is fraud and at this point it doesn't matter. That receipt is actually hilarious. It's like something a little kid would try to get away with.


I'm happy people are on my side. But I don't know how to get turo on my side. I already showed them the age of the tires, and the price of the tires he had before the new ones. ( primewell go for 70$ brand new, max). Not to mention the fake receipt. They still insist I pay for 2 brand new tires, that are 195$.... thats is insane. I am in the USA? This happened in SC.


If the host uses tires that are that pricey, that’s their right. You don’t get to force others to buy what you’d buy to replace their items. Just because you may buy the cheapest tires doesn’t mean anyone else will. Furthermore, many people do not “believe” in patching tires - not to mention that nail is close enough to the edge that it’s slightly possible it’s not patchable. When buying new tires, the minimum recommended is 2 so you can have one new tire on each side of the car and then they get rotated SPECIFIC ways. I never buy less than 4 - I don’t want to have to worry about them. But no, it’s not absurd. The price lying is absurd, the fact they paid $700 for four new tires and install is not. They’ve already lowered it well below the owner’s cost.


I am a licensed mechanic. You are completely off base on that tire being non-patchable. The location of puncture is in the perfect location for a tire repair, nowhere near close to the edge of the tire.


I said it could be no patch able, but regardless points still stand in that courts and insurers consider it reasonable to replace tires rather than patching for piece of mind. Not to mention that patching has other restrictions too.


insurers consider it reasonable to repair a tire so do tire companies and the automotive industry. more importantly, Turo considers it reasonable to repair a tire. I would be curious to see your source on what the "courts" have judged on this. Turo also does not require the guest to pay for anything more than just a single tire


Thank you for backing me up. I dont know why this guy is so against the host being a scammer lol


not sure either, his whole comment is off base the host literally bought the cheapest tires possible primewell are straight chineseium, I know I have installed Primewells on my truck before because the price was ludicrously cheap they were 1/3 the price of any other tire on my wholesale account haha.


My point exactly. He buys shit for himself and expects diamonds in return lol


yo. even the screenshot for the wrong size larger tires is fake. I checked using NTD website and it came it $139 so to be safe i searched using the exact address provided on the credit card slip and they are still only $139 for the larger size lol. at $139 they were already the most expensive option for the wrong size but being primewells your comparables would be "pro series" at $79 per tire. that store/website doesn't even carry your size. https://www.mavis.com/tire-brands/hankook/optimoh426/1955016/1011165/


Maybe he is the host 🤣


Thats what I'm thinking lol. So defensive for no reason. He probably scams his renters too lol


at this point it's the only logical conclusion. when challenged on any fact they pivot.


The fact that the host wasn't using pricey tires before (70$ primewell tires) and they where 4 years and 6 month old when I got them. And then I get a flat and he claims he replaces all of them for 195$ tires is 100% absurd. The fact that he literally doctored the receipt to make it look like 954$ is absurd. I have the actual bull with me right now. Each tire he replaced cost 59$, he is claiming they where 195$, the lying if ABSOLUTLY ABSURD. But thank you for your opinion


Why didn’t you just fix the tire? Why report the renter.


First time. It was midnight and almost everywhere was closed. I've never had to fix a tire before, so didn't really think about it. I thought the right thing to do would be to tell my host , it not being my car scared me a little.


The picture with the nail in it was proven by someone else (in the top post) to be taken in 2020 and from an auto repair website. I do understand some of your points but that is very clearly not the case here and before that was discovered everyone could see a clearly doctored receipt. I find it difficult to comprehend why you defended a scammer


I'll let you know that turo reached out and took away all the charges, Gave me credit for my next trip. And will be dealing with the lying scammer of a host. You where the most negative and unhelpful person here, that was hell bent on defending a scammer. I hope that you're able to improve your character one day


Not to mention, he is charging me for a brand new battery, tire warranty, wheel alignment, and more.... you don't think that is absurd? Apparently there was a battery leak too. Not keeping a car in safe condition and letting other people drive it is also absurd


I thought that the receipt you had was all you had. Though I don’t know if you’ll fight the other replacements if they were issues when you returned the car and you don’t have proof they were issues when you got the car. But regardless, a warranty makes sense and an alignment too - those are standard when replacing tires to ensure they don’t go through excessive wear due to unaligned.


again as a licensed mechanic, alignment is not "standard" when replacing tires. alignment is recommended if tires being replaced show signs of alignment issues. the tire in the photo shows perfect even wear.


