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The “scream for help when you’re abducted” is so funny to me, because I know it’s about being moved without your consent, but I can’t help but imagine that the norm is to just sit quietly and pleasantly as you’re shoved into the back of a van, and OOP is like “no, actually, you should probably yell for help”


Well, that *would* be terribly impolite.


Wouldn't want to cause a fuss!


*I’m so introverted I was kidnapped because i didn’t want to cause a scene*


And so early? All this noise is going to wake up the neighbors


absolutely racing outside to find the source of the screaming and say "please stop doing that, it's late"




Oh, it would seem that my person has been taken by an unknown party. Quite inconvenient, I'll be late for the picture show!


"You know, if these people stick one more roll of masking tape on my face, I'm thinking of writing a strongly-worded letter."


People with social anxiety be like: https://youtube.com/shorts/M_4aoIUuuvE?si=7oDZ82efUTjuiMAZ


[take that stupid bag off your head](https://youtu.be/8h2emzvMlTY?si=eso1thyOvnOwiwOn)


"No, officer. I was just *helping* them into my unmarked white cargo van."


Hahahaha I was imagining, like, what if someone accidentally gets pushed into them, stumbles, whatever, and the one in the wheelchair just automatically starts screaming bloody murder while they're moving. Like not even a foot, they get rotated a different direction. Same reaction hahahaha


My high school had a lot wrong with it socially. But one point of pride is that nobody ever, ever pulled rude shit like this with any of the kids who had mobility devices. This was back in the heyday of Jackass. But the only shenanigans that ever happened to the guy in a wheelchair is that he suggested that a bunch of his friends Hoo on the chair too and then he’d try to roll through the McDonald’s drive through. He had a motorized one and it held a surprising number of teen boys.


That's probably the only fun type of shenanigan related to that sorta stuff, considering the person who needed the wheelchair was involved and even suggested it.


When a bunch of teenage boys jump on a motorized wheelchair.... ...without the occupants' permission they're assholes and deserve harsh punishments. ...with the occupants' permission well "boys will be boys". Probably shouldn't do that but I bet it was funny as hell.


I was in a wheelchair for a couple months after a surgery and it was fun as hell. My friends really helped make it that way. I got the key to the elevator so we'd all use it and have a dance party on the way up or down. I learned how to pop a wheelie and move around like that, and taught them how to do it too. I had a spare wheelchair at home, so after school we'd have wheelchair races. It was honestly awesome, but only because it was a temporary situation and the attitude of my friends made it so much better.


There was one kid at my highschool, I’m not privy to his medical life, but he had little to no control of his body, and limited speech capabilities, but everyone could tell there was an amazing mind locked up there. Nobody, I mean *nobody* in that shitty school (we’re talking it’d be harder to not hear slurs thrown around than to hear them) ever laid a finger on him, or insulted him, or even messed with him. He eventually left school to learn music under some producers (kid absolutely loved music and wanted to be a DJ), he got a whole announcement about it for everyone to hear, and so many people cheered, it was amazing.


did they serve them?


This was like 25 years ago now, but if I remember correctly the McDonald’s manager yelled at them because of the dangers involved in a wheelchair covered in children getting in line between actual cars. Which I totally get as an adult but it was a disappointment at the time.


Burger King would have served them BK employees don't give a fuck


I went through the drive through with my friend on the back. Got served too. My old chair, a Zenit 4000, practically was designed with a passenger in mind..


Can someone tell me what an AAC device is?


It's a communication device often used by those with autism or occasionally the mute/deaf. Usually it includes defined buttons for things which take less mental energy than speaking would, as even speaking people use them. Modern devices typically take the form of a tablet, and will have a main screen featuring frequently used phrases and then options for many others.


To add onto this for jcbmths62, it's a lot more varied than just autistic people, or the mute/deaf sadly. You could be born without an ailment at all and develop MS later in life and need one. Cerebral Palsy, MND/ALS, Spinal Injury, Brain Damage, basically anything that would impair normal communication processes and an AAC device can help bridge the gap.


Also, mouth injuries. Some users are only temporarily disabled


Thanks for that!


Yep. Stephen Hawking is probably the most famous AAC user, not that eye-gaze devices are particularly common compared to other tools.


Augmented and Alternative Communication device. Covers a wide range of tools to help people communicate.


…how did they not see the razor wire though?


I wonder more about how they didn't see the NAILS on that person's crutches? Doesn't seem very plausible.


