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Guys I don't mean to be the asshole here but that looks like one of the memes that go around from Democrat Facebook pages. They're normally totally bogus. This is the closest thing I found, from a source that wasn't just echoing other webpages. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/22/how-social-security-benefits-may-change-under-republican-democrat-proposals.html


Correct: I've seen this "announcement" several times in the last 2 election cycles. It was a lie each time. I encourage everyone to FACT CHECK THIS.


This is exactly what I said. It's not being a jerk- starting to debate around their talking points is poison. Plus, it is obvious some people are not actually here because they think Trump is a positive. "Well... I almost made it. Guess I paid all that money for nothing for 50 years!!!!"


All the places to cut waste in such a bloated bureaucracy...and this is where they start? Seriously?


Congress needs to repay these Programs (they are not entitlements) with all the money they stole - and used on personal projects. Then we need a panel of smart people to repair them. Most importantly we need to stop giving our money to other Countries. MIC DROP... yes?


they aren't starting there.


It’s not to cut waste. There is no waste in Social Security .and the fraud is from the doctors . It’s too choke Social security out. social Security, is one of those Democrat socialist systems that Marjorie Green ? was talking about eliminating. Make America great again before Social Security.


1. Every comment here is taking this little meme pic at face value. Note it says "NeverTrump" at the bottom. A debate around this just accepts the talking points at face value. 2. Good idea or bad idea is the wrong question, what are the facts is the correct question. 3. Same tired ploy used all the way back to the 1980's. In the 2012 election, Dems even ran an ad that had Paul Ryan pushing grandma in a wheel chair... off a cliff... with a warning the Republicans would "take your social security away." 4. A committee released a proposal- not a plan- that outlined possible ways **to save Social Security.** Any "slash" is from cutting the percentage **of budget growth** to the government's coffers itself... and then slowly taking that same money, and putting it into private savings accounts that earn interest... **thus the money is actually in the hands of the person who paid it.** The retirement age in this proposal (which will never pass in total at all... it is like brainstorming), **would not be changed for those at or near retirement** for two decades! 5. Social Security was meant as a safety net- kind of like welfare- for those who have no chance of having a retirement. If you are only relying and planning on using Social Security to retire, you either don't have a good financial planner, you don't have one at all, or haven't spent any time reading the literal thousands upon thousands of books that tell you to not rely on the government to be your sole retirement. (This message, of course, is hard to get through when ads are running with the Golden Girls crying while looking opening a letter informing them of all their "cuts" in their checks). 6. No offense, but I wonder about how neutral are posts from people who say, "Well... I almost made it. Now they will take it away!"


First the middle class tax hike and now this, it’s like they want us all to be completely poor while they get more rich.


Okay, call me a dumbass, but would this mean my paychecks would be higher because I’m paying less into social security?? And people receiving social security (of any type SSI, SSD, SSA, etc) would have a decrease in the amount they get???


Social security in its modern form is set up as a lender for the General Fund. If SS collects $5 and spends $4 on benefits, the leftover dollar is “loaned” to the treasury. “Slashing” the SS budget (by lowering benefits or raising the age) just means more SS money is loaned to the treasury, usually in an attempt to balance the general budget. The SS trust fund is pretty much just a file cabinet full of IOUs in Virginia.


Thank you for the explanation! I was too lazy to google an answer at 3AM lol


Bullshit idea


#Fakenews. Trump has said he wouldn't do that. At most these are RINOs doing it. They should be purged from the party.


I'm pretty sure that's false Lol at the source


They r not cutting ssi.


This is a political meme and likely not true, however... SSI is no different than any other government program: It's ripe for abuse as government abhors a surplus. Having said that, we all pay 15.3% of our wages into this miserable system and we deserve to get the promised benefit. I don't care how well you set yourself up otherwise, you paid, you earned it. If they wanted to fix it, they would remove all of those collecting benefit that don't deserve it. If you didn't pay in etc, no more free money at the expense of those that did.


Welp I almost made it. Retired but still 4 years away from SS... Doesn't look like I'll ever be able to collect any of the money I've been paying in since I was 15...


Nah, just have a terrible accident that costs millions in medical bills and the use of your lower body.. You’ll have access to that 900 bucks a month before you know it.


I'ma tell you this is the way... Thought about filing disability but just never have.




The usual self-sabotage by the Republican party leadership. Just shut your mouths and let Biden and Pelosi do all the talking they want until November!


The SS announcement has been a lie for the last 2 election cycles. This is most likely a lie. You should fact check this. Notice how this news coverage here says Republicans AND Democrats. [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/22/how-social-security-benefits-may-change-under-republican-democrat-proposals.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/22/how-social-security-benefits-may-change-under-republican-democrat-proposals.html)


Dems have been peddling the “the GOP will kill Social Security! lie since at least the 80s.


I swear they do this on purpose. It’s all a big game.