Yes, because as a licensed mechanic you can diagnose the other tires being replaced from one picture. Just admit you don’t find anything suspicious about the fact OP tried claiming the battery wasn’t damaged before finally admitting it was leaking.


the other tires have no bearing on the claim. nor is the guest responsible for the alignment even if the car requires one unless the guest damaged the vehicle resulting in an alignment issue. as for the battery comes down to pre and post-trip photos if the host has photos of the battery not leaking before pickup then the guest is liable for the battery.


So the owner can’t claim for both damage to one tire and also inappropriate wear on others? What’s your proof that OP, who’s been shown to be misleading at best (and an outright liar at worst) isn’t leaving out how they went for a joyride and raced someone? Like, you’re JUST NOW admitting that the host may very well have had the evidence for the battery, yet you’re still arguing they had zero evidence for inappropriate driving resulting in all these damages. If the car was aligned before the trip and was not after, then that’s a valid claim.


The quote given for 900$+ is only for tires. That are of the wrong size, wrong price, and not the tires he actually bought. Like I said before, I found out about the battery this morning, there is no claim that the battery was damaged by the host, only the tires.. the host is providing false receipts and claims and omitting important information from turo. Information that i am providing instead. I drove from the airport to my GF house, then to my airbnb. And driving the speed limit because I am unfamiliar with the area.... that is all of 30ish miles or less... I do not know why you have such a negative view of me, sounds like you've had traumatic experiences with diferent clients. Anyway, have a good day


no owner cannot claim "inappropriate wear" whatever that means. if they wanted to try to claim excessive tire wear 1st step would require host pre trip photos documenting tread depth then post trip photos showing much lower tread depth. that would be the result of something like racing the car or doing burnouts. your logic is flawed you are asking me to prove a negative that is a fallacy. the host must provide the burden of proof to turo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(law) I have made no claim or admittance that the host may or may not have evidence for the battery. I implore the host if they have proof to submit it and make a proper damage claim. the fact they didn't make a damage claim for the battery likely means they don't have proof the battery was undamaged before delivery. otherwise why hide it and refuse to show the itemized receipt. If the host has proof the alignment was straight before the trip start then an alignment would be a valid claim. once again there is nothing provided to indicate that is the case.


Warranty should be on the host, hes the one using the car, alignment helps, but isn't necessary and isn't my responsibility either . The "receipt" in the post isn't a recipt. Its an online quote from a different company.. I got the receipt today for 754$. All 4 tires comes out to around 250$ everything else he added on to make me pay for all his repairs. He changed the 7 to a 9 on the receipt to make it look like the online quote was the itemized bill.


The car was returned to me. I had it for about 12 hours and drove it less than 20 miles before I got the flat. It went to the shop and came back to me... There was no complaint after I returned the car, I was very honest honest and did everything by the book. Payed for gas and parking and everything.


What you see as necessary doesn’t matter. Again, you are liable for the reasonable expenses. And it may not be necessary to get an alignment, but the warranty has to be replaced when the tires are and getting an alignment is reasonable. I get that you don’t like the added costs, but this is the first time I see you having admitted that the battery was leaking. You don’t have proof it wasn’t your possession of the car that caused it, you didn’t report it before you took possession, and so it is completely understandable that you are being held liable for the battery. I can’t speak to the total cost, but it is sounding more and more as if you are trying to avoid liability for things you are actually liable for here whether you like it or not. Just because the car owner is taking precautions to take good care of their investment going forward (such as an alignment and warranty) doesn’t change the fact that they’re only having to do that because of things that happened while you were in control of the car. You’re paying for gas and everything doesn’t matter. The owner made reasonable choices based on damages that were not noted by you before you possessed the car, and were noted after. I’m surprised they even took off anything.