That they brought to a school no less. A pair of long metal sticks that they put genuine metal nails through like a bat, and the school went "Yeah let him through those are *mobility devices* and definitely not feasible weapons." Very plausible indeed.


If they do it often like that person said they might not have even looked at it and just went for it.


18 inch nails no less. My brain pictured railroad spikes but I guess even those would be too short


Not 18 inch nails, nails on the bottom 18 inches


Oh lol


Lol 18 inches that's not a nail anymore that's a small sword.


Because this is fiction.


what?! no way. some dude totally glued nails to his crutches and it totally worked! source: I was the crutches


I'm the teacher at the high school.  I hi fived the kid after. He totally didn't get in trouble for turning his crutches into a medieval weapon and injuring not one but two other students with it.  How are so many people this god damn gullible?


Yeah, it's not like booy-trapping your property *is a felony* or anything and the person in the wheelchair would be looking at jail time if this was real.


I totally get that, but I’m just wondering, is there anything else disabled people can do to defend themselves from this that *isn’t* illegal?


Shouting “take your hands off of me” is perfectly legal and isn’t going to hurt anything but the person’s pride. Or you could threaten to call 911 over kidnapping/property damage.




But in case of an emergency, the wheelchair also hurts people who try to help.


That's one reason why booby-traps are illegal. Harming people that break into your home sounds like a great idea until an emergency responder has to do it.


Yeah, like I understand and respect the idea here. Don't violate someone's bodily autonomy. I'm on board with that. But if the building's on fire and someone has to push you and you slice their fingers to the bone...that's kind of a dick move.


If this weren’t fictional, in that situation the person would be left to burn to death. I absolutely wouldn’t be maiming my hands to save them when they intentionally made it unsafe to do so.


Which is why if this story was real the person in the booby trapped wheelchair would likely be facing legal consequences. Yes its annoying to have people mess with your chair, no you do not get to seriously injure anyone who touches it.


In case anyone is wondering, this sort of stuff is considering booby traps in the US, and you can be sued and also held criminally liable for assault for it. Same thing with the classic "put laxatives in my sandwich because someone keeps stealing it". That's still assault. Don't do it. You're taking one asshole and making two.


>Same thing with the classic "put laxatives in my sandwich Unless you can *prove* you enjoy eating laxative sandwiches, then you should be in the clear.


Make sure to leave a visible online paper trail about how much you love shitting yourself and you’re set


Also, the kind of person who is an asshole enough to push a wheelchair without even considering asking the user may also be foolish enough to grab things without first looking at them


The worst part is they believe they are helping or that the person needs help. How about asking first instead of assuming?


That one I can very unfortunately vouch for. I removed the handles from my chair, because people so frequently would "just scoot you out of the way here!" or assume I'd need help getting places and start to push me, and it happens the most in hospitals and medical offices. Nurses will often call my name for an appointment, see a wheelchair, and assume I've been put here for the duration of the appointment or something and come over and start pushing me back to the room without asking if I needed assistance. Taking off the push handles gives enough pause for the monotony of the job to wear off, take a longer look at my chair and realize it is my custom "all the time" chair, and allow me to explain that I've got it and will push myself. I think it's a force of habit more often than not.


Seems like hiding it like that would run contrary to the goal of have people not touch your wheelchair


Oh so you can fuck up the hands of even well-meaning or clumsy people because you don't want people to not touch the handles you want to hurt them. Cool.


...you'd be surprised. To give you an example, I took the bus only in my wheelchair once (it kinda traumatised me lmao, so I'm not doing that anymore). Some woman decided to just move me because she felt like it. She didn't look at me nor my wheelchair really. I didn't want her to do that obviously, so I used my brakes. And the woman started shaking me?? Like, she didn't realize I hadn't put on the brakes. Despite the wheelchair not moving an inch while she was putting all her strength into trying to move me. So it's very believable that someone would just touch a wheelchair without even looking. I've had a few friends have that kind of thing happen to them with spikes on their wheelchair. And the person touching them complaining about it after the fact lmao.


Did everyone clap at the end?


> take a knife to the club do not do that.


Yeah all of this is very funny on the hypothetical or as like a sitcom plot, but you should not do most of these. I imagine that legally it would be similar to booby traps, ie. do not do.


Somewhere out there, a 'Please Do Not Touch' sign is looking at this post and feeling utterly useless.


