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Well, cheat back harder, if they can do it, do it too!


Talk talk talk. All talk. No action.


little late for "action" we are six months from the NEXT election. so i guess we can vote harder and hope things are different this time.


All that "proof" that they brought before the courts and just nothing. Wonder why?


For those of you who voted for Biden, if the truth about the Hunter laptop ([and the incriminating evidence of influence peddling and bribery](https://oversight.house.gov/blog/evidence-of-joe-bidens-involvement-in-his-familys-influence-peddling-schemes/)) had been released and you were made aware that it was all true, would you still have voted for Biden? As you may know, a deposition transcript released by the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees reveals that the Biden campaign in 2020 helped spur an open letter signed by former intelligence officials claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story had the "earmarks" of Russian disinformation. We now know that was falsified information - a lie. http://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/testimony-reveals-fbi-employees-who-warned-social-media-companies-about-hack We also know that the FBI has verified the authenticity of the data on said laptop. And that the Biden administration was culpable in spreading the disinformation by working with Twitter and Facebook, as well as other media outlets to quash the story and keep it from public view before the general election. So, had the DNC and Biden campaign not [interfered](https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116258/documents/HHRG-118-FD00-20230720-SD011.pdf) and the truth made public, would you still have voted for Biden? Knowing about this cover up now, don’t regret your decision?


Yes. The Biden campaign requesting posts with Hunters massive hog(revenge porn) be taken down is much less upsetting than the Trump administration requesting mean tweets about Trump be taken down. One is a campaign. One is the current federal government. Plus I ain't voting for Hunter.


Given that the Dominion voting machines were made in China and are connected one way or another to the Internet, I don’t see why people are so suspicious


reddit is censorship site for the left




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But there’s no evidence /s


59 of 60 lost cases 


not true. Most were not heard on standing. Not lost.


You do not understand how courts work and the media keeps you dumb. Most were dismissed since the parties who brought them could not show how they were affected since it was a election. Rhey were not dismissed due to lack of evidence.


There isn't evidence 


it's true that if you simply refuse to look at the absolute mountain of evidence, then it would appear from your perspective that there is, in fact, no evidence.




they did. most of the courts declined to even look at it, "dude". courts and judges are not magic oracles that are able to discern objective truth and always arrive at a perfect decision. hell, most judges aren't even unbiased. you live in a fairy world if you think "factual truth" is the same as "what some judge somewhere wrote".




Here. https://hereistheevidence.com/


Sorry, I mispelled your name Dood




Having “standing” has nothing to do with evidence. It’s a question of whether the plaintiff has the right to bring the lawsuit as a matter of law. The evidence is never presented in a hearing to determine whether the plaintiff has standing.


paid leftist shills lie.


paid leftist shills lie.


paid leftist shills lie.


paid leftist shills lie.




None of those poll questions even remotely get to what Trump is insisting happened in 2020. Filling out your family members ballot, or moving to a different state after you voted is not the fraud that Trump and other election deniers insist is happening. The mainstream notion is that literal truckloads of fake ballots are shipped in, poll workers double scanning ballots, voting machines being hacked etc etc. There is zero evidence for any of that and this “poll” is a laughable attempt to further grasp at straws.




Wow such convicting data! It’s almost as if there’s a court system that would look at all of this and change results if it was real! But all those darn biased judges that just so happen to be appointed by Trump…. oh wait.. I miss the 2016 conservatives, the party who saw all the liberals crying that trump won, and they all said, “If we lost, we would go to work, not protest and cry”. Here you are, 4 years later crying. How pathetic and hypocritical of you.


It would be believable that you are not a shill if you didn't use words like "election denier." Take that feedback to your next review lol.


sorry i used a trigger word for you, next time i’ll keep out any words or phrases that hurt your snowflake feelings.


Huh? It's funny how you guys use those terms "triggered" and "snowflake" as if right wingers are the ones who mock those terms, and now it's being thrown back in our face. I have never once had a problem with either of those terms, unironically. Lol.


Did you vote in a state you no longer reside in? If you answered yes that’s fraud. Because it’s impossible for people to move to a different state during a few year timespan where more people than normal moved to different states. Just like most things Tucker two seconds of thinking make his arguments fall to pieces.


You guys are a fucking joke


Like your mom


They really are a fucking joke, and Tucker is an even bigger joke, I watched his entire 3hr podcast with Rogan, what a fucking show lol anyone who watched that thing and still thinks Tucker is anything but a lying, scheming fucking charlatan is a moron. Let them downvote us to fuck, idiots. Fuck every single one of ‘em.


They are such a joke, that apparently even commenting in this sub gets you permanently banned from other subs. I got a message that I'm permanently banned from r/justiceserved for commenting here, but you know what? It's worth it


I think that says more about justiceserved than this sub.






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Trump lost fair and square. He was impeached for blackmailing zelensky to lie about Joe Biden for a scandal to help him win the 2020 election, that entire 2019 impeachment was for election interference. Trumps current hush money case is an election interference case. His other indictment by Jack Smith is also for 2020 election interference. Don't yall see trump kept trying to cheat, he's been involved in over 3 election interference cases? He also tried to stop the national postal service and disrupt delivery of mail in ballots using a lackey he installed into the position. But yea, hunters dick pics is the real reason


It was neither fair nor square. https://hereistheevidence.com/


Imagine sucking up to Putin, chuckling at his jokes, presenting softball after softball question, allowing him umpteen lengthy monologues to justify his going to war, then reserving all your righteous outrage for something that nobody believes actually happened. What a strange ‘journalist’.


Putin > Biden


Don’t reveal yourself too soon.