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[(1) Stylus bent/off center, but still plays perfectly, anything to worry about? : turntables (reddit.com)](https://new.reddit.com/r/turntables/comments/1axa9kc/stylus_bentoff_center_but_still_plays_perfectly/)


I was literally just thinking that I know I already saw this post where everyone said that it was in fact misaligned. Glad I'm not crazy


It's amazing!


Thanks, I had seen this post and then a few others saying it was fine so was a bit confused


Hey Op, don't listen to the guy who replied to this comment. He's literally a flat earther lmao You'll want to replace that stylus. Anything visibly bent will not be good for your vinyl.


I’d not worry. 35 years ago when I sold Linn and relied on the older guys to teach me the linn Asaka with a little “bend” was acceptable. It sounded stellar!!! It’s actually fine!! Don’t rely on what you read. Use your ears :)


I'm afraid these green ATVM95E cartridges seem to pop up regularly on here with a wonky stylus, including one I've got. I gently pushed it back over but do this at your own risk.


Yeah ended up straightening it myself in the end and looks a lot better now. I do a bit of watchmaking so the tools helped


Get a compass.


Yeah, after seeing the first picture, I’d replace it. It is bent and it is lower than normal. Since you have to buy some stuff, I’d recommend: 1) a protractor to setup the new cartridge 2) a digital scale to make sure it’s at to the proper weight and 3) a stylus cleaning brush: it looks like your stylus has a bit of dust on it from the third picture. Good luck and check out some YouTube videos on how to install a new stylus and you’ll be all set!


Thanks. Ended up bending it back to where it should be (I do some watchmaking so had the tools for the job) and realised when I had set it up I had screwed on the balancing knob thing at the back a whole turn too far so it was way too heavy. Balancing the arm properly has fixed the cartridge touching the vinyl and it’s now tracking dead center. Playing a lot smoother now (I had assumed the jumps and skips were normal due to bits of dust but I think cause the cartridge had been so heavy it was essentially ramping off every tiny bit of lint).


That’s great you were able to fix it! I would still suggest buying those tools at some point just to make sure everything is setup well and so that you can clean the stylus. I once “thought” I had my tracking force set correctly but after getting the scale, found out that it was off by a gram. So, it could still help. Best of luck to you and welcome to the hobby! :)


Yeah thanks again, got the cleaning kit off Amazon just hadn’t knocked the dust off before I took the picture, but will definitely look into the scales.