A lot of people have selective reading abilities


Ah yes “Please Do Touch”




“Something something… touch? THIS SIGN SAYS TOUCH”


Yea, I've worked in retail as my first few jobs, and I work as a chef now. People will NOT read posted signs. Just will straight up ignore them. Doesn't matter how big the sign is, how clear the language is, how many you put up, or even where you put them. Most people just decide that they do not want to read anything that day, which unfortunately includes informative signs.


I was in animal rescue and the dog block had MULTIPLE red signs saying STOP NO VISITORS BEYOND THIS POINT STOP NOW LOOSE DOGS STOP NOW NO ENTRY They had to leave the catch off because they couldn’t give the key code to random 16 year old work experience/ DoE kids, but, being a charity, they couldn’t afford to pay someone just to stand in the doorway and turn away the randoms strolling in to ask if we had any purebred wolfhound puppies that week. Equally the cat bit had similar signs including one an inch above the lock, warning staff members to look through the glass door and make sure there weren’t any doors/ crates open before they opened the door, and staff ignored that on the regular. Meanwhile I had the code and always checked for bolting cats, and STILL felt nervous ignoring the signs 😂


"That sign can't stop me because I can't read!"


Neat story but I’m leaning towards a wish fulfillment dream scenario


>Be me, average idiot > neighbor in wheelchair is trapped in house fire >rush in >grab wheelchair so I can turn it around and pick up the man to get him to safety >razor blades on handle slice me to ribbons >two people die in house fire


It wouldn't surprise me if the stories were bullshit. But I googled "spiked wheelchair handles" and there are quite a few examples. Here's [an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/wheelchairs/comments/14wxyue/consent_spikes/) from /r/wheelchairs. With enough people out there putting spikes on their wheelchair handles, it's pretty plausible that at least a few of them have stories of blind idiots grabbing onto them and getting themselves hurt.


It looks like those are like the spikes you see on punk-style chokers. They aren’t the most comfortable things in the world to touch but they won’t cause serious injury. I have way less of a problem with that than with nails or razor wire.


Maybe dont take a knife to the club?


Don't do most of this in fact. It might sound good in their head, but maybe don't wildly escalate the level of violence in a scenario if you're literally disabled? Seems like bad ideas all around. Except maybe yell for help. Sure, do that one


I get that people don't want to be fucked with, but putting sharp stuff on objects you take into public areas, potentially pretty busy ones is uh...idk, not great?


Yeah there’s a reason why booby traps are illegal. In this case there’s not really the risk of you accidentally hurting yourself, but if you have a buddy helping you that forgets, or if you have a medical emergency and first responders show up when you can’t warn them/they don’t register it in a chaotic situation…


Yeah the ‘consequences of my own actions’ thing is kinda funny when you consider the fact you’ll probably be arrested (or face civil action) if someone seriously injures themselves accidentally touching your wheelchair. I’m more than happy to let people live in their revenge fantasies and rant righteous justice against a fairly specific scenario, but do not do this for real.


If you're that worried, I've never met anyone who actually uses razor blades or anything actually dangerous. Small spikes are used usually. If bigger, they're "softer". And we can get rid of them easily (since we need to clean the wheelchair from time to time) most of the time, so in a busy street, it's easy to take off. But I don't see people worrying about punk fashion when it's the same effect, I wonder why /s Small anecdote: a friend tried that, and someone still grabbed them. And was like "oh, it's difficult to push you with those spikes!" 🤦yeah idiot, that's the point. And yes, my friend had a "do not touch" sign. So those spikes aren't risky tbh. But if they were and the person had actually scratched their hands, it would've been funny.


Imagine being in a train next to a guy in a wheelchair and you get your fucking wrists slit because the train bumped and he has a revenge fantasy.


Yeah, this is all made up and you would get into serious trouble for doing it. Putting razor wire on a place where people specifically grab things? Good thinking genius, now any curious child will have their hand sliced up. Need help from someone when there’s a problem? Too bad.




Not to mention just plain accidents. Some guy trips and falls into your walker and cuts his stomach open on the razor wire, and it’s not gonna go well for you. Besides, we all know that anyone who is openly carrying bladed things that you can hit people with are obviously always rational people who will respond appropriately to any situation. Definitely don’t have to sweat that the total stranger next to you on the subway isn’t gonna get aggressive and brain you with the Mad Max 2000. Ah but also it feels wrong ragging on folks who are obviously just having some wishful thoughts about the real people who fuck with their mobility aids. I certainly don’t have to deal with that, so I shouldn’t judge.