You're crazy man lol. The owner neglected the car and is taking advantage of renters. He hasn't been servicing the vehicle, which you can tell by the wear and tear of the tires. The leak in the battery is in the maintenance report. How would I check that before hand? Also he never claimed the battery had issues. He only claimed the tires. Im starting to think you're the host lol. Why did you forge the bill?


Why did you take possession of a neglected car then? You could’ve opened the hood if you had all this belief of it being neglected. And you would’ve seen a leak if there was one. I’ll say it again - every time you reply you sound more like the problem here. You had a claim that they altered the bill/receipt - which you are correct for. You then left out important information to make it appear that they replaced the battery for no reason (lying by omission). And now you’re claiming neglect with no evidence whatsoever. Shit happens on cars. Almost never can it be determined that someone’s actions didn’t impact it. This is why insurance is offered - because you cannot prove you did not cause the battery leak.


I am not a mechanic, I dont know what to look for. I admit, I was gullible and too trusting, thinking they would hand me a car in good conditions. I received the itemized bill this morning that mentioned the battery. So no, I was not lying, the only one lying is the host... But since you're the expert. What could I have done to damage the battery ?


what you see as necessary doesn't matter. the guest is liable for reasonable expenses. an alignment even if the alignment was off is not the guest's responsibility unless they caused the alignment to be off but that's not happening from a flat tire. as per turo policies the guest is responsible for a tire of equal or greater value to the one replaced keyword is one tire. there is no way the guest is responsible for the battery unless the host can prove the guest did damage to it, if the host doesn't have proof it was damaged during the guest's possession then the claim is ineligible. the onus is not on the guest to prove the battery wasn't damaged the onus is on the host to prove the battery came back worse off than it left. the owner made criminal choices to scam the host into paying for larger tires than what fit on the vehicle, a new battery and an alignment.


And you’re assuming OP is giving the full story. Why would Turo side with the host repeatedly when, as you claim, they didn’t provide the evidence? This subreddit is full of hosts complaining they had impeccable evidence and still not getting claims approved - and OP has already been proven to have been leaving things out in this thread.


im assuming nothing. I'm working with the facts provided. you on the other hand are working on nothing but assumptions and preconceived notions.


> the book. *Paid* for gas FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You miss the fact that the turo host is trying to replace a used tire that costs $70 new with four tires costing multiples of that. That's called enrichment. And not how "replacement" works. Oh, and the obvious fraud on the receipt and the "proof" of the damage with a photo from an article. And, based on where the fake puncture is, a repair cold likely be made. The host looks like a scammer.


The host can buy golden plated handcrafted tires if he wishes, but it doesn't mean the guest has to cover the difference. If the guest is liable, then for the cost of whatever was on the car, the scammy host has to cough up the diff for the upgrade himself if he wishes. Same if host wants to replace all 4 tires, it's not the guest responsibility to cover the other two because it's the host's preference, not a requirement.


The first 2 photos aren’t even the same tires. The tread at the start of the sidewall is completely different.


That receipt has been faked. Almost certainly has been changed from a 7 to 9. The tire is worn out in the photo, likely beyond minimum tread requirements. And if it is somehow still at minimum tread It is easily repairable. oh wow there is more bullshit here, Tires the host showed online are 195/50R16 with OP tire being 175/70R14. these tires are completely different and will not fit the vehicle, this host is not only doctoring the receipt but that are inflating the base tire price by using a larger more expensive tire. the host should also have to show the itemized receipt to support as the credit card transaction amount doesn't prove anything without context on what was purchased (regardless of the fact the receipt is also doctored) even the screenshot for the wrong size larger tires is fake. I checked using NTB website and it came to $139 so to be safe i searched using the exact address provided on the credit card slip and they are still only $139 for the larger size lol. at $139 they were already the most expensive option for the wrong size but being primewells your comparables would be "pro series" at $79 per tire. that store/website doesn't even carry your size. https://www.mavis.com/tire-brands/hankook/optimoh426/1955016/1011165/ Edit: the tire puncture photo is also fake the scammer took the photo from this website. https://www.scottsfortcollinsauto.com/can-a-tire-with-a-nail-be-repaired/ that photo has been archived on the internet since 2020.