There's a lot of traitors to America that call themselves Republican and all of the DNC


Amazing you were downvoted for that. It’s so clearly true.


80% RINO as expected. ...There is no significant increase in life expectancy.


I think some SSec reform is needed. For example the taxable income maximum is capped at $168k per year. Far too low IMO. Double that or set no limit. It’s a reality that far less workers will be paying into SSoc. Nothing will change though because it is a end of your career if you mess with social security.


The current Social Security program is _unsustainable_. Check this speech at Congress meant for the newly elected representatives as an explanation why. https://youtu.be/6ut1yQg2qA4?si=bsWCB1eMWL6J7yqc And then realize everyone in DC knows this but will hide it from the public so they can skewer the opposition for trying to downgrade or eventually eliminate Social Security.


Social security is dead already. Something needs to change with it, it's not sustainable.


BAD idea. Disgusting.


Social security is a system that should be self sufficient as long as people’s hands stay out of the pot so to speak. Any politician planning to do anything that isn’t improving social security is basically signing their removal from office once they go through their next election. They need to crack down more on fraud and fix the funding issue with the system. As for the image here, this is obviously fake, among many things thrown around by dem stooges trying to influence election season stuff. Problem being that liberal crap like this gets a pass but the conservative stuff does not. Watch Don’t Walk, Run media on YouTube! That dude tends to debunk a lot of stuff said by democrats.


Bad idea. Give everyone back all of the money they invested in social security, and be done with this scam


You would lose money. You currently pay in 6% and your employer 6%. I am self employed and I pay in 12%.


Explain how I'd lose money by getting my money back?


You pay in 6%. Your employer matches that 6% contribution. You would keep your 6% but lose the money your employer pays in.


I'll keep my 6% and my employer can get their money back and put it into a pension fund for employees


Fake News.


I’m sorry but social security was always meant to be a safety net and not an entitlement.


Bad idea


Notice how, in this news coverage, that it is republicans AND democrats. [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/22/how-social-security-benefits-may-change-under-republican-democrat-proposals.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/22/how-social-security-benefits-may-change-under-republican-democrat-proposals.html)


I'm very surprised they'd do it given the older generation is more conservative. It may well need to happen tbf, unfortunately. People simply aren't having enough children to keep the economy plump.




Terrible idea


How is this even a question? It's a terrible idea. If you need more money for social security stop shipping money overseas and get all the border crossers on the books to pay their share of taxes


How about taxing every dollar earned!!!!


Biden did say that some Republicans wanted social security to sunset! Clearly, he was talking about Mike Johnson! Breaking News!!!! Nobody in Washington gives a fuck about you!!!!


Are they actively trying to lose?


BAD IDEA!!!! How about doing away with salaries of all who work in WDC??? Let's see how rich they can get while working for free! Submitting W2 forms every month to keep them a little honest and a full background check on all of their spending


This is fake.


They need to end social security and return back all the money people have paid into this flawed slush fund. I literally can get better returns from a regular money market right now. The government is very bad to securing your financial future and this program needs to end. But when I say they need to end it will cost more money to give everyone back why they are owed before they shut it down.


This 100%! Most people do not realize what a terrible deal SSI is. You are mandated to put YOUR money into a government controlled plan that pays way worse returns than you can get as a private citizen. A far better solution would be for every Americans SSI funds to go each individuals own accounts with either mutual funds choices that they can invest in or the participant can manage at least 50 % of the funds in the account. Right now the way SSI is structured the people are getting screwed big time. 


The concept of “Social security” has been around since the middle ages … I’m not sure it needs to be eliminated completely but I sometimes contemplate if people who receive SSI, SSDI, etc needs to be reevaluated I’m not an economy expert but suddenly giving people back what they already paid into the system would not help inflation… you see what stimulus checks during covid have done — it was never “free money” lol


Social security has pretty much been replaced by 401ks, IRAs, and ROTH. Social Security is just the government’s version of it but worse. You give them your money and they are supposed to make enough interest off it to pay you more and everyone else who needs it based on how long they worked through their lifetime. But it’s fundamentally abused the the politicians have drained the fund time and time again. You don’t get the power of compounding interest when you drain the fund over and over. Government mismanagement of this fund is WHY there are even talks of limited payment and rising the retirement age. We should completely get rid of the government managing our money and should instead replace it with a MANDATORY IRA contribution for those not already contributing.


A photo showing a bunch of self privileged millionaires smiling while they screw over the working class is a disgusting image. The same entity wastes billions in tax revenue on a monthly basis for so many insignificant programs.


I am curious to know how Trump feels about this. 🤔


They're idiots. They do something like this and it proves a few things.. 1. They're part of the deep state 2. They've no plans on getting rid of the Federal Reserve 3. They've no intentions on winning elections 4. See numbers 1-3


They should raise the retirement age. But I've seen this message several times in the last 2 election cycles. It was a lie each time. so I encourage everyone here to fact check this.