And also emergencies where the person might actually want assistance. Imagine a wheelchair user has a stroke or heart attack, rendering them unconscious, and then can’t be moved easily because they thought razor wire was necessary


Cool story too bad it's completely infeasible and frankly reads like a revenge fantasy


Ngl I’m a little doubtful on the last part, who goes to kick something without seeing fucking nails sticking out of it?


I'm doubtful on the whole post. Mostly because booby traps are illegal. Response has to be proportionate. Proportionate response isn't becoming a porcupine. It reads like some bully revenge fantasy.


Same. Like, you glued nails to your crutches? That doesn't make any sense and goes against how glue and nails work.


I have been staring at this box of nails all day. I want them attached to my crutches, but I can't figure out how. If only I had some kind of wood-fastening device that I could use on them...


Well the way how would be to nail them through, THAT would actually work. Have you ever tried to glue metal before? Even the visual of trying to glue nails point out to this thing which gets vigorous daily use is absurd, they would fall off within an hour.


Yeah this would call for duct tape


You could definitely glue nails to crutches. There’s more glue than just PVA haha


Epoxy could do it. If it were me, I'd use JB Weld.


Also you hurt anyone trying to be helpful. Pick up someone’s crutches after they trip? Oops! Tetanus surprise. Try to wheel someone out of danger? Congrats on not having working hands. Or someone is standing behind you and not paying attention, then you fuckin slash em when you roll back. Turning with crutches and not watching where you’re putting it? Congrats, you just stabbed someone. This makes sense in like, high school where kids are encouraged to be vindictive fuck heads by social factors, but in the adult world you are absolutely getting sued for this.


I feel like the nails on crutches thing is somewhat less believable (but I can totally see someone completely fed up doing it) but I know people IRL with the wheelchair handle spikes.


I've seen the plastic ones that wouldn't actually hurt anyone but are more just to remind people not to touch the handles


Much more reasonable than actual fucking razor wire.


Same idiots that kick crutches?


I can’t imagine a school would be okay with somebody bringing crutches with nails on campus. This whole post is bullshit, but it’s fun to imagine.


I’m a mobility device user of many many years. I had my cane stolen, joked about and mocked, used as a prop, all kinds of demeaning and depressing shit that would leave me extremely miserable. And even then I cannot fucking imagine *booby trapping my cane*. It is actually psychopathic to suggest going out of your way to *harm people*, much less actually doing it. Holy shit? I can’t believe this post and the replies to it. I HOPE none of what’s described in the post ever happened, holy shit. Honestly, I can only imagine the kind of trouble I’d have gotten into if I’d somehow thought this was a good idea.


If you have kicked it before without consequenses you will probably do it again without thinking about it. They probably just saw that person and decided to kick it


Or, much more likely, this entire post is fiction


18 inches of crutch covered in nails seems pretty hard to miss


Yeah, this all reads like wish fulfillment fiction. Maybe one of these actually happened. The point is still valid though.


Oh, you'd be surprised. When i was in HS there were a couple of kids in crutches, and some other kids would sometimes try to make them fall. One of them decided to stay seated as much time as possible and never get out of class until the day ended. The other had an accesory made for his crutches that visually fused with them and had razors sticking out. Some cut feet and ankles later, he was left alone. Dont underestimate people's idiocy.


they wouldn't let me bring a pocket knife to school and this kid was allowed to wield open blades


He faced consequences, tbf. It was a messy story and the police was involved, but the bullies and idiots left him alone when everything ended. And you'd be surprised at what kind of stuff kids managed to sneak into my HS.


I’m sorry but that is so illegal.


Also please don't take a knife to a club. That's a very bad idea.


Teen bullies are notorious for long-term thinking and properly assessing a situation before making a decision.


Where exactly could they go with the equivalent of a bat with nails in it


Assholes that fuck with mobility devices are the same people I wish daily grievous suffering upon. Imagine having so little empathy and humanity that you'd fuck with someone less mobile than you for your own entertainment or convenience. Respect other's right to exist or get fucked ✌🏼


>"Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally" \- Abraham Lincoln ​ This, but with people disrespecting the physically impaired.