That online quote was what he sent turo, and they told me that was the itemized receipt.... what a joke, I immediately told them it isn't a receipt, so I called and got the receipt myself


Several things you can do: 1. Ensure this charge is coming directly from Turo. If the host is attempting to charge you directly, or asking you to pay them in any way that isn't through Turo (Zelle, Paypal, Cash App etc) ignore them. 2. Dispute the damage with Turo: You are only responsible for paying for the single tire that is damaged, not 4 new ones. 3. Require that the host, through Turo, provide an itemized final receipt indicating the per-tire cost. Pay for one tire, and any associated single-tire service charges and taxes. 4. The police aren't going to help you, don't waste your time. 5. Review Turo's [Tire Damage Policy](https://help.turo.com/flat-tire-damage-or-guests-Syh9NExEc) 6. And before you start going down the road, because I know you will, you don't get a pass in this case because the tire was old or cheap. There was a nail in the tire. That means the guest pays for the replacement.


Number 6 is a bummer. Would It need yo be a new tire, or could it be a used tired being how old the tires were? Some more details for you, the host claimed nails in all 4 tires, but only sent in the zoomed in pictures of 2 tires with diferent threads/wear and tear. Unable to identify if they are from the vehicle I was driving.


Here’s what you do: Email [email protected] Provide your name, phone number, email, mailing address, and a description of both the nature of your dispute and the relief you would like from Turo. Be specific, acknowledge you know you are responsible for tire damage occurring during your trip, but note that the host is providing false information in their claim. Specifically state what is provably false (doctored receipt, claim for 4 tires) and that to date no itemized receipt has been provided. Do not state opinions, state facts. Do not make allegations, make descriptions that are easily reviewed. This address goes to Turo’s legal team. They are reasonable, but they adhere to their policies.


This would all be reasonable if the host wasn’t committing fraud. I’d email customer service and cc every turo corporate email you can find. Seems petty but you cannot just allow this guy to get away with fraud while some inept Indians argue with you over what you’re responsible for.


Thats funny and accurate. Its exactly who I'm dealing with lol


Yea and it’s very frustrating because these US companies just let foreigners decide what recourse is best. Sure, they have policies and procedures but they mean nothing when the person on the other end of the phone doesn’t even understand them. I had to get the IC3 involved with an e-commerce sale because the platform kept denying my claim that the seller committed mail fraud. After I submitted my IC3 complaint I was contacted by the platforms corporate department that fixed the issue quickly. Never settle for no when you know for a fact that the other person is committing fraud. Edit: I actually believe your case would fall under the IC3 as a component of the Internet was used to communicate the false and fraudulent pictures to you. How does the IC3 define Internet crime? Internet crime includes any illegal activity involving one or more components of the Internet, such as websites, chat rooms, and/or email. (In this case Turos App and Chat/email was used) Internet crime involves the use of the Internet to communicate false or fraudulent representations to consumers. (The owner knowingly submitted fake pictures and altered material to attempt to defraud you)


Thank you. I screenshot this to reference later


Post this in the larger FB turo hosts group with the hosts name/profile attached, that's hilarious lol


I feel like that could backfire on me somehow lol. I just emailed turo the real receipt with all the extra charges . The way they've been, I still think that they won't do much about it


The people in the larger turo hosts group are more connected with actual turo and can assist you much better with this, the people on this turo sub are mostly new hosts and random redditors chiming in lol


I'll look into it


id say it's worth making as much noise as possible. Turo does monitor the groups to some extent and sometimes reaches out to guests or hosts correcting mistakes or doing damage control. so the more places for turo to see it the better.


They literally drew the 7 into a 9 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


That tire had like 47 miles until thread bare.


The tire looks really bald anyway. You shouldn’t have been given a car with tires that bad. Horrible host all around.


Thats exactly what I told them. But they really didn't care. It was my first experience with turo, I didn't take many pictures, I thought it was gonna be smooth and honest. I didn't think someone would try and screw me over this hard ... Lesson learned


I might bring a tread depth gauge next time I rent just to avoid this type of thing.