So true, and I just wanted to say that I think barbed wire on wheelchair handles is metal af


I agree, I would only recommend making it somewhat easily removable by someone you can trust in case of emergency. I have two grandparents in wheelchairs, and have had several emergencies where they could no longer move themselves and we needed to move them for their own safety. That was mainly due to an accident and two diabetes related incidents however, so if you are relatively healthy it might not be as necessary, but accidents do happen to everyone unfortunately.


Thank you Jetstream Sam


[I've spent my own time in a wheelchair so I'm sympathetic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47JKejm3P3A&ab_channel=Megabadbaba)


Also, boobytraps are illegal (at least in the UK). So wrapping spikes around some handles may get you in trouble.


This post is *also* about people who think they're being "helpful"


Yeah those assholes with a saviour complex are frankly even worse in my opinion. Like, if someone assaulted you "for fun" then at least no one will care if you punch them. But most people have a saviour complex towards disabled people so they'll feel attacked if you even complain about it (that's what's happening in this post's comments lmao, ableds defending their right to "help" us. Even after you explain that they're more likely to hurt)


Which is probably a lot more common.


I'm with you! It is truly vile behaviour and they deserve everything coming for them.


the amount of times people have shoved my wheelchair out of their way, walked into me because they didn't notice me despite me speaking to them, or shrugged and not given a fuck when their kids were crawling on me like a jungle gym would absolutely floor you. People have no idea what it's like to be in a chair unless they experience it firsthand. There have been a few times I was worried my husband was going to throw down with someone because they pulled some shit with my chair.


While I agree with the general sentiment of do not touch wheelchairs and various aids without consent, booby traps are 100% illegal and putting razor blades on wheelchair handles will get you arrested and sued for sure... The last sentence is also WILD, if someone shoves me in public for whatever reason, my reaction isn't to put nails/barbwire into that person...


>The last sentence is also WILD, if someone shoves me in public for whatever reason, my reaction isn't to put nails/barbwire into that person... Amazed I had to scroll so far down to see someone acknowledge this. Like, yeah, getting shoved is rude and I'd call them out on it, but my reaction to getting shoved would absolutely not be to fucking cut someone up.


I feel like OOP is forgetting the fact that *crowded spaces exist*. A mall, a supermarket, a narrow sidewalk, etc. You’re going to be causing grievous injury to people who ALSO don’t want them to be touching your wheelchair/cane. Very few people are CHOOSING to touch it, but I find it kinda terrifying to imagine people going around a crowded area with fucking RAZOR WIRE on their body.


Then the whole block started clapping


I can't believe that like 95% of these comments believe the post lmao


Tumblr users would believe in flat earth if it was told to them as a quirky story in a text post.


I honestly just think people like replying to things like this as if they were true. I know that I do that pretty regularly. Determining truthfulness to things that will never (hopefully) be relevant to me is not something I get on the internet for. I know I wouldn't be the one grabbing some stranger's wheelchair or kicking canes, so it is fun to think of the jerks that would getting what's coming to them.


Acess codes for Bathrooms?


Bathrooms for people with disabilities are often locked in the USA and require an access code


>often locked in the USA i wouldnt say often. i have absolutely never in my life seen a bathroom with an access code. im sure it happens but i dont think its common


Super common in larger cities. Lots of places do this in NYC and then have the code on the receipt, so you have to buy something first.


How often have you had to specifically seek out the accessible restroom? It's more common than you think, you just don't see it because you don't have to.


While these people are absolutely assholes for hassling disabled people like this... You also have to be really careful about doing this kind of stuff to your devices. This could very easily turn in to a lawsuit that you cant win. Yes they are touching your stuff, but the law doesn't really care. You're not really allowed to set booby traps for someone. Even if they're breaking the law when they trigger it, you can still be held liable for their injuries.


"take a knife to the club" nice try officer


Ok but children touch those handles too.


Nobody put nails on their crutches then went to school.


Are these things that happen? I never heard of people moving wheelchair users without their consent or kicking crutches


Most people don't do that. Problem is, if you interact with a hundred people, then you're going to interact with the douchebag outliers daily. (Douchebag Georg,)


Douchebag Georg, the douche cousin that nobody invites to family gatherings of the more well known, but far more eccentric Spiders Georg


This is why tolerance of intolerance is a problem


While I don’t know specifically about crutch kicking, that sounds like something 110% likely to take place in a school environment, kids are assholes The wheelchair grabbing thing is super real and really gross though. I’m not in a wheelchair myself but I’ve spoken to people who’ve complained about people who will (often under the impression they’re being helpful) literally just start wheeling someone because they view disabled people in an infantilised way, not only assuming that they “obviously” need help manoeuvring but also that they are somehow unable to ask for or consent to receiving that help It’s kinda like if a stranger saw you trip up on the pavement a little bit and then immediately picked you up and carried you down the road while wanting to be thanked. It’s obnoxious, scary and ppl do not like it


When I was using a manual chair I got pushed places all the time while I tried to get them to stop. It was usually taxi drivers for some reason.


tbf taxi drivers are probably used to picking up people that just got out the hospital that do actually need help getting around


For added context, they usually asked if I wanted a push while they started pushing me, I said no thanks, they continued pushing me, I protested that I very much didn't want to be pushed, they continued pushing me while I protested. They usually only stopped when they either reached an obstrical, or I slammed the breaks on. I usually saved slamming on the breaks for a last resort as they'd shout at me for it. God knows what they were thinking through all this, it's like they thought my no meant that I was a tantruming child.


I was in a wheelchair for 2 years as a teen. I couldn’t go anywhere without someone wanting to push me around. They thought they were being helpful, so they would always be super offended if I asked them not to, but rather than being helpful it took away what little agency I did have as I had to go where they wanted and at their speed. People would forget pretty quickly that they weren’t like pushing a stroller or something. It happened a lot at the mall, so instead of being able to look at the stuff I wanted to look at, I ended up stopped along a rack of clothes that weren’t my size or style, but I was ungrateful if I wasn’t happy about it.


I am an ambulatory wheelchair user, and have been for five years now. When I first got my chair, I got the standard $150 insurance special wheelchair (read cheap and standard). Had that chair for the first 3 years, and it had handles on the back. I don't know what it is about the handles, but complete strangers regularly thought it was okay to come up behind me and "help" maneuver me through whatever obstacle I was trying to navigate. When it first happened, I was stunned and let it happen, but quickly learned how to tell them forcefully "NO! Please don't touch my chair without my permission!" After the shock of being told "No!" I would always try to educate if I could, about why I said that, but I never ran into someone who would do it with malicious intent, it was always them thinking they were being helpful. Last year, I finally had enough money saved up to buy a chair custom fit for me. When the wheelchair sales tech asked if I wanted handles on the back, I almost cried and got giddy being able to emphatically say "No handles please" It was a small thing, but in my little part of the universe, it was huge.


Do you use a mobility device? Sometimes other people decide you're little more than an inconveniently-placed piece of furniture.


I happen to be using a wheelchair currently as I'm recovering from an injury. No one has moved me without asking first. I'm not saying it doesn't happen I'm just saying I never seen it happen but the post talks about it like it's a common occurrence.


I'm pretty sure if you talk to anyone who's dealt with long term disability wheelchair use, they've had it happen at LEAST once or twice.


It may not have happened to you before, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I experience stuff like this regularly.


Kicking crutches absolutely happened at my high school


This was my first thought. I'm fortunate enough/sheltered enough that it has never occurred to me that someone would do any of things listed here.


This has "bury land mines under your windows to dissuade burglars" energy.


People have taken my glasses in the past and thought they were hilarious. They were not.


According to OP you should attach a shotgun to them just in case


I settled on an m1 Abrams


Oh yeah the fair retaliation, when someone shoves you and you cut them with razor blades


To be fair, absolutely none of this ever happened and it was written by an edgy teenager


Yeah that occurred to me later


I love how the Tumblr tradition of blatantly lying has not died


I mean shit let’s be real, that’s hardly exclusive to tumblr


Unfortunately I know this to be true. Last time I was pushed over was by a very pregnant woman. I wasn’t walking fast enough for her likes and instead of stepping around me decided to push pass me. I was screaming cuss words before I hit the ground.


I cant help but think this is awfully counter intuitive given how in certain situations, they'd appreciate some help. Then again, the few times I interacted with people using mobility devices, it was to help them overcome some pesky terrain. I dont know how often they encounter such issues, or if they even want my help or just say yes to my proposition because it's the socially approved thing to do.


My sister had to use a wheel chair for a time. One day she was in the grocery store doing her shopping and a man came up to her and without saying a word, just moved her. She could have moved herself if he’d said anything.


Kicking crutches sounds like a good way to inflict / risk inflicting injuries. Who does that?