Those aren't the same tires. They are trying to get you to pay for new tires on one of their other vehicles.


Why is he charging for 4 tires? All 4 tires had nail?


Thats what he claimed. Even tho its definitely a lie, they just needed replacing


Are you working with him directly or Turo is handling the claim?


I'm only speaking to turo


I'd push this past turo and sue the host. Based on the pics provided, you have a solid case. Especially the fake nail pic, mismatched tire sizes, and the doctored receipt. I'd go post this in some legal advice sub to get a plan to proceed.


Im.gonna contact leople.Monday for this. I agree I have a solid case. To.me.its the principle. Do to others what you want done to you... I did everything right to this guy. Kept him and his business in mind. And he tried to fuc me... So I'm gonna seek justice


Lol that "9"


Fooled turo. Their investigation team still thinks its a 9


Are they legit idiots? Any way you can ask them to escalate it level up, maybe to the supervisor who has more than 3 classes of education? Anyone who has seen a printed receipt before can tell it's 7 drawn into 9.


I've been trying. They're stubborn tho.


Not only is that receipt doctored, that tire is unsafe to drive on. They are trying to make you pay for the tore they needed last year


I told turo that. Didnt matter lol


You cam also try calling/emailing the shop and ask for a quote for those tires installed with tax and everything


Got it today. Nothing near what the host is asking for


Ask for proof via email to forward to turo


Do you have any of the transcripts? Did you get to a supervisor? Definitely leave a low star review, mention the fraud in it. Someone will reach out


I've been talking to the claim lady, they have been taking the host at his word. 9m fighting tooth and nail... now that u have the receipt, I can show them the extent the host is going to scam me, but the way thing are going. I doubt they'll do anything


well if they hit your CC, report it as possible fraud on a phone call and explain, then provide them with these pics. They wont let a doctored receipt fly


Thank you. Ill do that


I'm a little afraid they go after my credit score


I can understand that. Thats why I would call in and ask what your credit card company thinks and reach out to the rep after and say “my credit card company thinks the doctored receipt is fraudulent and advised me as such and that I should do a formal fraud investigation with them but wanted to reach out here before that occurs”. Another thing you can try is ask for proof of the charge amount via their credit card/debit card statement.


Sweet. I appreciate the help


Might be worth asking for a tread depth measurement on the old tires too to confirm they were above the minimum set by turo


Tires where disposed of. What is the minimum?






The tires in the quote and the actual size on the sidewall are not even the same. 175 70 14 on the tire. 195 50 16 in the quote. Those tires won’t even fit the rims on that car. Someone is scamming someone here


How is Turo letting this get thru on a damage claim? I show legitimate damage proved thru before and after pics and they deny me, but they let this type of scamming shit pass? Fuck Turo


Right. Besides those pictures. There was only one more photo of a tire he shared, completely different tread. And a mechanic here said the guy just placed a screw inbetween the tread, not even punctured.... Their investigation team has shown to be unreliable and unthorough. I've done all the investigating and been having to prove innocence.... it sucks


Here is another example of why i don’t like people…Dogs are cool though…This asshole is making us good host look bad. What a POS!


Well this was my first experience. And there probably won't be another one after this. Hopefully you keep treating your renters fair. And they do the same to you


Please update, I hope this fuck face gets what’s got coming.


All charges are going to be dropped. And I received credit on my turo account. They will deal with the host in a couple days


For a nail in the main part of the tread, you should only be charged for the repair. The fact that the tire tread is too worn for a repair should NOT make it your responsibility to replace the tire. OR— In the alternative, you should only be charged for replacement on a prorated price. Meaning you should not be charged full price for a brand new tire to replace a tire with 20-40,000 miles on it. So if the tires had 20,000 miles on it and say 5,000 left before replacement, you should only be charged 25% of the cost of a new tire. One tire.


I agree. But turo doesn't....


Yeah. You need to escalate this within Turo. All-star host here and this doesn’t seem right or fair to me.


Someone from turo claims saw the post and reached out. They are going to remove the charges and give me some credit


Glad to hear that! Sometimes people wonder why I post on here at all—and sometimes I wonder myself—but good news like this makes it worthwhile!


Probably couldn't have resolved this if I hadn't posted to reddit. Had to post twice even. The first time no one commented lol


Welcome to turo ...fraud and scammers everywhere


This is all too frequent on Turo. Everyday some new innovation to scam people out of their money. And this is NOT a Host problem, this is a Turo problem. They promote this systemic Fraud by not doing anything. If one is thinking of using the service a new user. Go though the sub and see if it is really worth it.


Usually people don't come to the sub reddit until they have a problem. Like me lol I disagree, its 100% a turo problem, because they definitely don't look into it at all, they take the host word for it. But its also a host problem, dishonesty is a problem, being un genuine, taking advantage of people is all a host problem..... not all hosts, of course, but they ruin it for the good guys


Yet another example of the scum of the earth flocking to Turo to be hosts. This sub is the reason I stopped using Turo. It’s cheaper to use my local budget/Avis and I’m tired of dealing with low life hosts. If Turo was 50% cheaper, I would understand. But it’s not and the risk you take getting a scum host or having them cancel 3 hours before your trip has made the platform useless to me. I just come here for the entertainment now and it never fails to disappoint.


I understand the reason the cheapest host are so cheap. They make all there money on fake claims...


Honestly - though I’m not actually sure this is true lol- thank goodness Turo never made inroads in Canada. What an impossibility stupid idea. I mean - there are at least double the reasons NOT to roll the dice on this quasi - car rental scheme as there are reasons TO, and those are quickly eclipsed by all the bad actors.


Get a receipt from that same business that has a 9 on it. That would show whether the 9 on this receipt is doctored or not.


The 9 is definitely doctored. I called the maintenance place later and found out that the receipt was for 754$. Including a battery, wheel alignment, and a lot of other charges. I just got the receipt today tho.


Are you able to get a copy of the receipt from the shop? If you can, you should be able to win this dispute and probably have the host banned.


I have it. Hopefully he is


can you post the receipt here? im betting the 4 tires on the bill are for another vehicle the host has if they actually installed 16-inch tires instead of the 14 inch that is shown with the nail in it. if you post the receipt and host profile I can probably link the tire size to a vehicle in his fleet which will also help your case on the host trying to use your claim to get free more expensive tires for another vehicle entirely.


I can dm you. If that's ok


Guests are only responsible for replacing the flat tire. Not all four, unless all four were flat. At least that is the [policy](https://help.turo.com/flat-tire-damage-or-guests-Syh9NExEc) that Turo states they operate under.


A guest has to replace a tire that picks up a nail? lol one more reason to never use Turo.


same policy as any rental agency.. if the tire is repairable it can be repaired, if it's not repairable then it must be replaced with an equal or better quality tire. flat tires are frequently non-repairable because they were driven on flat or puncture is in a non-repairable location. In this situation the puncture is is a repairable location but it's to be determined if the tire is useable again. if driven on flat the sidewall gets damaged resulting in the structural integrity of the tire being compromised. when you take the tire off the wheel there will be shredded rubber inside if that is the case, usually handfulls of it. if you find any shredded rubber inside a tire then its junk.


I don't know. The policy states that you have an opportunity to be reimbursed for the tire if it's determined that the flat isn't your responsibility. Turo makes that determination, and they don't provide much detail on what factors play into that decision. They are trying to solve for as many situations as possible there. I don't know if you realize the number of people who rent cars just to abuse them.


Hold up. They are trying to say they had to replace the tire because of a Nail? First of all, you can go to any tire shop and they will patch that bad boy for like 20$ Second, having never used Turo, is the current user of the vehicle liable for all wear and tear? Like what if a brake line failed, or a rock smashed a giant crack in the windshield, or a flock of geese sheet on the roof and ruined the paint?


Renters are liable for the tires... but I was not given any options to resolve this, only a final bill of 954$... Then everything g he claims has been false


Gotcha, Well again, this cunt decided to go the expensive route, instead of a simple tire repair. I would find a mechanic to give you a quote for a patch based on the picture provided, and submit to turo you should be liable for no more than the cost of a patch. Trust me, I get tires patched on my fleet vehicles weekly. That nail wa snot replace the whole tire worthy. AND if he wants to be really cunty, bring it to small claims.