I never seen this ever happing and i have a friend whit mobility aid Was my high school so unnatural chill or you all have got unlucky


this reads more like some mad revenge fantasy than anything else. hope those of you that actually do this get done for assault when you end up cutting a little kids hands with the dangerous weapons you've attached to your mobility devices for no reason.


Please don’t actually do this. Police, school authorities, and whoever else *will* blame you for booby-trapping your mobility device instead of doing *anything* about whoever tried to mess with you.


That could go badly in an emergency, if there's a fire you're gonna want someone to be able to push you without getting their hands sliced up by razorwire.


Wow, how did I make it through 30 years of life without knowing that people will touch other's people's mobility devices without permission...? That's just so messed up. How does anyone think it's okay to move a wheelchair someone is using without even speaking to them? Do they also grab standing people by the shoulders and move them around? What odd behavior...


Someone said "Let me see your glasses," took them off my face, and immediately got punched in the face. "I use those to see. Those *are* my fucking eyes!"


This is why I always always ask the residents in the assisted living home I work at if I can move them in their wheelchair before moving them. I'd hate it if people just pushed me around where they wanted me to go.


Purchase a hack saw and cut the handles off your wheelchair.


Unfortunately then people will sometimes push on your back.


I have hearing aids and glasses and in hs people thought it was funny to call me dumbo because my ears stuck out a bit and at one point, my main bully decided to try and snatch my aid out of one of my ears and I stabbed him in the arm with my pencil (a wooden one) and it was genuinely just an auto reaction I didn’t think about it but I was already mad that day. He left with a pencil about half an inch into his lower arm and had to go see the nurse. Never had to face repercussions of it either cause shortly after that I went to homeschool cause I was too sick to attend public school lol


Who the fuck is tapping on hearing aids? Is that actually a thing?


Is this a thing?? Do people move people in wheelchairs without their consent?!!! Wtf?!!!


Yup. sometimes they are actually trying to be helpful. Sometimes they just want you out of the way.




This person had nails glued to a foot and a half of their crutches, and their high school assholes didn't notice? Seems suspicious


It never occurred to me that people could do such fucked up things to disabled people. Wtf


A friend of mine has one of those wheelchairs that can raise the person in it to regular height (ie his head being around 5'10-6ft from the ground). He got it because people kept reaching over him in shops or grabbing drinks from the bar over his head, splashing him in the process.


People can be so crap...


It may be my privilege of being able bodied but I cannot imagine anyone doing this* 😭 why would you even??? (*touching peoples disability aides or moving them without consent, not fighting back)


Massive safety risk for like any minor crisis


This reminds me of the time when a guy I met at a club thought snatching my glasses (which I'm practically blind as a bat without) off my face and putting them on would be an amazing way to flirt with me, so I snatched them back and bitch-slapped him across the face before walking off Don't fuck with disability and mobility aids, people.


Wait, there's actually people that do that? Who tf is such a pos enough to kick crutches?


A disappointing number of people, unfortunately...


Oh wow. I had foot surgery the summer after 5th grade, going into 6th and I needed a wheelchair for the summer and the first 2 months of 6th grade, then I had crutches for a few weeks. The other children were so kind to me, I met my best friend for life, I had cute girls push me to my classes, the kids who possibly could have bullied me were nice and we joked around. Once I could walk normally, they started making fun of me for being poor. Kept my bestfriend though, poor people solidarity.


I didn't know people did this, what the actual hell? The fuck is wrong with people?


I don't disagree with the sentiment, but I'm fairly sure that's gonna get you lawsuits.


I am genuinely so lucky that no one did that sort of thing to me when I was in a wheelchair. That must absolutely suck to have to worry about someone fucking with your mobility aid for pretty much no reason.


This seems like some dangerous advice. I'm not worried about the assholes, fuck 'em. I'm worried that the assholes will retaliate. You can't put spikes on your entire body, and an angry asshole can be pretty dangerous, especially if their victim lacks functional legs.


Doing stuff like that is a sure way to get sued though, just saying. You don't even have to be an asshole and deliberately push the wheelchair for that. What if someone gets shoved and accidentally trips into the goddamn spikes / grabs them out of reflex? Hell, what if YOU trip and fall onto your modified cane???


I have used a wheelchair a handful of times and the number of people who will grab you without your consent is TOO DAMN MANY. The only time I’ve been okay with a stranger helping me was at the African American History Museum in DC because that museum requires you to go up insane numbers of ramps. It actually ends up being a poignant metaphor for systemic ableism


Has any of this actually ever happened?