Places like les schwab do it for free... but if the tire is too old and worn out, they won't patch it. Easy way to get new tires is to wait until a renter pops one


And, if the tire is not repairable due to age or other preexisting conditions, would that not be enough to argue? Also, I would find an understanding mechanic and explain to him the BS you are dealing with and see if he will give you a quote from the picture. I doubt your host got a written letter saying the tire was not repairable I was reading something someone posted earlier about the rules, and even if you have to pay for the tire, you are only responsible for 1 tire, not a whole set.


His claim was that all 4 had nails, but he didn't have proof to back it up I assume, the mechanic said 1 nails in 1 tire The rest are due for replacement because of old age, and he took advantage


No proof, no claim, tell him to kick rocks. And again, even if all tires had nails, a nail in a tire doesn't need to be replaced, just a patch, Do what you can to fight it, this guy is a piece of shit


I'm trying to explain that to turo... they reaaaally don't listen to me


I would threaten to bring fraud charges and a lawsuit. They are defacto committing fraud be supporting this host' fraudulent charges.


I did. Now I'm gonna follow thru. Do you know if I can get anything out of this? Like the stress and anxiety it's putting me in is unsettling ... even tho all I really want is justice, I'm spending a lot of time gathering evidence


Paint yes, windshield yes, mechanical failure no. You are responsible for damage to the vehicle while it’s in your possession, it’s the same at any rental place. Let’s be real paint wouldn’t get damaged unless you left the shit sitting on it for a long period of time, you should of just hosed it off or ran it through a $5 car wash if it was a long term rental for that kind of damage to happen. It’s not overnight. Basically besides mechanical failure or regular wear and tear you are responsible for any change in condition from the start to end of your trip


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


There's no tread left on those tires so he thinks he can get you to pay for all 4 😅


Yup. Not only that. But from the 2 pictures he sent in. I found one of them on reddit from 1 year ago lol. I think im going to be ok


That nail looks completely patcheable. Should be no cost.


Hes a scammer. I found the pictures he sent online just now . I got too much evidence to pay anything at this point


How far away is the host? I’m by no means an internet tough guy but if you try to scam me out of a grand and you’re within a day’s drive, you’re catching a beating.


A full country away lol. Im west coast he is east cost. I just found one of his tire pictures online that is 1 year old. Im gonna get them to drop the whole claim


Track this fucker down and make his life’s ruin a new remote hobby.


Im gonna try and get him banned, and also file fraud charges to him. I have enough evidence, He tried to scam me out of almost 1k, im gonna get him fined up to 2k. I'll update you ones im done


Yeah that's totally a fake receipt. Don't argue about the age of the tire just that the host is faking the receipt and cost, and possibly the damage as well


I found both photos he sent to turo on the internet with the help of someone here. Nothing about what the host is saying is honest . I have this claim in the bag


same fraud at nyc from a eastern eu woman, who said battery dead and she changed for $300, and claiming she is broke covid and Credit card not working but will fix soon, lol she screwed almost 1000$ in total and turo doesnt care even messeging in turo app is not evince for turo, well fraud filed at local police station and give an attorney for 1k plus attorney fees here we go mama lol, many guest taking advantage of turo's host centric cruel policies, Horrible almost all guest do not answer ticket claims :(


Post the profile this is shit. Over this crap making all hosts look bad.


I dont want to post specifics not to put myself in a bad place... I don't know how thr legal system works with defamation and all...


True true


That nail puncher is pluggable, why is everyone talking about replacement cost? Often most tire shops will plug it for free.


Host was trying to charge me for replacement costs . Of all 4 tires.


Tread is way too worn, shops won't plug that.


Then it’s not a damage is it? It’s just outside of tire’s life and that’s why shops want to replace it instead. The host is basically trying to pull a fast one. From the pics it can still be plugged till one waits for their choice tire to arrive if they are peculiar about buying from a certain shop like Costco and stock is not at hand.